View Full Version : So I just wrote a check to the IRS...

17th August 2010, 04:05 PM
...and in the memo line I wrote "taxation without representation". I hope someone at the IRS sees it and adds my name to another list. :)

17th August 2010, 04:16 PM
...and in the memo line I wrote "taxation without representation". I hope someone at the IRS sees it and adds my name to another list. :)

No, they'll just add another "+" sign next to your name on the list you are already on.

I am me, I am free
17th August 2010, 04:23 PM
...and in the memo line I wrote "taxation without representation". I hope someone at the IRS sees it and adds my name to another list. :)

No, they'll just add another "+" sign next to your name on the list you are already on.

no, that would be '++GOOD'

17th August 2010, 05:38 PM
...and in the memo line I wrote "taxation without representation". I hope someone at the IRS sees it and adds my name to another list. :)

Expect a letter arriving soon stating a "civil penalty of $500" has been assessed due to "frivolous comments interfering with processing."