View Full Version : Sprott talks about the Keynesian End Point

14th August 2010, 04:11 PM
I found this interesting. Things I don't like: a bit dry and the apologies or excuses for the "system" people like this put in their work.

I'd like them to stop doing it. The system is being gamed, the algorithms are not "fooled" by the keynesian economic they simply crunch the numbers so stop pretending like it's all an accident that no one wanted to happen.

In the end, Keynesian stimulus ultimately fooled us all. It roped in the politicians of the richest countries and set them on an unsustainable course of debt issuance. Recent Keynesian stimulus has even managed to fool the sophisticated economic models designed by central banks. The process of accounting for massive government spending ‘confuses’ the models into calculating a recovery trajectory when it doesn’t exist[/size]

link....... (http://www.sprott.com/Docs/MarketsataGlance/07_10%20Fooled%20by%20Stimulus.pdf)

It didn't fool anyone but a fool. Fool!

And NO Mr T. I won't.

14th August 2010, 04:20 PM
It didn't fool anyone but a fool. Fool!

Blame Keynes the failed genius, rofl, eventually you hit a wall,
a grade school student knows better, they sell this trash as
economics, I remember my economics classes and my high
school teacher telling us the future , on trade and on debt.
" I worry about you guys. " In University economics courses
there was less worry by the profs, lol .

Keynes = Rothchild stooge.

For a laugh you people should read my major papers, very well researched, A + . ;D

1 The Robber Barons
2 The Federal Reserve Banking System

Rothchild and Rockefeller get passes, and the FED saved the banking system, lol .
I did get some things right. lol

14th August 2010, 04:36 PM
What did you major in?

14th August 2010, 05:25 PM
What did you major in?

I think he(?) majored in common sense. It's a guess but a good one IMO.