View Full Version : David Duke: I'll give you a better govt. than you deserve

I am me, I am free
14th August 2010, 10:42 PM
The timing may be right.

Duke for President in 2012!


14th August 2010, 10:53 PM
Hasn't he been living in Romania or somewhere?

14th August 2010, 11:11 PM
I'm sorry, but we can't have someone with American interests first for president.
If he even got close to winning, he'd have many Jews shooting at him and his family, Jews setting off nukes in the US and an epic financial collapse orcastrated by the Jews before he could serve one day.

14th August 2010, 11:40 PM
I'm sorry, but we can't have someone with American interests first for president.
If he even got close to winning, he'd have many Jews shooting at him and his family, Jews setting off nukes in the US and an epic financial collapse orcastrated by the Jews before he could serve one day.

The Jews learned their lesson...they'll "never again" let a real leader come anywhere near the reins of power...


15th August 2010, 01:26 AM
posted 1/28/10:


911 was "BLOWBACK", aka SCARY MOOZLEMS really did it... Obscured in this video dominated by Duke being "tough on Izzy" and their undue control of US politics, he enshrines the foundational myth of the warrenterra zio-hoax: that scary moozlems hate us, and wanna eat our babies (just mainly coz they're mad that we're too tight with Izzy, though).

Were America Attacked by Scary Moozlems on 9/11? (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10142) Duke obviously knows better. Yet there he is in this presidential video, talking about dishonest/owned politicians and givin' it to us straight... while he cleverly enshrines the Big-Zio-Lie about scary moozlems booga booga. Sounds like he'll make a fine controlled opposition sideshow, MSM can pretend to hate on him for his "extremism/anti-Semitism", PTB will likely even ensure he receives adequate funding (it's a tough new economy for Duke's base, after all).

The illusion of diversity in political discourse, masking actual uniformity.

aww jeez Dr. Duke looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,249 licensed architects & engineers (http://ae911truth.org) now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D



15th August 2010, 06:19 AM
is Cynthia McKinney running again ?

i'll either vote for the Repub. (to vote against Obama), or for Cynthia, or for David.

i like David Duke. i think he cares a lot more for American Gentiles (including non-white Americans) than most Israel supporters, e.g. Jane Harman.

Stop Making Cents
15th August 2010, 06:23 AM
If he's serious about running, he seriously needs to shave and stop filming videos in his living room. Make it look more professional.

I'd probably vote for him - unless Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination.

15th August 2010, 06:27 AM
If he's serious about running, he seriously needs to shave and stop filming videos in his living room. Make it look more professional.

I'd probably vote for him - unless Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination.

I dont know if hes qualified,doesnt matter,none of them are.Ill vote for him, to make a statement if nothing else.

15th August 2010, 10:47 AM
Last I knew he was in Ukraine, as a guest lecturer at one of their universities.

Hasn't he been living in Romania or somewhere?

15th August 2010, 11:15 AM
The timing may be right.

Duke for President in 2012!


I have ZERO hopes he'll get elected. But I have a lot of hope that a massive education campaign can be launched. Hopefully this will mainstream white people standing up for themselves.

Desolation LineTrimmer
15th August 2010, 11:28 AM
I would vote for him in a heartbeat, but he won't run. He won't run because he won't find the funding, and that is because of the depression.

15th August 2010, 11:56 AM
I'd like to see him in the election debates.
It would be even more fun watching him get 2 seconds less then the 4 seconds Ron Paul got when it was his turn to speak.

15th August 2010, 02:29 PM
2 seconds of reply followed by 4 days of jew gnashing of teeth and wailing raycis!

Desolation LineTrimmer
15th August 2010, 03:11 PM
Keep on dreaming. His exploratory effort to see if he should run will invite all kinds of dirty money and influence to use him as a ringer. He may have some admirable qualities, but it's a forgone conclusion his chances would be marginal at best. And the media would have a field day reminding people about his racial awareness being the antithesis of the socialist mentality that promises government cheese and perpetual handouts from big brother. There is nothing out there - not even Ron Paul. More than likely 2012 (if the country hasn't already lapsed into a coma) will be a fantastic misfire with the likes of Gingrich, Palin, and Bachmann on the right and Obama, Lieberman, and Clinton on the left. Every last one of them is a Zionist ass kisser and will continue the march to slaughter for the Constitution and our way of life. If David duke was for real about saving this country he would be raising a mercenary army, not putting the world on notice he's just another dreamer that thinks he can take on the Wizards of Oz.

