View Full Version : Finland Suspends Swine Flu Shots After Vaccine Linked With Neurological Disorder

25th August 2010, 02:53 PM
Finland Suspends Swine Flu Shots After Vaccine Linked With Neurological Disorder

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Cases of narcolepsy in children jumped 300 per cent following H1N1 vaccination campaign

Finland Suspends Swine Flu Shots After Vaccine Linked With Neurological Disorder 250810top2

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has suspended the use of the H1N1 vaccine over fears that the shot is linked with a 300 per cent increase in cases of the neurological disorder narcolepsy among children and young people over the last six months.

The news is sure to discourage more parents from vaccinating their children in the coming months, with the swine flu shot now being combined with the regular seasonal flu jab. A recent Rasmussen poll found that 52 per cent of Americans were concerned about the safety of vaccines as we approach the start of school and college terms, where many children and teenagers will be “required” to take shots before they can attend.

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that can be triggered by a virus. “A patient suffering from narcolepsy may suddenly fall asleep, for example, while, speaking or eating without prior warning. Their muscles may also suddenly weaken, causing them to suddenly collapse. There is no known cure for the disease,” reports Finnish news website YLE.

“The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) decided on Tuesday to recommend that vaccinations against swine flu with the Pandemix vaccine should be suspended until it is established whether or not the vaccine is the cause of the surge in cases of narcolepsy among children and young people,” reports Finland’s largest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.

Narcolepsy is a very rare disorder, but 15 new cases of the disease have emerged in young people and children since December in Finland. “There is a clear time correlation between the cases and the swine flu vaccinations,” reports Helsingin Sanomat. An unusually large number of cases of narcolepsy have also emerged in Sweden in the aftermath of the H1N1 vaccination program.

Pekka Puska, director-general of THL, said that the suspension would remain in place until the potential link between the vaccine and cases of narcolepsy could be properly investigated.

According to Kari Lankinen, head physician of the Finnish Medicines Agency, doctors were complicit in hiding the link between the swine flu shot and narcolepsy and did so to advance their careers.

“Lankinen suspects that the reason for the silence was the doctors’ concern about their own professional goals – such as getting their articles published in international medical journals. The doctors who made the observations in recent months now work with the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL),” reports YLE.fi.

In total, around 750 Finns have experienced harmful side effects as a result of taking the H1N1 shot, according to the Helsinki Times.


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The news of yet more side-effects in the aftermath of the swine flu vaccination campaign should send another warning signal to parents across the world who are planning on having their child inoculated with seasonal flu vaccines this fall.

Both the FDA and the World Health Organization have recommendedthat the H1N1 shot be included with the upcoming seasonal flu vaccine, and health departments across America as well as Europe will be combining the jabs.

As we reported earlier this year, Chair of the Council of Europe’s Sub-committee on Health Wolfgang Wodarg’s investigation into the 2009 swine flu outbreak found that the pandemic was a fake hoax manufactured by pharmaceutical companies in league with the WHO to make vast profits while endangering public health.

Wodarg said that governments were “threatened” by special interest groups within the pharmaceutical industry as well as the WHO to buy the vaccines and inject their populations without any reasonable scientific reason for doing so, and yet in countries like Germany and France only around 6 per cent took the vaccine despite enough being available to cover 90 per cent of the population.

Wodarg said there was “no other explanation” for what happened than the fact that the WHO worked in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture the panic in order to generate vast profits, agreeing with host Alex Jones that the entire farce was a hoax.

He also explained how health authorities were “already waiting for something to happen” before the pandemic started and then exploited the virus for their own purposes.

Professor Ulrich Keil, director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology, also slammed the swine flu epidemic as an overblown “angst campaign”, devised in conjunction with major drug companies to boost profits for vaccine manufacturers.

As Natural News’ Mike Adams reported, several members of the Emergency Committee expert panel that advised the World Health Organization (WHO) during the swine flu scare were receiving financial support from pharmaceutical manufacturers either during or prior to the epidemic.

Both H1N1 and seasonal flu shots have been linked with a number of different side-effects across the globe, including Guillain-Barré Syndrome as well as dystonia, a paralyzing neurological disorder.

The seasonal flu vaccine has also been linked with convulsions and fits in under-5’s.

Many batches of the swine flu vaccine included squalene and mercury amongst their ingredients, two substances that have been directly connected with the explosion of autism amongst children as well as other diseases. Individuals within government and the military were privileged to receive additive free shots that did not include these substances. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and government ministers, as well as German soldiers, were amongst those who received access to the so-called “friendly” version of the vaccine.

In order to head off legal claims for side-effects caused by the swine flu vaccination program, the U.S. government provided vaccine makers with blanket legal immunity before the shots began to be dispersed.


25th August 2010, 03:21 PM
I am happy to see that people have started questioning the neurotoxic shots for profit and public complacency, in at least some countries (France and Germany)... I read this summer that the uptake in Sweden was as high as 56%

25th August 2010, 04:54 PM
I am happy to see that people have started questioning the neurotoxic shots for profit and public complacency, in at least some countries (France and Germany)... I read this summer that the uptake in Sweden was as high as 56%

Looks like the swedes are not using their swede on this one ,or is it an indication that the brain washing over there is nearly total

26th August 2010, 02:34 AM
I am happy to see that people have started questioning the neurotoxic shots for profit and public complacency, in at least some countries (France and Germany)... I read this summer that the uptake in Sweden was as high as 56%

Looks like the swedes are not using their swede on this one ,or is it an indication that the brain washing over there is nearly total

Yes nearly total...