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20th August 2010, 12:05 PM

My Story: Young Women in Death Spiral

August 19, 2010

"We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order."

Protocols of Zion, 16

"Leaving a long-term relationship and reentering the brave new world of dating was a culture shock....Many of these young women substitute an engagement ring with a noose."

by Stewart Overton
(for henrymakow.com)

(Stewart is a 31-yr-old man living in Florida.)

It all started on a cool January day in 1995. I went to the mall with a friend of mine to "Mac" or in other words to court any random young lady that I might find. Well, that day I lucked out and found a beautiful young girl that I would shortly begin to date. I was fifteen years old. Unbelievably, we braved the storm of youth together and it lasted eleven years. We never married or had children. Instead she went to college and I began a promising career. What was the cause of our eventual demise?

She obtained a bachelors degree in Biology and was an excellent pupil of the liberal establishment. She was highly competitive with me and was overtly against having a child. I demanded we seek counseling and she demanded that I go first; so I left, for good.

My woman was highly intelligent, fiercely argumentative, and had absolutely no sympathy for the anguish my young and idealistic mind was suffering, post 9-11 studying the manipulation and mechanics of an evil global elite. (She referred to my rants as psycho babble)

The break-up was devastating. Our friends cried for us. What a beautiful wedding it would have been. Afterward, I connected with the comrades of my youth. I assuaged my pain by embracing the social scene and all of it's debauchery and decadence. We caroused the bars and strip clubs, drinking, smoking, and looking for women in an apparent quest to debase ourselves.


I am politically conservative and a free thinker, because I obtained my high school diploma and didn't go to university. This spared me the scorched earth liberal indoctrination agenda. Secondly, I WAS in a long term relationship and didn't spend every waking moment chasing sex spiked with promiscuity. I was allowed to focus on higher things instead.

Leaving this long-term relationship and reentering the brave new world of dating was a culture shock.

I met a girl from a social website at the time too. She was 23 and asked me to join her for our first encounter on a Friday night around midnight at a gas station. She jumped in my car and we drove down the street to her home and It took all of five minutes for her to sit on my lap and begin kissing me. She asked me to come inside to have sex with her but I bit my knuckle and told her I would pick her up the next day so we could get to know each other a bit. I will leave the rest to your imagination. It is worth noting that she admitted to me she was a nymphomaniac and bi-sexual. Our courtship dance lasted about three days.

As a matter of fact, the six women I was with after the break up including the one I am with now, are self proclaimed bi-sexuals.

The next girl I encountered was frightening. She was 18 years old and I met her at a Gothic club. My pick up line was an insult. I managed to get her phone number and within the week, seduced her with sexual text messages and she drove to my neighborhood to see me. She had lots of tattoo's and piercings everywhere imaginable, including the six in her tongue. She was the most backward girl I have ever met.

She revealed to me plans for her suicide in the coming months. She was a sexual deviant; threesomes and S&M were commonplace in her life. I couldn't stay with her for many reasons but I learned something important.

Many of these young women substitute an engagement ring with a rope . Several of the girls I was with wanted me to choke them or tie them up and they would scratch and bite me till I bled during sex.

They needed to be physically assaulted in order to reach an orgasm and ensure they were far away from making love.

It's almost as if I was experiencing a perverted form of marriage. If they could seduce me to enter their world of sex and violence, I would become another casualty of having to engage in reckless behavior just to ejaculate and therefore, be trapped with a certain caliber of woman. I ran like Hell.

This particular example is an extreme situation, true, but I found it to be relative with most young women, even "normal" ones.

Bottom line, It was easy to get laid but the idea of commitment and family were laughable. The moral of the story is, morals have gone down the tube. The struggles that younger men and women face in America are collateral damage in a war zone as expansive as the western world itself.

I'm in a three year relationship now with a woman who was very liberal but has come around a lot to the idea that getting married, having a baby, and traditional male female roles might actually make us happy.

The problem is, I don't know if we can recover from the damage social engineering has inflicted upon us . The sex has all but disappeared. We both just look at smut instead, afraid of pregnancy. We're engaged but there is no wedding date in sight; It's falling apart because of our fear to move forward.

I feel like I have been brutalized by the media promotion of instant sex with all and sundry. I have pity for the generations to come, for I fear they will be twice as warped as me. We are being systematically and structurally re defined. I do not see any hope beside a barrage of solar flares setting us back a thousand years, or some of your articles becoming required reading.

