View Full Version : Gummit Announces $2B Funds to Launch Domestic Bioterrorism and Pandemic

21st August 2010, 05:17 PM
OOps I done a typo in the subject line, my bad.;) I think the joke is, "corrected for TRUTH!"

Obama Administration Announces $2 billion Funds to Launch Domestic "Fight" Bioterrorism and Pandemic (http://topnews.co.uk/211498-obama-administration-announces-2-billion-funds-fight-bioterrorism-and-pandemic)

False flag alert? Scenario to consider: USrael kicks off WW3 with an Iran attack. Shortly thereafter (or perhaps just before, as part of the pretext), TPTB release a deadly plague domestically and perhaps in other Western countries where useless-eater/surplus-population reduction is on their agenda, and they blame this false flag bio-warfare attack on Iran. After all, Iran allegedly has had an 'Advanced Biological Warfare' program underway for a couple of decades, ref: The Missiles of August (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/08/missiles-of-august.html)

1. death and fear thereof sweep the West, sheeple line up for gummit injections
2. most sheeple are duped into feeling a helpful red-hot anger/vengeance sentiment towards Iranians
3. some part of the population-reduction agenda is achieved
4. Big Intl. Pharma makes obscene profits off the whole satanic racket, along with the MIC & banksters

also see:
Mercola: Flu Plan Scandal Ahead – An Urgent Warning (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/08/21/barbara-loe-fisher-on-flu-vaccine-changes.aspx)

walesonline.co.uk: Mass graves plan if pandemic hits Wales (http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/2010/08/16/welsh-assembly-government-report-considers-mass-graves-in-the-event-of-a-flu-pandemic-91466-27069389/)

21st August 2010, 05:24 PM
This analysis from "Lord Stirling", blogger at http://europebusines.blogspot.com. Read it at the link below for images and a few embedded links.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Missiles of August (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/08/missiles-of-august.html)

Special Post

When I was a child, during the presidency of John F. Kennedy, in October of 1962, the world came very close to World War III. This crisis, which was over Soviet nuclear missiles being placed in Cuba, was called the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, sometimes it is called "The Missiles of October" and in fact that was the name of a movie made on the crisis.

Today, we are in much the same danger that we were so many years ago in 1962. Hence, I am using the term "The Missiles of August". The Russians have moved up their fueling of the Iranian nuclear power plant to this Friday. That means we have about three days for the Israelis and/or the United States to strike the Bushehr reactor before the Russian enriched uranium is in place (actually the fueling process will take from seven to eight days but fuel will be there from day one in the fueling process).

There are approximately 62.5 tons of low-grade enriched uranium that will be installed in the plant, although the Russians have promised to deliver to Iran a total of 85 tons of enriched uranium fuel for the Bushehr plant. The plant is located 17 kilometers (11 miles) south-east of the city of Bushehr, between the fishing villages of Bandargeh and Halileh, near the Persian Gulf. [Link to maps and satellite photos.]

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a real event, precipitated by the secret attempt of the Soviet Union's leadership to install nuclear armed IRBM (intermediate range ballistic missiles) 90 some miles off the coast of America. The current crisis over the Bushehr nuclear reactor is bogus in so far as the fact, that the Bushehr reactor is not a threat to either Israel or the United States. It is claimed, without any supporting evidence, that Iran is developing nuclear weapons in secret and that this is a direct threat to Israel, the only nuclear power in the Middle East (Israel possess a large and varied arsenal of nukes most likely in the range of 800 to 1,000 total nuclear warheads).

What threat that Iran is, in the real world divorced from the propaganda produced by the pro-Zionist mainstream news media, is two-fold: First, Iran with its ally Syria and the Hezbollah forces in Lebanon have assembled a large force of unguided rockets and guided missiles, located in Iran, Syria and Lebanon, that are aimed against Israel. These missiles can be armed with a variety of warheads including simple "dumb" warheads (standard high explosive charges) as were used in the Second Lebanon War a couple of years ago. They can also be loaded with chemical, radiological, biological, advanced biological, and advanced conventional (fuel air explosives) warheads. Which could rain death and destruction upon Israel to such an extent that most Israeli citizens would die in the first few days of a all-out war. Secondly, Iran is a "threat" to the desire of the current government, and its neocon supporters in America and elsewhere, in their quest to establish a Greater Israel with total effective dominance over the entire Middle East. Iran, and its religious leadership, stands in clear and loud opposition to "the Zionist entity" as they refer to Israel.

If the Bushehr nuclear power plant is successfully attacked once the fuel is in place, the site becomes a horrific danger to much of the Middle East and Asia and to a lessor extent to the entire Northern Hemisphere. An attack with conventional warheads against the enriched uranium fuel would likely kill in the range of 30 million people in the first month. The deadly cloud of radioactivity would circle the earth (in the Northern Hemisphere) approximately eight times before dissipating. It would be the greatest single killing event in human history.

It is logical that the Israeli warhawks would want to attack the Bushehr site before the fueling begins as the world will clearly blame Israel for any resulting radiological nightmare. However, 'logical' does not seem to be an imperative anymore in Israeli strategy. So it is not certain that Israel will attack before the plant is fueled. There is however, a major problem for Israel if it does not proceed with an attack in the next couple of days. There has been a chorus of pro-war propaganda over the last few years on this issue, and especially of late. If they do not attack they risk looking like what the Chinese would say 'paper tigers', all threats and no substance. That is something that the Israeli gangsters, who claim to be a normal government among men, simply cannot tolerate.

