View Full Version : Hitler's greatest mistake, Himmler

26th August 2010, 05:54 PM
I lurk at some National Socialist forums, and notice a distinct pattern. The most stupid of the members seem to idolize anything Nazi Germany without knowing anything about it! Heinrich Himmler was one of the most misguided power individuals to ever walk the earth. In charge of the SS,he was very loyal but tended to chase folly.Today, most White Preservationists, recognize, the White race is not limited to people of Germanic descent. Celts, Slavs, and mixes of those are all white. Not Himmler, he had "degrees" of Aryan-ness.The Top of the food chain were,Nordic Germans, then Celts,Gallic French and the English. Towards the bottom, right above Jews,but less than Mediterraneans were the Slavs.
Hitler trusted Himmler to set up working governments in the newly conquered territory. Himmler ,in his incapable judgement, decided to put complete assholes like Reinhard Heydrich and Harold Turner, who while able to cow the populations, completely failed to inspire or motivate the populations into anything of a pro-Nazi culture. Im not going to blame Hitler for these actions,Hitler had great ideas,concerning war orphans adopted by good German families,and developing Eastern Europe. Himmler was 100% responsible of denying the Reich of over thirty million combat ready troops.That figure would have sealed the fate of the USSR and Stalin,and most likely the Western allies to the peace table.Wiping out entire villages and allowing ethnic minorities to "Ethnic cleanse" the majority did little to help the cause. Although many did join the Waffen SS,far more would have if treated as being liberated rather than inferior.Himmler used the Fuhrer's trust and his authority stupidly,and was the one of the main causes of Germany's failure in the Second World War.
Himmler's warped dream of a state within a state, with the SS as a nobility was against National Socialism! Himmler's occult theories and Pagan worship went against most German families Christian upbringing. Many people believe that he was just trying to instill German culture back into the population,It wasnt, It was a step backwards. Finally The SS ,was bloated due to Himmler and his appointees due to the fact of their mistreatment of local populations pushed more of the people into partisan groups than into loyal citizens. The SS man numbers (Waffen SS not included)grew far larger than it should have ever been as a internal force. Resources were wasted and the Allies took full advantage of this.

26th August 2010, 05:55 PM
Himmler was Hitler's second greatest mistake. Martin "Werther the Soviet Agent" Bormann was his greatest.

26th August 2010, 06:07 PM
Alfred Rosenberg worked hard to get Ukraine a "protectorate" status, similar to fellow Slavic nations of Croatia and Slovakia. Bormann and his field thug, Erich Koch (a suspected Jew), did everything they could to thwart this.

Often times, orders from the Reichskanzlei (either in Berlin, or the alternate in the field) would be received in Moscow before some German field commanders would receive them. The Abwehr, run by the traitor Wilhelm Canaris, failed, expectedly, to determine who the traitor in the most sensitive position within Hitler's HQ, was. Research has now shown that only Bormann could have provided the intel to Stalin.

Hitler's greatest flaw was his idealism. He was naive and even immature in trusting people he thought should be trustworthy (in other words, he didn't sufficiently think like a Jew, i.e., that everyone was indeed out to get him). Hitler's idealism was the cause of Dunkirk, the cause of Heß' failed mission, the cause for reliance on incompetents like Göring & Morell, the cause for reliance on criminals like Bormann, and many similar circumstances.

Despite the flaws, in fact, what would be noble traits in an Aryan society, Hitler earned the respect I give him.

26th August 2010, 06:11 PM
Ukraine is one of the best examples. The OKW was WELCOMED by them! They were ready to support Germany 100% against Stalin. Then Himmler's lackeys showed up and with their "Theories",and off to the Red Army did most go...

26th August 2010, 06:14 PM
I read about half of Hitlers Mein Kampf, it doesn't seem like Hitler had that great opinions about the Slavs either. But I agree that his greatest mistake was Bormann. Nazi Germany could definetely had done a better job converting conquered Slavs to it's cause, but it's stringent race ideology came in the way...

26th August 2010, 06:24 PM

26th August 2010, 06:29 PM
I read about half of Hitlers Mein Kampf, it doesn't seem like Hitler had that great opinions about the Slavs either. But I agree that his greatest mistake was Bormann. Nazi Germany could definetely had done a better job converting conquered Slavs to it's cause, but it's stringent race ideology came in the way...