20th August 2010, 12:33 PM
Scary story. But meeting women at midnight at a gas station, gothic clubs, et al.... what was he thinking?? Takes two to tango as they say.

20th August 2010, 12:40 PM
Scary story. But meeting women at midnight at a gas station, gothic clubs, et al.... what was he thinking?? Takes two to tango as they say.

Yeah, poor guy, having these nymphomaniac babes throwing themselves at him, and offering to bring another girl into bed. Poor guy!!! ;D ::) :o 8) :P

20th August 2010, 12:53 PM
You think maybe you could pass their phone number or address this way? ;D 8) ;) Especially the Gothic One...

20th August 2010, 01:13 PM
When you go looking for a certain type of woman, you're likley to find her. Make sure you're looking in the right place.

Sounds like the writer went through the classic example of "No Children" ;)

20th August 2010, 04:21 PM
What he describes is not a bed of roses. trust me on that. I'll go out on a limb and suggest most of those young ladies had been abused at some point. Probably in childhood.

20th August 2010, 07:11 PM
The break-up was devastating. Our friends cried for us. What a beautiful wedding it would have been. Afterward, I connected with the comrades of my youth. I assuaged my pain by embracing the social scene and all of it's debauchery and decadence. We caroused the bars and strip clubs, drinking, smoking, and looking for women in an apparent quest to debase ourselves.

No real man talks like this...Ha Ha.


20th August 2010, 07:42 PM
Online dating is the norm these days...let's see. Here's the last 5 gals I've met from trying online dating..

Gal #1. Good connection over the phone. Met for coffee. During coffee, she says a girlfriend from out of town is visiting, and she wants to have a 3-way.

Gal #2. Met for coffee hit it off well. Next for dinner, and she's wearing high heels now (almost my height now), and things go well. Meet again, and she's wearing the tallest heels I've ever seen and she's taller than me now...acts like a very rudely. I don't return her calls after that.

Gal #3. Tells me she likes surfing, rock climbing, etc. active sports. We meet for coffee and she's at least 300lbs. I don't know if they make a surfboard that big, but it doesn't matter anyway because she lied to me. Lost respect.

Gal #4. Meet for coffee. Tells me she's into domination, something. N'uff said.

Gal #5. Actually really hit it off with her. However, she lived with 3 gay guys in the gayest part of town. Also, she enjoyed going to gay bars and had lot's of "stories". Just couldn't connect there.

Needless to say, I don't try online dating anymore. ;D

20th August 2010, 08:44 PM
Needless to say, I don't try online dating anymore.

I have a CLASSIC on-line dating story from my mid twenties. LOL

Met her on match.com, went out to dinner. Started talking and really hit it off well. Then it all went down hill the moment I ordered a steak. She went on a wild ass tangent on how meat is murder, equating me to a mass murder because I eat meat. On and on and on. So towards the end of the meal, I excuse myself to use the rest room.

I left her ass there, and she paid for my steak. I came home to my apartment, turned off the cell phone (she had called twice already but I never answered) and unplugged my home phone. Just deleted whatever email she sent without reading it.

Yep safe to say I never spoke to her again, other than to thank her for buying my steak through an email account I setup just for that thank you. ;D

20th August 2010, 08:50 PM
I am still trying to figure out what was wrong with Gal#1 above. :dunno

20th August 2010, 08:57 PM
Don't remember all the details, but you can chat with someone via email / phone for months and never find out they have severe psychological issues.

One girl was married and just wanted some extra-curricular activities.

I heard one instance where a girl would post pictures allegedly of her, but in reality of another person.

The disturbing list just goes on and on.

That parallels my experience with online dating. I see the dating sites as one big garbage dump, just hate the idea of sifting through it to find something even remotely palatable.

20th August 2010, 09:05 PM
That parallels my experience with online dating. I see the dating sites as one big garbage dump, just hate the idea of sifting through it to find something even remotely palatable.

Online dating is a disaster! It should be avoided, for any single man. Life is just too short for all that.

They say life has away of giving us a beating...but nothing compares to the beating a single guy takes online!

20th August 2010, 09:11 PM
I met my wife online.......

when we were 15...........

before online "dating" was the "cool" thing to do........


20th August 2010, 09:14 PM




20th August 2010, 09:37 PM
Online dating is a disaster! It should be avoided, for any single man. Life is just too short for all that.

Lisa and I met via Yahoo! personals. Going on 12 years. ;D

20th August 2010, 10:00 PM

Seems to be real hit and miss.

