View Full Version : How do you define "Zionism" ?

20th August 2010, 04:26 PM
Subject says it all... how do YOU define the word "Zionism" ?

20th August 2010, 04:51 PM
The aim to create a one-world superstate with a capital at Jerusalem, and with (of course) Jews leading the government.

America is a province of the Zionist one-world government; hence, "Zionist Occupational Government."

20th August 2010, 05:50 PM
Zionism has been a puzzle for me. The Jews believe that once they are in Israel the end will come in a certain order. What I get out of reading the OT is that they are to wait for a sign to return,Zionists appear to want to speed things along, AT EVERYONE ELSE'S EXPENSE.Native Palestinian Jews are persecuted by their Khazar "brothers". So I would say they are false teachers of the true Hebrew religion. Some Muslims have a "Zionist" streak in them as well, as they try and figure ways to make the Mahdi reappear to speed up the apocalypse. (poor kid, tossed down a well for a thousand years,religion of peace my a ss!) Jesus showed us the way, now it is up to us to follow it.

20th August 2010, 06:34 PM
Pretty useless word, IMO. Unless you're referring to the Middle East conflict. You have seen the dictionary definition, no doubt. Some of the answers in this thread define common usage of zionism as well. Since common usage and the precise dictionary definition vary, it makes it an ambiguous term.
At least it's shorter to spell out than "Khazar supremacists" or Jewish supremacists".

Besides, Zionism doesn't exist, only anti-Semitism exists. ;D

20th August 2010, 07:04 PM
Im glad you asked this Gaillo, I hope you get lots of replies

The term has confused me a bit at times. And I have read the word "Zion" many places in the old testament.

I have taken the word "Zionist" to mean a person like pastor John Hagee.

I felt for a long time that his approach is wrong.

One of my favorite "Wise counsels" has this to say..

the Zionist suggestion that the modern land of Palestine, along with its capital Jerusalem, is to be reserved for a single ethnicity, or that the temple must be rebuilt and its sacrificial system reinstituted, borders on blasphemy. Moreover, to suggest that native Palestinians—many of whom are our sisters and brothers in Christ—must be forcibly removed from the land is not only unbiblical but unethical. Just as it is a grievous sin to turn a blind eye to the evil of anti-Semitism, so it is a grievous sin to turn a blind eye to a theology that divides people on the basis of race rather than uniting them on the basis of righteousness, justice, and equity. As I affirm in my book, God is not pro-Palestinian, He is pro-peace; He is not pro-Jew, He is pro-justice!

20th August 2010, 07:32 PM
This David Icke article is a couple years old now, but I find it one of those landmark articles which really helps cut through the synthetic fog & untangle so much about the zion/jooz/izzy/etc question.

Zionism = the political movement of the global central bankster usury empire sucking the blood of humanity.

Izzy = the global usury empire's (temporary?) sovereign base of operations, until the historic sovereignty paradigm is dismantled (UN/NWO/world government of/by/for the central bankster usury empire).

The Zionist Elephant In The Room (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940)

The David Icke Newsletter



21st August 2010, 03:03 PM
Bump for the weekend crew...