View Full Version : The Ground Zero Mosque: Proposed by the Cordoba Initiative (focus on the name)

16th August 2010, 03:23 PM
Córdoba, Spain was the capital of the Islamic beachhead to the conquest of Europe. The Caliphate of Córdoba was established in 716 AD, a millennia before any "Zionists" and centuries before the Khazars converted to Talmudism.

Islam had to be driven out of Spain by force, by Christian defenders of Europe.

It is no accident that the "Cordoba Initiative" chose such a name. Their aim is Islamize what remains of Western Civilization, and their insistence on putting the damnable "Islamic Center" and Mosque at the proposed location is deliberate.


I will not only focus on the Jews, as towelhead apologists insist we do. Muslims aim to complete, what we had to forcibly stop them from doing.

16th August 2010, 04:35 PM
Córdoba, Spain was the capital of the Islamic beachhead to the conquest of Europe. The Caliphate of Córdoba was established in 716 AD, a millennia before any "Zionists" and centuries before the Khazars converted to Talmudism.

Islam had to be driven out of Spain by force, by Christian defenders of Europe.

It is no accident that the "Cordoba Initiative" chose such a name. Their aim is Islamize what remains of Western Civilization, and their insistence on putting the damnable "Islamic Center" and Mosque at the proposed location is deliberate.


I will not only focus on the Jews, as towelhead apologists insist we do. Muslims aim to complete, what we had to forcibly stop them from doing.

Sometimes "towelhead apologist" checking in.
Maybe they chose this name because Cordoba was a very great and advanced city back then(went in the crapper once the Christians took over) and this is what they think of NY.

16th August 2010, 04:49 PM
Córdoba, Spain was the capital of the Islamic beachhead to the conquest of Europe. The Caliphate of Córdoba was established in 716 AD, a millennia before any "Zionists" and centuries before the Khazars converted to Talmudism.

Islam had to be driven out of Spain by force, by Christian defenders of Europe.

It is no accident that the "Cordoba Initiative" chose such a name. Their aim is Islamize what remains of Western Civilization, and their insistence on putting the damnable "Islamic Center" and Mosque at the proposed location is deliberate.


I will not only focus on the Jews, as towelhead apologists insist we do. Muslims aim to complete, what we had to forcibly stop them from doing.

Sometimes "towelhead apologist" checking in.
Maybe they chose this name because Cordoba was a very great and advanced city back then(went in the crapper once the Christians took over) and this is what they think of NY.

Went to the crapper huh? "Jeeze Looky there, 1200 Christian Spaniards explored and ushered in the colonization of the New World" Again notice another pattern the use of the name Cordoba. Like I always remind people, once these people build one of their concrete penis buildings on a piece of ground ,its "theirs" forever.

16th August 2010, 05:51 PM
This new mosque is two blocks from ground 0.........however........there is already a mosque 3 blocks from ground 0............1 block from ground zero you have "toy" stores where you can buy dildol and dirty books and other types of things that I wont mention.

16th August 2010, 06:00 PM
This new mosque is two blocks from ground 0.........however........there is already a mosque 3 blocks from ground 0............1 block from ground zero you have "toy" stores where you can buy dildol and dirty books and other types of things that I wont mention.

Oh I agree +100 on that,Im against it for the PERCIEVED view. Most Americans are against it and in their mind , Its a slap in the face, expect violence.

17th August 2010, 07:47 AM
Thank you for pointing this out Phoenix, re: Cordoba.

Check out the home page, front and center is "Park51 - Letter of Support to President Obama from Rabbi Burt Visotzky".

Rabbi Burt Visotzky is of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

Jewish Theological Seminary of America reports to, IMO, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. One that seeks to impose theocracy in the US.

Chabad Lubavitch is one of the parties behind 911. That they are also pushing for this "Park 51", a beachhead for Islam in the US is quite telling. More cui bono if you ask me.

17th August 2010, 08:34 AM
Thank you for pointing this out Phoenix, re: Cordoba.

Check out the home page, front and center is "Park51 - Letter of Support to President Obama from Rabbi Burt Visotzky".

Rabbi Burt Visotzky is of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

Jewish Theological Seminary of America reports to, IMO, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. One that seeks to impose theocracy in the US.

Chabad Lubavitch is one of the parties behind 911. That they are also pushing for this "Park 51", a beachhead for Islam in the US is quite telling. More cui bono if you ask me.

It's never been Jews v. Islam. It's always been Jews and Islam v. Christian/European Civilization.

Islam is not incompatible with the Noahide "Laws." That has been the position of the Jews since Maimonides. However, belief in Jesus the Christ is "idolatry," and prohibited by the Talmudic "Seven 'Laws' of Noah."

