View Full Version : DNA Tests Show Hitler Descended From...

26th August 2010, 02:10 PM

Discuss.... ;D

26th August 2010, 02:27 PM
A chromosome called Haplopgroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) in their samples is rare in Germany and indeed Western Europe.

'It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,' Mr Vermeeren said.


26th August 2010, 02:28 PM
Love the accompanying pics:

Hitler's cousin?

Uncle Morrie?

26th August 2010, 02:34 PM
Did they find Zyklon-b in his genes too?

philo beddoe
26th August 2010, 02:39 PM

Discuss.... ;D
This coming from the guy who was banned by Skyhitler a total of...00 times!

26th August 2010, 03:36 PM
Who knew? (only those who have been aware of the Jewish connection for years, apparently)

Besides, isn't it the case that these DNA tests are anti-semitic?

26th August 2010, 03:38 PM

Discuss.... ;D

Some of you may not know but I am a realtor. Coincidentally I am running a special for anyone who believes this story, magnificent ocean front property located in Denver Colorado. PM me for details.

Stop Making Cents
26th August 2010, 04:08 PM
I was under the impression that Berbers were white :conf: Yet the headline i saw claimed that Hitler had "African" genes. You have to read the article to find out that the "African" genes were Berbers.... :oo-->

26th August 2010, 04:27 PM

Discuss.... ;D
This coming from the guy who was banned by Skyhitler a total of...00 times!
Attacking his credentials? Seems like a nerve was hit...

26th August 2010, 04:33 PM
What utter bullshit.

These "DNA tests" were invented by and are pushed by the same people who claim "DNA tests show" that Ashkenazi Jews are "not related to the Khazars." (despite overwhelming documentary and cultural evidence)


At least they didn't claim Hitler was a Niqqer...that's what I expected when I saw "African"; but they only claim he was Sephardic (African) Jew.

Anyone who promotes this utter crap as "fact" willfully serves the Jew.

26th August 2010, 04:35 PM
This coming from the guy who was banned by Skyhitler a total of...00 times!

Attacking his credentials? Seems like a nerve was hit...

Philo is right. How did one who always told the Truth survive without at least one ban at GIM?

And hoarder has admitted he's not really White, being part-Injun.

This "story" is something suited for the Weekly World News, and as such, should not be quoted by anyone who reveres the Truth.

26th August 2010, 04:37 PM
Who knew? (only those who have been aware of the Jewish connection for years, apparently)

Besides, isn't it the case that these DNA tests are anti-semitic?

No, they're thoroughly Kosher. All the "DNA tests" that have been done on Ashkenazim "show" they're really Middle Eastern Jews with "no connection to the Khazars." ::)

26th August 2010, 04:42 PM
let see, they take DNA from a cousin........hmmm perhaps the cousin has the DNA issue? notice they also show a black moor, not a berber



Berbers arent Moors

26th August 2010, 04:47 PM

Discuss.... ;D
I didn't even read the article, just posted it with the word discuss. ;D

It seems some took the opportunity to discuss hoarder instead. :oo-->

26th August 2010, 04:49 PM

Discuss.... ;D
I didn't even read the article, just posted it with the word discuss. ;D

It seems some took the opportunity to discuss hoarder instead. :oo-->

Explain your purpose <s>for stirring up shit</s>...uh, for posting it then.

Are you going to post "Grays meet with Obama" headlines from the Weekly World News as well?

26th August 2010, 04:55 PM
Im going to add these articles are stupid. Anyone from Europe is not pure anything,unless they are from above the arctic circle or on some mountain. Europe has been invaded by outsiders for thousands of years. Germanics from the Danube area are seldom pure Aryan. The Huns, Turks,Mongols and Arabs have all had their times occupying the area.Its the CULTURE that is the danger, not two strands of DNA that some Ottoman Soldier raped Hitler's ancestor eight hundred years ago that matters.Im always stomping on about "Bosnian rats" What Im speaking of is the CULTURE. not their DNA. Now if they are obviously Khazars or Turkic, then Ill hate them anyway, but if they look like a Serb or Croat, I only despise their culture.IMO, Herr Hitler didnt care to eradicate Jews . He simply wanted the filthy Khazar culture removed from Europe.Khazars are Turkic peoples, Khazars are the mortal enemy of Germanic and Slavic peoples, They represent the culmination of all the steppe filth that poisoned and tormented Central Europeans for over a thousand years. the actual Judeans they claim to be, dont exist anymore.

26th August 2010, 04:57 PM
This coming from the guy who was banned by Skyhitler a total of...00 times!

Attacking his credentials? Seems like a nerve was hit...

Philo is right. How did one who always told the Truth survive without at least one ban at GIM?
And hoarder has admitted he's not really White, being part-Injun.
This "story" is something suited for the Weekly World News, and as such, should not be quoted by anyone who reveres the Truth.
I don't know I wasn't banned at GIM1 either. I know that you always tell what you think is the truth. I am still trying to find it, and I think my quest is better served by asking questions politely to whoever can answer it. I don't think I can change the world on an Internet forum, but I have learned a lot about the world the last years.

Considering the results re 3rd Reich I don't think it is wrong to question where Herr Hitler came from. The test and the testing procedure could be discussed...

What is Injun?

26th August 2010, 05:02 PM
What does not being banned have to do with anything?

I was never banned at GIM1, never even warned, and I was certainly no fan of skydyke, nor did I ever once suck up to a mod.

I was banned on GIM 2 though.

26th August 2010, 05:08 PM
Considering the results re 3rd Reich I don't think it is wrong to question where Herr Hitler came from.

The results? A great nation ganged up on by Jews and their low-brow hordes? Yeah, the outcome was certain when Germany was outnumbered 100 to 1.

Let's just damn Hitler for daring to raise his hands against the self-chosen Master Race.

The test and the testing procedure could be discussed...

What's to discuss? It's prima facie fraudulent.

What is Injun?


26th August 2010, 05:14 PM
Considering the results re 3rd Reich I don't think it is wrong to question where Herr Hitler came from.

The results? A great nation ganged up on by Jews and their low-brow hordes? Yeah, the outcome was certain when Germany was outnumbered 100 to 1.

Let's just damn Hitler for daring to raise his hands against the self-chosen Master Race.

The test and the testing procedure could be discussed...

What's to discuss? It's prima facie fraudulent.

What is Injun?


Bah! Junk science, I can determine someone descended from a toad if I have the "right" DNA. Again ,Ill say this, Hitler being an Austrian,Im sure, did not have a "pure" Germanic lineage, but he did have a pure Germanic idea of culture.

26th August 2010, 05:34 PM
Injun= Native American but offensive according to your link Phoenix. You probably don't think it is, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it. Germany wasn't ganged up 100:1, certainly was ganged up, but you are a magnitude off at least.

26th August 2010, 05:40 PM
"Adolf Hitler is likely to have been descended from both Jews and Africans, according to DNA tests."

So what? One, a grand-nephew is pretty far removed. Second, The best known Africans are the ancient Egyptians. What does wiki say about one of the greatest Pharaohs, Ramses II?

"Microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the original color of the king's hair was once red which suggests that he came from a family of redheads."