I met my spouse on one of these sites for 'foreign brides' from Eastern Europe. Came here 3 years ago. All that time I heard mostly how much "I hate" this place, how much "I regret" coming here and that "I will" eventually go back. One time called the cops on me when I wouldn't take her shopping.

I don't regret it, I have a 3 year old that's the focal point of my life. She is however mad as hell now that she realized she cannot leave the country and go "back home" with him, that would mean kidnapping of a US citizen and probably cause an international incident. She could probably leave me here in US but living in some ghetto or even non-ghetto apartment would be equal to defeat for her. She doesn't want to stay here in any capacity, but she has to.

So she just generally tries to make my life as difficult as possible, thinking that maybe I will leave, but I don't. I have a really good relationship with my son, he understand his mother is not well adjusted at times and even tells her that. She teaches him her tongue, he ignores that and listens to me. 8) which of course even more aggravates her.

She is totally non-materialistic and not a gold-digger. I realized too late she was looking for a sperm-donor. Donate your DNA, make a baby and after that you are expendable and disposable, like old furniture set on the side of the road. That's the mentality of many of them. I went there several times, she jumped on me the first time we met. I was kind of shocked. Not the right way to start a marriage. Our marriage has the depth of one long one-night stand. Immature, superficial and frustrating would be a good description.

Oh and she is a "Christian" or so she says.

Heard about several other similar marriages that are similar disasters.

If you want to consider such a possibility, take your entire stash, tie it to your neck and go swimming. Will get you the same place, just faster.
I was mentally and physically healthier 5 years ago than now. Now I am completely demoralized and at the point "You don't care and I don't care".

Try to know someone for a few years before marriage, I think 4 year mark is a good one. Because situations change and you got to see that person from all angles. don't marry someone you have known FTF for 3 weeks like I did (a year of phone calls doesn't count)

My biggest regret is not having kids in my early 20's.
Have kids as early as possible, that's my advice. 18 is even better. The society, your family and everyone will tell you otherwise but I believe no one anymore and use my judgment. Every time I listened to someone else vs. myself I regretted it. It's much more difficult too have kids in 30's or 40's, more FRNs notwithstanding vs. being a starving student with kids. Somehow you find a way. It's a good investment and will pay off later and I don't mean the financial angle. Imagine being 38 and having a 18 year and being done with kids vs. being 38 and changing diapers.

20th August 2010, 10:21 PM
jez etc, I am sorry, i'm glad you have your son, but living like that is no life for any of ya.

20th August 2010, 10:35 PM
Mine goes like this, after work one day I thought I would go up on the grade, have a beer and watch the sunset, so I get partway up the dirt rd and a truck is coming down , It slowed a little and stopped so I stopped, he said," what are you doing on my road," ( it wasn't his rd it is a county rd)

My reply was honest as I raised my can of beer, "drinking a beer," I said, going up to watch the sunset. That was it, I knew that day, that brief conversation, It was fate I guess.

Oh and I did go on up and watch the sunset by myself.

(Don't drink and drive) ;D

Oh we both quit drinking in 1999.

20th August 2010, 10:41 PM
I've been thinking about this subject a lot lately. When I was in my 20's, I was into chasing girls and getting laid and I considered myself quite the ladies man. It wasn't until much later that I started to realize all the fallout I had created. For the young ladies I had been with, and for myself. This sexual culture that we live in creates so many problems for the people stupid enough to participate in it (like I was). We always hear about STDs and pregnancy and such, but I actually think those risks are overrated compared to the emotional repurcussions of sex without attachments. There are so many bad things that come of promiscuity, and I have to be honest and say that the baggage ends up being worse for women as opposed to men.


20th August 2010, 11:02 PM
Online dating is a disaster! It should be avoided, for any single man. Life is just too short for all that.

Lisa and I met via Yahoo! personals. Going on 12 years. ;D

Hang in there for another year... and you'll almost be to the point that me and my wife were when we finally decided to get divorced.

Henny Penny and I have been together a little over 10 years now, no marriage - and we have no intentions of EVER marrying... we're much happier and more stable than my former marriage EVER was. Not saying it's for everyone, just saying it works for us.

21st August 2010, 12:01 AM
Online dating is a disaster! It should be avoided, for any single man. Life is just too short for all that.

Lisa and I met via Yahoo! personals. Going on 12 years. ;D

Hang in there for another year... and you'll almost be to the point that me and my wife were when we finally decided to get divorced.

