View Full Version : Woman Hits Jew Senator Carl Levin In The Face With A Pie

16th August 2010, 08:50 PM
BIG RAPIDS, Mich. – A woman identified as an anti-war protester hit U.S. Sen. Carl Levin in the face with an apple pie during the Armed Services Committee chairman's meeting with constituents in northern Michigan, authorities said Monday.

The senator took a question near the end of the Monday morning meeting in Big Rapids from a man who said he was a student, Levin's office said in a news release. The man read a long statement, then a woman came up and hit Levin with a pie.

Big Rapids police arrested Ahlam M. Mohsen, 22, of Coldwater on a felony charge of stalking, as well as misdemeanor counts of assault and disorderly conduct. She has no listed telephone number in Coldwater.

Mohsen told the Big Rapids Pioneer she hoped "to send a message that liberals and Democrats are just as implicated in the violence (of war) as the Republicans."

Mohsen was one of three protesters arrested in January 2009 after a sit-in at Levin's office in Lansing, according to Michigan State University's campus newspaper. She told the newspaper then that the group wanted the United States to begin cutting military and other support to Israel and call for an investigation of Israeli war crimes.

The earlier arrest, plus the escalation to a physical assault, formed the basis for the stalking charge, Officer Erik Small told The Associated Press. He said Mohsen was being held without bond and was expected to be arraigned Tuesday.

Police said the man who read the statement before Mohsen hit Levin with the pie and a woman who videotaped the attack also could face charges. Police do not have the videotape, Little said.

Levin appeared to take the pie toss in stride.

"They didn't hurt me, but they hurt their cause even more than their own extreme words had already done," he said in a statement.

The constituent meeting was sponsored by the Mecosta County Democratic Party. The city of about 10,000 is 50 miles north of Grand Rapids and 150 miles northwest of Detroit.

16th August 2010, 08:56 PM
Wasn't a pork pie then?

16th August 2010, 08:57 PM
If you can hit the prick with a pie, you can hi...uh, you get my point.

Not "suggesting" anything, of course.

16th August 2010, 08:58 PM
Wasn't a pork pie then?

All I know is the better listen up before they start catching these in the face.


16th August 2010, 10:05 PM
NordicBerserker you are turning a political act into a hate crime for the poor women and looking to set yourself up for a visit by the FBI.

17th August 2010, 05:35 AM
Nberserker, not exactly clear on the "gray man theory" concept are we?

17th August 2010, 08:03 AM
Nberserker, not exactly clear on the "gray man theory" concept are we?

Considering Patton is his avatar, it seems he prefers the direct approach, instead of the Jewish art of subterfuge and deceit.

17th August 2010, 08:05 AM
NordicBerserker you are turning a political act into a hate crime for the poor women and looking to set yourself up for a visit by the FBI.

LOL Why?

Let's observe this objectively, the populace is growing angry and more discontent every week AWOL's are up 234%, congress's approval rating is in the toilet, people are so broke they really don't have much to lose these things are a recipe for disaster.

I'm not making threats against anyone I'm just saying there is a definite escalation in resistance/anger and senators better take that into consideration, for a long time they have figured they were secure and that Americans were too preoccupied to notice what they were doing in DC, times change though.

17th August 2010, 12:37 PM
Getting hit with a pie in the face was on my list of things I wanted to do before I die.

My ex-boyfriend gladly fulfilled that wish one day when I was walking out of my bedroom and BAM! Pie in the face. It was awesome.

17th August 2010, 02:15 PM
Wasn't a pork pie then?

All I know is the better listen up before they start catching these in the face.


Are these threats condoned by your authoritarian leaders? Or are you simply getting all Mavricky on us? Oh, and another thing. And please only do this if there is no chance that you yourself will get in trouble. Please pass a message from me, shortstack, to you God. Tell your god that shortstack wants him to go F_CK himself.


17th August 2010, 02:21 PM
Are these threats condoned by your authoritarian leaders? Or are you simply getting all Mavricky on us? Oh, and another thing. And please only do this if there is no chance that you yourself will get in trouble. Please pass a message from me, shortstack, to you God. Tell your god that shortstack wants him to go F_CK himself.


Next time write in english above a 2nd grade level and I might be able to discern your intent.

As I said above and clearly you missed it, what I wrote was not a threat but an observation of the political climate in America. I'm not going to kill anyone, nor do I encourage others to, If I thought it would accomplish something positive that's another thing, but I don't think it will.

17th August 2010, 02:46 PM
Are these threats condoned by your authoritarian leaders? Or are you simply getting all Mavricky on us? Oh, and another thing. And please only do this if there is no chance that you yourself will get in trouble. Please pass a message from me, shortstack, to you God. Tell your god that shortstack wants him to go F_CK himself.


Next time write in english above a 2nd grade level and I might be able to discern your intent.

As I said above and clearly you missed it, what I wrote was not a threat but an observation of the political climate in America. I'm not going to kill anyone, nor do I encourage others to, If I thought it would accomplish something positive that's another thing, but I don't think it will.

Second grade level you say? I thought it was straight to the point. Only a double digit IQ moron would post pictures of bullets along with a warning about people getting shot in the face if they don't listen up, then expect to get away with "clarifying" their remarks a few posts later. That was hardly a retraction of your open threat to our Congress - even a second grader would understand that.

Having trouble discerning my intent young lady?

willie pete
17th August 2010, 03:10 PM
Getting hit with a pie in the face was on my list of things I wanted to do before I die.

My ex-boyfriend gladly fulfilled that wish one day when I was walking out of my bedroom and BAM! Pie in the face. It was awesome.

.....And? ....And then what? :D .....you hit him with a frying pan on the head? ;D

As for the senator, sure it'd be sweet to throw a pie in his face, but damn...the consequences; convicted felon, probably a couple years in a fed-pen (since they've thrown the stalking charge in there) and will probably be on Every List known and the ones that are unknown too

18th August 2010, 08:05 PM
I can't believe the woman wasted an apple pie on Carl Levin.

A Cow Pie would be my choice. ;D