View Full Version : Edgar Steele "allowed" to meet wife with severe restrictions

14th August 2010, 12:58 PM

Edgar, Cyndi Steele allowed to meet at jail
Posted by Meghann at noon on August 13

The alleged victim in a North Idaho murder-for-hire plot will be allowed to visit the man suspected of hiring someone to kill her.

Cyndi Steele is allowed to meet with Edgar J. Steele once at the Spokane County Jail to discuss “their common property and interests, as well as financial issues related to their chidlren,” according to an order filed in U.S. District Court in Coeur d’Alene on Wednesday.

“If the defendant or Mrs. Steele attempt to discuss the case or anything related to it, Mr. Peven shall immediately terminate the visit,” the order from U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill reads.

The couple’s meeting will be monitored by Public Defender Roger Peven, and a recording of the meeting will be given to Assistant U.S. Attorney Traci Whelan. Whelan did not object to the request.

The Steeles were ordered not to contact each other after Edgar Steele, 65, was arrested at their Sandpoint-area home near Shepherd Lake in June, accused of plotting to kill Cyndi Stelee and her mother.

Cyndi Steele is supporting her husband and attended his arraignment July 28 on a murder-for-hire charge and other charges, including a victim tampering charge related to phone calls Steele made to his wife from the Kootenai County Jail.

14th August 2010, 12:59 PM
wasnt the whole thing he was arrested for was trying to assassinate his wife??????

14th August 2010, 01:04 PM
What a load of crap. I thought your spouse didn't have to testify against you if they didn't want to? How can she be used against him?

14th August 2010, 01:06 PM
wasnt the whole thing he was arrested for was trying to assassinate his wife??????

Yes. But it very much appears (conclusively for me) that the Feds set him up. Their story is completely asinine.

She's wanted to see him since the beginning, and since she's a strong woman (not a co-dependent), that leads me to believe she doesn't believe their tales, either.

14th August 2010, 01:06 PM
What a load of crap. I thought your spouse didn't have to testify against you if they didn't want to? How can she be used against him?

They put a waiver on that when the spouse is the "victim."

Joe King
14th August 2010, 01:34 PM
What a load of crap. I thought your spouse didn't have to testify against you if they didn't want to? How can she be used against him?

They put a waiver on that when the spouse is the "victim."

But how can she be compeled to do so?
What if she gets on the stand and just says whatever she wants to?
i.e. if she truly believes her husband, just say whatever it takes to get him off. Waiver or not.

From what I read, the bomb was found by a third party at a gas station.
So what info could she have that would show he did it?

Also, is anyone being charged with actually having planted the bomb?
i.e. if Steele's charge is murder for hire, they have to believe he hired someone to do the deed for him. What makes them believe that?

14th August 2010, 03:18 PM
this is cruel and unusual punishment.

i don't believe anything has been proven. he should be allowed to have conjugal visits with his wife. obviously that requires her going along with the program.

this smells more and more like a set-up.

Desolation LineTrimmer
14th August 2010, 03:25 PM
There are all kinds of just plain weird events associated with this arrest. They have frozen Steele's assets, which make it impossible for him to hire a proper defense attorney. He is a fairly wealthy guy who is depending on a court appointed defender. Smells of a very clumsy government set-up. My prediction: Steele will either be released or die in custody.

14th August 2010, 03:25 PM
He/they should sue the gov for alienation of affection:


14th August 2010, 03:31 PM
he claims a hired worker found his stash, stole it then tried to kill them both. There was something else about the worker but I can't recall the details exactly. He was or is linked to the LEO some how. Priors or helped them out.. like I said, can't recall exactly.

14th August 2010, 04:00 PM
What a load of crap. I thought your spouse didn't have to testify against you if they didn't want to? How can she be used against him?

They put a waiver on that when the spouse is the "victim."

But how can she be compeled to do so?
What if she gets on the stand and just says whatever she wants to?
i.e. if she truly believes her husband, just say whatever it takes to get him off. Waiver or not.

If the Feds will make up this phony "plot," they'll threaten Cyndi to get her to "cooperate."

Steele has been subsequently charged with "witness tampering" for suggesting Cyndi tell the Feds that she didn't think the voice on the concocted tape was his, via jailhouse phone. Absolutely a stupid mistake to say that on a tapped phone, but she has the idea in her head now. Not sure what she will do with it.

From what I read, the bomb was found by a third party at a gas station.
So what info could she have that would show he did it?

