View Full Version : 8 Shot Outside NY Restaurant, 5 Dead
14th August 2010, 12:18 PM
Race mysteriously unmentioned. What could that mean?
14th August 2010, 12:44 PM
Race mysteriously unmentioned. What could that mean?
They........have no race?!?!?!?
ZOMG! This is huge. Can you imagine what will happen if the media doesnt have a race to report in all of these crimes. We wont know who were looking for. Just some generic and ambiguous information like height or build. Itll be mayhem, mayhem I tell you!!!!!! The whole legal systems will collapse. Panic will ensue, lives will be lost, the humanity of it all will be far too much for a sane person to bear.
....oh wait, i see what you did there..... ;D ;D
14th August 2010, 12:46 PM
The police are reportedly looking for a guy. ;D
I need some side bet action. latino shooter vs black shooter. I guess I could give long odds on a white shooter.
*I'm going with the twist, latino wedding party clashes with ny chimp pack, gun-play ensues.
14th August 2010, 12:52 PM
The police are reportedly looking for a guy. ;D
I need some side bet action. latino shooter vs black shooter. I guess I could give long odds on a white shooter.
put me down for two orange guys with spikey hair that talk like fucking retards and wear cloths 5 sizes too small.
14th August 2010, 12:54 PM
Hmm...that is a possibility as well. Hell, I'd open fire on any orange asshole I saw.
But you'd expect them in Syracuse right? ;D
14th August 2010, 09:22 PM
My money is on one of those Arab, Christian, Israeli dudes.
14th August 2010, 09:45 PM
We have an update, I've changed my bet to black shooter and shootees:
yahoo link (;_ylt=A0wNdPkSbmdMlzgBvwxvzwcF; _ylu=X3oDMTJrZTRhcmVmBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODE1L3VzX 2J1ZmZhbG9fc2hvb3RpbmcEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bl9 0b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrAzhzaG90NGZhdGFsbA--)
Keith Johnson, 25, of Buffalo was charged Saturday afternoon with four counts of second-degree murder and could face more charges. Johnson was in custody late Saturday afternoon and unavailable for comment.
The group was attending a party in advance of a more formal anniversary celebration scheduled for later Saturday, authorities said. The couple, Danyell Mackin, 30, and his wife, Tanisha, married in Texas a year ago and had returned to celebrate with Buffalo-area friends and family, authorities said. Tanisha Mackin was not hurt.
"An occasion that should have been a joyous one, a happy one, turned tragic," Mayor Byron Brown said Saturday near the restaurant, a popular stop for office workers during the week and people attending theater and sporting events at night.
The Mackins, who grew up in the same neighborhood, had been friends since they were 13 and started dating in 2001, according to a website created to commemorate their marriage and provide details about the celebration.
The couple, known as "Dee" and "Tee," have a 6-year-old son, Danyell Jr., and a 7-month-old daughter, Destinee, who was scheduled to be christened on Sunday, the website said. The family had moved from Buffalo to Austin, Texas, in 2006, and the Mackins worked for a local bank.
14th August 2010, 09:52 PM
it certainly could not have been any of them law abiding citizens that are not allowed to carry any guns, you know guns cause crimes and killings like this. Must have been law enforcement with the guns since they are illegal in NY.
14th August 2010, 09:52 PM
I need some side bet action. latino shooter vs black shooter. I guess I could give long odds on a white shooter.
You know, four men died. Victims, based upon their names, they don't sound white.
Do you care for the victims races? Or should we all just our votes on the criminals?
I find it ironic we can condemn the ethnic criminals, yet ignore the ethnic victims.
15th August 2010, 10:57 AM
There is a critical number of negroes, call it n, where the probability of gunplay approaches 1. I estimate the lower limit for n is 5.
Card games, wedding parties, funerals, birfday parties; any reason will do.
15th August 2010, 11:01 AM
The police are reportedly looking for a guy. ;D
I need some side bet action. latino shooter vs black shooter. I guess I could give long odds on a white shooter.
put me down for two orange guys with spikey hair that talk like f*cking retards and wear cloths 5 sizes too small.
15th August 2010, 02:31 PM
I need some side bet action. latino shooter vs black shooter. I guess I could give long odds on a white shooter.
You know, four men died. Victims, based upon their names, they don't sound white.
Do you care for the victims races? Or should we all just our votes on the criminals?
I find it ironic we can condemn the ethnic criminals, yet ignore the ethnic victims.
Just glad they decided to turn on their own kind instead of victimizing whites. Guy probably prevented several million dollars worth of damage and pain. I wonder what the stack of rap sheets on them looked like.
Publico Pro Se
16th August 2010, 04:31 AM
The cop released a photo of the shooter:
And a photo of the get-away driver:
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