27th August 2010, 09:04 AM
There are many verses in the Bible saying that God will repay evil.
Rom 12:19
... give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord
Deut 32:35
To me belongeth vengeance and recompence ...
but once I found a verse which says that it works the other way around.
Meaning if you manage to give something to God or to do something to God, He will repay you many fold.
God will not allow situation when He is in debt to a man.
I don't remember the exact verse, but it made quite an impression on me.
I thought, we can use that fact. Here is "formula for success". A "Blessing machine" which works like this: give something of yours to God - receive back seven fold.
latter I figured that it is not easy to identify something that could qualify as a gift to God, because either it is already His anyway or He would not be interested in it.
years later, about a month ago, I accidently figured that there is one thing that I could make into present to God. That thing belongs 1) only to me, plus I know 2) He is interested. He wants it, but can not have it unless I give it to Him. 1) and 2) together qualifies it into into something that could be fed into the "Blessing machine" making my selfish "formula for success" work.
The answer was very simple and obvious.
The way he made us, even He can not have our love and affection. We live in our own castle, each in charge of ourselves.
I found only one thing which we can give to Him. It is our "self".
He wants our love, but can not have it, unless we give it to Him.
Rom 12:19
... give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord
Deut 32:35
To me belongeth vengeance and recompence ...
but once I found a verse which says that it works the other way around.
Meaning if you manage to give something to God or to do something to God, He will repay you many fold.
God will not allow situation when He is in debt to a man.
I don't remember the exact verse, but it made quite an impression on me.
I thought, we can use that fact. Here is "formula for success". A "Blessing machine" which works like this: give something of yours to God - receive back seven fold.
latter I figured that it is not easy to identify something that could qualify as a gift to God, because either it is already His anyway or He would not be interested in it.
years later, about a month ago, I accidently figured that there is one thing that I could make into present to God. That thing belongs 1) only to me, plus I know 2) He is interested. He wants it, but can not have it unless I give it to Him. 1) and 2) together qualifies it into into something that could be fed into the "Blessing machine" making my selfish "formula for success" work.
The answer was very simple and obvious.
The way he made us, even He can not have our love and affection. We live in our own castle, each in charge of ourselves.
I found only one thing which we can give to Him. It is our "self".
He wants our love, but can not have it, unless we give it to Him.