None, but they are wanting her to "validate" the phony tape, which she has already admitted to friends sounds like it's "edited" (changes in pitch).

Also, is anyone being charged with actually having planted the bomb?
i.e. if Steele's charge is murder for hire, they have to believe he hired someone to do the deed for him. What makes them believe that?

Larry Fairfax, possibly an extortionist who went to the Feds when Steele wouldn't pay him off:


Fairfax has been handled with kid gloves since the beginning...quite "odd" for a supposed pipe-bomb maker. He was "released" from jail on orders of the US Marshal's Service, without explanation, despite the media claiming he is "in custody."

14th August 2010, 04:04 PM
There are all kinds of just plain weird events associated with this arrest. They have frozen Steele's assets, which make it impossible for him to hire a proper defense attorney. He is a fairly wealthy guy who is depending on a court appointed defender. Smells of a very clumsy government set-up. My prediction: Steele will either be released or die in custody.

Steele got rid of the public pretender and is now defending himself. They froze his bank accounts and stole all his silver bullion from his home, so he is literally penniless.

He will die in a cage. He should have died at his home defending it, with the Second Amendment. I'm not judging him for his mistake, as he probably thought that the Federal "courts" still have a tiny modicum of "due process" involved. But they don't. They will never let him go, regardless of whatever happens (the persecutor could accidentally release documents showing the charges are contrived, but they'd just kill him - recall that he had a ruptured aorta repaired only a few months ago, easy to kill someone weakened from that via stressors).

The Lesson of Edgar Steele is thus: if the Feds come to persecute you, don't "go quietly."

Desolation LineTrimmer
14th August 2010, 04:11 PM

The jig's not up yet for ol Edgar.

14th August 2010, 04:38 PM

The jig's not up yet for ol Edgar.

You are an optimist.

14th August 2010, 06:35 PM
I remember Steele publicly informing everybody on his website that he physically possessed a pile of silver bullion coins. His so-called investment advice.

Then he has this "handy man" build his bullion silver coin hidey hole behind a wall of his barn:


Then he apparently has discussions with this "handy man" to the extent that those recorded conversations are later configured as evidence to solicit murder of his wife.

Steele is not the brightest guy in Federal prison today. Can anyone link us to a legal case he actually won as a lawyer?


Desolation LineTrimmer
14th August 2010, 06:41 PM

How do you know all of this?

14th August 2010, 06:45 PM
How do you know all of this?


Public knowledge.

Desolation LineTrimmer
14th August 2010, 08:15 PM
How do you know all of this?


Public knowledge.

I have my doubts.

14th August 2010, 08:41 PM
With the "Jews" behind this he better have a hell of a good lawyer........I would get a anti-Zionist Semite lawyer..

Hatha Sunahara
14th August 2010, 08:41 PM
Steele must have been getting a large following. He must have refused offers that would have made him a shill.

It's what happens to people like him that reinforce my view that there is a secret government that exerts itself when it feels it is necessary to further its agenda. It obviously doesn't want people to get the message that Steele was delivering.

We should all be looking into this secret government. It would be nice to know about it before it's too late.


14th August 2010, 09:56 PM
I have my doubts.

About? That Steele has been cast into permanent gulag? That he was stupid enough to let someone know about his silver? That he hired a low-IQ POS that blackmailed him and then went to the Feds when Steele wouldn't bend over?

Why exactly do you think that Steele has a snowball's chance in Hell of ever seeing his home again? Do you know the conviction rate for Federal "courts"? Seriously, the conviction rate is higher than that of the People's Tribunals in the Soviet Union! Not because the Feds have "solid" cases, but because they have "judges" who serve evil and "juries" that are carefully groomed never to let quaint ideas like "justice" or the "Constitution" get in the way in the "correct" verdict.

14th August 2010, 09:57 PM
Steele must have been getting a large following. He must have refused offers that would have made him a shill.

Steele was working on a book with his so-called "Ukrainian girlfriends" that was going to expose the Jewish international White slave trade.

14th August 2010, 10:00 PM
Steele was a clean example of what De Facto government does to those trying to expose them, nothing more needs to be said.

14th August 2010, 10:23 PM
With the "Jews" behind this he better have a hell of a good lawyer........I would get a anti-Zionist Semite lawyer..

A good lawyer knows the law, a great lawyer knows the judge.

He should get an anti-Zionist Semite judge.

14th August 2010, 10:28 PM
A good lawyer knows the law, a great lawyer knows the judge.