17th August 2010, 09:45 AM

17th August 2010, 11:33 AM

Rrrrrrich Corrrrrinthian leather!

17th August 2010, 11:49 AM
It should be noted, Phoenix, that the musulmen only invaded Spain AFTER the jews caused internal civil unrest, division and revolution in Spain.
Before the invasion took place, the jews sent agents to negotiate philo-semetic terms and actually sent hebrew soldiers to AID Spain.

If memroy serves me correctly, the jews were instrumental in allowing the musulmen through the gate.

But either way, it should not be overlooked that the Muslum invasion of Spain was a jewish plan.

Sorry to be the one to have to bring the jew into this, but their hand is behind all things. This is documented extensively throughout historical documents, and summarized nicely in "The Plot against the Church".

EDIT to add quotes

Witiza, who threw himself into the arms of the Jews and surrounded himself with Jewish advisors, filled the measures of madness in that he – according to our opinion – followed a suicidal policy. As some assert, under the pretence of being peace-loving and in the opinion of others in order to be able easier to suppress the opponents of his absurd policy, who from day to day increased in number and strength, he had weapons turned into ploughshares and the walls of many cities with their powerful fortresses levelled to the ground, which would have made difficult the invasion by the Musulmans. Meanwhile, the Jews betrayed their truest friend Witiza and aided the invasion from North Africa, in order to destroy the Christian state and if possible the entire European Christianity forever.

“The indigenous population would have been able to show resistance to the handful of Arabs who crossed the Straits, but Witiza had disarmed them, levelled the towers to the ground and had the lances turned into harrows.”125 While the Visigoth kingdom disarmed under the influence of the Jewish advisors and friends of Witiza, dismantled its defence and destroyed its war power, the Jews encouraged the Musulmans to fall upon the Christian kingdom and to destroy it. Great preparations were made in North Africa for this.

Into the land which the Jews wished to destroy they introduced pacifism, and into the land which should serve them as a tool to destroy the other, a warlike spirit. These classical tactics the Jews have applied in the course of centuries in different states and use them today with a perfection, in which they have attained experience in the course of centuries. It is worthy of note that at the present time the Jews preach – directly or with the help of freemasonic or theosophical organisations, Socialist and Communist parties, secret infiltration in different Christian churches, press, radio, and television controlled by them – Pacifism and disarmament in the free world, while in the Soviet Union and the other states under the totalitarian dictatorship they incite the peoples to war. While towards the end of the last war the USA and England disarmed in a dangerous way, they handed over to Communism vitally important positions, simultaneously destroyed the basic defence of these two great powers, and even traitorously betrayed to the Soviet Union and other Communist lands armed to the teeth the very weapons which they had stolen from the other countries. The “Fifth Column” has controlled the governments in Washington including atomic and rocket secrets. The tactics are fundamentally the same as twelve hundred years ago.

“After the battle of Jerez (July 711) and the death of Rodrigo, the last king of the Goths, the victorious Arabs advanced further, and everywhere they were supported by the Jews. In every conquered city the Musulman generals could leave behind a small garrison of their own troops, for they needed their men in order to subject the land. Therefore they authorised the Jews with guarding the captured places. Thus the Jews, who had once lived in servitude, became masters over Cordoba, Malaga and many other cities.”

OK, Last quote for now:

Thus it is stated in the Arab Chronicle mentioned, concerning the capture of Cordoba: “Moguits assembled the Jews in Cordoba and entrusted them with the guarding of the city”, and concerning Seville, “Muza entrusted the guarding of the city to the Jews.” The same is reported of Elvira (Granada) and other cities.

17th August 2010, 04:11 PM

You forgot, "Look what they have done with my car..."

17th August 2010, 10:49 PM
Sorry to throw out my simple minded point of view on all of this.

I take great issue with this because there should be NO OTHER ESTABLISHMENT, RELIGIOUS OR OTHERWISE, in the Ground Zero area. Saying it is two blocks away just throws me! Are you saying that there was not one bit of damage to anything two blocks away? Are you saying that there isn't a building that is going to be torn down to make way for this building to be put up?

Please! I am not going to go into who directed 9/11, but I will say this, the day sticks in my mind so clear that it is like just yesterday. My youngest daughter has been to Ground Zero. Has this country forgotten the scar that we have from what happened that day? To place a Mosque or Prayer building with the history and beliefs and memories, come on now! Are we serious!?

I am going off emotions here. Nothing should be built here and as for that place of ill repute, it should be closed down!

Only things honoring those who lost their lives should be there!

Twisted Titan
18th August 2010, 06:12 AM
Sorry to throw out my simple minded point of view on all of this.