The idiotic quarrel between the Germans and the Poles and the Germans/Austrians and the Bohemians was linguistically, culturally, and politically based...just like that between the English and the Irish. It went back hundreds of years, and is, to some extent, still exercised by the Slavic side in official policy, on the phony grounds of "World War II."

Hitler got over it, as can be seen by his treatment of Slovakia and Croatia, as well as the large numbers of Germans with Slavic heritage in his ranks.

Race ideology didn't get in the way; the policies of Hitler's subordinates did. Alfred Rosenberg was determined to bring Ukraine in as a "Protectorate-Republic," like Slovakia, but Communist agents like Bormann targeted him personally because they knew his plan would fracture the USSR's war effort.

26th August 2010, 06:38 PM
I read about half of Hitlers Mein Kampf, it doesn't seem like Hitler had that great opinions about the Slavs either. But I agree that his greatest mistake was Bormann. Nazi Germany could definetely had done a better job converting conquered Slavs to it's cause, but it's stringent race ideology came in the way...

The idiotic quarrel between the Germans and the Poles and the Germans/Austrians and the Bohemians was linguistically, culturally, and politically based...just like that between the English and the Irish. It went back hundreds of years, and is, to some extent, still exercised by the Slavic side in official policy, on the phony grounds of "World War II."

Hitler got over it, as can be seen by his treatment of Slovakia and Croatia, as well as the large numbers of Germans with Slavic heritage in his ranks.

Race ideology didn't get in the way; the policies of Hitler's subordinates did. Alfred Rosenberg was determined to bring Ukraine in as a "Protectorate-Republic," like Slovakia, but Communist agents like Bormann targeted him personally because they knew his plan would fracture the USSR's war effort.

Thanks for reminding me, Himmler also placed a Catholic Jew Zealot in charge of Croatia,Who armed and recruited Muslim Bosnians, which promptly burned orthodox churches,slaughtered 25000 Christian Serbs,including many of my family.

philo beddoe
26th August 2010, 06:58 PM
I lurk at some National Socialist forums, and notice a distinct pattern. The most stupid of the members seem to idolize anything Nazi Germany without knowing anything about it! Heinrich Himmler was one of the most misguided power individuals to ever walk the earth. In charge of the SS,he was very loyal but tended to chase folly.Today, most White Preservationists, recognize, the White race is not limited to people of Germanic descent. Celts, Slavs, and mixes of those are all white. Not Himmler, he had "degrees" of Aryan-ness.The Top of the food chain were,Nordic Germans, then Celts,Gallic French and the English. Towards the bottom, right above Jews,but less than Mediterraneans were the Slavs.
Hitler trusted Himmler to set up working governments in the newly conquered territory. Himmler ,in his incapable judgement, decided to put complete assholes like Reinhard Heydrich and Harold Turner, who while able to cow the populations, completely failed to inspire or motivate the populations into anything of a pro-Nazi culture. Im not going to blame Hitler for these actions,Hitler had great ideas,concerning war orphans adopted by good German families,and developing Eastern Europe. Himmler was 100% responsible of denying the Reich of over thirty million combat ready troops.That figure would have sealed the fate of the USSR and Stalin,and most likely the Western allies to the peace table.Wiping out entire villages and allowing ethnic minorities to "Ethnic cleanse" the majority did little to help the cause. Although many did join the Waffen SS,far more would have if treated as being liberated rather than inferior.Himmler used the Fuhrer's trust and his authority stupidly,and was the one of the main causes of Germany's failure in the Second World War.
Himmler's warped dream of a state within a state, with the SS as a nobility was against National Socialism! Himmler's occult theories and Pagan worship went against most German families Christian upbringing. Many people believe that he was just trying to instill German culture back into the population,It wasnt, It was a step backwards. Finally The SS ,was bloated due to Himmler and his appointees due to the fact of their mistreatment of local populations pushed more of the people into partisan groups than into loyal citizens. The SS man numbers (Waffen SS not included)grew far larger than it should have ever been as a internal force. Resources were wasted and the Allies took full advantage of this.
Between Hitler and Himmler, chances are far greater Himmler was part jew.

26th August 2010, 07:00 PM
So what was preventing eastern european 'whites' from building great civilizations like the Aryan civilizations, if they were equals?

How old is the concept of the 'white race' anyways, 50 years old?

