View Full Version : Planet X Billboards

Silver Rocket Bitches!
22nd August 2010, 09:25 AM
Since 2001, Russia has had these billboards annoucing "new planet approaching."

I can't find why. If it's a advertising campaign, they sure are taking a long time to produce the product being advertised...

Of course, these things only feed the fires:

There are now indicators that things might start happening soon and fast....
There are presently many inarguable scientific indicators, signs in the sky, that we are heading for fulfillment of dozens of prophecies of trusted saints and present day visionaries.
The direct indicators:
since the early 80's scientists have shown that some very large body has entered our solar system from the south
this discovery was reported in major news publications. They began studying and tracking it, and then the cover-up began...
Skip forward to present times.
The sun has been going ballistic for the last year, throwing off solar flares that are directly effecting the earth by:
creating violent storms and hurricanes
causing earthquakes
causing volcanic activity
the proton count has been off the charts at times
flip-flopping the magnetic field of the earth several times, sending us through a magnetic zero, dropping our electromagnetic shield and bathing the earth in harmful x-rays.
The Vatican has built a conservatory to watch for Wormwood, from Revelation, fully expecting it at this time. They contacted the US asking if comet Neat was Wormwood, Planet X, Niburu... flip a coin, the destructor...
Russian and French observatories have been tracking this object for 2 or 3 years, informing the public; there are billboards in Russia speaking of this.
Egyptian history has shown catastrophic damage to earth 5 times in the last 10, 000 years from planetary interaction (Niburu passings and the capture of Venus and its inward cycle to the Sun, wreaking havoc on the earth. All ancient cultures tracked Venus, holing up for its passage.)
NASA has placed numerous telescopes at the south pole, in position to monitor. The telescopes in space, in position, previously available to the public, have been made unavailable...
From 2003 to present there have been dozens of detected comets ALL coming from the south, many smashing into the sun, some causing flares greater than ten times the radius of the sun. For each detected comet, figure dozens of others not detected. The fact that all the comets are coming from the south are another indicator that these comets (some as large as the moon) are coming along with and guided by, as another solar system, the much larger "Planet X". This mini-solar system is on a 3650 year cycle in our binary solar system. The last few times it came through it caused the times of Noah, the end of Atlantis, and the other submerged lands recently discovered off the coast of every continent by satellites.

The newest wrinkle to this Planet X scenario has been revealed by the Horizon Project showing that our solar system is now approaching and will passing through the galactic plane around the infamous year 2012 predicted by the Mayan calendar. Already, at this time, the other planets in our solar system have experienced such storms and temperature changes that they dwarf what we have be seeing so far on earth. What we are calling "global warming" is just the beginning of the dire consequences we will see during this period as our sun goes hyperactive releasing excessive energy in the form of heat, radiation and electrical discharges. (As comet Neat passed in 2002, an electrical discharge (like a static electricity discharge you'd get after dragging your on the carpet and then touching a metallic object) reached out from the sun 5 million miles to connect to comet Neat and also electrically connected with Mercury. These types of discharges have historic precedence, reported by all ancient societies. This same type of action is how the fused silica/glass belts in the earthly deserts were formed, some believe how the Grand Canyon was formed, how Mars which was a blue planet with water (according to ancient civilizations) was raped of its oceans and atmosphere by the god Cozacatel (a serpentine electrical connection in the heavens for days.)

As we approach the galactic plane we will see more and more interaction with particles, meteorites, asteroids, and planets. Actually, the code orange at last Christmas was due to a swarm of meteorites coming in towards earth. Some struck and just missed Spain. Why doesn't the US government inform the public? A study by the Rand Corporation to find out how the public would react to such a warning has provided such startling data that basically our government has folded their cards as far as directly telling the US citizens what is going to happen. They know mayhem and financial collapse would be an immediate response and they cannot accept that scenario until they are bunkered up.

I would think that if other nations were waking up their citizens as to a celestial body entering our solar system, the news would spread via information technology. So far nothing official has been brought to light and all remains speculation.

22nd August 2010, 09:34 AM
The author is on the start of a long journey for truth. Though his initial instincts do not bode well for a good journey.

Or he is paid to promote some swampland.

A note before this post, I (and I know many here as discussed back in 05 or 06) consider zetatalk a disinfo site.

There are few big boards in Moscow with this image on it. The title is "New planet is approaching" Of course it can be the first part of multi-step advertising campaign, but why they chosen this idea? These boards exibits already from October, 2001.


At the next level he should start wondering also why that building in the background has a star on top of it.