View Full Version : Murkowski Concedes!!! States Rights, Tea Party Candidate Joe Miller Wins!

Stop Making Cents
31st August 2010, 07:31 PM
;D ;D

Great news tonight! Rand Paul is going to have some great colleagues to work with!

Let us pray that Sharon Angle can win her race!

And all you Palin bashers need to give her credit for endorsing Joe Miller when he was down like 40 pts and had no hope of winning. The same Sarah Palin that endorsed Rand Paul when no one in the GOP would touch him with a 10 foot pole. (Yes, I know she endorsed Mccain, but she pretty much had to since he brought her to the national spotlight)

Maybe there is still hope for America

31st August 2010, 07:55 PM
;D ;D

Great news tonight! Rand Paul is going to have some great colleagues to work with!

Let us pray that Sharon Angle can win her race!

And all you Palin bashers need to give her credit for endorsing Joe Miller when he was down like 40 pts and had no hope of winning. The same Sarah Palin that endorsed Rand Paul when no one in the GOP would touch him with a 10 foot pole. (Yes, I know she endorsed Mccain, but she pretty much had to since he brought her to the national spotlight)

Maybe there is still hope for America

Rand is a neo con.

Palin is a neo con.

The tea party is full of neo cons.

Explain to me how this is good news again?

31st August 2010, 08:14 PM
Yayyyyy! One or two out of hundreds. We're saved. :oo-->

Forgive my sarcasm. We're not voting our way out of this.

*just enough hope and "progress" to keep the lid on the pressure cooker. It's already too late. The patient is dead.

31st August 2010, 08:48 PM
Mr. Stop Making Cents...no ofense, but you need to change your name to "Making No Sense".

Rand is a neo con, and his daddy should slap the taste out of his mouth!

Palin is a Zionist neo con pos.

31st August 2010, 10:17 PM
Don't be too excited.

He will, after all, be a politician who needs to be satisfy his constituents by delivering plenty of pork just like his predecessor.

31st August 2010, 10:21 PM
Don't be too excited.

He will, after all, be a politician who needs to be satisfy his constituents by delivering plenty of pork just like his predecessor.

Having lived briefly in Alaska, I can assure you that Alaskans love nothing more than free money from the lower 48.

And besides being a neocon, Rand Paul accepts Medicare payments, using the excuse that "Doctors have a right to make a good living".

1st September 2010, 05:12 AM
Don't be too excited.

He will, after all, be a politician who needs to be satisfy his constituents by delivering plenty of pork just like his predecessor.

Having lived briefly in Alaska, I can assure you that Alaskans love nothing more than free money from the lower 48.

And besides being a neocon, Rand Paul accepts Medicare payments, using the excuse that "Doctors have a right to make a good living".

Yeah, but if he refused medicare payments, everyone would say "look! Rand Paul hates the poor!".

1st September 2010, 05:24 AM
you want to see a really pissed off populace?

wait until they figure out the tea party candidates didn't do anything either.

Stop Making Cents
1st September 2010, 05:29 AM
Sheesh, tough crowd.

I think Rand is saying what he has to say to get elected. Does anyone think he would vote to NOT end the Fed? Get real. No candidate is perfect, but these Tea Party, State's Rights Conservatives are a major step in the right direction and should be able to put the breaks on Barry's Marxist agenda.

I think it is a great thing when a total unknown outsider who advocates small government and states rights manages to beat an entrenched liberal Republican.

You guys are probably right though - it may not amount to anything, but the Senate could be a stepping stone to the Presidency, and I think the Presidency may be in Rand's future. He already has the name recongintion thanks to his dad.

Silver Shield
1st September 2010, 06:14 AM
Sheesh, tough crowd.

I think Rand is saying what he has to say to get elected. Does anyone think he would vote to NOT end the Fed? Get real. No candidate is perfect, but these Tea Party, State's Rights Conservatives are a major step in the right direction and should be able to put the breaks on Barry's Marxist agenda.

I think it is a great thing when a total unknown outsider who advocates small government and states rights manages to beat an entrenched liberal Republican.

You guys are probably right though - it may not amount to anything, but the Senate could be a stepping stone to the Presidency, and I think the Presidency may be in Rand's future. He already has the name recongintion thanks to his dad.

Nothing happens by accident.

This is just Kissinger's whore building up enough credibility with the Tea Party people to hold the Republicans together for her to get in in 2012.

The Neo Cons are subverting and infiltrating another political party.

Nothing will happen inside the system that they control that will amount to anything.


General of Darkness
1st September 2010, 06:32 AM
I don't think she's a neo-con, she's too stupid to be one, but she's definitely a cryptojew.


1st September 2010, 06:36 AM
I don't think she's a neo-con, she's too stupid to be one, but she's definitely a cryptojew.


She isn't a very good "crypto". LOL

She's just another proud shabbos goy.

1st September 2010, 06:56 AM
you want to see a really pissed off populace?

wait until they figure out the tea party candidates didn't do anything either.

That's just it, they NEVER figure it out. Hell, remember on GIM1 the ratio of posters that couldn't figure this shit out. It's a little better here, but we still have a few that just won't put the kool-aid down.

1st September 2010, 07:05 AM
No candidate is perfect, but these Tea Party, State's Rights Conservatives are a major step in the right direction and should be able to put the breaks on Barry's Marxist agenda.

Still falling for the lie that the "right" and "left" are on different teams... *sigh*

I think it is a great thing when a total unknown outsider who advocates SAYS they advocate small government and states rights manages to beat an entrenched liberal Republican.

Politicians SAY they advocate things all the time, then do the exact opposite when installed into power.

But, I'm sure this time it will be different, right?


1st September 2010, 07:58 AM
Great graphic BrewTech, it really sums up our electorate.

Silver Shield
1st September 2010, 11:04 AM
you want to see a really pissed off populace?

wait until they figure out the tea party candidates didn't do anything either.

That's just it, they NEVER figure it out. Hell, remember on GIM1 the ratio of posters that couldn't figure this sh*t out. It's a little better here, but we still have a few that just won't put the kool-aid down.

I got into a minor scuffle over at TOL COC about this today.

I was basically warned not to rain on peoples parades.

I was not trying to hijack a thread but raise awareness of the people who are stroking some mighty big checks to Palin and Beck.

And that is from a liberty minded group...

God forbid the average American.

People just take care of your own and do your best.

And question everything.

Silver Shield
1st September 2010, 11:07 AM

Can someone with photoshop put Palin on Lucy?

And Charlie Brown give him a Tea Party shirt or something?

1st September 2010, 11:58 AM
Brilliant idea SS

1st September 2010, 02:42 PM
I think Rand is saying what he has to say to get elected. Does anyone think he would vote to NOT end the Fed? Get real. No candidate is perfect, but these Tea Party, State's Rights Conservatives are a major step in the right direction and should be able to put the breaks on Barry's Marxist agenda.

I agree there are no perfect candidates however I'd never vote for someone who "says what it takes to get elected" You say the Truth and if there aren't enough good people to send you to Washington then it's a sign of the times but you can sleep at night knowing you stuck to your convictions. Like the saying goes "better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you're not"

Rand probably would vote to end the fed, but he has already pledged allegiance to israel too so explain to me how he is any different than any other senator, they all say some good things and do some good things but at the end of the day they sell us down the river, meanwhile living the high life at our expense.

The absolute bottom line is this as wildcard pointed out, you aren't voting your way out of this one, even if every tea party candidate was a Ron Paul clone you aren't going to get out from under this debt load (let alone our myriad of other major problems)


BTW here are some links to back up what I said about Rand.