26th August 2010, 07:03 PM
Thanks for reminding me, Himmler also placed a Catholic Jew Zealot in charge of Croatia,Who armed and recruited Muslim Bosnians, which promptly burned orthodox churches,slaughtered 25000 Christian Serbs,including many of my family.

Thanks for explaining this. I never understood why Serbia was not a German ally, now I know (haven't done as much research on the Balkans as I should).

26th August 2010, 07:08 PM
Between Hitler and Himmler, chances are far greater Himmler was part jew.

Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo:


Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler:


Oh, wait a minute... ;D

26th August 2010, 07:21 PM
So what was preventing eastern european 'whites' from building great civilizations like the Aryan civilizations, if they were equals?

While I understand you may recognize that Jew-Communism enforced both race-mixing and mass murder of Aryans in the USSR simultaneously, resulting in a large portion of not quite Whites today, I'm not sure where you are perceiving Eastern Europeans are not only not Aryan, but non-White. The Balts & Slavs have been light-skinned blonds (including up to medium brown hair) for millennia. A "Mongoloid" Russian citizen is not a Slav.

As for civilization, the Balts, Slavs, and Iranians, and quite probably the Tocharians, were all from the same Eastern Aryan tribes. Their culture was profoundly beautiful & advanced, even when lacking in cities (which are often not beautiful). Keep in mind that the Germanics were "barbaric" according to the Romans.

How old is the concept of the 'white race' anyways, 50 years old?

The modern theory of a "White race" was popularized by...


...in 1853.

However, the concept of the Adamic race extends back many millennia more. The name "Adam" means to blush, or show blood in the face. That is, he was a White man. Orientals and Negroids were always considered "something else," with the latter being considered beasts and not men. The idea that Negroes are fully human (Homo sapiens sapiens) is a peculiarity of the modern era. While you may find it distasteful, the Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean are all from the same source, namely, Adam & Eve.

26th August 2010, 07:45 PM
Himmler looks more like a Khazar than a Nordic German.

The end result reveals the original intention.

26th August 2010, 07:47 PM
More Himmlerwitz:

26th August 2010, 07:56 PM

Let's not be so hard on Adolf. William Wallace was stabbed in the back by his fellow goyim and failed to unite the bickering clans.

Only a fool would try today...lol.


26th August 2010, 08:23 PM
Hitler's greatest mistake was invading Russia without making sure his troops had cold weather gear. Stupid as a horse's ass.

26th August 2010, 08:28 PM
Hitler's greatest mistake was invading Russia without making sure his troops had cold weather gear. Stupid as a horse's ass.
Once upon a time a herd of cows were on the way to slaughter. They were being herded to the stockyards to be sold to meat buyers. One cow exclaims "The herders are incompetent! The herders are stupid as a horse's ass. Greener pastures are the OTHER DIRECTION!"

The end result reveals the original intention.

26th August 2010, 08:44 PM
What and where is the statue pictured. I've never seen that before.



26th August 2010, 10:40 PM
Himmler looks more like a Khazar than a Nordic German.

Why don't you post your own photo? I doubt you look more Nordic than Himmler, being that you're mixed-race and all.

The end result reveals the original intention.

Hoarder's end result is the disgrace of the only man to have almost defeated the Jews; the end result reveals the original intention.

26th August 2010, 11:28 PM
Hitler's greatest mistake was expanding his empire beyond his own borders.


27th August 2010, 02:26 AM
So what was preventing eastern european 'whites' from building great civilizations like the Aryan civilizations, if they were equals?

How old is the concept of the 'white race' anyways, 50 years old?

One of the Greatest hindrances to Eastern European whites ,was location.They have always been on the chosen invasion route for outsiders.Poland had a remarkable civilization and Empire and was the defender of eastern Europe for quite some time.Russia is obvious.Serbia and Croatia both,although small developed some very cosmopolitan cities. Romania was under constant attack by the Turks for almost 500 years, they have never recovered, one bright spot was Vlad Dracula (YES that one!) who kept them away for some time. The non-frontier Slavs, Czechs, Slovenes and to a degree,Baltics, developed very nicely, The Slavs also have a much higher influence of Khazar and Turkic origin that the West, again being under constant attack for centuries.

