View Full Version : !!!!!BREECH OF PREP SECURITY!!!!!!

1st September 2010, 01:43 AM
Ok, well, maybe its not quite THAT serious, but I did have a breech of prep security today.

Theres a lady in our neighborhood that lives a few houses down. Shes got 5 kids, shes on welfare, section 8, food stamps, the whole nine yards. Long story short, is quite literaly the steryotype white single welfare mom that you could possibly imagine. Shes a nice lady though and our kids like to play together.

Well, I was working in our down stairs storage closet today. Its where we keep some of our over flow preps that dont fit in our kitchen pantry. I put a couple shelves up in there recently and its where I keep our 5 gallon buckets and milk crates with home canned stuff in, just to keep the bulk items out of the way. Anyways, so Im in there organizing, getting some jars out to fill with beans and rice and such. Her two older kids were over playing on the computer and other wise keeping my daughter occupied so my wife and I could get some work done.

Right as Im in the middle of pulling half my food out of the closet THeres a knock at the door. Before I could even react, the 9 year old girl jumps up, and opens it, and in walks mom with her three other kids in tow. Usualy I dont mind, Im not adverse to having her or the kids over, but I was quite literaly standing there with over half our stuff out for the world to see.

Granted, I probably shouldnt have been doing it when the kids were there, but I Had to get it done and I work nights, so it was my only chance, and the kids couldnt really see from where they were.

So mom comes walking in, says her hellos and the kids go play. Shes notices my closet full of food and shes like "wow, you need to be in a cabin in the woods or something."

I kinda laugh it off and say that we buy stuff in bulk cause its cheaper and we have no money (which is actualy what we do) and that the grocery store around the corner was going out of business so we bought alot of the stuff on sale (which is also true). But the damage has been done.

Shes seen some of our preps before, but not even close to this many. She hasnt seen all my home canned food and big 5 gallon buckets of rice and flour and of course all the stuff I havent yet put in buckets.

Shes supposed to be moving out of the neighborhood in a couple months (getting kicked out of her place, or something along those lines) when her lease is up. I doubt SHTF will happen before then, but if it does, something tells me Im suddenly going to have to fight off the whole neighborhood, since she is now the ONLY person in the neighborhood that knows we have all this and I doubt shed keep her mouth shut for long.

I feel so dumb. :'(

1st September 2010, 05:32 AM
I hate to say this because I don't agree with it. Knowing her situation, others probably listen to very little that she has to say about anything. Because she's "down on her luck" right now, most people probably treat her like a small child regarding anything of importance.

Just my opinion...I don't think you have anything to worry about.

1st September 2010, 07:10 AM
I hate to say this because I don't agree with it. Knowing her situation, others probably listen to very little that she has to say about anything. Because she's "down on her luck" right now, most people probably treat her like a small child regarding anything of importance.

Just my opinion...I don't think you have anything to worry about.

You're probably right. I know when shes starts getting into the self pitty party monologues I just kinda smile and nod and think of other things. But, in a true SHTF, that little snippet of information will be gently tucked away in the back of peoples minds. Its possible anyone.

My other worry is that of course, she herself knowing and come knocking on the door, 5 kids in tow, asking for some food. I've barley 2 months of food for the four people in my house, never mind feeding any number of people outside of that.

We do a LOT to help and we are beyond neighborly with her and her children, but if it comes time were living off preps my good will meter is going to go down very very very sharply. Ive got my own toddler to feed to.

1st September 2010, 08:48 AM
I wouldn't worry about it. People have seen my stuff and they barely comment. People seldom notice things when they are hidden in plain sight.

1st September 2010, 09:11 AM
Next time she visits make sure she sees some bullet casings or other firearm related preps as well. She might think twice before opening her yap.

1st September 2010, 09:20 AM
I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. :oo-->

1st September 2010, 09:23 AM
Over all I would not worry much, Most people can not see or think past their noses.
Probably in an amazing short time what she saw will be forgotten.
As long as you do your own duty and not reinforce in any way to her what she saw.