I doubt DD has any illusions that he would win the election. The idea, I think, would be to put out a pro-White national message, which so many people need to hear. Since we are heading into a general economic contraction, which in our system spells doom, that will last for years, and probably result ultimately in a shtf crisis, getting the message out is more important now than it has ever been.

15th August 2010, 04:02 PM
Getting close to last chance.

15th August 2010, 04:08 PM
That man would have an "accident" resuting in his death if he were to win any office.........

He showed up in Iran backing Ahmedinejad......"holocaust?"

15th August 2010, 05:46 PM
The idea, I think, would be to put out a pro-White national message, which so many people need to hear. Since we are heading into a general economic contraction, which in our system spells doom, that will last for years, and probably result ultimately in a shtf crisis, getting the message out is more important now than it has ever been.

So, what exactly is "the message"?

That the White race chose materialism over idealism? That we allowed the Jews to take over? That we knowingly swallowed the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_oral_contraceptive_pill">suicide pill</a> and gave up in the struggle of Life demanding we be fruitful and multiply?

Anyone who believes we can "win" is terminally sick in the head. The White race surrendered on May 8, 1945, when the last force on Earth capable of attempting what Duke, et. al., want to do capitulated to the forces of Jewish Capitalism and Jewish Communism.

It's all down hill from there...and 65 years out, we're ready to sink beneath the waves of history.

Perhaps Plastic Man1 is just doing what his face represents: portraying a vision that isn't real.

1 The term "Plastic Man" was applied to David Duke by resistance fighter and realist <a href="http://www.resist.com/">Tom Metzger</a>, after it was exposed that Duke has had a full-spectrum of Hollywood plastic surgery on his facial features.

15th August 2010, 05:51 PM
I think more and more white people are waking up to reality every day. Do I think we need DD to lead the way? No, not really, but as long as he's promoting a message I like then I say more power to him.

15th August 2010, 05:52 PM
Getting close to last chance.

Sorry, last chance was before <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ve_day">"Victory over the Goyim Day"</a>, May 8, 1945, aka "VE Day."

The rest of us who hang on to something of our 10,000 year Aryan biological and cultural heritage have two choices ahead. We can, like the protagonist of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints">The Camp of the Saints</a>, keep fleeing, until the last refuge on Earth is gone. Or, we can be Aryan kamikaze - the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamikaze">Divine Storm</a> - sweeping over the enemies, however futile it likely will be.

I, for one, am not fleeing anywhere.

15th August 2010, 05:54 PM
And I am not giving up, ever.

15th August 2010, 06:02 PM
I think more and more white people are waking up to reality every day. Do I think we need DD to lead the way? No, not really, but as long as he's promoting a message I like then I say more power to him.

Aryans seem constitutionally incapable of organizing against external threats, at least without coercion. Hitler had to struggle like a superhero to get where he did, despite the overwhelming evidence that a cancer was upon Europe.

Our enemies are like lethal biological agents that enter the bloodstream, and disable our racial "immune system." Jews are just like HIV, and once accepted into the social body, cause AIDS, rendering continued resistance difficult or impossible.

Unfortunately, "the host" - our race - will have to die in order to get rid of the infection this time. In eras past, Aryan societies puked out the disease before it could take hold.

I am under no illusions of a "glorious future." The future will be Hell. My commitment is, solely, to holding on until the only relief possible arrives: Jesus Christ. I may not make it, I may be overwhelmed by the disease before He comes, but I will have done my duty, to resist to the last breath against satanic ugliness.

15th August 2010, 06:07 PM
I'm a strong proponent of God helps those that help themselves. Pray for a sandwich or get up off your ass and go to the kitchen and make one. See which way you get your sandwich first.

15th August 2010, 07:10 PM
Jesus was not a white man.

15th August 2010, 07:16 PM
Neither was your father. Who invited the shill?

Desolation LineTrimmer
15th August 2010, 07:26 PM
And I am not giving up, ever.

Me neither. It is not even an issue of win or lose at this point. If we lose at least we go down fighting.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th August 2010, 07:29 PM
There's no way Duke is getting any kind of support in the MSM:


Imagine the field day they'd have on him. They'd play everyone's joosh guilt complex like a fiddle.

15th August 2010, 07:32 PM
Neither was your father. Who invited the shill?

Classy response! What I said was a fact you can't handle.

15th August 2010, 07:38 PM
Neither was your father. Who invited the shill?

Classy response! What I said was a fact you can't handle.

Yes, you've shaken my existence to the core. ::)

15th August 2010, 07:41 PM
Did a David Duke thread set off megaphone or something?

Desolation LineTrimmer
15th August 2010, 07:42 PM
There's no way Duke is getting any kind of support in the MSM:


Imagine the field day they'd have on him. They'd play everyone's joosh guilt complex like a fiddle.