Henny Penny and I have been together a little over 10 years now, no marriage - and we have no intentions of EVER marrying... we're much happier and more stable than my former marriage EVER was. Not saying it's for everyone, just saying it works for us.

Do you and HP intend to be life-partners? If so, then you are married according to the laws of God (I know you're an atheist/agnostic), and the laws of our ancestors, and deserve all the honor of husband & wife. Lisa and I do not have a marriage "license" and never will. We made an agreement between ourselves; we don't need a third party (the state) as part of the agreement.

That "third leg" (the state) seems to kill most most marriages.

Joe King
21st August 2010, 01:07 AM
After reading all the various responses here, I'd have to say it still appears there's someone out there for everyone, with as many ways to meet as there are people.
What one person doesn't want, someone else does.

As far as meeting, internet is just one of the ways. Same as driving your car down someones road.

21st August 2010, 07:10 AM
I recall the first time I walked on the local high school campus. I was in for a real eye opener. I thought some of what I saw on TV was a reality check...yeah, right!

I was seeing girls kissing girls. Couples making out in plain sight! Kids grabbing at one another! What was more, they didn't seem phased one bit that there were adults walking about, they just kept up with their "business."

Dating compared to when I was younger has really changed. Actually, the whole structure of relationships have changed. In our school, you might hear of someone who was rumored to like someone of the same sex, but it was rarely really talked about. Now, it seems to be the "trendy" thing to talk about or to be the one they are talking about. Being bi-sexual is like wearing a badge of honor. Being homosexual is a cool status too! For guys, I sometimes think it is a protection from being rejected by the girls and the girls let their guard down because it is cool to have a homosexual guy as your friend.

It also seems to be strange if you are "dating" someone if you do not have sex within the first few dates or weeks of your relationship, if not within the first date or so. Funny thing is, when I was in high school, it seemed that it was the guys that were pushing for the sex, the girls seem to be doing a great deal of the pushing now! My son broke up with one girl because that is all she wanted to do is have sex. He didn't want that to be what his relationship was about and kept telling her no, he finally had it with telling her know and said goodbye!

Now we have so many ways to meet your new partner. Blind date has taken on a whole new meaning with the online dating sites. That is some scary stuff there though. I was soooo incredibly lucky though. I met my husband through Yahoo! Personals. Hmmm, when I consider some of the scary offers I got and I could have been inviting some psycho to my home! He drove several hours up to meet me. I was a bad host because I was late on getting to our meeting place because I was dropping off my kids. Things took a fast pace and again, we were both lucky that things turned up good for the both of us. Now, I am not so sure I would recommend that kind of search though.

As if things have not changed enough, women now, they are so aggressive and they have taken on more of a harsh stance in relationships and in life. I am outspoken. I do not back down too easily. Ask my husband, I will not always think clearly when I am set on a belief or feel that I am beyond right. There have been at least three times that he has had to have concern with me and my temper, ready for me to go off and possibly get into a fight. Once in Citrus Heights when our drug dealing neighbor would not keep the traffic down and my kids were not getting enough sleep and I didn't like the company that was hanging about. Another time when our current neighbor thought to give us a lecture on how to run our lives and household, don't get me started on them, I could write a best seller on them! And another time at the DMV when this Black guy was disrespectful to this older gentleman who was an immigrant but had lived in our country for over 30 years. He had been trying to take his driver's test and was frustrated because he was having difficulty in passing it. Those things are not fairly written! He yelled after the older gentleman to go back to his own country and called the man a terrorist. Yeah, this was a white guy from some Germanic country. I got mad and told him to have some respect. It blew up from there. Yeah, we had to have law enforcement step in on that one. I was not the one talked to either. So even with my hot temper, I don't mind stepping down and letting my husband lead. I don't want to always be in charge. I almost resent the complete swing of the pendulum for the women's rights. In many ways, it has backfired on all of us, even the men.

Now-a-days, I just really wouldn't want to be a man. The dating scene is too confusing. The role of a man is no longer defined. Women are too confusing, some want the man to open doors, others are ready to knock you on your rear end for doing so and they accuse you of thinking they are not capable of doing so themselves.

Guys, there is at least one woman out here that feels for you if you are in the dating scene. In fact, to be honest and truthful... if I were ever to become single due to something beyond my control, I do not believe I would rejoin the dating scene myself. Too much drama and trendy crap.

21st August 2010, 11:59 AM
I could have been inviting some psycho to my home!

You did - me! LOL ;D ;D

He drove several hours up to meet me. I was a bad host because I was late on getting to our meeting place because I was dropping off my kids.

