28th August 2010, 06:52 AM
By mixing 1 oz of diesel to 10 gal of petrol you get greatly reduced pollution. =ebcee2a7b417ad9beed
Anonymous_Coward - 52 day(s) ago
Actually, this does work, Dad just got it down to the exact percent. S.I.U and John A. Logan College ran all the diagnostics on Dads figures, and he was right. I use this mixture in my gas tank and it has made such a difference. My exhaust used to be nasty, would blow up in my it doesn't. It's cleaner folks, why not try it. :) =ebcee2a7b417ad9beed
Anonymous_Coward - 52 day(s) ago
Actually, this does work, Dad just got it down to the exact percent. S.I.U and John A. Logan College ran all the diagnostics on Dads figures, and he was right. I use this mixture in my gas tank and it has made such a difference. My exhaust used to be nasty, would blow up in my it doesn't. It's cleaner folks, why not try it. :)