View Full Version : MDs find oil toxins in Gulf residents' blood, "far inland"

1st September 2010, 03:32 PM
inside: Interview with Matt Smith, Project Gulf Impact (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Intel-Hub-32k-083110.mp3), 15 mins out of a 2 hour show, begins @ 31:45

BREAKING: THREE different doctors find PAHs, heavy metals, arsenic in BLOOD of Gulf Coast residents, some are “REALLY INLAND” (AUDIO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/breaking-three-different-doctors-find-pahs-heavy-metals-arsenic-in-blood-gulf-coast-residents-some-are-really-inland-audio)

Rush Transcript Excerpts (at 31:45 in)

They are actually finding the toxins that are in the oil in the blood of the people who live down there.

Its horrifying because they’re cumulative and they’re heavy metals and toxins…

We used three different doctors, and the exact same thing that is being found in the water and the air and the soil is now in the blood.

This is the kind of stuff that causes cancer and death.

This is not just in the workers that we’ve had tested, but also in residents…

The worst part about that is we haven’t even gotten to the Corexit testing yet.

This is just the oil, the polyaromatic hydrocarbons, the heavy metals, the arsenic.

And they’re not just people who are right on the beach, some people are really inland.

According to Smith, the testing has been a collaboration of groups and people working on the oil disaster.