It would be quite a contest.

Desolation LineTrimmer
15th August 2010, 07:43 PM
Neither was your father. Who invited the shill?

Classy response! What I said was a fact you can't handle.

Oh yes, "Jesus was not white." is an overwhelming argument. ::) But what does it have to do with David Duke, anyway?

15th August 2010, 08:05 PM
I think more and more white people are waking up to reality every day. Do I think we need DD to lead the way? No, not really, but as long as he's promoting a message I like then I say more power to him.

Aryans seem constitutionally incapable of organizing against external threats, at least without coercion. Hitler had to struggle like a superhero to get where he did, despite the overwhelming evidence that a cancer was upon Europe.

Our enemies are like lethal biological agents that enter the bloodstream, and disable our racial "immune system." Jews are just like HIV, and once accepted into the social body, cause AIDS, rendering continued resistance difficult or impossible.

Unfortunately, "the host" - our race - will have to die in order to get rid of the infection this time. In eras past, Aryan societies puked out the disease before it could take hold.

I am under no illusions of a "glorious future." The future will be Hell. My commitment is, solely, to holding on until the only relief possible arrives: Jesus Christ. I may not make it, I may be overwhelmed by the disease before He comes, but I will have done my duty, to resist to the last breath against satanic ugliness.

15th August 2010, 08:15 PM
If you have something to say then spit it out. Otherwise you're just trying to derail and obfuscate.

15th August 2010, 08:44 PM
DD doesn't have the charisma or pedigree to appeal to the royalty/celebrity worshiping masses...on top of the unrelenting attacks from the 7 conglomerate media empires that just happen to be owned by Zionist Jews that would pick him apart 24/7.

There won't be any 'leader' coming to the rescue. There will either be a large awakening/turning point among the people (minimum 20% of the population) or we will ride this one to the bottom.

15th August 2010, 09:42 PM
I'd like to see him in the election debates.
It would be even more fun watching him get 2 seconds less then the 4 seconds Ron Paul got when it was his turn to speak.

Exactly! All the Debbie Downers on here don't get it. Duke will NEVER win. It's about the message. Even when they ignored Ron Paul during the debates or tried to set him up for a fall, he won the post-debate polls. Duke's very presence on stage would wake up hundreds of thousands or millions of people to the fact that the system is rigged. A Duke campaign has the potential to mainstream pro-White activism. THAT is the value of national political campaigns - to wake up people and smash down media barriers.

15th August 2010, 09:45 PM
Jesus was not a white man.

Neither was Juan.

However, Jesus the Christ was an Adamic White man.

15th August 2010, 09:46 PM
DD doesn't have the charisma or pedigree to appeal to the royalty/celebrity worshiping masses...on top of the unrelenting attacks from the 7 conglomerate media empires that just happen to be owned by Zionist Jews that would pick him apart 24/7.

There won't be any 'leader' coming to the rescue.


Mel won't be uniting the clans either.




15th August 2010, 09:47 PM
Did a David Duke thread set off megaphone or something?

It is pretty odd that Lucifer showed up just for this thread.

15th August 2010, 09:56 PM
All the Debbie Downers on here don't get it....It's about the message...Duke's very presence on stage would wake up hundreds of thousands or millions of people to the fact that the system is rigged. A Duke campaign has the potential to mainstream pro-White activism.

You're still living in Fantasyland.

I used to believe as you do. I was involved in "the movement" for many years. I believed this nonsense, too.

The typical "White American" is purposefully oblivious to the facts. He doesn't want the Truth. The idea that David Duke can "mainstream" anything is beyond laughable.

If the typical "White American"1 doesn't know the System is rigged from everything before his eyes already, nothing on Earth can convince him of it, least of which would be another politician talking on stage.

1 "When I am through if you are still able to say the words 'White American' then leave the company of sane men, for you can no more be both White and American than you can stop the motion of the planets. If you are not an implacable enemy of America, and all it has been and all it is, you are a traitor to the existence of our race....I repeat, the day is coming when American military forces, and American police powers, under the command of the jews, Negroes, Mexicans, Orientals and vicious race-traitors, will attempt to murder the last true White man and carry the last true White women and girls off for integration and sport. They will be singing 'The Star-Spangled Banner' and waving the red, white and blue. And so will you!" -- David Lane, <a href="http://www.faem.com/letters/treason.htm">"Tri-colored Treason"</a>

15th August 2010, 10:09 PM
DD will get much less media play then the credible Matt Simmons

17th August 2010, 07:24 AM
Jesus was not a white man.

Neither was Juan.