26th August 2010, 05:46 PM
Germany wasn't ganged up 100:1, certainly was ganged up, but you are a magnitude off at least.

10:1 in manpower, 100:1 in resources. In any case, Germany was submerged under feces, and drowned.

Anyone who hates Hitler serves the Jew. Anyone who pushes idiotic false assertions against Hitler serves the Jew. Anyone who claims Hitler was a Jew is likely themselves a Jew.

Whether you like it or not, Hitler was the last White leader to have any chance of defeating the Jewish world government. He TRIED, unlike all the retards that criticize him without ever contemplating in the least the situation he was in from his perspective. Had Hitler not tried, most of us would not be here.

Hitler's loss is an enduring punishment for the entire Western world, which we are continuing to experience.

26th August 2010, 05:50 PM
I don't know if DNA is junk science, but I agree that DNA "evidence" is often fabricated. I doubt that we'll ever have access to scientific truth about Hitlers ancestry. That said, speculation is the order of the day.
Sometimes people get accused of stirring up emotions....the accuser having an emotional attachment to his beliefs. Got objectivity?
I don't have any heroes, don't need them.

Only in countries of White majorities do people wait in line politely, fairly consistently behave in a civil manner and have discussions of controversial subjects without drawing blood. I have often thought that civility was a "White thing". Lead by example.

The Jewish leaders of Nazi organizations teach their subjects to be foul-mouthed, hostile and threatening because it serves to isolate and stereotype their opposition.

One needs to define one's cause and then act in a manner which promotes one's cause.

Being banned is not an accomplishment, promoting one's cause as effectively as possible without getting banned is better, IMO.
But if one can fight "victim status" with "victim status" by getting banned, sometimes it serves to reverse the psychological effect this status benefits the victim tribe. If it works, do it.

But to suggest that getting banned is a badge of valor is akin to suggesting breaking one's leg makes one worthy of respect.

26th August 2010, 06:03 PM
Hitler lost the war to the zionists, and I don't think it is stupid to discuss why, did he try to win? Yes it certainly looked like that. And in that case it doesn't matter if he was part Jewish does it? He did commit a few tactical/strategic mistakes personally though, didn't he? They may have changed the outcome of the war... Like when he diverted troops to Serbia, from Russia, when he could have used those troops to get Moscow.

26th August 2010, 06:13 PM
Hitler lost the war to the zionists, and I don't think it is stupid to discuss why, did he try to win? Yes it certainly looked like that. And in that case it doesn't matter if he was part Jewish does it? He did commit a few tactical/strategic mistakes personally though, didn't he? They may have changed the outcome of the war... Like when he diverted troops to Serbia, from Russia, when he could have used those troops to get Moscow.

He had to send troops to Yugoslavia, Himmler's idiots had made that a mess. He should have gotten around 4 million troops from Jugoslavia instead of guarding them.

26th August 2010, 06:17 PM
Sometimes people get accused of stirring up emotions....the accuser having an emotional attachment to his beliefs. Got objectivity?
I don't have any heroes, don't need them.

Having heroes is a "White" thing, maybe you don't understand?

Only in countries of White majorities do people wait in line politely, fairly consistently behave in a civil manner and have discussions of controversial subjects without drawing blood. I have often thought that civility was a "White thing". Lead by example.

Debating with White folk, who share White values, who recognize White leaders & heroes, and who envision a White future, yes, civility is deserved.

BUT WE ARE AT WAR, and many of those who claim to be our "friends" and "allies," like yourself, act more like adversaries by doing the work of the Jew. I do not engage those who serve those who kill my race with anything but the hardness they deserve.

One needs to define one's cause and then act in a manner which promotes one's cause.

What is YOUR cause?

But to suggest that getting banned is a badge of valor is akin to suggesting breaking one's leg makes one worthy of respect.

Being banned by a Judeo-Freemasonic promoting, race-mixing piece of sh*t like Skyvike is indeed a badge of honor.

The question remains: why were you never banned? Perhaps it is because you were never presenting anything that was "offensive" to the objectives of the Judeo-Freemasonic cabal at GIM? And not just your supposed "non-offensive style," but a dearth of non-offensive content.

26th August 2010, 06:22 PM
Hitler lost the war to the zionists, and I don't think it is stupid to discuss why, did he try to win?

I see this half-witted claim a lot, but I never see anyone present a better strategy than what the Germans actually used.

Let the Soviets get even more powerful by not attacking? Let Rosenfeld and the City of London dominate the Atlantic even longer? In other words, just surrender without a fight.

He did commit a few tactical/strategic mistakes personally though, didn't he? They may have changed the outcome of the war... Like when he diverted troops to Serbia, from Russia, when he could have used those troops to get Moscow.

Blame the egomaniacal, dim-witted Dago for that. Benito "the Kraut is making me look like an ass when I should be the new Caesar" Mussolini whose worthless Italian troops couldn't conquer Greece, and lit up the flames of war in the Balkans unnecessarily.

Desolation LineTrimmer
26th August 2010, 06:24 PM
Nuremberg race laws: "The laws classified people with four German grandparents as "German or kindred blood", while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents."

It is pretty obvious to most people that Hitler is a White man. I say is instead of was because Hitler lives in our memories. ;D

26th August 2010, 06:34 PM
Hitler lost the war to the zionists, and I don't think it is stupid to discuss why, did he try to win?

I see this half-witted claim a lot, but I never see anyone present a better strategy than what the Germans actually used.

Let the Soviets get even more powerful by not attacking? Let Rosenfeld and the City of London dominate the Atlantic even longer? In other words, just surrender without a fight.

He did commit a few tactical/strategic mistakes personally though, didn't he? They may have changed the outcome of the war... Like when he diverted troops to Serbia, from Russia, when he could have used those troops to get Moscow.

Blame the egomaniacal, dim-witted Dago for that. Benito "the Kraut is making me look like an ass when I should be the new Caesar" Mussolini whose worthless Italian troops couldn't conquer Greece, and lit up the flames of war in the Balkans unnecessarily.

Mussolini's troops can be explained as other than worthless. The Italian considered the Greeks as cultural brothers,The Albanians ,they rolled over as they considered them Non-European Turkic trash (which they are)The Italians were also hampered by Mussolini's ego concerning weapons.the Carcano rifle, which was ancient even in WWI ,provided little use against Mauser and Enfield armed Greeks."il Duce" had used one, so it was good enough! finally his ultimately stupid tactic of sending his Besarlargi mountain troops to EGYPT didnt help,nor his constant meddling of his generals kept Italian morale very low. Italians performed very well in Spain,Caporetto in WWI and in East Africa. Weapons and supply issues,along with Mussolini's meddling. were their greatest downfall

26th August 2010, 06:36 PM
Being banned is not an accomplishment, promoting one's cause as effectively as possible without getting banned is better, IMO.
But if one can fight "victim status" with "victim status" by getting banned, sometimes it serves to reverse the psychological effect this status benefits the victim tribe. If it works, do it.

But to suggest that getting banned is a badge of valor is akin to suggesting breaking one's leg makes one worthy of respect.

