View Full Version : Anyone else here ever died?

22nd August 2010, 01:25 PM
When I was 12, I was running next to a swimming pool to catch up with my family who had already gone into the accompanying building to dress and leave. I slipped on the wet concrete, hit my head on the edge of the pool (which knocked me out) and rolled into the water. Since I was the only person at the pool at the time, and my family thought I was in the dressing room putting my clothes back on after swimming, I was in the water for quite a while before my parents realized I was missing. When they finally figured it out and came looking for me, I was pulled out of the water (unconscious) and paramedics were called. When I was older, my parents told me that the paramedics had a hard struggle to revive me, and that I was "clinically dead" for several minutes.

I never saw a "white light" or had any other unusual experience (at least that I can remember) - the whole experience for me (other than remembering slipping and hitting my head) was a complete "blank" of nothing. I look back on it and I guess some part of my Atheistic tendencies stem from that experience.

Anyone else here ever died? What was your experience like?

Still Barbaro
22nd August 2010, 01:42 PM
*checking my pulse.* No, I've never died.

But dying and being revived is an interesting topic. Also, the "seeing thelight" is interesting.

Good you're ok, Gaillo.

22nd August 2010, 01:50 PM
Sorry Atheist don't get to see the light.
I skirted death many times and once I got to look through the window of death. I didn't see the light, it was nervana I felt.
It was so beautiful I didn't want to come back.
It has changed me and I tell others to welcome it when it comes.
(excluding Athiest's)

22nd August 2010, 01:55 PM
Yep, three times...........first time at 17 when I hit my head.....second time when I stepped on a land mine........third time on a operating table, never saw any lights, tunnels or my dad "God Sr."

Well, I am back after banning myself for one week.......I always keep my promisses.

First post of the week..........good afternoon to one and all.

22nd August 2010, 01:57 PM
Sorry Atheist don't get to see the light.
I skirted death many times and once I got to look through the window of death. I didn't see the light, it was nervana I felt.
It was so beautiful I didn't want to come back.
It has changed me and I tell others to welcome it when it comes.
(excluding Athiest's)

Interesting. I've only been Atheistic for about 13 years... I was a devout Christian when the pool thing happened, at least as devout as a 12-year-old can be!

Any more details on your view through the "window of death" ? I'm genuinely interested...

P.S. Welcome back, Ponce!

still afloat
22nd August 2010, 02:22 PM
7 times in 18 + or - hours

Motorcycle vs car = car wins
No white lights but when I came too I had a very interesting talk in front of family to a kid at the foot of my bed that was not there ,told me he needed my leg . We found out later a kid was brought in that had lost his leg in a car wreck.
To put another twist on it a wiji board told me 2 years earlier that I would die in 1988 and again when I was 44 .At the time we could not figure out how I could die 2 different times .After the wreck it was understood how it could be possible +1 for the 1988 and I'm 7 days into 44 and so far so good .

22nd August 2010, 02:38 PM
I look back on it and I guess some part of my Atheistic tendencies stem from that experience.

Please don't ascribe too much to the fact you didn't have an NDE. Some people, even devout Christians, don't remember anything.

I pray that you will one day see that people like Stacker Ken and I are not crazy or fools. ;)

22nd August 2010, 02:40 PM
Sorry Atheist don't get to see the light.
I skirted death many times and once I got to look through the window of death. I didn't see the light, it was nervana I felt.
It was so beautiful I didn't want to come back.
It has changed me and I tell others to welcome it when it comes.
(excluding Athiest's)

Unless Gaillo matured really early, losing his innocence, I imagine he was still young enough to be considered a child. Not "seeing the light" is not proof of heading towards Hell or extinguishment.

EDIT: I see that Gaillo acknowledges he was a Christian at that time.

Saul Mine
22nd August 2010, 07:25 PM
You are not dead until you take your last breath. If you are able to discuss this or that experience you obviously have not yet taken your last breath. You didn't die.

The near death experience is nothing more than nameless lights, such as you can see by tapping your eyelids gently, or sometimes by closing your eyes without tapping. It signifies nothing. When you die you are ... (drum roll) ... DEAD!

22nd August 2010, 07:29 PM

If you are interested in reading Near Death Experience accounts. I would recommend this site: www.near-death.com it has tons of NDEs the world over.

It even has a few stories on there of Athiest NDE's which are pretty interesting.

There was one on there of a woman who had committed suicide by over dosing on drugs. Hers I believe was the most profound and enlightening of the NDE accounts I had read.

22nd August 2010, 07:33 PM
I did once. Nothing happened. I'm not an atheist, for the record. If you've ever lost consciousness for whatever reason, the feeling was exactly the same. Just blip, black, gone.

Although the method of death might influence what you experience. A sudden loss of blood pressure likely results in nothing (brain just shuts down immediately) while other common ways to die would often involve starving the brain of oxygen and you could have some interesting experiences while in that state.

I can "see the light" when things are quiet and I am properly relaxed and focused. Its quite an impressive experience. You have to get your brain to ignore your senses to do it (at least for me).

22nd August 2010, 07:41 PM
I was rendered unconcious once. I thought my teeth were rocks, I was chewing on rocks. I thought I was drooling, but could not control it. When I came to, I was glad I hadn't drooled, or lost any teeth.

The feeling of the light going to a pin point, then darkness, is something I will never forget.