The technology of Hitler's time didnt use DNA, all Hitler knew is that there was a heavy Khazar influence in Eastern Europe. Himmler on the other hand,didnt even realize that much, He used a "Degree" system that was totally off base,as he considered Greeks and Italians more Aryan than Slavs. Himmler was an Anti Christian and Muslim lover. An egomaniac in the Mussolini class.

27th August 2010, 01:58 PM
What and where is the statue pictured. I've never seen that before.



Fussen Germany, along the Lech river, within walking distance of Austria and Bavarian King Ludwig's Castles. The statue is a tribute to Germans wounded in WWII outside of a Monastery / Hospital from that time.



And btw Germany only lost the war because of Hitler. It was his decision to by pass Moscow, all his other Generals knew better, but they didn't object enough, to the point of killing their god over it, and thereby lost their chance of having Russia implode. All other nations would have sought out some terms rather than fight a German war machine that wasn't up against Russia.

27th August 2010, 03:29 PM


Still Barbaro
27th August 2010, 04:16 PM

I think made a few monumntal mistakes.

Didn't he fire/replace a top General to he himself could command the military? Something to that effect.

Invading Russia was a mistake, or the tactics were. I recall that Winter clothing and other supplies were not sent because Hitler thought he would take Moscow very quickly. He invaded Russia when? Late September, with Winter around the corner?

(I forgotten some details.)

Declaring war against the US was possibly symbolic, but he did declare war.

Many think Hitler never thought there were be a war with the UK, as the UK declared war after the invasion of Poland.

Hitler's plan for the east was a croc. His entire grandiose plan was a croc.

27th August 2010, 04:27 PM


27th August 2010, 04:32 PM
There is a long thread on here , we totally destroyed the myth of Hitler as leader.

He destroyed Germany and Europe and set it up for enslavement and destruction,
the murder of tens of millions and communism and was built up by Jew York.

I ain't going to link to thread nor redo all of it again.

It is interesting that the pro Hitlerites post evidence against Hitler
and they don't realize they are doing that, I pointed this out, the
recognition of total penetration and destruction from within.

Even Quantum put up info on Hitlers doctor, so there is recognition
that maybe Hitler was no better than a crack whore out of control,
I did a search online, heard lots about doctor, etc, guess what I found,
non other than David Irving has a free book online about his "doctor",
look it up. It's free. Irving is the foremost historian on WWII, he says
things to piss everyone off, including pro Hitler people , yet the Jews
hate him, lol , he challenges the "gas chambers" that is why.

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 04:34 PM
What and where is the statue pictured. I've never seen that before.



Fussen Germany, along the Lech river, within walking distance of Austria and Bavarian King Ludwig's Castles. The statue is a tribute to Germans wounded in WWII outside of a Monastery / Hospital from that time.



And btw Germany only lost the war because of Hitler. It was his decision to by pass Moscow, all his other Generals knew better, but they didn't object enough, to the point of killing their god over it, and thereby lost their chance of having Russia implode. All other nations would have sought out some terms rather than fight a German war machine that wasn't up against Russia.

Lib the historian.

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 04:39 PM
There is a long thread on here , we totally destroyed the myth of Hitler as leader.

He destroyed Germany and Europe and set it up for enslavement and destruction,
the murder of tens of millions and communism and was built up by Jew York.

I ain't going to link to thread nor redo all of it again.

It is interesting that the pro Hitlerites post evidence against Hitler
and they don't realize they are doing that, I pointed this out, the
recognition of total penetration and destruction from within.

Even Quantum put up info on Hitlers doctor, so there is recognition
that maybe Hitler was no better than a crack whore out of control,
I did a search online, heard lots about doctor, etc, guess what I found,
non other than David Irving has a free book online about his "doctor",
look it up. It's free. Irving is the foremost historian on WWII, he says
things to piss everyone off, including pro Hitler people , yet the Jews
hate him, lol , he challenges the "gas chambers" that is why.
Irving the guy who walked into Austria and was taken by surprise upon his arrest? And then came out with a mea culpa and and a denial of his previous beliefs? The main assertion by the knuckleheads was that hitler was secretly working for the joos. No one is arguing that he didn't make mistakes. I don't know why you come on here and take shots at people that should be your allies. You're just as much a Greekophile as Hitler was a Germanophile.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 04:56 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 05:07 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.

