View Full Version : Cop identified, suspended by NYPD for failing to help woman save daughter dying

2nd September 2010, 04:30 PM
I read some of this yesterday on a cop board. There was another story about a paramedic blocking the cops from tazing her patient and the cops wanted the paramedic to do a day or two of jail time. They thought this cop was justified in his actions of course. (they also said they the story was made up before the cop was IDed)

Cop identified, suspended by NYPD for failing to help woman save daughter dying of asthma

(http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/08/31/2010-08-31_cop_identified_suspended_by_nypd_for_failing_to _help_woman_save_daughter_dying_o.html [link)

BY Rocco Parascandola and John Lauinger

Originally Published:Tuesday, August 31st 2010

The NYPD has suspended a cold-hearted Brooklyn cop who failed to help a woman as she frantically drove her dying daughter to a hospital, police said.

Police Officer Alfonso Mendez, 30, who is assigned to the 84th Precinct in downtown Brooklyn, had his gun and badge taken and will likely face a departmental charge for failing to take proper police action, cops said.

The stunning announcement - which vindicated the grieving mother of Briana Ojeda, 11 - was a quick and surprising turn of events.

Tuesday morning, as the NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau hunted for the mystery officer whom Carmen Ojeda blamed for her daughter's death, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters not enough was known to determine if the man was an NYPD cop.

The probe suddenly came together within a few hours Tuesday afternoon - and Mendez, who was suspended without pay, later copped to having been the man in uniform who pulled over Ojeda in Cobble Hill Friday.

"It's a shame that it took four days for this officer to reveal himself. And it should never happen to any other child," said Briana's father, Michael Ojeda, as he and Carmen left their daughter's wake.

Briana, whose funeral is today, suffered an asthma attack while playing at a Carroll Gardens park.

Her mother called 911, but opted instead to drive Briana to Long Island College Hospital.

Mendez, who has been on theforce for five years and hadnot had a major disciplinary issue, stopped Ojeda after she turned the wrong way down a one-way street a few blocks from the hospital.

Ojeda, 35, of Boerum Hill, had insisted she was pulled over by an NYPD cop who acted surly and claimed not to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation - althoughall NYPD cops receive such training.

She said the officer followed her to the hospital, where Briana died about an hour after arrival.

NYPD Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne said Internal Affairs Bureau investigators showed Ojeda and witnesses pictures of cops in the 76th Precinct, where the incident took place. No cop was identified as the culprit.

They next began reviewing gasoline purchases because cops from two neighboring commands routinely fuel up their vehicles at stations within the 76th Precinct.

Those records confirmed that following a court appearance, Mendez had stopped to fill up his vehicle before heading to the Brooklyn Bridge to relieve a cop at a fixed posting, Browne said. Mendez's NYPD photo was then placed in a photo array for witnesses, who fingered him.

Browne said that, under NYPD regulations, Mendez should have reported he stopped Ojeda and escorted her to the hospital.

2nd September 2010, 04:42 PM
Briana, whose funeral is today, suffered an asthma attack while playing at a Carroll Gardens park.

Her mother called 911, but opted instead to drive Briana to Long Island College Hospital.

Mendez, who has been on the force for five years and had not had a major disciplinary issue, stopped Ojeda after she turned the wrong way down a one-way street a few blocks from the hospital.

Ojeda, 35, of Boerum Hill, had insisted she was pulled over by an NYPD cop who acted surly and claimed not to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation - although all NYPD cops receive such training.

She said the officer followed her to the hospital, where Briana died about an hour after arrival.

The mother drove the wrong direction down a one-way street and should have been stopped.

The mother did not give her asthmatic kid cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


2nd September 2010, 04:46 PM
I guess she was frantic because her child was dying.

2nd September 2010, 04:53 PM
Some people with asthma may go for extended periods without having an asthma attack or other symptoms, interrupted by periodic worsening of their symptoms, due to exposure to asthma triggers or perhaps from overdoing it during exercise-induced asthma.

Mild asthma attacks are generally more common. Usually, the airways open up within a few minutes to a few hours after treatment. Severe asthma attacks are less common but last longer and require immediate medical help. It is important to recognize and treat even mild symptoms of an asthma attack to help you prevent severe episodes and keep asthma under control.

This mother of a known asthmatic kid is blaming the cop for not giving the kid cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Why didn't the mother herself give her own asthmatic kid cardiopulmonary resuscitation?


2nd September 2010, 04:55 PM
I think she's blaming him for stopping her and not carrying on to the hospital when she told him it was a medical emergency.

2nd September 2010, 04:56 PM
Some people with asthma may go for extended periods without having an asthma attack or other symptoms, interrupted by periodic worsening of their symptoms, due to exposure to asthma triggers or perhaps from overdoing it during exercise-induced asthma.

