View Full Version : WikiLeaks sex scandal deepens as estranged son enters the fray

30th August 2010, 08:29 AM
Police statements made by the women involved in the sex scandal engulfing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange raise questions over Assange's claims that the charges against him were a Pentagon-initiated smear campaign.

Assange's statements that he was warned to expect the smears by "Australian intelligence" have also been called into question by Australian intelligence agencies.

Meanwhile, Assange's 20-year-old estranged son, Daniel, appears to have queried his dad's claims about the alleged "dirty tricks" campaign, and wrote in a Facebook posting that he "does have a way of making a lot of female enemies", the New York Post reported.

Earlier this month, Assange, from Melbourne, was facing charges of rape and molestation over a recent trip to Stockholm, Sweden. The rape charges have since been dropped by Swedish prosecutors but the molestation accusation is still outstanding.

British newspaper the Daily Mail has obtained a copy of the police statements made by the two women at the centre of the claims. These indicate that Assange had consensual sex with the women but was reported to police after he refused to use a condom or, later, take an STD test.

One, Anna Ardin, who helped bring Assange to Sweden for a speaking engagement, allegedly let Assange stay in her one-bedroom flat in Stockholm. They went out to dinner and, according to a "police source" quoted in the Daily Mail, "when they got back they had sexual relations, but there was a problem with the condom - it had split".

"She seemed to think that he had done this deliberately but he insisted that it was an accident."

Ardin has told a Swedish newspaper that Assange had "a twisted attitude towards women and a problem with taking 'no' for an answer". She denied the complaints were orchestrated by the Pentagon.

The other woman, described only as Woman B, met Assange the next day at the conference organised by Ardin. She had become obsessed with him following a litany of online news reports on Assange's leaking of thousands of confidential documents pertaining to the war in Afghanistan.

According to her police statement, the woman was later invited out for lunch with Assange and his entourage. She said she asked Assange if the food he was eating - cheese served on Swedish crispbread - was good and he began to feed her.

She said in her statement that he spent the 45-minute journey to her home tweeting and texting on his mobile phone and reading stories about himself. She complained that "he paid more attention to the computer than to me


The pair ate breakfast together the next morning, the police statement said, and parted amicably soon after. He allegedly told the woman he would call her but did not and didn't answer her calls.

Woman B then called Ardin and the pair realised they had both been victims of Assange's charm. They feared STDs and pregnancy and after Assange allegedly refused to take an STD test, the women went to police.

Full article...... (http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/wikileaks-sex-scandal-deepens-as-estranged-son-enters-the-fray-20100830-143ao.html)

let the intergoogletron erupt. This seems like the work of.....the usual suspects. Character assasinations abound. STD's, pregnancy. Not returning phone calls? I'm interested to know the time frames.... was it 15 or 20 minutes before she realised he was not going to call? Sounds like bitter groupies to me..... the morning after regret perhaps.

30th August 2010, 12:40 PM
His son went on to say later

"I’d just like to note here that the comments in question were very tongue-in-cheek and never intended to be made public like this, much less support the conclusions of the article. The NYP did not interview me or otherwise attain my consent in any way for their publication. I have much respect for my father and his cause, and these ridiculously ill-handled allegations of sexual abuse serve only to distract from the audacious awesomeness that he has actually done."


30th August 2010, 12:58 PM
Wouldn't it be better for the women to have asked him before having sex with him, whether he could prove he didn't have any STD's.

Probably not since that would have ruined their character assassination attempt...

30th August 2010, 03:41 PM
Could it be this Anna Ardin:

(PR /media chicks are usually pretty swingin' according to my wife who used to work at an Ad/PR agency)


Anna Ardin

Press- and political secretary at Swedish Christian Socialists

Stockholm Area, Sweden
Civic & Social Organization


* Press- and political secretary at Christian Socialists in Sweden


* Forskningsassistent at Uppsala universitet
* Utredare at Sveriges förenade studentkårer
* Projektledare at Doktorandnämnden, Uppsala studentkår

* Jämlikhetsansvarig at Uppsala studentkår
* Manager, Press & PR at Klubb Feber
* Hamnkapten at Visby Gästhamn
* Valberedningens ordf. at Sveriges förenade studentkårer
* Intern at Swedish Embassy, Buenos Aires
* Operation Dagsverkeinformatör at Elevorganisationen
* Press and PR manager at ZERI Foundation


* Uppsala universitet
* Högskolan på Gotland
* Säveskolan

30th August 2010, 04:09 PM
Wikileaks Servers Move To Underground Nuclear Bunker (http://blogs.forbes.com/andygreenberg/2010/08/30/wikileaks-servers-move-to-underground-nuclear-bunker/)


Saul Mine
30th August 2010, 08:19 PM
Well, ladies, it's time you learned the ways of the world. I mean the real world, not the one your fem-lib friends tell you about. In the real world men play a game called "scoring". The rules are very simple: Lay a girl if she'll let you, but marry one who won't. The only important thing a man requires from a wife is that she won't go to bed with a man she is not married to. If she goes to bed with him before marriage, she is a slut and he doesn't want to socialize with her any more. That is why a guy will take you to bed and then never call again. It doesn't matter if you like it, or understand it, or love the guy enough to do anything he asks, or anything else. If you take your pants off, you fail.