That shows where your logic comes from. If Mexico annexes half of AZ and New Mexico, are we invading another nation to take it back?

27th August 2010, 05:10 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.

Poland attacked Germany no less than four times in the interwar period,It also fought a war with the USSR.Eiether by outright invasion or by insurrection with Polish official backing. Germany responded in 1939 to yet another incursion, of course your Stalinist history books will say it was a false flag.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 05:15 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.

That shows where your logic comes from. If Mexico annexes half of AZ and New Mexico, are we invading another nation to take it back?
No, that'd be called defending your own ground.

I will def agree that we need a strong military presence along our Southern border. But not in order to mount an incursion into Mexico.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 05:24 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.

Poland attacked Germany no less than four times in the interwar period,It also fought a war with the USSR.Eiether by outright invasion or by insurrection with Polish official backing. Germany responded in 1939 to yet another incursion, of course your Stalinist history books will say it was a false flag.
Then at the point of Poland attacking Germany, Germany should have defended herself to the point of making sure it couldn't happen again.
But it still doesn't justify attacking later on.

Also, just how big were these Polish attacks on Germany, and what actually ended them?
i.e. were they border skirmishs between farmers, or something bigger? Did Poland blitzkreig Germany in an attempt to over run the Nation and annex their land?

philo beddoe
27th August 2010, 05:35 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.

That shows where your logic comes from. If Mexico annexes half of AZ and New Mexico, are we invading another nation to take it back?
No, that'd be called defending your own ground.

I will def agree that we need a strong military presence along our Southern border. But not in order to mount an incursion into Mexico.
Defending your own ground? Did you look at a map before and after WWI? Maybe that will enlighten you a little bit. You should learn the basics of WWI and WWII before you debate.

Joe King
27th August 2010, 05:45 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.
Defending your own ground? Did you look at a map before and after WWI? Maybe that will enlighten you a little bit. You should learn the basics of WWI and WWII before you debate.

That shows where your logic comes from. If Mexico annexes half of AZ and New Mexico, are we invading another nation to take it back?
No, that'd be called defending your own ground.

I will def agree that we need a strong military presence along our Southern border. But not in order to mount an incursion into Mexico.

Just in case I wasn't clear, "first punch" equals military hostilities that crosses borders
And a military presence along our border would serve simply as a deterrant to a military invasion as well as the illegal immigration problem.

No need to attack your neighbors first.

27th August 2010, 05:54 PM
Hitlers mistake was in invading other Nations.

Everyone knows that he who throws the first punch is the aggressor, and once that first punch is thrown anything done in order to defend is fair-game.
i.e. if someone attacks you first, all they're really doing is authorizing their own death.

If Germany had been attacked first, they would have been seen as waging a defensive war as opposed to having started a war.

Poland attacked Germany no less than four times in the interwar period,It also fought a war with the USSR.Eiether by outright invasion or by insurrection with Polish official backing. Germany responded in 1939 to yet another incursion, of course your Stalinist history books will say it was a false flag.
Then at the point of Poland attacking Germany, Germany should have defended herself to the point of making sure it couldn't happen again.
But it still doesn't justify attacking later on.

Also, just how big were these Polish attacks on Germany, and what actually ended them?
i.e. were they border skirmishs between farmers, or something bigger? Did Poland blitzkreig Germany in an attempt to over run the Nation and annex their land?

Poland had been given a country after WWI, They chose to expand it at the expense of the Germans, who's military was in shambles. Silesia was seized through a series of "uprisings" backed by the Polish military in three attacks between 1919 and 1921. The last coincides with the Soviet Invasion in 1920 of Poland. Poland also attacked Lithuania,and claimed large tracts of Ukraine. here is a list, that will show you "peaceful Poland"
1919, Polish–Czechoslovak War
1919, First Silesian Uprising – against Germany
1919–1921, Polish-Soviet War
1920, Second Silesian Uprising – against Germany
1920, Polish–Lithuanian War
1921, Third Silesian Uprising – against Germany
1936–1939 - Spanish Civil War (Polish Dabrowski Brigade)

After Hitler came to power this stopped, as he modernized the German forces. I dont agree with the victim status with Poland. The Blitzkreig, until Poland was only a theory,it had never actually been used as a tactic. so in effect, The Germans did respond, after a series of border incursions.the threat was removed.The Silesian operations stripped Germany of 900,000 people, and massive coal deposits and industrial facilites. More importantly, this is also when Italy,who tried to intervene and make peace, was over ruled by France and threatened .This act pushed Mussolini into a defensive posture with the West.It also caused the "polish corridor" to be formed, dividing Germany into two parts.