Sort of a draw by the dot thing, or connecting dots. Just do not give her any more dots to
connect. Today most people are living the now, and not looking very far into the future and
the past is quickly forgotten.

1st September 2010, 09:27 AM
Over all I would not worry much, Most people can not see or think past their noses.
Probably in an amazing short time what she saw will be forgotten.
As long as you do your own duty and not reinforce in any way to her what she saw.

Sort of a draw by the dot thing, or connecting dots. Just do not give her any more dots to
connect. Today most people are living the now, and not looking very far into the future and
the past is quickly forgotten.

Yeah, I'm sure when she's laying in the gutter starving, knawing on a piece of dead dog paw, that she won't remember Heimdhal's industrial-size buckets of rice, beans and goodies. :oo-->

1st September 2010, 09:34 AM
[quote=Dogman ]
Over all I would not worry much, Most people can not see or think past their noses.
Probably in an amazing short time what she saw will be forgotten.
As long as you do your own duty and not reinforce in any way to her what she saw.

Sort of a draw by the dot thing, or connecting dots. Just do not give her any more dots to
connect. Today most people are living the now, and not looking very far into the future and
the past is quickly forgotten.

Yeah, I'm sure when she's laying in the gutter starving, knawing on a piece of dead dog paw, that she won't remember Heimdhal's industrial-size buckets of rice, beans and goodies. :oo-->

LMAO !!!

1st September 2010, 10:03 AM
alright ya rascals with your photo shop and your humerous wit, like i said in the OP I realize this isnt the end of the world or anything. I just try to keep these things a little on the DL because I have witnessed the frenzied panic for food and water first hand (im talking literal hordes trampling people, bloody noses, old women being pushed onto the ground, ape like behaviour, the whole nine yards).

So when a certain type of person, one who definitley believes in "communal property" and "you have it and I dont and I deserve it so Im going to take it" I get a little upset with myself that I allowed it to happen. Im not worried the whole neighborhood will be at my door. Those who follow my post know I dont think the world is going total mad max, but when an obamabot sees my stash, I get defensive is all.


And mamboni, you jest with your zombie pic, but I have actualy seen that photo happen for real, minue the amount of blood and desire for brains. ;D ;D

1st September 2010, 10:10 AM
Kids are notorious tattle-tales, so use that to your advantage. Next time those kids are over, be sure to lament that 'mice' or 'bugs' got into your stuff, and it all had to be tossed out. Play it up, give them an empty bucket to take home, etc.

Let your young daughter believe it too so she doesn't blab.

Lesson learned though!!

Shorty Harris
1st September 2010, 04:09 PM
Yeppers, I wouldn't worry too much about it. She prob has no clue as to what she seen anyways. She was probably to busy wondering.."what, no fricken Trinkies"? ;D

1st September 2010, 05:08 PM
Does she feed her family a lot of rice and beans? I would guess, if she is the typical American consumer, that she would be much more impressed if she saw a freezer full of microwave meals and meat, or shelves full of cookies and snacks.

Dried grains and legumes are not things that most people covet ;] Tell her if she is interested in stocking up, that you will give her directions to the Feed Store and she can get 100's of pounds of grains for $50...for when the food stamps run out at the end of the month:]

1st September 2010, 07:50 PM
Yeppers, I wouldn't worry too much about it. She prob has no clue as to what she seen anyways. She was probably to busy wondering.."what, no fricken Trinkies"? ;D

My thoughts were along these lines and similar to the words of cedarchopper too. She probably wouldn't want your beans and rice. Yes, even if she was starving, she'd probably raid a McDonald's before she'd march over to your house for beans.

However, I love beans and rice, and I know where your stash is. It's me you have to worry about . . . muhaahaahaaa!

1st September 2010, 10:06 PM
Yeppers, I wouldn't worry too much about it. She prob has no clue as to what she seen anyways. She was probably to busy wondering.."what, no fricken Trinkies"? ;D

My thoughts were along these lines and similar to the words of cedarchopper too. She probably wouldn't want your beans and rice. Yes, even if she was starving, she'd probably raid a McDonald's before she'd march over to your house for beans.