I, too, was never banned at GIM1, and I agree that being banned is not a badge of honor. Maybe it just means you're not able to have a civil debate.

As for Hitler, I don't care what his heritage was. Although I agree with some of the things he tried to do for Germany, the result was pretty bad, and the German people suffered greatly during and after the war, so I consider him a failure as a leader.

26th August 2010, 06:46 PM
Hitlers spirit lives on, that alone proves that he was not a member of the tribe. I consider this to be a desperate attempt to throw people off the trail when coming to search for the truth about the greatest man that lived since Jesus Christ.

26th August 2010, 06:56 PM
The two most "anti-Semitic" books on Earth:

http://www.marianland.com/tan1007/lati2204x.jpg - http://www.antifascistencyclopedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/meinkampf.jpg

If you want to understand the Jews and their evil "religion," you must read these two books.

26th August 2010, 06:59 PM
Although I agree with some of the things he tried to do for Germany, the result was pretty bad, and the German people suffered greatly during and after the war, so I consider him a failure as a leader.

The logical inverse of your statement here would be that Hitler would have been a "good leader" if he had only avoided war by bowing down to Rothschild. ::)

26th August 2010, 07:13 PM
Although I agree with some of the things he tried to do for Germany, the result was pretty bad, and the German people suffered greatly during and after the war, so I consider him a failure as a leader.

The logical inverse of your statement here would be that Hitler would have been a "good leader" if he had only avoided war by bowing down to Rothschild. ::)

He was cornered into fighting to many battles at the same time. It doesn't need to be a black and white issue really. The outcome of the war could have been different for Germany, if he had been a better diplomat for instance...

26th August 2010, 07:15 PM
Having heroes is a "White" thing, maybe you don't understand? I understand that some people need heroes, but so do the Khazars who provide them for us.

Debating with White folk, who share White values, who recognize White leaders & heroes, and who envision a White future, yes, civility is deserved.

BUT WE ARE AT WAR, and many of those who claim to be our "friends" and "allies," like yourself, act more like adversaries by doing the work of the Jew. I do not engage those who serve those who kill my race with anything but the hardness they deserve.

In reality, less than 3% of our brethren would meet your standards of "deserve". I still want to try to reach them any way I can, Our survival hinges on it. It isn't about "deserving", it's about awakening. We are fighting a war of ideas, not a war of insults.

What is YOUR cause?Seek the truth, expose the truth concerning the threats to the survival of European descendants. Reach as many people as possible.

Being banned by a Judeo-Freemasonic promoting, race-mixing piece of sh*t like Skyvike is indeed a badge of honor.Why would doing something an eight year old could accomplish be an honor?

The question remains: why were you never banned? Perhaps it is because you were never presenting anything that was "offensive" to the objectives of the Judeo-Freemasonic cabal at GIM? And not just your supposed "non-offensive style," but a dearth of non-offensive content.
I have worked many forums that were MUCH more censored than GIM1. My objective is to awaken as many people as possible, not just those that meet your standards.
There are inoffensive ways to send any messages. My message is automatically offensive because it refutes popular brainwashing so I package it in the most palatable package possible.

26th August 2010, 07:22 PM
Although I agree with some of the things he tried to do for Germany, the result was pretty bad, and the German people suffered greatly during and after the war, so I consider him a failure as a leader.

The logical inverse of your statement here would be that Hitler would have been a "good leader" if he had only avoided war by bowing down to Rothschild. ::)

I don't know where you get that from. There are many other outcomes that would have let history judge Hitler as a successful leader. He could have hired some more competent generals and won the war. He could have been more of a diplomat and less of a megalomaniac.

26th August 2010, 07:35 PM

I like to promote Hitler for no better reason than to do so is now a "hate crime" and it provokes Jews...lol.


26th August 2010, 07:36 PM
The outcome of the war could have been different for Germany, if he had been a better diplomat for instance...

Are you kidding? Diplomacy with Churchill, Rosenfeld, and Stalin, all of whom were Hell-bent on the utter destruction of Germany?

He succeeded in diplomacy with Aryan Neville Chamberlain, didn't he? And with Mannerheim of Finland.

Desolation LineTrimmer
26th August 2010, 07:39 PM
[quote=hoarder ]
As for Hitler, I don't care what his heritage was. Although I agree with some of the things he tried to do for Germany, the result was pretty bad, and the German people suffered greatly during and after the war, so I consider him a failure as a leader.

Hitler never appreciated the perfidy of the Anglosphere. He thought, until it was too late, that the West would not choose its own death just to defeat him. How could he know how transcendentally stupid Britain and America had become? Look at us now? Look at Britain? Nothing great about it now. It is all pathetic, and all traceable directly to that war. The result is not Hitler's fault, it is ours.

Desolation LineTrimmer
26th August 2010, 07:40 PM
Being banned is not an accomplishment, promoting one's cause as effectively as possible without getting banned is better, IMO.
But if one can fight "victim status" with "victim status" by getting banned, sometimes it serves to reverse the psychological effect this status benefits the victim tribe. If it works, do it.

But to suggest that getting banned is a badge of valor is akin to suggesting breaking one's leg makes one worthy of respect.

As for Hitler, I don't care what his heritage was. Although I agree with some of the things he tried to do for Germany, the result was pretty bad, and the German people suffered greatly during and after the war, so I consider him a failure as a leader.

Hitler never appreciated the perfidy of the Anglosphere. He thought, until it was too late, that the West would not choose its own death just to defeat him. How could he know how transcendentally stupid Britain and America had become? Look at us now? Look at Britain? Nothing great about it now. It is all pathetic, and all traceable directly to that war. The result is not Hitler's fault, it is ours.

26th August 2010, 07:47 PM
Having heroes is a "White" thing, maybe you don't understand?

I understand that some people need heroes, but so do the Khazars who provide them for us.

Obviously, you don't. Since our race began, our peoples have always had heroes. They are the standards by which we judge our own behaviors. That you reject heroes, and claim they are "Jewish," indicates your heart does not resonate with Aryan forefathers.

Will Smith, Barack Obama, and Nelson Mandela are Kosher anti-heroes.

Henry Ford, Thomas Jefferson, and yes, Adolf Hitler, are true heroes in the best traditions of our race. (and of course, the greatest Hero is Christ)

Choose the RIGHT heroes.

In reality, less than 3% of our brethren would meet your standards of "deserve".

You claim that nearly all White people are mixed-race like yourself?

I still want to try to reach them any way I can, Our survival hinges on it.

Who is "our"?

It isn't about "deserving", it's about awakening.

You still believe in the idiotic "awakening." If people haven't woken up by now, they never will.

We are fighting a war of ideas, not a war of insults.

If it were truly a "war of ideas," we'd have won long ago!

No, it's a war of geopolitics, blood, and culture, waged by brute force.

Seek the truth

Posting crap about "Hitler was an African Jew" is not seeking the Truth.

There are inoffensive ways to send any messages.

Large Sarge was banned, Gaillo was banned, PatColo was banned. Neither of them engaged in "in your face" tactics which are my forte. It's not just about me; it's not about how we said it, but what we said.