I take great issue with this because there should be NO OTHER ESTABLISHMENT, RELIGIOUS OR OTHERWISE, in the Ground Zero area. Saying it is two blocks away just throws me! Are you saying that there was not one bit of damage to anything two blocks away? Are you saying that there isn't a building that is going to be torn down to make way for this building to be put up?

Please! I am not going to go into who directed 9/11, but I will say this, the day sticks in my mind so clear that it is like just yesterday. My youngest daughter has been to Ground Zero. Has this country forgotten the scar that we have from what happened that day? To place a Mosque or Prayer building with the history and beliefs and memories, come on now! Are we serious!?

I am going off emotions here. Nothing should be built here and as for that place of ill repute, it should be closed down!

Only things honoring those who lost their lives should be there!

And that is just what they want.

When one is emotional there is a serious inabilty to think practical or critical.

Meanwhile the real criminials continue to rob us in broad daylight because we have our attention diverted to matters of little consequence in the grand scheme.

Dont fall for it...stay on task.


18th August 2010, 06:27 AM
And that is just what they want.

When one is emotional there is a serious inabilty to think practical or critical.

Meanwhile the real criminials continue to rob us in broad daylight because we have our attention diverted to matters of little consequence in the grand scheme.

Dont fall for it...stay on task.


I do not waiver from my task, which is to preach Truth. And the Truth supports civilized values, and Christian-European civilization.

One must ask why JEWS like Michael Bloomberg support this Mosque.

We accomplish nothing pretending Islam is our "friend," or that it is not just another disease to eradicate from our land.

18th August 2010, 06:54 AM
Sorry to throw out my simple minded point of view on all of this.

I take great issue with this because there should be NO OTHER ESTABLISHMENT, RELIGIOUS OR OTHERWISE, in the Ground Zero area. Saying it is two blocks away just throws me! Are you saying that there was not one bit of damage to anything two blocks away? Are you saying that there isn't a building that is going to be torn down to make way for this building to be put up?

Please! I am not going to go into who directed 9/11, but I will say this, the day sticks in my mind so clear that it is like just yesterday. My youngest daughter has been to Ground Zero. Has this country forgotten the scar that we have from what happened that day? To place a Mosque or Prayer building with the history and beliefs and memories, come on now! Are we serious!?

I am going off emotions here. Nothing should be built here and as for that place of ill repute, it should be closed down!

Only things honoring those who lost their lives should be there!

And that is just what they want.

When one is emotional there is a serious inabilty to think practical or critical.

Meanwhile the real criminials continue to rob us in broad daylight because we have our attention diverted to matters of little consequence in the grand scheme.

Dont fall for it...stay on task.



I had a similar discussion on this topic with my lady last night at dinner. When we discussed it, she started off with a very similar reaction as stillwondering. We live in NY so Tuesday 9/11/01 is always fresh in our minds. She was very upset this was being built. I told her this is exactly how "they" want you to feel.

It is a non issue. While Rome burns there is a media circus on whether or not it is right for this to be built. They are dividing up the various politicos in NY giving everyone a rallying cry to join - either hate it, or embrace it.

When asked how "I feel" about it, I said I don't. I explained how it is a non-issue. It has been brought up by the media to fan the passions of the people and direct your energy how they see fit.

I don't care about if it is right or wrong to be built. What I care about is 1. who is behind the push for the center and 2. who will benefit from this.

Then, thanks to Phoenix, I was able to explain to her how it was being pushed by the Cordoba Initiative. Coincidentally, on the home page of their site there was a letter written to President Hussein commending him for his support of the Cordoba Initiative. The letter was written by a rabbi with connections to, drum roll please..........Chabad-Lubavich. Big surprise. Synagogue of Satan stirring the pot as usual.

We then talked about Cordoba, Spain and how this is another example of pitting us against Islam for their benefit.

It was gratifying for me when she leaned back in her chair and pondered this for a bit after this part of our discussion at dinner.

The right/wrong part is irrelevant. There is a small strip club around the block from Ground Zero. Countless bars. Global conglomerated vampiric banks headquartered across the street - and people have the gall to use a moral argument here? And we are focusing on if the government has the right to get involved in private commercial real estate sales/building? Please.

Cui bono, from yet another manufactured circus...

18th August 2010, 06:57 AM
The mosque is a:

D-I-S-T-R-A-C-T-I-O-N !

18th August 2010, 08:08 AM
this is another example of pitting us against Islam for their benefit.

Islam IS against us. It has been since the beginning, centuries before the Khazars converted to Talmudism, and over a millennia before "Zionism."

Why do people not GET this? Is it stupidity or dishonesty?

We are under assault from two savage ideologies, one that convinces most it is civilized, and one that isn't doing such a great job at it.

18th August 2010, 08:09 AM
The mosque is a:

D-I-S-T-R-A-C-T-I-O-N !