The Russians seem to have recently complicated any attack plans against Iran, by either Israel and/or America, by the placement of the highly advanced and deadly S-300 Air Defense System in Abkhazia. This blocks a northern attack route to Iranian territory, a route that both Israel and America have invested a great deal of money in with troops, arms, and advisors in Georgia.
Russian S-300 air defense system

It is absolutely amazing the way the pro-Zionist MSM (mainstream media) presents the 'dangers' from an attack on Iran. Generally, the 'dangers' are limited to the closing of the vital Straights of Hormuz with a resulting powerful economic impact from the temporary shutoff of much of the world's supply of oil. The reality is very different then the fairytale presented by the MSM. Iran has invested almost 20 years and a fortune in what is called 'Advanced Biological Warfare'. This is not the simple powered anthrax and existing viruses (such as smallpox) that most of the public understands as 'biowar', that view is of 'your grandfather's biowar' technology. Advanced biowar is based on genetic engineering using recombination DNA technology where all new viruses are created using parts of various DNA segments from existing viral material. Most nations, that invest in such technology, use it for biologically produced advanced biotoxins (a type of bio-chemical warfare) and no doubt the Iranians and their Syrian allies have also done so extensively. However, in the case of Iran, they have used this technology to produce a hellish nightmare of a global strategic weapon system of mass destruction for a MAD (mutually assured destruction) counter-force that is truly "the poor man's nukes". Their arsenal of man-created super-killer viruses is apt to be in the many hundreds. While such viruses can be delivered by missiles, and are apt to be so delivered in the Middle East, they are perfect for non-conventional delivery systems such as sleeper agents-in-place in North America, and Europe. One person can begin a virus contagion by spraying public areas disquietly (using what appears to be a cell phone in a shopping mall, in a movie theater lobby or church lobby, etc.). With such Advanced Biowar viruses, the first humans infected become the vectors. The kill levels from a large scale strategic Advanced Biowar attack are roughly in the same league as that from a large scale strategic thermonuclear attack.

There is no effective defense against a coordinated Advanced Biowar attack, except for self-quarantine and 'letting the viruses run their course' (that is killing everyone they come into contact with). There are plans in the US to attempt to use postal delivery people to distribute medicine to people in their homes but this is grossly underfunded and apt to be totally ineffective.

An Advanced Biowar attack on North America and Europe and Israel would result in several hundred million deaths, the greatest die off of the human race since the Black Death of the Middle Ages which killed from one-third to two-thirds of the population. Of course, Israel and/or the United States would respond with a full spectrum nuclear attack on Iran, Syria and most likely Lebanon with a resulting nightmare that there would be far too few survivors left to bury the dead.

The fallout from either an attack on a fully fueled nuclear power reactor at Bushehr and/or from a nuclear barrage upon Iran/Syria/Lebanon would kill millions from the radioactive fallout and the diseases caused by the killing off of the T-Cells of millions to hundred of millions of people in Pakistan/India/China/Asia as the clouds move eastward. Such an event, coupled with the global spread of large numbers of new highly contagious incredibly lethal viruses, would likely trigger a Third World War.

The global banking families, who count their wealth in the tens of trillions of dollars or higher, intend to create the 'perfect storm from Hell' in order to establish their long-sought New World Order. This storm includes the current Global Depression that will be transformed into a unspeakable global economic nightmare. It also includes the BP Climate Change/Disaster Warfare that is resulting from the dying of the Gulf Stream/Loop Current/North Atlantic Current from the hundreds of millions of gallons of oil that is breaking down the boundary layers of the warm water currents and effecting the weather already globally (the Gulf Stream has already changed the Jet Stream which is what has caused the heat wave and drought in Russia/flooding in Central Europe and Asia). The 'perfect storm from Hell' also includes a new global war, the Third World War, which will have several war theaters.
One of the most dangerous places on Earth is the inter-Korean border. The crazed evil North Koreans are on knife's edge anyway and they know that they did not cause the recent sinking of a South Korean warship. A careful analysis of the 'proof' sighted by the South Koreans clearly shows that the sinking did not happen in the way claimed. The South Koreans have just recently thrown 'gas on the fire' by calling for a reunification tax. It is a strange coincidence that as the time left for an attack on the Bushehr nuclear plant draws to a close, the South Korean Armed Forces and the American forces in/near South Korea are holding a massive military exercise, following on a just concluded Naval war game that China found to be very provocative. The nature of the very large number of North Korean artillery and missiles aimed at the South with WMD, as well as the extreme size of the North's army, places a strong burden on the South to be mobilized prior to the opening of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula. It is also a perfect location to quickly widen a General Middle East War into a global war involving China. Ultimately, those calling the game reside not in Israel or Iran or in the Koreas but in the mansions of the global banking elite.

Will the 'Missiles of August' bring a global Armageddon upon our heads? Only God knows. Time will tell. But remember this is ultimately a spiritual war between good/God and evil/Satan. Prepare yourselves by stockpiling as much food/water/Rx/etc. as you can and most importantly by getting closer to God. There is an old saying, "There are no atheists in foxholes". As the danger plays itself out over the next few days, take advantage of the opportunity to get closer to God.


LINK (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/08/missiles-of-august.html)