Those who express effective messages are banned. Those who express INeffective messages are not.

26th August 2010, 07:48 PM
I don't know where you get that from. There are many other outcomes that would have let history judge Hitler as a successful leader. He could have hired some more competent generals and won the war. He could have been more of a diplomat and less of a megalomaniac.

Which generals were "incompetent"? How could he have used better "diplomacy" with the world's worst mass murderer?

26th August 2010, 07:49 PM

I like to promote Hitler for no better reason than to do so is now a "hate crime" and it provokes Jews...lol.


The number one reason to read (and purchase) Mein Kampf is that it is a "illegal" in many countries around the world.

26th August 2010, 07:50 PM
I like to promote Hitler for no better reason than to do so is now a "hate crime" and it provokes Jews...lol.

It does do that. The vast majority of Jews believe the hollow cost fairy tale. I'm sure you saw the "Defamation" movie.
But provoking Jews does little to awaken those who need awakening.

26th August 2010, 07:52 PM
Hitler never appreciated the perfidy of the Anglosphere. He thought, until it was too late, that the West would not choose its own death just to defeat him. How could he know how transcendentally stupid Britain and America had become? Look at us now? Look at Britain? Nothing great about it now. It is all pathetic, and all traceable directly to that war. The result is not Hitler's fault, it is ours.

Exactly. Hitler tried to save our race and civilization. Whether he was successful or not is not relevant. How could he have been successful when much of the race was even then willing to slit their own throats for "democracy"?

26th August 2010, 08:02 PM
And hoarder has admitted he's not really White, being part-Injun.

What the fvck does that mean you asshole? Hoarder is a damn good poster, and deserves respect.

And another thing, Hitler was an evil bastard that should rot in hell, and if you follow him...you should too.

26th August 2010, 08:08 PM
If as you say, admiration of heroes is a White quality, then we should be acutely aware of this vulnerability.

Getting banned is no measure of the effectiveness of a message. He who fights and doesn't get banned, lives to fight another day.


I would try to contain all White opposition to Jews.
I would join their organizations, pretending to be one of them.
Heck with that, I would start my own anti-Jew organizations and invite all the "haters".
Then I would find ways to nullify this opposition.
I would encourage them to behaviour that would isolate them from the rest of the White population.
I would encourage them to get "White Power" tatoos.
I would encourage "forcefulness" and "hard" behaviour in the name of pride.
I would encourage them to be rude and confrontational to minorities and race-mixers.
I would encourage behaviour that fits the stereotype that Jews have made for "haters".
I would would get them to engage in this divisive behaviour in the name of "solidarity"

26th August 2010, 08:19 PM

I like to promote Hitler for no better reason than to do so is now a "hate crime" and it provokes Jews...lol.


But then again, if we can say Hitler was a jew then they should STFU forever about the holycost.

26th August 2010, 08:20 PM
And hoarder has admitted he's not really White, being part-Injun.

What the fvck does that mean you asshole? Hoarder is a damn good poster, and deserves respect.

And another thing, Hitler was an evil bastard that should rot in hell, and if you follow him...you should too.

Just can't control that temper or that mouth can you? :oo-->

26th August 2010, 08:24 PM
Just can't control that temper or that mouth can you? :oo-->

I control it just fine, wildcard. What needs to be said, needs to be said. I'll say it. I have no problem with that.

26th August 2010, 08:34 PM
Just can't control that temper or that mouth can you? :oo-->

I control it just fine, wildcard. What needs to be said, needs to be said. I'll say it. I have no problem with that.

If a person of color is making assertions about Hitler, don't you think they'd have some bias?

*why do you think this article was written? Why do you think a "study" was done? Why do you think it's being posted all over the internet? Asshole. :D

26th August 2010, 08:49 PM
If a person of color is making assertions about Hitler, don't you think they'd have some bias?

*why do you think this article was written? Why do you think a "study" was done? Why do you think it's being posted all over the internet? Asshole. :D

What are you saying? If anyone who doesn't agree with you, has an agenda? However, if they do agree with you, it's the truth.

Wake up man. People of all color have a right to their beliefs. Maybe this article was written to wake folks up. Of course, since you don't agree, it must be propaganda.

26th August 2010, 09:00 PM
It's from 65 years ago. Who gives a f*ck? Like I've said before, I'm not a nazi. We can't get proof of where obongo was born, but we're supposed to know Hitler was a black jew? It's purely theater.

*and what would it be "waking" them up to? That Hitler was a jew/jew tool that created a fake threat to the jews so everyone would feel sorry for them?

26th August 2010, 09:08 PM
It's from 65 years ago. Who gives a f*ck? Like I've said before, I'm not a nazi. We can't get proof of where obongo was born, but we're supposed to know Hitler was a black jew? It's purely theater.

*and what would it be "waking" them up to? That Hitler was a jew/jew tool that created a fake threat to the jews so everyone would feel sorry for them?

I don't know wildcard, just don't. :dunno

But, good questions, nonetheless.

26th August 2010, 09:36 PM
It's from 65 years ago. Who gives a f*ck?

Jews want us goyim focused on 1938 Germany so we don't notice the real Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) happening today.


26th August 2010, 09:43 PM
Well, you'd think they'd want to suppress this information. If it was a jew that carried out the holohoax then shouldn't they be asking other jews to make them whole? You'd think they had enough totalitarian murderers already, but I guess they want a few more.

26th August 2010, 10:48 PM
And hoarder has admitted he's not really White, being part-Injun.

What the fvck does that mean you asshole? Hoarder is a damn good poster, and deserves respect.

And another thing, Hitler was an evil bastard that should rot in hell, and if you follow him...you should too.

You been drinking tonight?

26th August 2010, 10:59 PM
If as you say, admiration of heroes is a White quality, then we should be acutely aware of this vulnerability.

Like I said, your heart does not resonate with my Aryan ancestors. Just how mixed-race are you?

Getting banned is no measure of the effectiveness of a message. He who fights and doesn't get banned, lives to fight another day.

One who does not generate enemies against himself is probably not being effective. I had an "army" of user names at GIM, so I was always ready to "fight another day." I could not be effectively suppressed so I could say what needed to be said.


hoarder would attack the only White leader that almost defeated the Jews.
hoarder would encourage tolerance and understanding towards the White race's enemies.
hoarder would claim he is a "White man" when he has previously admitted he is of mixed-race descent.
hoarder would assert that passionate defense of Aryan heritage that "offends others" is unacceptable.
hoarder would suggest previously ineffective passive tactics of racial self-defense will work "this time."
hoarder would push the idea that the GIM KGB would not ban him because he was "nice" in speaking the "truth."

26th August 2010, 11:00 PM
And hoarder has admitted he's not really White, being part-Injun.

What the fvck does that mean you asshole? Hoarder is a damn good poster, and deserves respect.

And another thing, Hitler was an evil bastard that should rot in hell, and if you follow him...you should too.

Just can't control that temper or that mouth can you? :oo-->

A typical cop.

26th August 2010, 11:03 PM
A typical cop.

A cop doesn't have the luxury of hiding behind a keyboard, like you do.

I'll tell ya that. There's reality, and there's folks like you phoenix.