Is that in the Biblical sense?


14th August 2010, 10:33 PM
Probably in more ways than could be easily explained without detailed illustrations. Freaks.

Desolation LineTrimmer
15th August 2010, 08:22 AM
I have my doubts.

About? That Steele has been cast into permanent gulag? That he was stupid enough to let someone know about his silver? That he hired a low-IQ POS that blackmailed him and then went to the Feds when Steele wouldn't bend over?

Why exactly do you think that Steele has a snowball's chance in Hell of ever seeing his home again? Do you know the conviction rate for Federal "courts"? Seriously, the conviction rate is higher than that of the People's Tribunals in the Soviet Union! Not because the Feds have "solid" cases, but because they have "judges" who serve evil and "juries" that are carefully groomed never to let quaint ideas like "justice" or the "Constitution" get in the way in the "correct" verdict.

You completely missed the point of my post.

15th August 2010, 08:45 AM
A little about Edgar Steele

Edgar J. Steele

Steele is a trial lawyer best known for his role in defending Richard Butler and Aryan Nations in a major case brought against them in 2000. After losing the Aryan Nations case, Steele began publicly expressing his anti-Semitic and racist opinions both verbally and in writing over the Internet. He has become well-respected among white supremacists.

Born: 1945
Residence: Sagle, Idaho
Education: B.A., 1967, University of Washington M.B.A., 1973, University of California at Berkeley J.D., 1982, UCLA School of Law
Occupation: Attorney
Bar Affiliations: Admitted to the bar in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California
Ideology: Anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, white supremacism
Famous case: Aryan Nations v. SPLC 2000
Notable representations: Lynx and Lamb Gaede, 2005; Brian and Ruth Christine, 2002; Lonnie Rae, 2002; Joann McGuckin, 2001
Works: Defensive Racism "In Defense of Terrorism", "In Defense of Anti-Semitism", "The Synagogue of Satan"

Personal Background

Edgar J. Steele, 59, is an anti-Semitic lawyer based in Sandpoint, Idaho. He graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in 1967; then served four years in the Coast Guard during the Vietnam era. Steele earned an MBA in 1973 in accounting at the University of California at Berkeley; and obtained his law degree from the UCLA School of Law in 1982. He is admitted to the bar in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California. In recent years, his trial law practice has included several cases featuring “politically incorrect” clients.

He is perhaps best known for defending Richard Butler and Aryan Nations in a case brought against them in 2000 by the Southern Poverty Law Center on behalf of a woman and her son who were attacked by Aryan Nations guards. Steele lost the case, and Aryan Nations was forced to pay damages of $6.3 million. Despite the loss, Steele has acquired a certain cachet in the right-wing extremist community for having represented such controversial figures as Joann McGuckin, Lonnie Rae and Brian and Ruth Christine, in their dealings with the legal system and the media.

Anti-Semitism and White Supremacism

After losing the Aryan Nations case, Steele began openly acknowledging his own anti-Semitic and white supremacist views. He has at various times accused Jews of owning the Federal Reserve Bank, running organized crime “throughout America,” and orchestrating the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In his writings on race Steele asks, “What color are Jews?” He answers, “Jews are the color of avarice and greed. Jews are the color of deception, manipulation and the lust for power. Jews are the color of dishonesty, selfishness and heartlessness.”

Steele also regularly attacks blacks in his books, columns and speeches. He alleges the existence of a “Black-on-White race war” in the U.S., and claims that blacks have “inherited” a distinctly “African” culture of “rape…murder…violence…[and] single-parent families.” He has also called for organized opposition to African Americans in the entertainment industry, asking his readers to join him in boycotting “products advertised with black actors and models,” and “TV shows and movies with black actors.”

Steele publishes a weekly commentary on his Web site, and his writings are also distributed widely through E-mail lists. Steele’s open association with white supremacists has become well-known, and he is a sought-after speaker at conferences of right-wing extremists, including those conducted by the National Alliance, Volksfront, and the Institute for Historical Review. He made public anti-Semitic statements at the Holocaust-denying Barnes Review/American Free Press conference in June 2003, in Washington, D.C.

