View Full Version : Community Crisis Planning for Societal Collapse

22nd August 2010, 08:22 PM
from Survivalblog > EXCELLENT READ

looooong article

Community Crisis Planning for Societal Collapse


23rd August 2010, 12:12 AM
We are preparing to do some neighborhood preparedness outreach, to get more people nearby on board. If you can convince neighbors to have even minimal preparations, those are fewer you need to worry about when the grocery store is out of food within 72 hours of TSHTF.


23rd August 2010, 08:29 AM
If you can convince neighbors to have even minimal preparations, those are fewer you need to worry about when the grocery store is out of food within 72 hours of TSHTF.

You only convince the neighbors that YOU have the stuff they need wtshtf...lol.

At this late stage of the game it is best to be silent about your Preps.


23rd August 2010, 10:56 AM
I did not read much more than a psychopath dreaming how to become the next Moses as mayor, keeping the sheep in line by promising personal physical attacks if they disobey and retention of private property only on the whim or perceived personal value of the Mayor.

Used to have more respect for the author. Same with Denninger.

24th August 2010, 02:46 AM
If you can convince neighbors to have even minimal preparations, those are fewer you need to worry about when the grocery store is out of food within 72 hours of TSHTF.

You only convince the neighbors that YOU have the stuff they need wtshtf...lol.

At this late stage of the game it is best to be silent about your Preps.


Oh, I have taken measures to prevent that! Namely, not being "personal" during the propaganda distribution. ;D