And what do you want us to focus on instead?

18th August 2010, 08:13 AM
this is another example of pitting us against Islam for their benefit.

Islam IS against us. It has been since the beginning, centuries before the Khazars converted to Talmudism, and over a millennia before "Zionism."

Why do people not GET this? Is it stupidity or dishonesty?

We are under assault from two savage ideologies, one that convinces most it is civilized, and one that isn't doing such a great job at it.

Uh, babylonian talmudistic ba'al worship was around long before muhammed ever was.

There may be some radical islamics that are against "us", but percentage wise, they are a minute portion of that population.

The same can not be said about the jew.

18th August 2010, 08:16 AM
largely, i think the mosque issue is designed to get us to not pay attention to other things, ie.e the financial markets + nwo.

however, i do also think that:

in cordoba, the huge church was turned into a mosque as a symbol of islam's triumph over xianity.

in ny, the cordoba mosque is being built near the site of the wtc as a symbol of islam's triumph over the west.

the mosque issue seems pretty obvious, at least to me. ???

18th August 2010, 08:18 AM
this is another example of pitting us against Islam for their benefit.

Islam IS against us. It has been since the beginning, centuries before the Khazars converted to Talmudism, and over a millennia before "Zionism."

Why do people not GET this? Is it stupidity or dishonesty?

We are under assault from two savage ideologies, one that convinces most it is civilized, and one that isn't doing such a great job at it.

Islam is not behind the Federal Reserve. Islam is not behind the destruction of the American family.

Islam is not an immediate problem to most of this country.

No NY schools are rescheduling football practice due to Ramadan.

Islam is not in control of Hollywood.

Islam is not behind the propaganda machine.

Islam is not in control of DC, Albany, Trenton or Tallahassee.

Islam did not turn Christmas into Nimrod Luciferian worshiping XMAS.

Islam is not behind the outsourcing of America!

I know you see the trend. Yes it is a battle of civilizations. Start fighting the top and stop picking fights with the bottom.

18th August 2010, 08:18 AM
Uh, babylonian talmudistic ba'al worship was around long before muhammed ever was.

There may be some radical islamics that are against "us", but percentage wise, they are a minute portion of that population.

The same can not be said about the jew.

There are more Jews who "know the score" and speak out against Talmudic horseshit, than there are Muslims who condemn Islamic horseshit.

Judaism = Satanism for those with 100 IQ or higher.

Islam = Satanism for those with 99 IQ or lower.

18th August 2010, 08:20 AM
largely, i think the mosque issue is designed to get us to not pay attention to other things, ie.e the financial markets + nwo.

Only the stupid have one-track minds. I can focus on hundreds of issues. You may right, though: morons are being steered towards this issue.

however, i do also think that:

in cordoba, the huge church was turned into a mosque as a symbol of islam's triumph over xianity.

in ny, the cordoba mosque is being built near the site of the wtc as a symbol of islam's triumph over the west.

the mosque issue seems pretty obvious, at least to me. ???

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! One man sees it for what it is. Applause and thanks!

18th August 2010, 08:22 AM
Uh, babylonian talmudistic ba'al worship was around long before muhammed ever was.

There may be some radical islamics that are against "us", but percentage wise, they are a minute portion of that population.

The same can not be said about the jew.

There are more Jews who "know the score" and speak out against Talmudic horsesh*t, than there are Muslims who condemn Islamic horsesh*t.

Judaism = Satanism for those with 100 IQ or higher.

Islam = Satanism for those with 99 IQ or lower.

So shouldn't we be worrying more about the SMARTER satanists than the dumber ones?

18th August 2010, 08:23 AM
This new mosque is two blocks from ground 0.........however........there is already a mosque 3 blocks from ground 0............1 block from ground zero you have "toy" stores where you can buy dildol and dirty books and other types of things that I wont mention.

What's a dildol?

18th August 2010, 08:23 AM
I know you see the trend. Yes it is a battle of civilizations. Start fighting the top and stop picking fights with the bottom.

Jews had a century head start, big deal. Islam has a history of catching up fast...usually through violence.

What will it take for you to accept Islam is a problem? Maybe your wife or daughter has to wear specific clothing "non-offensive to Muslims"?

18th August 2010, 08:25 AM
So shouldn't we be worrying more about the SMARTER satanists than the dumber ones?

It depends on the situation.


http://m.gmgrd.co.uk/res/500.$plit/C_71_article_1126963_image_list_image_list_item_0_ image.jpg?20%2F07%2F2009%2009%3A48%3A26%3A297

18th August 2010, 08:30 AM
Here's part of my problem with the mosque situation:

It distracts the simple-minded populace from actual, pressing issues.