27th August 2010, 06:32 PM
The technology of Hitler's time didn't use DNA, all Hitler knew is that there was a heavy Khazar influence in Eastern Europe.

Some guy on GIM years ago said that jew doctors here in the USA regularly circumcise all the goyim newborns because during WWII the Nazis would determine who was a jew by making them drop their trousers and verifying the presence of a foreskin. If no foreskin they got loaded onto the trains. Makes sense...


9th September 2010, 05:55 PM

Look Mom, no Krauts!

Today Germans come peacefully to work, marry, spend their holidays and have a good time just like anyone else that has the time and money to spend in one of the greatest cities in this world.

9th September 2010, 06:02 PM

9th September 2010, 06:13 PM

9th September 2010, 06:54 PM
I don't know why you come on here and take shots at people that should be your allies. You're just as much a Greekophile as Hitler was a Germanophile.

Who am I taking shots at, posting about Hitler is taking shots at people ?

Are you my ally accusing me of doing something I am not doing ?

You paying attention to what is happening on here including with yourself ?

I've told a few of you in a nice way to cool it, in forums, in PM, trying to
redirect your energies, help out with a major troll, you and others are doing
what you accuse me of.

I have always posted against Hitler, always, Hitler destroyed Europe and Germany.

The Jews applaud, especially the NY FED Jews that built up his war machine.

According to you I better not post against Hitler, lol , you people take it personally.

Last thread I got 20 smites for a few posts, I don't smite you guys for your
opinions promoting Hitler.

You don't even know who Soros is dude, he was a drummer boy, right.

You have any idea what Quantum admitted to in that thread ?

"Made mistakes", those are not mistakes dude.

Ben, you claim to be Irish despite speaking Russian,
do you know who the Irish Monks are ?

I like to play up being Greek Ben, you know that and you know why,
it bugs some trolls , you saw the battles, Jews hate Greeks too, I ain't
hiding , they are, lol, you still haven't gotten that part yet, besides
who else is going to defend the West and Christianity on here,
and post some basic history, you don't with your posts, I do,
are you a Viking Ben ? Nobody ever heard of most of the big bad
Vikings because they didn't have Irish Monks working for them,
those that did live in eternity.

Ben , where were you and all the other "nationalists" when I destroyed
that monkey on agora, by myself and with the help of Harry, remember
Harry, he is on here Ben. When he sent me that PM with the find I was
enraged. While all you "germanophiles" were hiding. A couple of cheerleaders.

You forget who you are talking to Ben ?

Everyone should try to do something constructive on here.

9th September 2010, 06:58 PM
I don't know why you come on here and take shots at people that should be your allies. You're just as much a Greekophile as Hitler was a Germanophile.

Who am I taking shots at, posting about Hitler is taking shots at people ?

Are you my ally accusing me of doing something I am not doing ?

You paying attention to what is happening on here including with yourself ?

I've told a few of you in a nice way to cool it, in forums, in PM, trying to
redirect your energies, help out with a major troll.

I have always posted against Hitler, always, Hitler destroyed Europe and Germany.

The Jews applaud, especially the NY FED Jews that built up his war machine.

According to you I better not post against Hitler, lol , you people take it personally.

Last thread I got 20 smites for a few posts, I don't smite you guys for your
opinions promoting Hitler.

You don't even know who Soros is dude, he was a drummer boy, right.

You have any idea what Quantum admitted to in that thread ?

"Made mistakes", those are not mistakes dude.

Ben, you claim to be Irish, do you know who the Irish Monks are ?

I like to play up being Greek Ben, you know that and you know why,
it bugs some trolls , you saw the battles, Jews hate Greeks, I ain't
hiding , they are, lol, you still haven't gotten that part yet, besides
who else is going to defend the West and Christianity on here,
you don't with your posts, I do, are you a Viking Ben ? Nobody
every heard of most of the big bad Vikings because they didn't
have Irish Monks working for them, those that did live in eternity.

Ben , where were you and all the other "nationalists" when I destroyed
that monkey on agora, by myself and with the help of Harry, remember
Harry, he is on here Ben. When he sent me that PM with the find I was
enraged. While all you "germanophiles" were hiding.

