View Full Version : Israel to reconsider deporting children

27th August 2010, 02:34 AM
Now considering the value of their kidneys or the price they'll fetch in the slave trade... JK (or am I?)


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given into pressure to further discuss the deportation of children of foreign workers.

A source close to the prime minister said that the cabinet will hold another meeting for the issue.

An Israeli minister also called for the cabinet session.

"I call for another discussion on the issue of foreign workers' children," Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar told Israeli media outlet Ynet news on Thursday.

Last year, the cabinet decided to set criteria for children who would be allowed to remain in Israel.

The move means that some 400 children who currently fail to meet the criteria could possibly be deported and some 800 might be allowed to remain in Israel with their parents.

Deputy Israeli Prime Minister Eli Yishai sparked an outcry earlier when he accused migrant workers of bringing with them a "profusion of diseases: hepatitis, measles, TB, AIDS, and drug (addiction)."

Israel originally planned to deport migrant workers' children in August 2009 but postponed it due to public outcry and protests.