It is being used by the media to stir up emotion.

It reinforces the "scary muslims did 9/11" meme.

If the building of the mosque was canceled, and a synagogue were to be put in it's place, Americans would cheer, seeing it as a victory for 'America'!

18th August 2010, 08:36 AM
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! One man sees it for what it is. Applause and thanks!

Indeed, at least one man here sees it for what it truely is:

...the Cordoba Initiative. Coincidentally, on the home page of their site there was a letter written to President Hussein commending him for his support of the Cordoba Initiative. The letter was written by a rabbi with connections to, drum roll please..........Chabad-Lubavich. Big surprise. Synagogue of Satan stirring the pot as usual.

18th August 2010, 08:41 AM
Here's part of my problem with the mosque situation:

It distracts the simple-minded populace from actual, pressing issues.

We have a chance of stopping the Mosque. We have little chance of stopping the Federal Reserve. Even a small victory would be good for morale.

It is being used by the media to stir up emotion.

The emotions are good, actually: people are learning to despise Muslims and scumbag politicians like Obama, Pelosi, and Bloomberg (even more).

It reinforces the "scary muslims did 9/11" meme.

It doesn't matter who brought down the three buildings, this damnable thing is being put there for political reasons.

If the building of the mosque was canceled, and a synagogue were to be put in it's place, Americans would cheer, seeing it as a victory for 'America'!

I certainly wouldn't.

18th August 2010, 08:42 AM
Indeed, at least one man here sees it for what it truely is:

Maybe you should be asking yourself why JEWS like Bloomberg and this Lubabitcher are supporting Islam?

18th August 2010, 08:47 AM
We have a chance of stopping the Mosque. We have little chance of stopping the Federal Reserve. Even a small victory would be good for morale.

Ok....but if Americans would stop the mosque, I think they'd feel proud and accomplished, then immediately go back to sleep.

The emotions are good, actually: people are learning to despise Muslims and scumbag politicians like Obama, Pelosi, and Bloomberg (even more).

Fair enough... except seeing muslims as the enemy reinforces the idea of jews as an ally/friend.

It doesn't matter who brought down the three buildings, this damnable thing is being put there for political reasons.

Who is putting it there for political reasons? Who does it benefit more? Muslim or jews?

If the building of the mosque was canceled, and a synagogue were to be put in it's place, Americans would cheer, seeing it as a victory for 'America'!

I certainly wouldn't.

lol, I know YOU wouldn't cheer, but you aren't like most Americans (that's not an insult, lol).

Many of the Americans that oppose the mosque would welcome a synagogue with open arms.... do you disagree?

18th August 2010, 09:05 AM
Indeed, at least one man here sees it for what it truely is:

Maybe you should be asking yourself why JEWS like Bloomberg and this Lubabitcher are supporting Islam?

Phoenix, I respect you and your posts, but don't try to out-school me on the jew.

Judaism is passionately in favor of perpetuating nationalistic divisions for the Gentile world. For themselves, jews never become assimilated with any nation. They are a separate people, always were and always will be.

The name that Germany gave to the hebrew race-state is "All-judaan"

All-judaan is the only state that exercises world government; all the other states can and may only exercise national government only.

Controlling the worlds sources of news, All-judaan can always prepare the minds of the people for its next move. The greatest exposure yet to be made is the way that news is manufactured and the way which the mind of whole nations is molded for a purpose.

When the powerful jew is at last traced and his hand revealed, then comes the ready cry of persecution and it echoes through the world press. The real causes of persecution (which is the oppression of the people by the financial practices of the jews) are never given publicity.

Phoenix and friends:

There may be some radical islamists that see the mosque as "Victory over the west", as they saw their mosques in Europe as "Victory" over those places, but they would have attained none of this without the shadowy help of the kabbalist jews, who bear no fealty or loyalty to anyone but their own kind and their god, the devil.

The jewish tactic of pitting race against race, color against color, nation against nation, is so pathetically transparent that I can't believe I have been roped into this discussion. I'm honestly surprised at how easily some people here can fall prey to these sideshows.

Even in a worst case scenerio, if the muslims overtook the states, do you think the jew would sit back and say "Congradulations!", and leave them to their devices in their newfound kingdom?

No. The jew is behind all of this with an ulterior motive. I can't believe you can't see it as clear as day.

The scene of operations changes, but the jew is the same throughout centuries.

18th August 2010, 10:47 AM
Córdoba, Spain was the capital of the Islamic beachhead to the conquest of Europe.

Not much has changed, lol, Jews and Muslims allied in the past, allied today.

The Muslims going along with this are dupes, bad PR for one, makes you
wonder who is running them, lol, crypto Jews.