Mild asthma attacks are generally more common. Usually, the airways open up within a few minutes to a few hours after treatment. Severe asthma attacks are less common but last longer and require immediate medical help. It is important to recognize and treat even mild symptoms of an asthma attack to help you prevent severe episodes and keep asthma under control.

This mother of a known asthmatic kid is blaming the cop for not giving the kid cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Why didn't the mother herself give her own asthmatic kid cardiopulmonary resuscitation?


Because she was rushing her kid to the fvcking hospital?

2nd September 2010, 04:59 PM
I think she's blaming him for stopping her and not carrying on to the hospital when she told him it was a medical emergency.

She herself drove the wrong way down a one-way street and she herself did not give her own asthmatic kid cardiopulmonary resuscitation. I blame her.

She now wants us taxpayers giving her a few million by suing the police department.


2nd September 2010, 05:01 PM
It's covered in the regulations. The cop failed. If it were my kid I'd drive the fastest way i could get there. Probably would have run over the cop to get there too.

2nd September 2010, 05:03 PM
Another cop who is a lying sack of crap... "NYPD cop who acted surly and claimed not to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation"

2nd September 2010, 05:09 PM
"NYPD cop who acted surly and claimed not to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation"

I ain't paying taxes so that the police department can provide free ambulance trips to the hospital or perform CPR. I pay taxes so that the police will stop idiot people driving against traffic down a one-way street.


2nd September 2010, 05:11 PM
"NYPD cop who acted surly and claimed not to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation"

I ain't paying taxes so that the police department can provide free ambulance trips to the hospital or perform CPR. I pay taxes so that the police will stop idiot people driving against traffic down a one-way street.


no-no... you pay taxes so the police can "serve and protect" the state... :'(

2nd September 2010, 05:13 PM
You're right book! She set this whole thing up to get a big payday! :oo--> ;D

Joe King
2nd September 2010, 05:32 PM
This idiot is no better than that other idiot who shot the little girl.

2nd September 2010, 06:47 PM
You're right book! She set this whole thing up to get a big payday! :oo--> ;D

Wilcard? you are a stupid son of a female dog in heat who doesn't even know his father.......AND THIS IS A FKING PERSONAL ATTACK.........I don't like kids but your comment was uncalled for.

2nd September 2010, 06:52 PM
ROFL. Did you pass the toefl Ponce? That was sarcasm. Douchebag.

*hey you think you're God, why don't you lend her a hand and bring her daughter back?

2nd September 2010, 08:02 PM
No way I'm stopping for a cop if I'm taking my dying child to a hospital.

Seriously, Imagine the negative publicity you could muster up if they actually tried to prosecute you for failing to stop. Those top officials do need to be re-elected every once in a while ya know.

Joe King
2nd September 2010, 08:32 PM
No way I'm stopping for a cop if I'm taking my dying child to a hospital.

Seriously, Imagine the negative publicity you could muster up if they actually tried to prosecute you for failing to stop. Those top officials do need to be re-elected every once in a while ya know.

What if it was your wifes Mother in the hospital who was on her death bed?

Here's what happened to Ryan Moats when he didn't stop on the way to the hospital. Cop ended up resigning over it.
...but not before threatening him by saying "I can screw you over".

All he did was go slowly through through a red light after stopping to make sure it was safe. It was 3AM and there was no one else at the intersection.

Police Officers seem to have mostly lost their human compassion.
...but after getting death threats, he now sees the light. Wow, imagine that.


2nd September 2010, 09:57 PM
No way I'm stopping for a cop if I'm taking my dying child to a hospital.

Seriously, Imagine the negative publicity you could muster up if they actually tried to prosecute you for failing to stop. Those top officials do need to be re-elected every once in a while ya know.

Right... they would take in upon themselves to kill your ass... be it by taser, baton, or gun... then child and parent would be dead...

Twisted Titan
3rd September 2010, 09:38 AM
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters not enough was known to determine if the man was an NYPD cop.

Because NYC is the only State in the Country where criminals will pull over citizens and give out real traffic citations and then leave the scence of their crime.

Nice piece of Police work their cheif.


3rd September 2010, 12:33 PM
The cop would have had to leave a citation on the hood of my car as I would probably drive it through the hospital doors if my child were dying.

Book has a point that the mom should know CPR given the health issues of her child but nonetheless the cop is a giant douchebag that deserves to have the shit beat out of him with a pillowcase filled with bars of soap.

3rd September 2010, 02:04 PM
I ain't paying taxes so that the police department can provide free ambulance trips to the hospital or perform CPR. I pay taxes so that the police will stop idiot people driving against traffic down a one-way street.


I don't want to pay taxes so largest street gang in america can walk around tasing pregnant women and the elderly, while trying to intimidate everyone else because they think their shit doesn't stink.
