View Full Version : One hundred thousand posts today!

23rd August 2010, 11:22 AM
Wow! this is amazing, and we are just a few months into it!

Many thanks to JQP, Gaillo and Madfranks, for the marvelous work.

Best supporting actors: Skyvike and Scorpio you bitch!

23rd August 2010, 11:28 AM
And can I assume you started two identical threads 30 seconds apart because the forum software is not working properly.

Perhaps we can used both threads, one for half full and one for half empty comments. ;D

23rd August 2010, 11:32 AM
And can I assume you ended up started two identical threads 30 seconds apart because the forum software is not working properly.

Perhaps we can used both threads, one for half full and one for half empty comments. ;D

It looked like the thread didn't post so I started clicking like mad on the post button. When I saw I had two threads going I erased one, in retrospect it was a bad idea. ;)

23rd August 2010, 01:51 PM
Seems to be a database issue with how long the site seems to take loading.

23rd August 2010, 02:02 PM
And a special thanks to Mr Ponce for contributing 4% of all posts ;D

Ponce <---------he marches to the sound of his own drums hahahahahahahahahahahah

24th August 2010, 01:12 AM
Of course posting this before the number was reached jinxed it. Some serious software/hardware issues yesterday?

Better luck today?