Yeah, here I was, 3.5 hours driving up to Lake County, and running off about 2 hours of sleep, and it looked like I got stood up! But she finally showed, and here we are!

In many ways, it has backfired on all of us, even the men.

It didn't "backfire." It was ENGINEERED the way it's turned out. So called "feminism," which is not about giving women equal dignity or rights (as Aryans like Susan B. Anthony aimed for), but destroying the biology-based gender roles that God designed into us, was intended to wreck our society. Look at who peddled it to the Goyim; Jewesses. Friedan, Hanisch, Steinem, Abzug, Dworkin...all Kosher, and most with faces that launch a vomit tsunami.

21st August 2010, 02:37 PM
Do you and HP intend to be life-partners? If so, then you are married according to the laws of God (I know you're an atheist/agnostic), and the laws of our ancestors, and deserve all the honor of husband & wife. Lisa and I do not have a marriage "license" and never will. We made an agreement between ourselves; we don't need a third party (the state) as part of the agreement.

That "third leg" (the state) seems to kill most most marriages.

Phoenix, is that all it takes to be married under the eyes of God. Both man and women, vowing their commitment to each, and it's as simple as that?

I think it's great that you both are compatible in your views, and I agree 100% that the state has ruined marriage.

21st August 2010, 03:47 PM
Phoenix, is that all it takes to be married under the eyes of God. Both man and women, vowing their commitment to each, and it's as simple as that?

I believe it is so. Based upon the original marriage authority of Genesis 2:24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh." It can't be "we'll shack up for awhile, and if it doesn't work, oh well." It does have to be a "til death do us part" commitment.

Marriage "licenses" are a Mystery Babylon invention. And since Jesus Christ Himself is the sole priest required for Christians, no "church" authority is required for marriages (though the State insists on it).

21st August 2010, 04:12 PM
I believe it is so. Based upon the original marriage authority of Genesis 2:24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh." It can't be "we'll shack up for awhile, and if it doesn't work, oh well." It does have to be a "til death do us part" commitment.

Thanks a lot, Phoenix. You've helped me answer some questions I've been pondering. I also think the 'til death do us part' actually means that in the truest way, by making that commit under God and saying to hell with the state.

The modern marriage under law that the feminsts created, is akin to us men volunteering to lock ourselves in the nearest fema camp.

Your situation with your wife, is very refreshing and gives me hope. That's what marriage is, and should be.

21st August 2010, 07:37 PM
Well that's all fine and good you don't have a marriage license.

You both just better make sure all your ducks are in a row in case one of you unexpectedly dies.

Saul Mine
21st August 2010, 08:54 PM
* Marriage is a natural condition. The first written definition was approximately 3,500 years ago in the book of Genesis: "A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife."
* You are married if you decide you are married.
* You are legally married if you have two witnesses who will testify that you presented yourselves in public as husband and wife. A record in a family bible is acceptable evidence in any court in the country.
* There is a legal status, also called marriage, for the purpose of obtaining certain preferential treatments from the government. It was invented after the civil war specifically so it could be refused to mixed race couples.

21st August 2010, 09:32 PM
Ive never done the online dating....But I also met my wife online.

I met her in the eBay cafe :) We chatted there for a couple months then started PMing and talking on the phone for a couple more months...we finally met in person and the rest is history.

Been together 9 years ;D

21st August 2010, 09:32 PM
Needless to say, I don't try online dating anymore.

I have a CLASSIC on-line dating story from my mid twenties. LOL

Met her on match.com, went out to dinner. Started talking and really hit it off well. Then it all went down hill the moment I ordered a steak. She went on a wild ass tangent on how meat is murder, equating me to a mass murder because I eat meat. On and on and on. So towards the end of the meal, I excuse myself to use the rest room.

I left her ass there, and she paid for my steak. I came home to my apartment, turned off the cell phone (she had called twice already but I never answered) and unplugged my home phone. Just deleted whatever email she sent without reading it.

Yep safe to say I never spoke to her again, other than to thank her for buying my steak through an email account I setup just for that thank you. ;D

Stating the obvious, but don't you think you should have at least changed up the order in agreement until you found out what the sex was like then make up your mind after that? :D

21st August 2010, 10:26 PM
Well that's all fine and good you don't have a marriage license.

You both just better make sure all your ducks are in a row in case one of you unexpectedly dies.

Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Affairs, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (Advanced Health Care Directive), and Will for each of us.

Even those with a marriage "license" should have all of those.