22nd August 2010, 07:46 PM
Saul Mine? when you heart stops for more then three minutes.......YOU ARE DEADDDDDDDD.

still afloat
22nd August 2010, 08:19 PM
5 of the 7 times I was dead enough , long enough that the doctors came out and told my parents I was dead only to return later to tell them they had a pulse .
The first 2 times of the 7 was first at the wreck site and the second was in route to the first hospital.
I may be wrong but I believe that multiple occasions of a flat line and a medical professional informing parents they lost me would fall under the term dead.
Then again , maybe I am dead and this is hell. With everything going on in the world now it sure is starting to look like it.

22nd August 2010, 09:30 PM
When I was 12, I was running next to a swimming pool to catch up with my family who had already gone into the accompanying building to dress and leave. I slipped on the wet concrete, hit my head on the edge of the pool (which knocked me out) and rolled into the water. Since I was the only person at the pool at the time, and my family thought I was in the dressing room putting my clothes back on after swimming, I was in the water for quite a while before my parents realized I was missing. When they finally figured it out and came looking for me, I was pulled out of the water (unconscious) and paramedics were called. When I was older, my parents told me that the paramedics had a hard struggle to revive me, and that I was "clinically dead" for several minutes.

I never saw a "white light" or had any other unusual experience (at least that I can remember) - the whole experience for me (other than remembering slipping and hitting my head) was a complete "blank" of nothing. I look back on it and I guess some part of my Atheistic tendencies stem from that experience.

Anyone else here ever died? What was your experience like?

Hmm, you're not albino are you? ;D When I was 17 I was a lifeguard at the local pool, we brought a little albino boy back with CPR. He was drowned and wasn't breathing.

22nd August 2010, 10:34 PM
When I was 12, I was running next to a swimming pool to catch up with my family who had already gone into the accompanying building to dress and leave. I slipped on the wet concrete, hit my head on the edge of the pool (which knocked me out) and rolled into the water. Since I was the only person at the pool at the time, and my family thought I was in the dressing room putting my clothes back on after swimming, I was in the water for quite a while before my parents realized I was missing. When they finally figured it out and came looking for me, I was pulled out of the water (unconscious) and paramedics were called. When I was older, my parents told me that the paramedics had a hard struggle to revive me, and that I was "clinically dead" for several minutes.

I never saw a "white light" or had any other unusual experience (at least that I can remember) - the whole experience for me (other than remembering slipping and hitting my head) was a complete "blank" of nothing. I look back on it and I guess some part of my Atheistic tendencies stem from that experience.

Anyone else here ever died? What was your experience like?

Hmm, you're not albino are you? ;D When I was 17 I was a lifeguard at the local pool, we brought a little albino boy back with CPR. He was drowned and wasn't breathing.

Nope. Not an albino (although I'm pretty "Nordic" white!). The pool my family and I were at didn't have a lifeguard... it was a small "community" pool in a rural area. It was the EMTs that brought me back, although I have no memory of that - just the brief hospital visit and tests before they let my parents take me home.

23rd August 2010, 03:15 AM
I have memory of certain things from before I was born which in a sense means I was dead but in another sense I wasnt because I hadnt died as I hadnt been born.You sort of get an over veiw of the world ,your parents and brothers /sisters at this time.

These memories are before I was a fetus as I remember certain things then as well,being a fetus I mean.One of the best memories at fetal stage was this warmth (must of been the sun) one day which was really great and kept hoping it would happen again but it didnt.I was born in winter.

I remember the doc coming to take me away to circumsize me and I totally freaked out but to no avail. Remember being weaned onto cows milk,yuk that was very nasty experience.

23rd August 2010, 04:25 AM
I did past life regressions in hypnosis a couple of years ago, and I saw my previous lives and subsequent deaths. Also the last session was a inbetween life regression, were you are between death and birth. To this day I am not certain wether the experience was real...

23rd August 2010, 06:38 AM
Not "seeing the light" is not proof of heading towards Hell or extinguishment.

From a medical standpoint, there's two types of 'death'. Clinically dead, means that there's no pulse, or respirations. Biologically dead, basically means cells have started to die because of lack of oxygen.

Personally, I believe you can be clinically dead, in such cases in this thread, without the soul leaving the body. I think the soul leaves when a person is biologically dead.

So, there a time peroid between the two, which would explain why folks didn't see any lights or etc. The soul has not left the body.

However, this is just what I personally believe.

23rd August 2010, 07:29 AM
I've heard the saying before..."I saw my whole life flash right in front of me" and I got to experience it.

Once when I was spun on meth I was sure everyone was out to kill me. I was on a rooftop going to jump off in order to kill my ownself before "they" could get me. The cops then came and I thought they were in on it too.

They got me down and proceeded to rough me up real bad (they were having their typical fun) and I thought for sure they were going to kill me...so in my mind, I thought I was going to die.

My life starting at childhood flashed in front of me in a matter of a few seconds. It was like a movie reel running on super high speed.

It was a crazy experience.

23rd August 2010, 09:30 AM
I've heard the saying before..."I saw my whole life flash right in front of me" and I got to experience it.

Once when I was spun on meth I was sure everyone was out to kill me. I was on a rooftop going to jump off in order to kill my ownself before "they" could get me. The cops then came and I thought they were in on it too.

They got me down and proceeded to rough me up real bad (they were having their typical fun) and I thought for sure they were going to kill me...so in my mind, I thought I was going to die.

My life starting at childhood flashed in front of me in a matter of a few seconds. It was like a movie reel running on super high speed.

It was a crazy experience.

the meth may have helped in the experience...

btw don't do meth again!