View Full Version : Ken O'Keefe on Press Tv "Mossad did 9/11"

Large Sarge
31st August 2010, 05:09 AM
really gets going about 12 minutes in or so


31st August 2010, 05:43 AM
I believe "civilisation" is not a generic word but has specific legal conotations. I believe it is the process of converting a society from a lawful one into a legal one. The result of which, un-a-lien-able rights are traded for lien-able ones and over time the society "forgets" that it had those rights and becomes both poorer and lesser because of that. It also becomes a "debtor prison" society.

31st August 2010, 09:30 AM
Thanks Sarge. Ken O'Keefe holds his own well amongst the more polished disinfo pros.

Gilad Atzmon recently posted this tribute to O'Keefe, mostly citing O'Keefe's own writing,

http://www.gilad.co.uk/storage/Ken_O_Keefe27.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=12828 92192177

I love his directness. (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/i-love-his-directness.html)

DateFriday, August 27, 2010 at 6:47AM AuthorGilad Atzmon

Here are a few words by Ken O'keefe, a solidarity hero: a man who embodies the true spirit of resistance.

You are among the conscious minority who can see amid the collective insanity of the masses who are blind.

You have a heart and you use it for so much more then the simple necessity of pumping of blood.

You are truly blessed yet this blessing is often lost in the illusions of popular culture.

You have been given the greatest gifts of all, the gifts of life & humanity… and you are wise enough to exercise and nurture them.

You are often ignored or vilified or imprisoned or worse, yet you are who you are, you are human.

You are the conspirator and co-creator of a better world, a just and peaceful world.

You are the ancestor of those yet unborn.

You are my brother, my sister, my family, and we are one.

We are Truth, we are Justice, we are Peace,

And we are indomitable!

Ken O'keefe

Here's O'Keefe's recent expat coverage on Russia Today,


31st August 2010, 10:53 AM
It was both funny and frustrating listening to the 2 suits chomp at the bit to call O'Keefe a conspiracy theorist. Funny that neither wanted to debate him straight up on his claims. Their body language while he spoke of being a soldier who has been to war screamed of being uncomfortable. A rife position among intellectuals.

Thanks for posting the clip Sarge.

31st August 2010, 08:23 PM
O'Keefe has a blog: http://kenokeefe.wordpress.com/

He was also guest on Kevin Barrett's radio show: NoLiesRadio on 7/1/10,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gaza Flotilla Hero Ken O'Keefe Speaks Out for 9/11 Truth AND Monetary Truth (http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2010/07/gaza-flotilla-hero-ken-okeefe-speaks.html)

Meet Ken O'Keefe, the Gaza Flotilla hero who appears equally adept at physically disarming murderous Israeli commandos and verbally vanquishing rabidly Zionist BBC interviewers. Ken will be serving as Master of Ceremonies at the upcoming Debunking the War on Terror symposium in London on July 14th, where he will join me, Gilad Atzmon, and Jim Fetzer in laying waste to the myth of GWOT. When he joined me on The Kevin Barrett Show Tuesday, Ken went on the record for 9/11 truth and monetary truth:

(listen to archived interview) (http://noliesradio.org/archives/18936) (to listen, open link, pause the live stream which auto-plays via the console near the top-right, and hit PLAY on the console to the left below the show title)

14:00 Barrett: I woke up to that at the same time I woke up to the fact that the official version of 9/11 is shot full of holes, to say the least. Did you have a similar awakening (after 9/11)?

O'Keefe: I'd already known about Project for a New American Century even when 9/11 was happening... On 9/11 it looked to me like pre-WW2 Nazi Germany, it looked like a nation being taken for a ride on a complete manipulation, an event based on falsities--caricatures of terrorists, and the real terrorist was from within. And to me the American Stars and Stripes looked like swastikas flying all over the place, a people who knew not where they were being led, and those of us who were really aware of what was going on, it was all laid out very well in the Project for a New American Century ("Rebuilding America's Defenses," published September 2000). They said exactly where they were going. They were going to Afghanistan, and they were going to go to Iraq...My awakening was in years previous to (9/11), and I came to realize that virtually everything we were being told was a lie.


It's not up to presidents, it's not up to the UN, it's not up to any of these so-called leaders. To be honest with you, I don't think they have any power at all. The real power probably is revealed by...well, didn't we give one trillion dollars to the bankers last year or the year before? Why did we give one trillion dollars to the bankers? Why do the banking families get to print all the money, and then charge us interest on that money? I would argue that those guys probably have one hell of a lot of power. If you can print money yourself...and trillions and trillions have gone missing from the US treasury over decades...Imagine, if you could print money yourself, can you imagine what you could achieve? I know I could get a lot done if I just had a million dollars! I could get a lot done with that! Can you imagine having trillions or, billions anyway? That's exactly where you see the real power, with the bankers, not with Barack Obama. If Obama threatened the bankers like John F. Kennedy did, when he said he would abolish the Federal Reserve and found himself dead a few months later -- if Obama ever thinks of doing anything like I can assure you that he'll end up in the same place. Spo I think there's another truth, and it's going to be a difficult one to acknowledge...