View Full Version : Darwin... or dumb luck?

16th August 2010, 01:02 AM
8 "front row" spectators killed in off-road race. Waiting for the cries of "there ought to be a law!" and other evasions of personal responsibility. ::)


Joe King
16th August 2010, 06:39 AM
I wonder if Sloppy driving had anything to do with it?

Sorry, couldn't help it after reading the story.

16th August 2010, 07:35 AM
He was probably texting ;)

16th August 2010, 08:41 AM
It happens all the time in off road racing.

There are no barriers or fences so the fans line the course and it is "cool" to get as close as you can to the track even though the vehicles are traveling over 100mph 99% of the time including at night.

While unfortunate I don't feel sorry for them. If you don't want to get hurt or killed at a race stay off the track. It is like sitting on the field at the 50 yard line of a football game and not expecting to get hit by a player or a ball. If you did that you would be a retard. The same applies to auto racing.

16th August 2010, 08:54 AM
To many that's part of going there.........as said by one moron in the news last night.......in the other hand, this girl went to the rest room and her boy friend got killed, that was a piss luck.

16th August 2010, 09:12 AM
I've always wondered why they insist on standing OUTSIDE of the turn. Inside is just as close and a lot safer.

IMO, the only people crazier than rally drivers are rally fans.

16th August 2010, 09:46 AM
To many that's part of going there.........as said by one moron in the news last night.......in the other hand, this girl went to the rest room and her boy friend got killed, that was a piss luck.

Hopefully, she's never seen Final Destination...

16th August 2010, 02:08 PM
Stupidity should be painful.

And sometimes it is.

16th August 2010, 02:38 PM
Stupidity should be painful.

And sometimes it is.

That's the point that certain people seem to be ignoring here. They call it tragic, but in skydiving, sometimes the parachute doesn't open... is that tragic too? If you are going to take a stupid risk for a cheap thrill.... be prepared to pay the price.

16th August 2010, 03:54 PM
To many that's part of going there.........as said by one moron in the news last night.......in the other hand, this girl went to the rest room and her boy friend got killed, that was a piss luck.

Hopefully, she's never seen Final Destination...


I was just thinking the same thing!!!!! hahahaha

16th August 2010, 06:04 PM
That's the point that certain people seem to be ignoring here. They call it tragic, but in skydiving, sometimes the parachute doesn't open... is that tragic too? If you are going to take a stupid risk for a cheap thrill.... be prepared to pay the price.

That's the thing, people need to be responsible for their actions. There is always....a 'safer' way of doing things, and people sometimes lack situational awareness and get removed from the gene pool.

I do think it's tragic when something like this happens, and 8 lives are lost. That to me is tragic, and most were youngsters too...early 20's.

We all have our own personal interests, and we shouldn't go through life in fear. However, jump out of enough airplanes and sooner or later your going to have to face a shute failure of some sort. That's just an fact of life. Which is why I avoid crowds, the whole mass panic scenario is the one that I look out for. I can be as safe as I can be, but the idiot next to me, might not be.

This is a good example of the panic dynamic. Panic, caused bodies to block all exits in this tragic fire.


16th August 2010, 06:33 PM
Absolute utter morons. Why would anybody with a brain be there?

I like to go where people don't.

My idea of a perfect outing would be to hike into the high Sierra with my dog and a pack on my back .

People are stupid,therefore why would i want to go where there are lots of drunk stupid people ?

Morons one and all.

16th August 2010, 06:38 PM
Absolute utter morons. Why would anybody with a brain be there?

I like to go where people don't.

My idea of a perfect outing would be to hike into the high Sierra with my dog and a pack on my back .

People are stupid,therefore why would i want to go where there are lots of drunk stupid people ?

Morons one and all.

Yeah, me too millwright. Large quantities of drunk people, I avoid too.

If you can stomach this video of that fire, it's rather shocking. But pay attention to how people react. Just mass panic on a very frightful level.

Warning, this video in this link is rather disturbing...


16th August 2010, 06:41 PM
An example of Social Darwinism. People that haven't learned the laws of nature and self preservation.

Yes, it's a tragedy

I do not have a lot of sympathy for thrill seekers when they lose it.
It's the risk that drives them. If nobody dies, your not pushing the envelope hard enough.

16th August 2010, 08:32 PM
I have come to the conclusion there ultimately is no limit on stupidity. It is infinite in both depth and scope.

The worst examples are the ones that don't even realize it, are also very opinionated, not the least bit humble, and are perpetually convinced they are right despite any/all attempts and explaining the excruciatingly obvious factual realities of the matter.

Hence the saying: "The unaware are unaware that they are unaware." It is something as of late that I find simply astonishing. A phenomena surely to be studied by scientists for many years to come.