However, Jesus the Christ was an Adamic White man.

I haven't seen the word "Adamic" since my old buddy Quantum left!


Separated at birth you all must have been... :oo-->

17th August 2010, 07:45 AM

17th August 2010, 08:25 AM
Jesus was not a white man.

Neither was Juan.

However, Jesus the Christ was an Adamic White man.

I haven't seen the word "Adamic" since my old buddy Quantum left!


Separated at birth you all must have been... :oo-->

I regularly used the terms "Adamic" and "Adamite" at GIM. But I guess bong hits make you forget.

17th August 2010, 09:33 AM
Stop looking for new people to give power to.
Nothing will change until then.
If you concentrate power in a person it will corrupt them or kill them.

Does this Duke guy have a family? Friends? Anything he cares about more than he cares about you? Most likely he does, and that means when it comes down to it you don't want him or anyone else controlling your fate. You think he will act in your best interest when his family is threatened? You think he will oppose the police state when he needs the police to keep him safe?

Stop giving power and start holding it for yourself.

17th August 2010, 09:53 AM
Jesus was not a white man.

Neither was Juan.

However, Jesus the Christ was an Adamic White man.

I haven't seen the word "Adamic" since my old buddy Quantum left!


Separated at birth you all must have been... :oo-->

I regularly used the terms "Adamic" and "Adamite" at GIM. But I guess bong hits make you forget.

Yeah, you've used that word quite a bit, and under more than one name. You've used it more than anyone else I've ever encountered.

That's why I mentioned that the last time I remember seeing the word "Adamic" it was posted by Quantum.

You guys should really get together - I think you'd really hit it off!


17th August 2010, 09:54 AM
Stop looking for new people to give power to.
Nothing will change until then.
If you concentrate power in a person it will corrupt them or kill them.

Does this Duke guy have a family? Friends? Anything he cares about more than he cares about you? Most likely he does, and that means when it comes down to it you don't want him or anyone else controlling your fate. You think he will act in your best interest when his family is threatened? You think he will oppose the police state when he needs the police to keep him safe?

Stop giving power and start holding it for yourself.


19th August 2010, 07:11 PM
I'm skeptical of aspects of Duke, but this article he wrote in '06 does some good deconstruction of "Judeo-Christianity", a fraudulent meme engineered and propagated by TPTB,

Should Christians support Israel? (http://www.davidduke.com/general/evangelicals-who-serve-the-anti-christ-2_6.html)

[...] Recently, I have been shocked and appalled by the unqualified support by some Christian televangelists for the most anti-Christian religion on the face of the earth, Judaism. They also support the corrupt, Jewish supremacist, anti-Christian Israeli state. I know that some of you reading this may respond by saying that Islam is really the most anti-Christian religion and that Judaism is a friendly faith. Many mistakenly think that Judaism is a sister religion to Christianity. The term “Judeo-Christian” has entered our modern lexicon to the point where no politician, George Bush on down, would dare even invoke the term “Christian heritage” without adding the prefix, “Judeo” to it. The term “Judeo-Christian” didn’t even come into existence until after the Second World War when Jews became supreme in their influence over major media.

The truth is that there is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. That would be like saying Satanic-Christianity. The religion now called Judaism did not even come formally into existence until six hundred years after Jesus Christ. It began with the codification of the Babylonian Talmud. In Judaism, the Talmud is the supreme scripture, not the Old Testament. Only Satanism can rival Judaism’s vicious hatred for Jesus Christ. The Talmud even claims that Jesus Christ is being punished in hell by “being boiled in hot semen!”1

19th August 2010, 07:27 PM
I'm skeptical of aspects of Duke, but this article he wrote in '06 does some good deconstruction of "Judeo-Christianity", a fraudulent meme engineered and propagated by TPTB,

Glenn Beck along with most of FOX seem to be pushing the meme pretty hard these days as well. With the mosque flames.

If they can't incite domestic race wars they'll do their best to give us religious ones.

19th August 2010, 07:30 PM
I'm a strong proponent of God helps those that help themselves. Pray for a sandwich or get up off your ass and go to the kitchen and make one. See which way you get your sandwich first.

Pray as though everything depended on God and act as if everything depended on you. ---St. Augustine

19th August 2010, 07:47 PM
Pray as though everything depended on God and act as if everything depended on you. ---St. Augustine

You saw that on Beck last night, didn't you, Patrucio?

19th August 2010, 08:26 PM
Sorry Rusty? I don't watch the voice of london.

20th August 2010, 07:15 AM
DD will get much less media play then the credible Matt Simmons

And Simmons died two weeks ago so that's REALLY bad.