However, I love beans and rice, and I know where your stash is. It's me you have to worry about . . . muhaahaahaaa!

thats funny, cause our plan was to come raid YOUR stash! lol ;)

2nd September 2010, 07:07 AM
Yeppers, I wouldn't worry too much about it. She prob has no clue as to what she seen anyways. She was probably to busy wondering.."what, no fricken Trinkies"? ;D

My thoughts were along these lines and similar to the words of cedarchopper too. She probably wouldn't want your beans and rice. Yes, even if she was starving, she'd probably raid a McDonald's before she'd march over to your house for beans.

However, I love beans and rice, and I know where your stash is. It's me you have to worry about . . . muhaahaahaaa!

thats funny, cause our plan was to come raid YOUR stash! lol ;)

Yeah, but she's mobile now.


2nd September 2010, 08:21 AM
Yeppers, I wouldn't worry too much about it. She prob has no clue as to what she seen anyways. She was probably to busy wondering.."what, no fricken Trinkies"? ;D

My thoughts were along these lines and similar to the words of cedarchopper too. She probably wouldn't want your beans and rice. Yes, even if she was starving, she'd probably raid a McDonald's before she'd march over to your house for beans.

However, I love beans and rice, and I know where your stash is. It's me you have to worry about . . . muhaahaahaaa!

thats funny, cause our plan was to come raid YOUR stash! lol ;)

Yeah, but she's mobile now.


I know, talk about a monkey wrench in the gears....

Give me a couple days, Im still working plan B.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd September 2010, 02:47 PM
At least she didn't see you stacking your silver and gold ^-^

3rd September 2010, 07:02 AM
She is right. You need to be in a cabin in the woods or something.

3rd September 2010, 09:16 AM
At least she didn't see you stacking your silver and gold ^-^

No body sees that. ;)

3rd September 2010, 09:16 AM
She is right. You need to be in a cabin in the woods or something.

I cant argue with that, I would love to.

3rd September 2010, 10:17 AM
I'm in an RV in the woods. Too bad you decided to be responsible and stay home and work. :D

Half Sense
3rd September 2010, 04:56 PM
Get more ammo. Sounds like your gonna need it on SHTF day.

3rd September 2010, 08:04 PM
I'm in an RV in the woods. Too bad you decided to be responsible and stay home and work. :D

Yeah, we cant all be hippie gypsies galavanting around the country all willy-nilly! ;D

BUT, if you're back by december 12th, theres an appleseed Riflemans Boot Camp schedualed (first one for florida) near Myakka(but not AT myakka). Its a full week long. Im sure we could leave the baby at my in-laws and Meghan would stay around for a few days camping....

hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge.

3rd September 2010, 08:23 PM
I'm in an RV in the woods. Too bad you decided to be responsible and stay home and work. :D

Yeah, we cant all be hippie gypsies galavanting around the country all willy-nilly! ;D

BUT, if you're back by december 12th, theres an appleseed Riflemans Boot Camp schedualed (first one for florida) near Myakka(but not AT myakka). Its a full week long. Im sure we could leave the baby at my in-laws and Meghan would stay around for a few days camping....

hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge.

I am hoping that I won't be back by then, but if I am, I'd love to go to a boot camp!

18th October 2010, 11:59 AM
Who wants the food of one of those crazy hoarding junk-collecting conspiracy theory kooks?

This is what you see:


This is what she sees:


18th October 2010, 09:47 PM
Who wants the food of one of those crazy hoarding junk-collecting conspiracy theory kooks?

This is what you see:


This is what she sees:


Exactly, which is why I never worry about people "seeing" what I (might or might not) have.

Clutter is what they perceive.

18th October 2010, 10:16 PM
Its alright now. They got booted out of there place and will be clear across town in about a week and hopefully, with any luck, well never hear from any of them ever again!!! My luck hasnt been so hot though...well see..
