View Full Version : Can You Steal From The Government?

1st September 2010, 07:21 PM
I just got done writing this at my site, wanted to run it by you guys. Kinda run of the mill type ideas so don't think that these are novel, just trying to reach out and make people think. I'll probably end up posting it around CL.

Let me know what you think.


White western civilization at it's core is based on Christian morality, as the Bible says the law is written on our hearts. Most people today just consider it to be their conscience. So the idea of stealing is against our very nature, the majority of Whites today cannot steal from others and feel at peace, and rightly so.

I pose to you the questions, is it possible to steal from the government? Is it possible to cheat on your taxes?

Let's consider what government is, specifically the US government structure Federal State and Local. By it's very nature the government is a parasite, a rapist. Too strong? Let's be blunt, the government feeds off the taxpayer and even the non tax payer alike through inflation if nothing else. Without taxation and inflation the government would cease to exist. As defined in our declaration of independence from Britian the SOLE reason governments are created is to protect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. That's it, close the book. At this point and from the belly of the behemoth it's hard to even fathom a government that actually stuck to those very minimal duties.

Nobody on this planet has a right to your life, liberty or property. Nobody but you owns the fruits of your labor. Yet the government literally steals it from you at gunpoint as Edward Abbey wrote "If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be confiscated. If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested. If you resist arrest, you will be clubbed. If you defend yourself against clubbing, you will be shot dead. These procedures are known as the Rule of Law."

So you see if you are honest with yourself it is quite literally theft at the point of a gun. So if nobody has the right to your possessions how is it right that the bureaucratic behemoth swoops down and demands them, and even has the audacity to demonize those who resist?

By very definition taking money from someone through either inflation or taxation is theft against someones will, if someone willingly gave the money than it is a donation.

If someone forces another person to have sex with them against their will it is rape, the same thing that the government does, takes something from you in which they have no right to take.

Now say a girl is raped, is she bound to the rapist? If she has intercourse with someone else is she "cheating" on the rapist? That thought is the height of absurdity right? It certainly should be, but "cheating" on your taxes is exactly the same thing yet most normal people frown on the idea and consider it immoral. But how is you keeping your money immoral? It isn't. Illegal sure, certainly not immoral.

The rapist has no right to the girl, and the government has no right to take what is yours so how in any form or fashion can you cheat?

So we've established that you cannot cheat on your taxes but can you steal from the government? Say you steal reams of paper from some government office, or steal gas from some government gas pump is this stealing?

Theft by definition is "the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's freely-given consent"

With that definition in mind, whose property is the reams of paper in some government office? It is your paper, and mine we solely payed for it and nobody else. Nobody needs to give you consent to take what is yours.

Take this for example, some gang breaks into your home and steals 5,000 dollars. Months later you discover their unattended gang hideout and 5,000 dollars worth of things they have purchased. Now does this belong to the gang or does it belong to you? They bought it sure, but whose money did they buy it with? Yours. The property belongs to you not them.

But there are laws against taking my stuff back you say and you're right. That is the sick beauty of government. Let's go back to the gang of thieves example. Now consider that these thieves take your 5,000 dollars and spend 2,000 of it buying off the local politicians who pass a law making it illegal for you to go in and take your money back. Now YOU would be committing a crime by getting YOUR money back. This is exactly what the government does.

So do you just say "aw shucks it's illegal and I can't break the law" or do you say "I don't give a damn what the law says it's my money and by God I'm gonna get it back"

The Founding Fathers would say the latter.

Don't concern yourself with what a corrupt gang government says is "legal" or "illegal" rather focus on what is moral or immoral. It wasn't "legal" when we seceded from Britain, but throwing off the yoke of someone, anyone, who oppresses you is the right thing to do.

1st September 2010, 07:31 PM
Very nice..........and yes, you can steal from the government if you know how ;D

1st September 2010, 07:47 PM
I liked it, NordicBerzerker, even the harsh imagery.

I haven't paid my taxes yet this year. I filed an extension. I really thought that this year might be the year that people started to say "Hell no!" I thought after all of that stimulus and health care, etc. that enough people would refuse, and I wouldn't be the only one they sent a man in a suit to visit. Well, it wasn't this year, but it can't be too far off.

I guess we'll see after October 15th how committed I am to tax evasion. My guess, is sadly . . . not very.

1st September 2010, 07:51 PM
I guess we'll see after October 15th how committed I am to tax evasion. My guess, is sadly . . . not very.

I don't blame you, for me and everyone it just isn't "the hill we wanna die on"

This post wasn't really to advise people to stop paying their taxes, but rather to make them think and to argue my point that it isn't possible to steal from the government or "cheat" on your taxes. Since morally you are under no obligation to pay and you can't steal something that you paid for.

1st September 2010, 09:35 PM
I guess we'll see after October 15th how committed I am to tax evasion. My guess, is sadly . . . not very.

I don't blame you, for me and everyone it just isn't "the hill we wanna die on"

This post wasn't really to advise people to stop paying their taxes, but rather to make them think and to argue my point that it isn't possible to steal from the government or "cheat" on your taxes. Since morally you are under no obligation to pay and you can't steal something that you paid for.

I understood you. I just wish that people would stop paying their taxes. ;D

I am over the 'morality' of paying taxes, for sure.

1st September 2010, 09:48 PM
It is moral and a duty to ignore and even break unjust laws. It is within the very founding spirit of this union, etched into the very hearts of every revolutionary fighter that helped to create it to resist and even use deadly force against laws wich directly and indirectly go against the very fabric of the rights of man.

"whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it"

1st September 2010, 11:46 PM
The govt wants their slice. They will let you take your stuff back but only if they get their cut. The size of their cut varies according to many things including "whim" or equity.

Twisted Titan
2nd September 2010, 05:29 AM


2nd September 2010, 08:49 AM
That's one of the best articles I've read in a long time. Bravo!!

2nd September 2010, 03:46 PM
Good article!

Saul Mine
2nd September 2010, 06:37 PM
Of course it's possible to steal from the government. But "cheating" on taxes is not stealing. To be stealing you would have to assume that the government owns your money and you only get to keep what they let you keep. That is a silly notion; taxation is armed robbery, so the concept of "cheating" does not even exist.

Nice essay, but you need to think a little more about your thesis.

2nd September 2010, 07:16 PM
Nice essay, but you need to think a little more about your thesis.

Enlighten me.

2nd September 2010, 10:01 PM
Don't concern yourself with what a corrupt gang government says is "legal" or "illegal" rather focus on what is moral or immoral. It wasn't "legal" when we seceded from Britain, but throwing off the yoke of someone, anyone, who oppresses you is the right thing to do.

I liked the essay, thanks for posting it. What's not to like and what's not to agree with. Unfortunately, the criminals make the rules and well over 80% of the entire globe is hoping to get a ticket to watch. The spectators aren't too concerned about "fair" when there's entertainment value to be had and BTW, they paid their share, or well, at least that's their story.

I wouldn't want to be a target in these times. Pay Ceaser his claimed due and keep the truth and knowledge you hold well guarded. The middle class money isn't going to survive the next round and that's one thing, but if the truth doesn't either then the fight is lost.

Twisted Titan
3rd September 2010, 09:17 AM
Don't concern yourself with what a corrupt gang government says is "legal" or "illegal" rather focus on what is moral or immoral. It wasn't "legal" when we seceded from Britain, but throwing off the yoke of someone, anyone, who oppresses you is the right thing to do.

I liked the essay, thanks for posting it. What's not to like and what's not to agree with. Unfortunately, the criminals make the rules and well over 80% of the entire globe is hoping to get a ticket to watch. The spectators aren't too concerned about "fair" when there's entertainment value to be had and BTW, they paid their share, or well, at least that's their story.

I wouldn't want to be a target in these times. Pay Ceaser his claimed due and keep the truth and knowledge you hold well guarded. The middle class money isn't going to survive the next round and that's one thing, but if the truth doesn't either then the fight is lost.

God if that aint the truth........

True Patriots must be like the reed:

They wallow back and forth in the most violent of winds.



3rd September 2010, 12:08 PM
Nicely put TT

Nordic, I enjoyed your essay. Thanks for posting

6th September 2010, 04:20 PM
I wouldn't want to be a target in these times. Pay Ceaser his claimed due and keep the truth and knowledge you hold well guarded. The middle class money isn't going to survive the next round and that's one thing, but if the truth doesn't either then the fight is lost.

This hit me like a punch in the gut.

6th September 2010, 07:39 PM
Nice essay, but you need to think a little more about your thesis.

So how long do I have to wait for you to enlighten me with your wisdom? Or were you just working on your post count with no intellectual argument to back up your words?

7th September 2010, 05:52 AM
Im just going to pay, Nordic said it best, "its not the hill im going to die on". They made the shit, they can have it back.

Saul Mine
7th September 2010, 01:19 PM
Nice essay, but you need to think a little more about your thesis.

So how long do I have to wait for you to enlighten me with your wisdom? Or were you just working on your post count with no intellectual argument to back up your words?

I thought I spelled it out. Here's the link. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/can-you-steal-from-the-government/msg104672/#msg104672)

7th September 2010, 06:44 PM
I thought I spelled it out. Here's the link. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/can-you-steal-from-the-government/msg104672/#msg104672)

From that you seem to be in agreement so I'm curious as to which part of my thesis I need to think about.

Saul Mine
7th September 2010, 09:42 PM
I thought I spelled it out. Here's the link. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/can-you-steal-from-the-government/msg104672/#msg104672)

From that you seem to be in agreement so I'm curious as to which part of my thesis I need to think about.

I'm sorry, I feel like you are trying to get me to do your thinking for you. I don't care enough about the topic to do that. That is the complaint: you didn't think it through to the point that I would care about it.

8th September 2010, 12:59 AM
Nice essay, but you need to think a little more about your thesis.

So how long do I have to wait for you to enlighten me with your wisdom? Or were you just working on your post count with no intellectual argument to back up your words?

You expect "Saul Mine" to actually answer relevant questions or even make sense?

Consider: "Saul" = Jewish persecutor of Christians. Think about that.

8th September 2010, 01:36 AM
I thought I spelled it out. Here's the link. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/can-you-steal-from-the-government/msg104672/#msg104672)

From that you seem to be in agreement so I'm curious as to which part of my thesis I need to think about.

I'm sorry, I feel like you are trying to get me to do your thinking for you. I don't care enough about the topic to do that. That is the complaint: you didn't think it through to the point that I would care about it.
Waste of space! And you link back to your original argument, where everything is in agreement with what Berserker wrote, apart from a non-specific request for improvement. If you are going to comment in the negative at least be prepared to follow up on requests for how to improve on the essay!

Saul Mine
8th September 2010, 02:35 AM
Ok, so you don't like my complaint, and/or you are pist because I wouldn't do the rewrite for you. I can understand that, but it's not my fault.

8th September 2010, 04:08 AM
worth posting again: http://jim.com/treason.htm

More and more folks seem to be primed to think about this issue more deeply-- if they even have the courage to think privately much less act publicly.