26th August 2010, 11:04 PM
Well, you'd think they'd want to suppress this information. If it was a jew that carried out the holohoax then shouldn't they be asking other jews to make them whole? You'd think they had enough totalitarian murderers already, but I guess they want a few more.

Hitler is the second most hated man because he ALMOST DESTROYED THE JEWISH WORLD EMPIRE.

Anything even close to "Hitlerite ideas" must be put down with maximum violence.

Anyone that suggests Hitler had even an iota of humanity must be attacked as though you raped someone's grandmother.

If Hitler really were a Jew, it would be suppressed, for the reasons you state. But he's not; this bollocks claim is only for the consumption of the RETARDS who cannot recover from the Stockholm Syndrome of associating only with the "acceptable" ideologies of the the Jewish World System.

26th August 2010, 11:05 PM
It's from 65 years ago. Who gives a f*ck?

Jews want us goyim focused on 1938 Germany so we don't notice the real Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) happening today.


An even bigger Holocaust occurs in the wombs of White women...since aborticide was made "legal" by the Jewdicial system.

26th August 2010, 11:08 PM
A typical cop.

A cop doesn't have the luxury of hiding behind a keyboard, like you do.

I'll tell ya that. There's reality, and there's folks like you phoenix.

Are you a race-mixer, Liquid? You talk and act like one.

26th August 2010, 11:10 PM
Are you a race-mixer, Liquid? You talk and act like one.

I am saying you would never have the balls to say, what you post, to my face.

As far as race mixing, it is my right to see and choose who I decide to be involved with, not some racist punk like you.

26th August 2010, 11:16 PM
Are you a race-mixer, Liquid? You talk and act like one.

I am saying you would never have the balls to say, what you post, to my face.

Ah, an Internet tough guy. ::) Again, the trait of a typical pig-cop.

As far as race mixing, it is my right to see and choose who I decide to be involved with, not some racist punk like you.

Since you weren't man enough to directly answer the question, we will presume this statement is an admission that you are a race-mixer, which explains everything.

So, tell us, express your "pride" in being "color-blind." Are you involved with a she-boon talking ape, or something else?

26th August 2010, 11:18 PM
As if cops don't hide behind a gun, a badge and a corrupt legal system. ::)

You can bet anything I say here I'd say right to someone's face.

26th August 2010, 11:21 PM
]Ah, an Internet tough guy. ::) Again, the trait of a typical pig-cop..

So, tell us, express your "pride" in being "color-blind." Are you involved with a she-boon talking ape, or something else?

You know Phoenix, I say this with all honesty, you are a real piece of sh*t.

I don't take it personally, but you are.

What gives you, the right, to judge me? Huh? Honestly?

You can kiss my ass. You are just here to get folks pissed off, you aren't here to help.

26th August 2010, 11:28 PM
You know Phoenix, I say this with all honesty, you are a real piece of sh*t.

You know the difference between you and me? You're the turd in the bowl, and I'm the human with his finger on the lever. :D

What gives you, the right, to judge me? Huh? Honestly?


What the fvck does that mean you asshole?....an evil bastard that should rot in hell, and if you follow him...you should too.


You can kiss my ass. You are just here to get folks pissed off, you aren't here to help.

You can be damned sure I ain't here to help your race-mixing, neo-Commie agenda.

This is actually kinda fun. I don't remember such hate-filled spittle since I was battling you as "immanti" on GIM!

26th August 2010, 11:34 PM
You know the difference between you and me? You're the turd in the bowl, and I'm the human with his finger on the lever.
You can be damned sure I ain't here to help your race-mixing, neo-Commie agenda.

This is actually kinda fun. I don't remember such hate-filled spittle since I was battling you as "immanti" on GIM!

Again if you said that to my face we'd have words.

Convenient, the internet, eh?

I didn't know you were immanti on GIM, I don't recalll that exchange.

26th August 2010, 11:43 PM
You know the difference between you and me? You're the turd in the bowl, and I'm the human with his finger on the lever.
You can be damned sure I ain't here to help your race-mixing, neo-Commie agenda.

This is actually kinda fun. I don't remember such hate-filled spittle since I was battling you as "immanti" on GIM!

Again if you said that to my face we'd have words.

Convenient, the internet, eh?

Yeah, convenient for you Internet tough guys. You wouldn't do SH*T in real life, so stop getting yourself all hot & bothered with your delusional fantasies.

I didn't know you were immanti on GIM, I don't recalll that exchange.

No, you were immanti.

26th August 2010, 11:50 PM
No, you were immanti.

I was immanti? I don't even remember who that was?

Ah, fuck it. I'm done with this site. I doubt I'd be missed anyhow.

26th August 2010, 11:53 PM
Haha, take 27.


Either improve your argument and stop attacking people or start thinking for yourself and see the obvious truth.

27th August 2010, 12:01 AM
Ah, f*ck it. I'm done with this site. I doubt I'd be missed anyhow.

He bravely runs away.

27th August 2010, 12:19 AM
He bravely runs away.

Deleting my account is not running away. This is the internet. You are a fool.

If I want to delete my account, that's my right. You will still be an asshole though, that's given.

27th August 2010, 12:36 AM
He bravely runs away.

Deleting my account is not running away. This is the internet. You are a fool.

If I want to delete my account, that's my right. You will still be an asshole though, that's given.


27th August 2010, 01:00 AM

I think you need to step off your pedestal, for once, in your life. I'll say it again....you would not laugh at my face. You are an internet punk, a tough guy, with lot's of words....but no backbone.

27th August 2010, 01:21 AM

I think you need to step off your pedestal, for once, in your life. I'll say it again....you would not laugh at my face. You are an internet punk, a tough guy, with lot's of words....but no backbone.

I'm not the one who:

Started the shit-talking in this thread.

Bragged about (and continue to do so) how "tough" you are in real life.

Threatened to bravely run away when he couldn't handle a heated discussion.

You are a coward in real life just as you are here. Just face that fact.

27th August 2010, 01:26 AM
I'm not the one who:

Started the sh*t-talking in this thread.

Bragged about (and continue to do so) how "tough" you are in real life.

Threatened to bravely run away when he couldn't handle a heated discussion.

You are a coward in real life just as you are here. Just face that fact.

You insult my honour. I doubt you'd know anything about that though, being the coward you are hiding behind the internet.

You've been running your whole life, haven't you?

27th August 2010, 01:34 AM
Started the sh*t-talking in this thread.

You were the one who started bashing another poster on this forum.

You do this a lot, to many posters here. There is other folks on this forum, besides yourself.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 01:41 AM
Ummm, I'd just like to take this opportunity to state the fact that Hitler was a thief and in all probability, a fag too.


27th August 2010, 01:49 AM
So you're saying he was a jew. :P

Joe King
27th August 2010, 01:52 AM
So you're saying he was a jew. :P
Perhaps. If the shoe fits...etc...etc...etc...

27th August 2010, 02:19 AM
You insult my honour.

WHAT "honour"?

I doubt you'd know anything about that though, being the coward you are hiding behind the internet.

Post your complete name, home address, and telephone number, please.

