View Full Version : Why We Are Totally Finished

26th August 2010, 07:02 AM
Submitted by D Sherman Okst on Sun, 27 Jun 2010
In A Nutshell: Corporatocracy Has Replaced Capitalism
Capitalism Fixes Problems & Preserves Democracy: Capitalism is what we should be relying on to fix our problems. Capitalism has it's own ecosystem, just like biology's ecosystem. An economic ecosystem that weeds out the weak, has parasites that eat the failures and new bacteria that evolves and grows replacements for that which failed. A system that keeps everything in balance.

The problem is we are no longer a capitalistic society. What we were taught in school is now utter and absolute nonsense. Capitalism is a thing of the past.

As outlined in "It's Not A Financial Crisis - It's A Stupidity Crisis", we created two back to back bubbles. The air out of the Tech Bubble was sucked up for fuel by our next stupidity crisis: The Housing Bubble.

Now, after the second Stupidity Crisis there isn't a third bubble to inflate. If we still lived in a capitalistic environment the banks and financial institutions that created loans for folks who should have remained renters and then sold those loans as investments to pensions and countries would have been cleansed by capitalism's ecosystem.

But that isn't what happened.

In a very anti-capitalistic move the government decided that stupidity and criminal activity should be rewarded. I'd say they took our money, but it is worse, we didn't have that much money. So they borrowed the money in our name. The loan has a variable rate. They borrowed so much money that our kids cosigned the loan. In fact, our kid's future kid's signed on the dotted line.

That is unequivocally immoral.



"Law of Morons": Years ago, while serving on a committee I came to a sad realization. Like gravity, there is the another invisible force which I dubbed "The Law of Morons". Put a group of very intelligent, well meaning people in a room together, put them on a committee or some governmental body that is devoid of guiding principles or merit based decision making and "The Law of Morons" will prevail. The collective IQ will drop to the smallest shoe size in the room. And hope for loafers, because collectively this body won't be able to tie anything together - not even a single shoelace.

Government Creates Problems: Basically our government is comprised of many well meaning intelligent people who for whatever reason, re-election, greed the "Law of Morons", corporate puppet strings (read: lobbyist), self interest, corporatocracy or whatever else, do nothing but create massive problems. Lack of regulation, too much regulation.

link......... (http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/d-sherman-okst/why-we-are-totally-finished)

26th August 2010, 07:23 AM
Why We Are Totally Finished

Ought to changed to:


As the saying goes, in the case where the masked man and tonto (by the way, tonto is spanish for STUPID) are surrounded by indians. The masked man turns to tonto and says "What are we going to do, stupid?" to which the reply was "What do you mean WE, White Man?"

Twisted Titan
26th August 2010, 08:26 AM
Submitted by D Sherman Okst

Capitalism Fixes Problems & Preserves Democracy:

I couldnt even make it to the first complete sentence.

We have NEVER had Capitalism as soon as the first company could apply for special trement all competativeness is gone as the company has no fear of failure thus moral hazard is born.

Democracy is nothing but mob rule where 51% believes they have the right to forcibly access the goods and labors of the other 49%.

This man is a fool of the first order and the "Law Of Morons" should first be applied to himself.



Silver Rocket Bitches!
26th August 2010, 01:40 PM
What we have is a crimocracy.

Criminals helping criminals.

Uncle Salty
26th August 2010, 02:19 PM
There is a third bubble to inflate.

The precious metals!! Hee hee hee.