You forget who you are talking to Ben ?

Didnt know you were Greek. I knew I liked you for a reason.

9th September 2010, 07:12 PM
Didnt know you were Greek. I knew I liked you for a reason.

Thanks and welcome to the forums.
This place is full of trolls, that is why you didn't get warm welcome from me last time, sorry.

I go way back with these guys, I don't agree with everything they say and do,
I have supported them many many times and been disappointed sometimes.
No biggie.

You missed what I refer to above.

I am from Northern Greece and a Mountain Man,
you are supposed to shout my name, lol .

We are the Highlanders from the Highlands literally.

My posts on here are nothing to the past, I suck now.

You missed my great friend Anty Ep and great educator.
He is half Greek half German. The greatest poster gim ever had,
key points of history to wake up my white washed mind.
He did it. Awoke on here posts some of the same material.
Learned on his own, which is why I respect him greatly,
smarter than me.

Jew trolls on gim hate me greatly. I was posting about NeoCons. LOL !
Like the troll Ulysses. If and when I put a thread up I will make sure
to PM you.

I and others here, we should be friends, we got greater fish to fry,
Hitler ain't coming back any time soon but they are deep sixing
Charlamagne, the other German, and nobody cares but me it seems,
on here, Ben, LOL ! f*ck !

Don't miss my sigs, I outed the round as Masonic.
Fred outed skydyke, that's Phoenix on here now, was PDT.

Don't miss this video, MadFranks the mod made it.
This place has a huge online history.
Lots of lots of people stopped posting going back too.

philo beddoe
9th September 2010, 10:02 PM
Didnt know you were Greek. I knew I liked you for a reason.

Thanks and welcome to the forums.
This place is full of trolls, that is why you didn't get warm welcome from me last time, sorry.

I go way back with these guys, I don't agree with everything they say and do,
I have supported them many many times and been disappointed sometimes.
No biggie.

You missed what I refer to above.

I am from Northern Greece and a Mountain Man,
you are supposed to shout my name, lol .

We are the Highlanders from the Highlands literally.

My posts on here are nothing to the past, I suck now.

You missed my great friend Anty Ep and great educator.
He is half Greek half German. The greatest poster gim ever had,
key points of history to wake up my white washed mind.
He did it. Awoke on here posts some of the same material.
Learned on his own, which is why I respect him greatly,
smarter than me.

Jew trolls on gim hate me greatly. I was posting about NeoCons. LOL !
Like the troll Ulysses. If and when I put a thread up I will make sure
to PM you.

I and others here, we should be friends, we got greater fish to fry,
Hitler ain't coming back any time soon but they are deep sixing
Charlamagne, the other German, and nobody cares but me it seems,
on here, Ben, LOL ! f*ck !

Don't miss my sigs, I outed the round as Masonic.
Fred outed skydyke, that's Phoenix on here now, was PDT.

Don't miss this video, MadFranks the mod made it.
This place has a huge online history.
Lots of lots of people stopped posting going back too.
Charlemagne was a Frank.

9th September 2010, 10:54 PM
Hitler was a tool of the elite to further their cause so in that context, Hitler made no mistakes, eh?

philo beddoe
10th September 2010, 09:54 PM
Hitler was a tool of the elite to further their cause so in that context, Hitler made no mistakes, eh?
Hitler was not a tool of the elite. They may have thought he waS, but they found out otherwise when his tanks were riding the cliffs of the Atlantic coast.

1) Britain lost their empire
2) France lost her empire
3) Stalin turned from an internationalist to a National Socialist.
4) Hitler had Stalin shitting his pants
5) Hitler showed the small central European countries they could beat Stalin/Russia, and they never gave up
6) Hitler secured independence for Austria
7) Hitler showed France more freedom than other countries, France soon learned Britain and the US were not friends either. Therefore France has torpedoed many globalist initiatives since WWII
8) Hitler struck a blow to Russian domination that they never recovered from
9) Hitler forced East and West to become at least marginally nationalistic enough to keep all of Europe from becoming openly communist
10) For all of the fucking assholes sitting in the US mocking Hitler, enjoying the reserve currency economic powerhouse, you can thank Hitler for his knockout punch to Britain, andfor all the technology the United States stole from Germany

11th September 2010, 04:08 AM
I beg to differ; Hitler was a tool of the elite. I could type out a parallel list of how Hitler helped the elite and their plans but, to truly see how Hitler was used as a tool of the elite, all you got to do is look who funded and helped Hitler to power.