In His Own Words

Personally, give me real skinheads any day of the week for loyalty, honesty and passion, versus the girly-man traitors now running America! I learned that many years ago when I had the honor of helping to defend your right to free speech by representing Richard Butler and the Aryan Nations in a trumped-up lawsuit designed to silence them.
August 15, 2005

AIPAC and its quisling US congressmen are on the verge of enacting the next stage in the evolution of what they disingenuously call their "Hate Crime" legislation. Their ultimate objective: total and complete subjugation of all Americans to the Zionist agenda. Next stop: Hate a Jew – die.
July 30, 2005

Jews, themselves, were responsible for Adolf Hitler. There is a pattern to Jewish tyranny in country after country, you know….Hitler was the response to the pre-World-War-II Jewish takeover and pillaging of Germany, similar to how Jewish robber barons recently gutted Russia.
May 15, 2005

Jews are right about anti-Semitism being a disease, you know, just as fourteenth-century Europeans were right about the nature of bubonic plague. However, just as with bubonic plague, American Jews seem not to have identified the Jewish Plague’s real carriers. But you and I know who they are. Anti-Semitism is a disease. You catch it from Jews.
May 15, 2005

Wherever blacks are congregated in America, one observes the manifestation of their inherited behavioral response patterns, directly traceable to the behavior to be observed in African blacks. Realizing that America's black problems are rooted in African culture goes a long way toward explaining the black-on-white race war being waged in the streets of America, the rapes, the murders, the violence, the short-term outlook, the single-parent families and so on.
May 7, 2005

So, what color are Jews? Jews are the color of avarice and greed. Jews are the color of deception, manipulation and the lust for power. Jews are the color of dishonesty, selfishness and heartlessness.
May 7, 2005

Join me, won't you? Boycott products advertised with black actors and models. Make a statement: If you see black, don't go back. Boycott TV shows and movies with black actors. Send the message that we are fed up: If we see black, we don't go back. Cancel your subscriptions to newspapers and magazines that push black articles, columnists and advertisements into your face. There are plenty available that don't. Not coincidentally, those that don't promote blacks are the same ones that actually tell the truth about other things, too. Tell them when you cancel: If we see black, we don't go back.
Feb. 27, 2005

Did you know that WWII wasn't the first time that Jews claimed that six million of their number were eradicated in a genocidal frenzy? ….[During] WWI…they made the exact, same claim, but they would like us to forget about that now. And that wasn't the first time either. You might ask what is so magic about the 6 million figure -- well, it derives from their Talmud, which teaches that their Messiah will not come until 6 million Jews are slaughtered."
January 27, 2005

Jews really do run most of the world….All the power positions in government, both here and abroad, are occupied by Jews, generally with only the head of state not being a Jew….The media, virtually every last little scrap of it, is owned and managed by Jews….Most of business is owned and/or controlled by Jews…. These, and more, are facts. Cold, hard, unassailable facts. But they are facts that are unprintable, because they involve Jews.
February 15, 2004

It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance -- it was Jews.
It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove the Ten Commandments from that Alabama courthouse, had Judge Moore removed from the bench and now seek to disbar him -- it is Jews.
It isn't Arabs who sue to remove nativity scenes from public venues -- it is Jews.
It isn't Arabs who erect menorahs in public venues in place of crosses -- it is Jews.
It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove group prayer from public schools -- it was Jews.
It wasn't Arabs suing to remove decorative lights from schools at Christmas -- it was Jews.
It isn't Arabs who refuse to allow children to say grace over their school lunches -- it is Jews.
Nov. 18, 2003

Truly the Masters of Disaster on a national scale, Jews have been ejected from society after society, down through the ages -- always for the same reasons and always claiming to be the victims of unjustified persecution. Today, however, they are engineering a disaster global in its reach -- their "final solution," if you will: the New World Order. And America is their intended vehicle. America's founders were well aware of the dangers presented by the Jewish race.
August 25, 2003


Desolation LineTrimmer
15th August 2010, 10:52 AM
A little about Edgar Steele


A little about Edgar Steele, from the ADL. ::)

15th August 2010, 11:29 AM
I fear Phoenix is right about Ed Steele, it is very doubtful that ZOG will ever release him. If there ever was a case of someone being thrown under the jail, this is definitely it. Without powerful advocates, he will simply disappear/die in the Federal System.

15th August 2010, 12:53 PM
I fear Phoenix is right about Ed Steele, it is very doubtful that ZOG will ever release him. If there ever was a case of someone being thrown under the jail, this is definitely it. Without powerful advocates, he will simply disappear/die in the Federal System.

He touched upon the second or third most dangerous topic on Earth: Jewish White-slave trade. I believe that "industry" might even be bigger than the Holocaustâ„¢ industry in terms of profit. If he is allowed to go home, he will continue his work on that.