Jews were the tax collectors in Moor Spain, they were kicked out for waging war on Spain
as occupiers, invited in by the Ottoman Empire, given an empty city that once belonged
to tens of thousands of Greeks, Thessalonike, Ottoman Headquarters of Europe, and
home base of the Masons Attaturk and Young Turks that plotted the mass murder of
Christians, a Masonic enterprise and creation for Rothchild, BP, railroads and pipelines.

@ Awoke , Phoenix, others, the wars are one issue, this and the dangers of immigration
are another issue, Podheretz likes to confuse issues too, Muslims bad history = war on terror.
Ain't that simple.

@ Awoke, has the best finds, like Anty Ep, some key postings and finds, Moor Spain, the Inquisition, allied, ordered subversion by rabbis, cryptos, "the rabbi's direct the bankers", etc , etc, even today
crypto's posing as Protestants and even going to church, lol . Anty Ep posted some key history,
woke me up to this, Awoke did the same later on his own.

I will not only focus on the Jews, as towelhead apologists insist we do. Muslims aim to complete, what we had to forcibly stop them from doing.

Should I put my hand up ? Seriously dude, you of all people should know it ain't as simple as
you paint it and insult others too, I still thanked you for your find, in other posts you are
saying the same thing we are, and you can show this in history,

It's never been Jews v. Islam. It's always been Jews and Islam v. Christian/European Civilization.

but this is the 3rd thread you attack people pointing out the control masters at top,
they direct the whole show, immigration and cultural issues are separate issues from the "war on terror."

The Muslims building this are fools, dummies,
very bad PR, only reinforces that the Muslims did the attack. Who benefits ?
Makes you wonder who is running the show again ?

It reinforces the "scary muslims did 9/11" meme.

18th August 2010, 10:50 AM
Good to see you Magnes. Hadn't seen you around for a while.

18th August 2010, 10:57 AM
Good to see you Magnes. Hadn't seen you around for a while.

I been around, odd post, been working, summer is almost over, lol .

Good post above.

As a reminder to everyone that was paying attention to Anty Ep,
one of the greatest posters gim ever had, he actually posted key
history and information and woke me up on these issues I listed
above, "young turks", Spain , etc, hanukah, maccabees, etc,
your posts even on gim were very similar, goes to root of truth,
which is why all of us got banned talking about inquisition on gim.
It is key information, I had other posts too to complement on
agora, Jews and Muslims, allied destroyed many cities, Jews even
wrote the Koran, which is more of a political manifesto than anything
else, have links here in other thread with references, etc,


We are preaching to the choir here, 9/11 is the control masters achilles heel,
we all know that, many know that, a good percentage of population too,
we are arguing amongst ourselves for nothing, largely saying
the same thing, put some good finds up and keep the yapping to a minimum
would be good policy IMO, I try, not as good recently though,
lots of great stuff and people on this forum.

18th August 2010, 12:09 PM
Jews even wrote the Koran, which is more of a political manifesto than anything
else, have links here in other thread with references, etc,

More info on this, brother, please.

18th August 2010, 12:26 PM
Jews even wrote the Koran, which is more of a political manifesto than anything
else, have links here in other thread with references, etc,

More info on this, brother, please.

You already have good info on complementary information,
the rest will fit right in neatly, one reference recently,
See the thread to and the rest of my posts along with this one, more contemporary.

There are lots of good authors and articles online, don't have handy links now,
but Andrew Bostom is one, Chronicles Magazine online was great, Trifkovic is editor there,
wrote book above and lots of online articles, even NeoCon writers references,
but they use that info to promote wars, the Muslim Jurists, referenced, basically
muslim courts interpreting, Muslim beliefs are not just from the Koran, they do long for unification,
Caliphate, a lot of what is in Koran is exactly that, how to wage war, a political manifesto and war,
taking control of nations, the process, there are rules, they implemented them, we are next,
I started with their articles long ago, there are archives out there, highly referenced works.
Bostom is a wasp real Dr. , semi NeoCon , learned lots of history from them 2 authors.
Looking for Trifkovic articles. Book is must reading intro, the best.
Recently been doing lots of long podcasts, good cause I have long drives.
Byzantium, Crusades, Middle Ages, Vikings, all of it complementary, and to above too.
I highly recommend that book by Trifkovic as intro.
Seems old articles are gone, I bought his book cause of them
in 2005. See Bostom archive above, good, but was more complete
of past. April 12, 2005 is oldest, go back much further and very
good, learned about Adam Smith on there, piracy, slavery, etc.
All gone. Look for it later.

18th August 2010, 02:56 PM
Phoenix, I respect you and your posts, but don't try to out-school me on the jew.

