View Full Version : life is like a cup of coffee

27th August 2010, 02:03 PM

Saul Mine
28th August 2010, 12:58 AM
Just think: We all spent 3:31 taking in a bit of philosophy, which we probably will think was deep and profound because someone spent a lot of effort to display it in a beautiful setting. We could have read the same bit of glurge in ten seconds and maybe it would have seemed worth the time but probably not. The difference is the flick, exactly the same as the cups of which the flick speaks. The flick contradicts itself. Any merchant will tell you that the presentation is more important than the product.

28th August 2010, 07:27 AM
The difference is the flick, exactly the same as the cups of which the flick speaks. The flick contradicts itself.

LOL, you are correct Saul. I didn't catch that! Nice...

I still like the overall message though. It's worth a 3 minute break, imo. ;D