View Full Version : The Purpose Behind Engineered Economic Collapse

17th August 2010, 08:46 AM
By Giordano Bruno, of Neithercorp Press

The Purpose Behind Engineered Economic Collapse

“From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.” — Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. , 1913

Everyone loves money. Even people like myself who abhor the abuse of money and commerce, who understand the fraudulent nature of the system we live in, still work hard and save so that we might attain a sense of stability within that system. Many people see money as a focal point to their existence. But is it really money that they are after, or is it something else entirely? In truth, money represents ‘security’ in the minds of the masses. Money affords us the ability to survive, and the more of it we have, the safer we all feel. Because we subconsciously associate the extension of our very life with the variable health of the economic structure in which we live, we tend to become unwitting devotees to its continued existence, even if it is corrupt and condemned to failure. We gullibly deny the system or the currency that supports it is doomed to the contrary of all evidence because, even though it has beaten us bloody, we have never known anything else.

In light of this entrenched way of perceiving things, especially in the U.S., it is difficult enough to convince some people that the economy is in fact not providing the security they desire, but is actually destroying their future completely. To explain to them that this is deliberate, that the economy is designed to self-destruct, that is another prospect altogether.

Many people hit a proverbial wall on this issue because they simply cannot fathom that certain groups of men (globalists and central bankers) view money and economy in completely different terms than they do. The average American lives within a tiny box when it comes to the mechanics and motivations of finance. They think that their monetary desires and drives are exactly the same as a globalist’s. But, what they don’t realize is that the box they think in was BUILT by globalists. This is why the actions of big banks and the decisions of our mostly corporate establishment run government seem so insane in the face of common sense. We try to rationalize their behavior as “idiocy”, but the reality is that their goals are highly deliberate and so far outside what we have been taught to expect that some of us lack a point of reference. If you cannot see the endgame, you will not understand the steps taken to reach it until it is too late.

In the past we have covered numerous instances in which global bankers have admitted to fraud on a massive scale, fraud which is now crushing our already fragile economy. We have covered the private Federal Reserve and how it knowingly facilitated the creation of the housing bubble, as well as how it is now inflating a Treasury bubble which is soon to implode. We have covered Goldman Sachs and its efforts to promote and sell toxic derivatives all over the world while at the same time betting against those derivatives on the open market. We have covered the manipulation of gold and silver markets by companies like JP Morgan, which have recently been exposed by whistleblowers and GATA investigations. And, most importantly, we have executed in-depth analysis on the growing weakness of the U.S. dollar in preparation for severe currency devaluation. These revelations raise questions, which is natural, but they also illicit misconceptions and reckless knee-jerk reactions, especially when broaching the fact that the illegal strategies of international banks are part of a greater agenda.

Below, we will examine some of the most common narrow minded responses to the issue of engineered economic collapse, as well as why people think the way they do when the “semi-sacred” subject of money is involved…

1. The economy is too complex to be controlled by just a handful of people…

This response often comes from people who make presumptions on economics, rather than actually educating themselves on how the system works. From the outside looking in, the world of finance appears chaotic; a mixture of mathematical and legal standards swirling in a void of mass psychology. Many Americans are either frightened off by the seemingly complicated field of study, or they find it rather boring and not worth their time. This, however, does not stop them from assuming that they know how money works.

The problem is that just because a person participates in his economy daily, it does not mean he has any understanding of how it operates. Many watch television on a daily basis, but few have any idea how the picture actually gets onto the screen, or how to fix a television once it is broken. Sadly, our egocentric culture has led a substantial portion of the public to imagine that they are experts on EVERYTHING, and thus, true researchers in the fields of economics and globalism get reactions like the one above constantly.

At bottom, once all the quasi-technical biz-babble used by mainstream talking heads is removed from the equation, economics is rather simple. Supply and Demand will always be at the center of any and every economy, regardless of the political atmosphere it exists in. These two fundamental factors can be manipulated to a point, by the creation of artificial supply, or the conjuring of false demand. This is achieved in many ways by global bankers, but primarily through domination of the issuance of currency, the ability to change interest rates at will, as well as the ability to inject or remove incredible sums of money from any market.

more: link (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-purpose-behind-engineered-economic-collapse?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedg e+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+fo r+everyone+drops+to+zero%29)

17th August 2010, 09:00 AM
Bankruptcies (national types) go in 70 year cycles. We have ended the last cycle and are now looking for ways to commence the next bankruptcy cycle.

17th August 2010, 11:39 AM
The basics are quite simple:
Fiat Money loaned into creation with interest is a Ponzi Scheme.


What is a Ponzi scheme?

A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often solicit new investors by promising to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earliest investors and to use for personal expenses, instead of engaging in any legitimate investment activity.

Why do Ponzi schemes collapse?

With little or no legitimate earnings, the schemes require a consistent flow of money from new investors to continue. Ponzi schemes tend to collapse when it becomes difficult to recruit new investors or when a large number of investors ask to cash out.

They will fail in many areas because increasing energy and resource constraints and exhaustion will collapse the global, allow the local to grow by default. Of course in some areas relocalization will not occur, instead death and chaos as a doomed NWO plan comes to fruition. The governments we have are incapable of generating real wealth no setting the conditions for inceased tax revenue other than looting existing savings as the new tax regulations have started doing.

Now the NWO will live on, in the elite, but they will not be happy as they will not like their cages of security and fear. Once the lower classes get used to poverty and adapt, they will no longer be as fearful.

While the elites and the governments they controlled (and the masses themselves) were fine taking near 50% of what one earned, they had many games to hide this total tax level.

Perhaps they will keep the grid, tel a vision infrastructure and continue to have dominance over goyim mind. Pyrrolic victory.
Try taking 50% of what a peasant farmer produces year after year.. not as easy I expect.
And that 50% would be peanuts compared to what a worker of his position made in the old economy.

18th August 2010, 12:00 PM
as Michael Ruppert said in one of his lectures, "how many of you think the Depression hurt the rich people ?"

stock market crash = opportunity to buy GE for 25 cents on the dollar - for example.

18th August 2010, 12:08 PM
Try taking 50% of what a peasant farmer produces year after year.. not as easy I expect.
And that 50% would be peanuts compared to what a worker of his position made in the old economy.

As there are no modern day Robin Hoods afoot to keep in business, oneway or the other they will get their interest.


18th August 2010, 06:30 PM
The purpose behind engineered economic collapse is GLOBALISM.

The aim is to bring the living standard of the civilized world down towards that of the Turd World. Lower costs for more profits, along with much more power for those in control as their most dangerous potential opponents are made destitute.