NO ONE here, including yourself, knows more about the Jews and Talmudism, and has put more study into it, than I. The Jews were thinking of people just like me when they wrote "Every Goy who studies the Talmud, and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die."

Judaism is passionately in favor of perpetuating nationalistic divisions for the Gentile world. For themselves, jews never become assimilated with any nation. They are a separate people, always were and always will be.

The statement is true, but you should know that Henry Ford never wrote any of that. Nor does it mean anything in this situation. We're not talking about Americans v. Arabs, but Americans v. Islam.

The name that Germany gave to the hebrew race-state is "All-judaan"

All-judaan is the only state that exercises world government; all the other states can and may only exercise national government only.

I don't dispute there is a Jewish world government operating above all "governments" and public corporations, but the Germans never bestowed such a name as "All-Judaan" upon it.

Phoenix and friends:

There may be some radical islamists that see the mosque as "Victory over the west", as they saw their mosques in Europe as "Victory" over those places, but they would have attained none of this without the shadowy help of the kabbalist jews, who bear no fealty or loyalty to anyone but their own kind and their god, the devil.

I have changed my .sig line since this issue is so important. Talmudism is directly from Hell...BUT SO IS ISLAM.

The jewish tactic of pitting race against race, color against color, nation against nation, is so pathetically transparent that I can't believe I have been roped into this discussion. I'm honestly surprised at how easily some people here can fall prey to these sideshows.

It's not a "sideshow." Islam has been a problem for almost 1500 years. And racial differences aren't an invention of Jews; if anything, they force interracism on us Goyim, against the design God intended.

No. The jew is behind all of this with an ulterior motive. I can't believe you can't see it as clear as day.

It's an honest difference of opinion. I think you've gotten so caught up with Jews that you fail to see the other vermin. Ankle-deep in rats, people are not worried about the other vermin who are reproducing even faster than the rats...and carrying nonetheless deadly diseases. If we worry only about stomping out the rats, before we know it the other rodents will be waist-deep.

19th August 2010, 04:57 AM
Phoenix, I respect you and your posts, but don't try to out-school me on the jew.

NO ONE here, including yourself, knows more about the Jews and Talmudism, and has put more study into it, than I. The Jews were thinking of people just like me when they wrote "Every Goy who studies the Talmud, and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die."

Show some humility. We all have a lot to learn yet. I won't have enough time in my 60-100 year life span to learn everything about a conspiracy that stretches back to the days of babylon and beyond.

Judaism is passionately in favor of perpetuating nationalistic divisions for the Gentile world. For themselves, jews never become assimilated with any nation. They are a separate people, always were and always will be.

The statement is true, but you should know that Henry Ford never wrote any of that. Nor does it mean anything in this situation. We're not talking about Americans v. Arabs, but Americans v. Islam.

More on this, please.

The name that Germany gave to the hebrew race-state is "All-judaan"

All-judaan is the only state that exercises world government; all the other states can and may only exercise national government only.

I don't dispute there is a Jewish world government operating above all "governments" and public corporations, but the Germans never bestowed such a name as "All-Judaan" upon it.

I can't agree or disagree on this statement until I get clarification regarding your post about Ford not authoring "The International Jew".

Phoenix and friends:

There may be some radical islamists that see the mosque as "Victory over the west", as they saw their mosques in Europe as "Victory" over those places, but they would have attained none of this without the shadowy help of the kabbalist jews, who bear no fealty or loyalty to anyone but their own kind and their god, the devil.

I have changed my .sig line since this issue is so important. Talmudism is directly from Hell...BUT SO IS ISLAM.

Well, as a Christian, the same can be said about any pagan religion or non-Christian faith.
The devil uses any tool to lead us away from Christ.

No. The jew is behind all of this with an ulterior motive. I can't believe you can't see it as clear as day.

It's an honest difference of opinion. I think you've gotten so caught up with Jews that you fail to see the other vermin.

I agree that islam is a threat to Christianity and our "western" life. However they are not a threat as dire as the threat of jewry.

Also, no matter how much is posted on the subject, the hand of the jew is revealed behind almost all actions against humanity. There is no arguing that point Fred. You've seen a jew under every stone yourself, once you learned how to look.

Don't get so "caught up" in proving that you are "correct", that you lose focus on the creators of revolution, deviancy and instability.

Islam is proselytizing and judgemental. Judaism is genocidal and conspiring.

19th August 2010, 04:15 PM
Phoenix, I respect you and your posts, but don't try to out-school me on the jew.

NO ONE here, including yourself, knows more about the Jews and Talmudism, and has put more study into it, than I. The Jews were thinking of people just like me when they wrote "Every Goy who studies the Talmud, and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die."

Show some humility. We all have a lot to learn yet. I won't have enough time in my 60-100 year life span to learn everything about a conspiracy that stretches back to the days of babylon and beyond.