11th September 2010, 06:59 AM
Hitler was a tool of the elite to further their cause so in that context, Hitler made no mistakes, eh?
Hitler was not a tool of the elite. They may have thought he waS, but they found out otherwise when his tanks were riding the cliffs of the Atlantic coast.

1) Britain lost their empire
2) France lost her empire
3) Stalin turned from an internationalist to a National Socialist.
4) Hitler had Stalin sh*tting his pants
5) Hitler showed the small central European countries they could beat Stalin/Russia, and they never gave up
6) Hitler secured independence for Austria
7) Hitler showed France more freedom than other countries, France soon learned Britain and the US were not friends either. Therefore France has torpedoed many globalist initiatives since WWII
8) Hitler struck a blow to Russian domination that they never recovered from
9) Hitler forced East and West to become at least marginally nationalistic enough to keep all of Europe from becoming openly communist
10) For all of the f*cking assholes sitting in the US mocking Hitler, enjoying the reserve currency economic powerhouse, you can thank Hitler for his knockout punch to Britain, andfor all the technology the United States stole from Germany

Wow if we could harness stupidity we wouldn't need oil any more.

1. Benefited the Zionists

2. Benefited the Zionists

3. Explain how this changed the behavior of Russia's most famous Jew, exactly?

4. Hitler was just killing the Slavs Stalin wanted gone anyways ...

5. Really? How about posting some links to back up that interpretation? Only Poland got free, after decades under Soviet rule

6. Wasn't Austria independent before Hitler? And Austria was delivered whole to the post-WWII NWO, with membership in the UN since Austria was re-formed in 1955, signed on to Schengen, joined the Euro etc.

7. France anti-globalist? What a laugh ... who do you think put together the EU - read through the list there are a lot of Frenchmen involved

8. Benefited the Zionists

9. You mean the part of Europe that wasn't taken over by the Commies immediately after WWII ended

10. US was on the rise well before Hitler got sobered up after WWI.

philo beddoe
11th September 2010, 07:26 AM
Hitler was a tool of the elite to further their cause so in that context, Hitler made no mistakes, eh?
Hitler was not a tool of the elite. They may have thought he waS, but they found out otherwise when his tanks were riding the cliffs of the Atlantic coast.

1) Britain lost their empire
2) France lost her empire
3) Stalin turned from an internationalist to a National Socialist.
4) Hitler had Stalin sh*tting his pants
5) Hitler showed the small central European countries they could beat Stalin/Russia, and they never gave up
6) Hitler secured independence for Austria
7) Hitler showed France more freedom than other countries, France soon learned Britain and the US were not friends either. Therefore France has torpedoed many globalist initiatives since WWII
8) Hitler struck a blow to Russian domination that they never recovered from
9) Hitler forced East and West to become at least marginally nationalistic enough to keep all of Europe from becoming openly communist
10) For all of the f*cking assholes sitting in the US mocking Hitler, enjoying the reserve currency economic powerhouse, you can thank Hitler for his knockout punch to Britain, andfor all the technology the United States stole from Germany

Wow if we could harness stupidity we wouldn't need oil any more.

1. Benefited the Zionists

2. Benefited the Zionists

3. Explain how this changed the behavior of Russia's most famous Jew, exactly?

4. Hitler was just killing the Slavs Stalin wanted gone anyways ...

5. Really? How about posting some links to back up that interpretation? Only Poland got free, after decades under Soviet rule

6. Wasn't Austria independent before Hitler? And Austria was delivered whole to the post-WWII NWO, with membership in the UN since Austria was re-formed in 1955, signed on to Schengen, joined the Euro etc.

7. France anti-globalist? What a laugh ... who do you think put together the EU - read through the list there are a lot of Frenchmen involved

8. Benefited the Zionists

9. You mean the part of Europe that wasn't taken over by the Commies immediately after WWII ended

10. US was on the rise well before Hitler got sobered up after WWI.
Harness stupidity huh? Look at the genius' answer to number 5. What a fucking dork. I bet the people in Slovakia have something different to say.