You've been running your whole life, haven't you?

<a href="http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/dna-tests-show-hitler-descended-from/msg101709/#msg101709">"Ah, f*ck it. I'm done with this site."</a>


27th August 2010, 02:26 AM
You were the one who started bashing another poster on this forum.

Are you hoarder? He can defend himself.


What the fvck does that mean you asshole?...an evil bastard that should rot in hell, and if you follow him...you should too.

You do this a lot, to many posters here.

I engage those who tell LIES and embrace stupidity according to the weight of their guilt. Being stupid isn't a crime, but being arrogantly stupid is. I try to be gentle with the innocently naive. However, those folks are very few and far between at GS-US. Most people don't have any excuses here.

There is other folks on this forum, besides yourself.

I presume you meant "there are"?

This isn't disneyforums.com. People can expect bold, no punches pulled discussion around here. Nor is it the Princeton Debating Club. People don't have to read my posts.

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 06:09 AM
Are you a race-mixer, Liquid? You talk and act like one.

I am saying you would never have the balls to say, what you post, to my face.

As far as race mixing, it is my right to see and choose who I decide to be involved with, not some racist punk like you.

I would say it to your face.
When are you driving down?

You talk all the equality you want, but you would cringe if some neegger was porking your daughter.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 06:28 AM
It's from 65 years ago. Who gives a f*ck?

Jews want us goyim focused on 1938 Germany so we don't notice the real Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) happening today.


An even bigger Holocaust occurs in the wombs of White women...since aborticide was made "legal" by the Jewdicial system.
I'm confused here. Are abortions only legal for white women? ???
i.e. no blacks allowed?

27th August 2010, 06:30 AM
No, you were immanti.

I was immanti? I don't even remember who that was?

Ah, f*ck it. I'm done with this site. I doubt I'd be missed anyhow.

I'd miss ya Liquid.

Never thought I'd say that about an ex-cop.

I must be softening up.


Joe King
27th August 2010, 06:32 AM
Are you a race-mixer, Liquid? You talk and act like one.

I am saying you would never have the balls to say, what you post, to my face.

As far as race mixing, it is my right to see and choose who I decide to be involved with, not some racist punk like you.

I would say it to your face.
When are you driving down?

You talk all the equality you want, but you would cringe if some neegger was porking your daughter.

Speaking from experience? lol

27th August 2010, 07:06 AM
Ummm, I'd just like to take this opportunity to state the fact that Hitler was a thief and in all probability, a fag too.


You tell 'em Joseph!


Joe King
27th August 2010, 07:13 AM
Ummm, I'd just like to take this opportunity to state the fact that Hitler was a thief and in all probability, a fag too.


You tell 'em Joseph!


Book, please don't hate on me for being a do-gooder by re-railing the thread in an attempt to get it back on-topic. :'( :'(

27th August 2010, 07:20 AM
...re-railing the thread in an attempt to get it back on-topic.


Yeah...distracting the goyim from the present-day Holocaust by talking about 65 years ago is on topic. We can never allow the goyim to notice this jewish malignant tumor growing upon Palestine today in 2010...lol.


philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 07:23 AM
Ummm, I'd just like to take this opportunity to state the fact that Hitler was a thief and in all probability, a fag too.

Speaking from experience?

Joe King
27th August 2010, 07:29 AM
...re-railing the thread in an attempt to get it back on-topic.


Yeah...distracting the goyim from the present-day Holocaust by talking about 65 years ago is on topic. We can never allow the goyim to notice this jewish malignant tumor growing upon Palestine today in 2010...lol.


I don't support what's going on over there, either.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Neither does a million wrongs.
All that does is to make everyone end up being wrong.

You know what? If people could actually treat others the way they themselves wanted to be treated by others, this World wouldn't have anywhere near the problems it does.
And most of the problems stem from simply hating ones own brother for what he is.

27th August 2010, 07:36 AM
I don't support what's going on over there, either.

Two wrongs don't make a right.


Nice try Joseph. Why do you keep focusing us on an old 65 year-old so-called "wrong" when the real Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) today is something we can actually stop?


Joe King
27th August 2010, 07:44 AM
Ummm, I'd just like to take this opportunity to state the fact that Hitler was a thief and in all probability, a fag too.

Speaking from experience?

The "thief" comment was based on the cold hard facts.
i.e. Hitlers own words.

The fag part was simply humorous speculation on my part as I'll admit that I never actually knew Hitler.
But if it's true that he didn't have anything to do with women 'til in his 30's, well, that sounds just a wee bit gay to me.
i.e. reminds me of Rock Hudson.

27th August 2010, 07:49 AM
i.e. reminds me of Rock Hudson.

You sure do get around. :P

27th August 2010, 07:50 AM
The "thief" comment was based on the cold hard facts.


Yep...just look at the map to see the stolen land.


Joe King
27th August 2010, 07:53 AM
I don't support what's going on over there, either.

Two wrongs don't make a right.


Nice try Joseph. Why do you keep focusing us on an old 65 year-old so-called "wrong" when the real Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) today is something we can actually stop?


Lets just say that I don't support anyone who doesn't recognize the human Rights of all other people. Past present or future.
So no, I don't like what's going on in Isreal.
...but that does not mean that I think another Hitler is the answer, either.

It's not an either-or situation.

27th August 2010, 07:56 AM
So no, I don't like what's going on in Israel...

http://www.muslimrap.net/picture/palestinethealbum/Stealing%20of%20Palestinian%20land%20by%20Israel%2 0with%20the%20help%20of%20the%20west.png

We can stop what is going on in Palestine today but do nothing about what happened 65 years ago.


Joe King
27th August 2010, 07:57 AM
i.e. reminds me of Rock Hudson.

You sure do get around. :P

No, I certainly don't get around that much, but I did read the wiki entry on Rock Hudson last night. :D

Joe King
27th August 2010, 08:07 AM
So no, I don't like what's going on in Israel...

http://www.muslimrap.net/picture/palestinethealbum/Stealing%20of%20Palestinian%20land%20by%20Israel%2 0with%20the%20help%20of%20the%20west.png

We can stop what is going on in Palestine today but do nothing about what happened 65 years ago.


What did the Palestinians do to resist the change in 1948?
I understand they didn't like what happened, but did they attempt to actually fight it at the time?

Also, how exactly can we here in America as citizens stop what the gov of a whole 'nother country does?
I mean, I've already quit using their banks. What am I supposed to do, get on a plane and go fight them?

27th August 2010, 09:25 AM
i.e. reminds me of Rock Hudson.

You sure do get around. :P

No, I certainly don't get around that much, but I did read the wiki entry on Rock Hudson last night. :D
Just out of the blue?

Anyway I guess we should be grateful for AIDS. imagining Rock Hudson doing a career like Hitler. Oi Vey! Was he born in Brazil btw?

Joe King
27th August 2010, 09:43 AM
i.e. reminds me of Rock Hudson.