You took a position of "authority" against me, and I was defending myself with the facts of my own studies about the Jewish problem. If I need humility, so do you.

Judaism is passionately in favor of perpetuating nationalistic divisions for the Gentile world. For themselves, jews never become assimilated with any nation. They are a separate people, always were and always will be.

The statement is true, but you should know that Henry Ford never wrote any of that. Nor does it mean anything in this situation. We're not talking about Americans v. Arabs, but Americans v. Islam.

More on this, please.

Research William J. Cameron, one of Ford's closest associates & friends, and the editor of the Dearborn Independent. He admitted under oath that he wrote all the material under the "Henry Ford" byline. Whether Ford agreed is not the point (Henry probably did, being the smart man he was, LOL!).

There may be some radical islamists that see the mosque as "Victory over the west", as they saw their mosques in Europe as "Victory" over those places, but they would have attained none of this without the shadowy help of the kabbalist jews, who bear no fealty or loyalty to anyone but their own kind and their god, the devil.

If all Jews disappeared tomorrow, do you really believe that Islam would become a tame beast overnight? Do you really? I don't.

I have changed my .sig line since this issue is so important. Talmudism is directly from Hell...BUT SO IS ISLAM.

Well, as a Christian, the same can be said about any pagan religion or non-Christian faith.
The devil uses any tool to lead us away from Christ.

I am one of the few on GIM/GS-US to attack the New Age sewage that is increasing in our society. I recognize all threats, not just Jews, not just Islam.

However, Islam has a 1500+ year history of being a world menace, Jew involvement or not. It is an entity that lives and conquers whether there are Jews or not. That Jews use Islam for their own purposes is indisputable, but so is the fact Islam functions without Jewish influence against civilized people.

No. The jew is behind all of this with an ulterior motive. I can't believe you can't see it as clear as day.

It's an honest difference of opinion. I think you've gotten so caught up with Jews that you fail to see the other vermin.

I agree that islam is a threat to Christianity and our "western" life. However they are not a threat as dire as the threat of jewry.

Of course Jews are the number one problem, since they are Satan's officer corps.

Also, no matter how much is posted on the subject, the hand of the jew is revealed behind almost all actions against humanity. There is no arguing that point Fred. You've seen a jew under every stone yourself, once you learned how to look.

Of that I have no doubt.

Islam is proselytizing and judgemental. Judaism is genocidal and conspiring.

Until the 20th century, Islam, and not Jewry, held the world record for genocide...examine its history in South and Southeast Asia. It hasn't changed, but Jewry have gotten more fanatical and "efficient."

20th August 2010, 04:58 AM
You took a position of "authority" against me, and I was defending myself with the facts of my own studies about the Jewish problem.

Pfft. Whatever.

Research William J. Cameron, one of Ford's closest associates & friends, and the editor of the Dearborn Independent. He admitted under oath that he wrote all the material under the "Henry Ford" byline. Whether Ford agreed is not the point (Henry probably did, being the smart man he was, LOL!).

Thank you for the info. I will look into it.

If all Jews disappeared tomorrow, do you really believe that Islam would become a tame beast overnight? Do you really? I don't.

No, but we can easily kick their asses. They are not as tricky as the jew.

I am one of the few on GIM/GS-US to attack the New Age sewage that is increasing in our society. I recognize all threats, not just Jews, not just Islam.

I'm fighting right along side you on this.

However, Islam has a 1500+ year history of being a world menace, Jew involvement or not. It is an entity that lives and conquers whether there are Jews or not. That Jews use Islam for their own purposes is indisputable, but so is the fact Islam functions without Jewish influence against civilized people.

This is true.

Until the 20th century, Islam, and not Jewry, held the world record for genocide...examine its history in South and Southeast Asia. It hasn't changed, but Jewry have gotten more fanatical and "efficient."

I don't know those stats off hand, that's for sure. However jewry will never officially "hold the record" for genocide, because they have other nations do their dirty work for them.

20th August 2010, 11:41 AM
No, but we can easily kick their asses. They are not as tricky as the jew.

We've allowed the trash into the Citadel, with more arriving, and building installations, every day. "Kicking their asses" could end up a Pyrrhic victory if their numbers get much higher. Removing them from London, for example, would mean the city goes with it.

However jewry will never officially "hold the record" for genocide, because they have other nations do their dirty work for them.

I was thinking of the JEWSSR.

20th August 2010, 12:12 PM
Indeed, at least one man here sees it for what it truely is:

Maybe you should be asking yourself why JEWS like Bloomberg and this Lubabitcher are supporting Islam?
Oh they don't, they use them as tools. They got tons of publicity, putting the blame on Islam for the 911 attacks.