View Full Version : Be careful what you say around paramedics...

2nd September 2010, 03:57 PM
Elderly man falls outside his home. Wife calls paramedics, who help him inside and treat him. He jokingly says if he had a gun, he'd shoot himself. Then, two cops arrive. Guess what happens next?


Man sues Marin sheriff after being Tased at home

On June 29, 2009 McFarland and his wife Pearl were returning home from a charity fundraiser just before midnight. McFarland injured himself as he stumbled and fell down the long steps to his front door.

"Mainly it was to my knee and the front of my leg, my shin," McFarland said.

His wife called paramedics, who helped him into the house and treated him. As the paramedics were leaving, two sheriff's deputies arrived.

"All of a sudden, they just showed up, they came in here like there was a fire going on, like a gunfight was going on," McFarland said.


continues with vid at link

Saul Mine
2nd September 2010, 06:32 PM
Well, that was an awfully stupid thing to say.

And the deputies were incredibly stupid to order a man with an injured leg to get up, and then tase him after his wife advises them he has a heart condition. That is criminal stupidity.

I think it's religious: the country has been possessed by a spirit of stupid.

2nd September 2010, 06:38 PM
Well, that was an awfully stupid thing to say.

And the deputies were incredibly stupid to order a man with an injured leg to get up, and then tase him after his wife advises them he has a heart condition. That is criminal stupidity.

I think it's religious: the country has been possessed by a spirit of stupid.

Oh, I like that, can I steal it?

2nd September 2010, 06:55 PM
I've been spending time over on policeone.com to learn the tactics of the enemy, and this does not surprise me at all. Everything for the cops now is formula - no thought, no observation, just a rote sequence of events. The fact they showed up demonstrates that "public safety" is catching the disease throughout the system. They will, of course, argue there were "exigent" circumstances to grant them entry.

2nd September 2010, 07:00 PM
Yeah, I have been reading the comments over there as well. Read them in this story:




Joe King
2nd September 2010, 07:06 PM
Well, that was an awfully stupid thing to say.

And the deputies were incredibly stupid to order a man with an injured leg to get up, and then tase him after his wife advises them he has a heart condition. That is criminal stupidity.

I think it's religious: the country has been possessed by a spirit of stupid.
The authority figures in it certainly have been.

I hope that guy sues Marin County for everything their worth, and gets it.

Here's another video on the subject.
Sheriff says man 'charged' deputy before being Tased (http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/north_bay&id=7646728) Even the Sheriff is a worthless liar. >:(

willie pete
2nd September 2010, 07:15 PM
The old guy could've gotten a head injury when he head-planted the floor, at times the cops act like robots, programmed without the ability to use any kind of judgement or reasoning, all that to have the judge dismiss the charges, and IF he wasn't in the system (prints,photo,DNA?) he IS now ...one thing I hear all the time when cops are tasing someone is "stop resisting" :D if you're getting shocked like that, you think you can relax? ...lol it's assinine

2nd September 2010, 10:03 PM
I just saw this on the news... bastard cops were coming in their pants when they were tasing the old man...

Saul Mine
3rd September 2010, 03:13 AM
Well, that was an awfully stupid thing to say.

And the deputies were incredibly stupid to order a man with an injured leg to get up, and then tase him after his wife advises them he has a heart condition. That is criminal stupidity.

I think it's religious: the country has been possessed by a spirit of stupid.

Oh, I like that, can I steal it?

Steal all you want! I'll make more!

3rd September 2010, 05:15 AM
I hope that guy sues Marin County for everything their worth, and gets it.



Yeah...jew lawyers need to bankrupt the Marin County Taxpayers over this...lol.


3rd September 2010, 06:14 AM
I hope that guy sues Marin County for everything their worth, and gets it.



Yeah...jew lawyers need to bankrupt the Marin County Taxpayers over this...lol.


Maybe Marin County shouldn't fuck with their residents and it wouldn't be an issue.

3rd September 2010, 06:17 AM
The problem with police is obvious. It's the AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITY. Not all cops have it but people with this personality disorder seek out positions of authority. In a healthy society, police would be screened for this disorder before hiring and those who made it past screening whould receive psychological support/treatment.

But why are they not screened? Because mass media is the backbone and watchdog of our society and they WANT a police state. They want LEO's like this idiot as their henchmen.

Joe King
3rd September 2010, 06:22 AM
I just saw this on the news... bastard cops were coming in their pants when they were tasing the old man...

That would be assuming they actually have equipment sufficient to complete such a task.
i.e. you'd have to lack ballz in order to taze an old man.

Joe King
3rd September 2010, 06:25 AM
I hope that guy sues Marin County for everything their worth, and gets it.



Yeah...jew lawyers need to bankrupt the Marin County Taxpayers over this...lol.

If that's what it takes to wake the zombies up enough to demand a correction in the pollicies allowed to be created in their names, sure.
If it's settled for pennies, it'll just ensure buisness as usual, as there will be no true cost for their criminal behavior.

3rd September 2010, 07:37 AM





Twisted Titan
3rd September 2010, 01:28 PM
The old guy could've gotten a head injury when he head-planted the floor, at times the cops act like robots, programmed without the ability to use any kind of judgement or reasoning, all that to have the judge dismiss the charges, and IF he wasn't in the system (prints,photo,DNA?) he IS now ...one thing I hear all the time when cops are tasing someone is "stop resisting" :D if you're getting shocked like that, you think you can relax? ...lol it's assinine

Yeah they always thoughtless automotons with the weak,young or feeble

Never with the real threat.


3rd September 2010, 01:54 PM
Jeezus - in MARIN County - that's where the Californians-sitting-in-hot-tubs-drinking-Chardonnay stereotype started - Marin, the home of Mellowness.


i never thought when i made a tase-resistant vest for a protest that i would ever consider wearing one at home.

maybe there is a market for tase-proof pajamas. :o