You sure do get around. :P

No, I certainly don't get around that much, but I did read the wiki entry on Rock Hudson last night. :D
Just out of the blue?
It was actually this morning, ok? I was wanting to know how old he was when he supposedly started liking girls as I needed to double check my facts before comparing him to Hitler. Ok?
I said "last night" as a kind of play on the "Holiday Inn Express" commercial.
i.e. I'm not an expert, but I read wiki last night. http://serve.mysmiley.net/confused/confused0082.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net)

Anyway I guess we should be grateful for AIDS. imagining Rock Hudson doing a career like Hitler. Oi Vey! Was he born in Brazil btw?
No, Winnetka, Illinois.

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 10:02 AM
i.e. reminds me of Rock Hudson.

You sure do get around. :P

No, I certainly don't get around that much, but I did read the wiki entry on Rock Hudson last night. :D
Just out of the blue?
It was actually this morning, ok? I was wanting to know how old he was when he supposedly started liking girls as I needed to double check my facts before comparing him to Hitler. Ok?
I said "last night" as a kind of play on the "Holiday Inn Express" commercial.
i.e. I'm not an expert, but I read wiki last night. http://serve.mysmiley.net/confused/confused0082.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net)

Anyway I guess we should be grateful for AIDS. imagining Rock Hudson doing a career like Hitler. Oi Vey! Was he born in Brazil btw?
No, Winnetka, Illinois.
Did you get a piece of the Rock?

27th August 2010, 10:20 AM
Did you get a piece of the Rock?

Jealous of him or something?


Joe King
27th August 2010, 10:47 AM
i.e. reminds me of Rock Hudson.

You sure do get around. :P

No, I certainly don't get around that much, but I did read the wiki entry on Rock Hudson last night. :D
Just out of the blue?
It was actually this morning, ok? I was wanting to know how old he was when he supposedly started liking girls as I needed to double check my facts before comparing him to Hitler. Ok?
I said "last night" as a kind of play on the "Holiday Inn Express" commercial.
i.e. I'm not an expert, but I read wiki last night. http://serve.mysmiley.net/confused/confused0082.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net)

Anyway I guess we should be grateful for AIDS. imagining Rock Hudson doing a career like Hitler. Oi Vey! Was he born in Brazil btw?
No, Winnetka, Illinois.
Did you get a piece of the Rock?
No, no pieces of the Rock for me thanks.

I'm thinking it's pretty safe to say that this guy (http://blogs.villagevoice.com/dailymusto/Images/MarcChristian.jpg) probably got the last piece of that.

27th August 2010, 11:06 AM
Jealous of him or something?


I wouldn't worry about him...he's just the sidekick to main idiot on this board.

Here's how the ring leader works. Posts nonsense every day belittling other posters who disagree. Small attacks here and there. You point that out (as I did in this thread)...the thread gets derailed with a bunch of chest thumping worthless posts that annoy everyone. I am at fault there too, for taking the bait.

So...the answer is to remain quiet, and let this idiot own every thread in his effort to seek constant attention.

Annoys the crap out of me.

27th August 2010, 11:14 AM
Jealous of him or something?


I wouldn't worry about him...he's just the sidekick to main idiot on this board.

Here's how the ring leader works. Posts nonsense every day belittling other posters who disagree. Small attacks here and there. You point that out (as I did in this thread)...the thread gets derailed with a bunch of chest thumping worthless posts that annoy everyone. I am at fault there too, for taking the bait.

So...the answer is to remain quiet, and let this idiot own every thread in his effort to seek constant attention.

Annoys the crap out of me.

Yeah, but if you leave, the terrorists win!


27th August 2010, 11:17 AM
Yeah, but if you leave, the terrorists win!


I think what I need to do, is start self-medicating with some 420 when I read this board. ;D

Damn work drug testing. >:(

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 11:35 AM
Yeah, but if you leave, the terrorists win!


I think what I need to do, is start self-medicating with some 420 when I read this board. ;D

Damn work drug testing. >:(
Go get high on some donuts.

27th August 2010, 05:05 PM
I step away for the day and the whole thread goes to pot!

27th August 2010, 05:50 PM
So if they can prove with 100% certainty that Hitler was a jew....will there be a wave of revisionist jew history saying that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all? He was just a powerless figure-head like the Emperor in Japan? He had no control over the blood-thirsty Germans and their Teutonic superiority! ;D :D ;D :D

*perhaps a new movie? Hitler's List ? where instead of the girl in the pink coat winding up dead we see Hitler leading her to safety.


27th August 2010, 05:57 PM
Maybe a revised version of Inglorious Basterds where Hitler leads his crack jew commando team against the German wermacht? The bunker suicide was a cover up to keep the truth from getting out? That Hitler's team brought down the third reich.

27th August 2010, 06:19 PM
So no, I don't like what's going on in Israel...

http://www.muslimrap.net/picture/palestinethealbum/Stealing%20of%20Palestinian%20land%20by%20Israel%2 0with%20the%20help%20of%20the%20west.png

We can stop what is going on in Palestine today but do nothing about what happened 65 years ago.


What did the Palestinians do to resist the change in 1948? I understand they didn't like what happened, but did they attempt to actually fight it at the time? Also, how exactly can we here in America as citizens stop what the gov of a whole 'nother country does? I mean, I've already quit using their banks. What am I supposed to do, get on a plane and go fight them?

Gee...the jews didn't do much protesting while marching into those gas ovens either. you are really really passionate about Germans being mean to jews sixty-five years ago but don't care while jews are doing the same to the Palestinians today.


27th August 2010, 07:09 PM
So if they can prove with 100% certainty that Hitler was a jew....will there be a wave of revisionist jew history saying that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all? He was just a powerless figure-head like the Emperor in Japan? He had no control over the blood-thirsty Germans and their Teutonic superiority! ;D :D ;D :D

*perhaps a new movie? Hitler's List ? where instead of the girl in the pink coat winding up dead we see Hitler leading her to safety.


Hitler protected dozens of Jewish soldiers and politicians.

<a href="http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/righit.html">http://images.sabob.com/products/images/1/Hitler_Jewish_Soldiers_The_Untold_Story_of_Nazi_Ra cial_Laws_and_Men_of_Jewish_Descent_in_the_German_ Military.jpeg</a>

Yeah, those Satanic blond dudes!

27th August 2010, 07:46 PM
So if they can prove with 100% certainty that Hitler was a jew....will there be a wave of revisionist jew history saying that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all?
Hardly anything can be proven with 100% certainty, but if considerable doubt about the Official Jewish Version of WW2 becomes widespread, the Khazars will be in deep doodoo. They have MUCH to lose by public belief that Hitler was a Khazar. The main barrier is belief in the hollow-cost fairy tale. Once that is out of the way and it becomes quite clear that the controlled-opposition-tribe are the greatest beneficiaries of WW2, their house of cards will come tumbling down.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 07:49 PM
So no, I don't like what's going on in Israel...

http://htt p://www.muslimrap.net/picture/palestinethealbum/Stealing%20of%20Palestinian%20land%20by%20Israel%2 0with%20the%20help%20of%20the%20west.png

We can stop what is going on in Palestine today but do nothing about what happened 65 years ago.


What did the Palestinians do to resist the change in 1948? I understand they didn't like what happened, but did they attempt to actually fight it at the time? Also, how exactly can we here in America as citizens stop what the gov of a whole 'nother country does? I mean, I've already quit using their banks. What am I supposed to do, get on a plane and go fight them?

