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16th August 2010, 07:05 PM
Attacking Iran: US options

06. Aug, 2010 in Commentary/Analysis, Iran, News/Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy -
12 By GWYNNE DYER | Arab News

Admiral Michael Mullen - "We do" have a military plan to attack Iran

When Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the highest-ranking American officer, was asked recently on NBC’s Meet The Press show whether the United States has a military plan for an attack on Iran, he replied simply: “We do.”

General staffs are supposed to plan for even the most unlikely future contingencies. Right down to the 1930s, for example, the United States maintained and annually updated plans for the invasion of Canada — and the Canadian military made plans to pre-empt the invasion. But what the planning process will have revealed, in this case, is that there is no way for the United States to win a nonnuclear war with Iran.

The US could “win” by dropping hundreds of nuclear weapons on Iran’s military bases, nuclear facilities and industrial centers (i.e. cities) and killing five to 10 million people, but short of that, nothing works. On this we have the word of Richard Clarke, counterterrorism adviser in the White House under three administrations

In the early 1990s, Clarke revealed in an interview with the New York Times four years ago, the Clinton administration had seriously considered a bombing campaign against Iran, but the military professionals told them not to do it.

“After a long debate, the highest levels of the military could not forecast a way in which things would end favorably for the United States,” he said. The Pentagon’s planners have war-gamed an attack on Iran several times in the past 15 years, and they just can’t make it come out as a US victory.

It’s not the fear of Iranian nuclear weapons that makes the US Joint Chiefs of Staff so reluctant to get involved in a war with Iran. Those weapons don’t exist, and the whole justification for the war would be to make sure that they never do.

The problem is that there’s nothing the US can do to Iran, short of nuking the place, that would really force Tehran to kneel and beg for mercy.

It can bomb Iran’s nuclear sites and military installations to its heart’s content, but everything it destroys can be rebuilt in a few years. And there is no way that the United States could actually invade Iran.

There are some 80 million people in Iran, and although many of them don’t like the present regime they are almost all fervent patriots who would resist a foreign invasion. Iran is a mountainous country, and very big: Four times the size of Iraq. The Iranian Army currently numbers about 450,000 men, slightly smaller than the US Army — but unlike the US Army, it does not have its troops scattered across literally dozens of countries.

If the White House were to propose anything larger than minor military incursions along Iran’s south coast, senior American generals would resign in protest. Without the option of a land war, the only lever the United States would have on Iranian policy is the threat of yet more bombs — but if they aren’t nuclear, then they aren’t very persuasive. Whereas Iran would have lots of options for bringing pressure on the United States.
Just stopping Iran’s own oil exports would drive the oil price sky-high in a tight market: Iran accounts for around seven percent of internationally traded oil. But it could also block another 40 percent of global oil exports just by sinking tankers coming from Iraq, and the Arab Gulf states with its lethal Noor anti-ship missiles.

The Noor anti-ship missile is a locally built version of the Chinese YJ-82. It has a 200-km. (140-mile) range, enough to cover all the major choke points in the Gulf. It flies at twice the speed of sound just meters above the sea’s surface, and it has a tiny radar profile. Its single-shot kill probability has been put as high as 98 percent.

Iran’s mountainous coastline extends along the whole northern side of the Gulf, and these missiles have easily concealed mobile launchers. They would sink tankers with ease, and in a few days insurance rates for tankers planning to enter the Gulf would become prohibitive, effectively shutting down the region’s oil exports completely.

Meanwhile Iran would start supplying modern surface-to-air missiles to the Taleban in Afghanistan, and that would soon shut down the US military effort there. (It was the arrival of US-supplied Stinger missiles in Afghanistan in the late 1980s that drove Russian helicopters from the sky and ultimately doomed the whole Soviet intervention there.)

Iranian ballistic missiles would strike US bases on the southern side of the Gulf, and Iran’s Hezbollah allies in Beirut would start dropping missiles on Israel. The United States would have no options for escalation other than the nuclear one, and pressure on it to stop the war would mount by the day as the world’s industries and transport ground to a halt.

The end would be an embarrassing retreat by the United States, and the definitive establishment of Iran as the dominant power of the Gulf region.

That was the outcome of every war-game the Pentagon played, and Mike Mullen knows it. So there is a plan for an attack on Iran, but he would probably rather resign than put it into action. It is all bluff. It always was.

16th August 2010, 07:11 PM
So why do they keep bluffing?


I am me, I am free
16th August 2010, 08:29 PM
So why do they keep bluffing?


public relations/public perception

16th August 2010, 08:30 PM
Iran just want to be left alone........... but the Zionist keep pushing the US into sending more of our young ones to die for them.

16th August 2010, 10:43 PM
Since when does probability of "winning" meaning anything to the Washington Criminals? When was the last time they started a war that they "won"? WW II?