Gee...the jews didn't do much protesting while marching into those gas ovens either. you are really really passionate about Germans being mean to jews sixty-five years ago but don't care while jews are doing the same to the Palestinians today.


No, I'm not. I'm not passionate about what either side is doing or has done.
There are more than enough atrocities to go around for all sides involved.

What part of two wrongs don't make a right, do you not seem to understand?

Joe King
27th August 2010, 07:55 PM
Hitler protected dozens of Jewish soldiers and politicians.

<a href="http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/righit.html">http://images.sabob.com/products/images/1/Hitler_Jewish_Soldiers_The_Untold_Story_of_Nazi_Ra cial_Laws_and_Men_of_Jewish_Descent_in_the_German_ Military.jpeg</a>

Yeah, those Satanic blond dudes!
I don't think the German people are/were that at all.

What I think is that they were just as susceptible as any other people to the effects of authority as shown by Milgram and his obedience experiments.

Which IMHO is something that should be taught in school.
i.e. how to recognize it and resist it.

27th August 2010, 08:08 PM
Which IMHO is something that should be taught in school.
i.e. how to recognize it and resist it.

It won't be taught, because the same thing is going on here, right now. History is repeating itself. For us to recognize it, through the 'system', is not how the end goal is achieved.

We recognize it here because we are aware. 99% of the population has no clue.

Stop Making Cents
27th August 2010, 08:46 PM
I'd really like to know the truth about the Holocaust. I would not put it past FDR and the Allies to make it up just to justify the mass killing of German civilians and the long bloody war in Europe that America had no business being part of.

I have an elderly family member that was captured by the nazis after his plane crashed and he said he was treated well by them. I need to ask him more about the war before he dies. I just really wish i knew the truth - then again, in a way it would be torture if it turns out the Nazis weren't as evil as they are portrayed and you're one of the few people aware of it.

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 08:53 PM
So if they can prove with 100% certainty that Hitler was a jew....will there be a wave of revisionist jew history saying that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all?
Hardly anything can be proven with 100% certainty, but if considerable doubt about the Official Jewish Version of WW2 becomes widespread, the Khazars will be in deep doodoo. They have MUCH to lose by public belief that Hitler was a Khazar. The main barrier is belief in the hollow-cost fairy tale. Once that is out of the way and it becomes quite clear that the controlled-opposition-tribe are the greatest beneficiaries of WW2, their house of cards will come tumbling down.
They have much to lose by public belief that Uncle Joe jewison was a khazar.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 08:53 PM
Which IMHO is something that should be taught in school.
i.e. how to recognize it and resist it.

It won't be taught, because the same thing is going on here, right now. History is repeating itself. For us to recognize it, through the 'system', is not how the end goal is achieved.

We recognize it here because we are aware. 99% of the population has no clue.

Yea, I realize that those that use the technique will not want to teach people how to recognize and resist it.

I'm just saying what should be taught if we had a gov that was truly here only for the peoples benefit.
By teach about it, I mean to the extent that shows people that we're mostly all susceptible to it, and to raise awareness of it.

Being aware of ones own limitations and vulnerabilities is the first step towards protecting against that which would exploit them.

27th August 2010, 09:12 PM
They have much to lose by public belief that Uncle Joe jewison was a khazar.
There is a former member who would get his nose out of joint if you suggested Josef Dzugashvili Stalin was a Khazar, but that's how they work.

27th August 2010, 09:15 PM
What part of two wrongs don't make a right, do you not seem to understand?

How odd. You focus on the sixty-five year-ago so-called holocaust and just shrug at the real Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) that is happening today with YOUR tax money.

I wonder why that is.


27th August 2010, 09:20 PM
I just really wish i knew the truth - then again, in a way it would be torture if it turns out the Nazis weren't as evil as they are portrayed and you're one of the few people aware of it.


We are better off knowing Truth than living their lie. I agree it ain't fun:


Joe King
27th August 2010, 09:52 PM
What part of two wrongs don't make a right, do you not seem to understand?

How odd. You focus on the sixty-five year-ago so-called holocaust and just shrug at the real Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) that is happening today with YOUR tax money.

I wonder why that is.

I'm not shrugging at it. I think it's deplorable.
I also think that I can't directly do too much about it and that it is a Peoples own responsibility to fix their own condition..

My question to you is, what are you doing about it?
How much of your tax dollars go to support it?
Are you planning to go help them resist?
If not, why not?

28th August 2010, 04:44 AM
Hell, they were all jews: Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Eisenhower...

28th August 2010, 05:31 AM
Hell, they were all jews: Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Eisenhower...
You missed one. ;D

28th August 2010, 07:34 AM
What the fvck does that mean you asshole? Hoarder is a damn good poster, and deserves respect.

And another thing, Hitler was an evil bastard that should rot in hell, and if you follow him...you should too.

You know Phoenix, I say this with all honesty, you are a real piece of sh*t.

You know the difference between you and me? You're the turd in the bowl, and I'm the human with his finger on the lever. :D

Liquid and Phoenix, see you both in three days.

28th August 2010, 07:48 AM
I'd really like to know the truth about the Holocaust.


philo beddoe
28th August 2010, 07:54 AM
Hell, they were all jews: Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Eisenhower...
You missed one. ;D
Of course: Truman

29th August 2010, 11:32 AM
Liquid and Phoenix, see you both in three days.

Who knew a thread about Hitler would turn into a pissing match and get people banned?

I am shocked.

29th August 2010, 06:04 PM
Liquid and Phoenix, see you both in three days.

Who knew a thread about Hitler would turn into a pissing match and get people banned?

I am shocked.

It truly boggles the mind, does it not? ;D

Grand Master Melon
29th August 2010, 06:40 PM
Science be damned!

Oh no, my hero was a jew :boohoo

29th August 2010, 06:51 PM
I'd really like to know the truth about the Holocaust. I would not put it past FDR and the Allies to make it up just to justify the mass killing of German civilians and the long bloody war in Europe that America had no business being part of.

I have an elderly family member that was captured by the nazis after his plane crashed and he said he was treated well by them. I need to ask him more about the war before he dies. I just really wish i knew the truth - then again, in a way it would be torture if it turns out the Nazis weren't as evil as they are portrayed and you're one of the few people aware of it.

Any person captured in a war that is treated well,can count themselves VERY lucky.Airmen in particular are usually treated harshly by their captors as they are Viewed as being cowardly for fighting from afar. All sides in any war commit atrocities, that is the very nature of war in itself,to kill or remove your enemies.These tales of murders of villages,and groups of civilians arent fabricated, too many Europeans remember firsthand the horrors of that war.Germans werent unique in that either, the Red Army was notoriously brutal. The SS was guilty more so than the OKW of any atrocities. The OKW was a disciplined fighting army with a proud tradition.The regular SS (not the Waffen units) were not, they mostly were trained in party policy and not in combat,and were generally looked down upon as irregulars and party zealots by regular German Army units.The Luftwaffe was known for chivalry in both wars concerning POWS.