The US and/or Israel WILL attack Iran, and it will likely be conventional, unless Iran retaliates against Israel with gas or germs.

Iran's economy can be severely damaged with conventional weapons. Taking out Iran's electricity grid would be catastrophic.

I am me, I am free
16th August 2010, 10:47 PM
Since when does probability of "winning" meaning anything to the Washington Criminals? When was the last time they started a war that they "won"? WW II?

The US and/or Israel WILL attack Iran, and it will likely be conventional, unless Iran retaliates against Israel with gas or germs.

Iran's economy can be severely damaged with conventional weapons. Taking out Iran's electricity grid would be catastrophic.

The US is just as vulnerable if not more so to a low cost (<$1,000) EMP device taking out a huge part of the grid.

16th August 2010, 11:07 PM
The US is just as vulnerable if not more so to a low cost (<$1,000) EMP device taking out a huge part of the grid.

Not a low-cost one, but I agree with your point. Lots of low-costs ones, or one or a few high-cost ones.

Joe King
16th August 2010, 11:58 PM
I sure hope that their talk of invading Iran is just that. Talk.
However, the gov can be pretty stupid too. So who knows.

IMO, unless they're planning to make every Iranian town look like Dresden, they'd be fools to start attacking.
....but you should only do stuff like that when they attack you first, and I don't think that's going to happen either.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
17th August 2010, 06:37 AM
The skins on these drums of war are wearing thin.

They've been talking about war with Iran since Bush labeled them as part of the Axis of Evil in 02.

I am me, I am free
17th August 2010, 06:47 AM
The US is just as vulnerable if not more so to a low cost (<$1,000) EMP device taking out a huge part of the grid.

Not a low-cost one, but I agree with your point. Lots of low-costs ones, or one or a few high-cost ones.

From what I gather, an 'on the cheap' EMP device has a 400 mile radius as an effective range if done in an airburst.

17th August 2010, 08:59 AM
The US is just as vulnerable if not more so to a low cost (<$1,000) EMP device taking out a huge part of the grid.

Not a low-cost one, but I agree with your point. Lots of low-costs ones, or one or a few high-cost ones.

From what I gather, an 'on the cheap' EMP device has a 400 mile radius as an effective range if done in an airburst.

It would have to detonated in an airliner to work, and that wouldn't be cheap.

EMP weapons only work when the ionization is line of sight; i.e., ground-burst won't do much.

17th August 2010, 10:10 AM
Israel has '8 days' to hit Iran nuclear site: Bolton (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100817/wl_afp/irannuclearpoliticsisraelusmilitary_20100817120240 )

Israel has "eight days" to launch a military strike against Iran's Bushehr nuclear facility and stop Tehran from acquiring a functioning atomic plant, a former US envoy to the UN has said.

Iran is to bring online its first nuclear power reactor, built with Russia's help, on August 21, when a shipment of nuclear fuel will be loaded into the plant's core.

At that point, John Bolton warned Monday, it will be too late for Israel to launch a military strike against the facility because any attack would spread radiation and affect Iranian civilians.

"Once that uranium, once those fuel rods are very close to the reactor, certainly once they're in the reactor, attacking it means a release of radiation, no question about it," Bolton told Fox Business Network.

"So if Israel is going to do anything against Bushehr it has to move in the next eight days."

Absent an Israeli strike, Bolton said, "Iran will achieve something that no other opponent of Israel, no other enemy of the United States in the Middle East really has and that is a functioning nuclear reactor."

But when asked whether he expected Israel to actually launch strikes against Iran within the next eight days, Bolton was skeptical.

"I don't think so, I'm afraid that they've lost this opportunity," he said.

18th August 2010, 05:10 PM
A little glitch in the war plans against Iran. It appears that the Russians are playing chess again. They are reported to have installed S-300 missiles along the flight path from the Black Sea to Iran which US and Israeli forces want to use. They might have to just use the southern route from the 3 aircraft carrier groups off the southern coast of Iran.


18th August 2010, 06:26 PM
A little glitch in the war plans against Iran. It appears that the Russians are playing chess again. They are reported to have installed S-300 missiles along the flight path from the Black Sea to Iran which US and Israeli forces want to use. They might have to just use the southern route from the 3 aircraft carrier groups off the southern coast of Iran.


Whenever Mossadka File makes a statement, believe the opposite.

18th August 2010, 06:38 PM
A little glitch in the war plans against Iran. It appears that the Russians are playing chess again. They are reported to have installed S-300 missiles along the flight path from the Black Sea to Iran which US and Israeli forces want to use. They might have to just use the southern route from the 3 aircraft carrier groups off the southern coast of Iran.


Whenever Mossadka File makes a statement, believe the opposite.

Exactly, I have said this before,Russia will not risk a general war over Iran. If Shizzrael attacks it will be from prepositioned areas inside Saudi Arabia.Its just too far otherwise.