View Full Version : Why I'm NOT leaving GSUS

General of Darkness
2nd September 2010, 06:10 PM
Because the people that post here ARE GSUS. We fucking built this place from DAY ONE, and where would I go? I'll admit that I visit GLP for some of the news and ultra crazy stuff, but other than that it might visit other sights to look at the market, etc

GSUS, is made of up real fucking people, and some trolls, but 95% real people with ideas and truth. Some people I like, some people l'd like to ram my fist in their stomach.

If you pussies wanna bail out, that's fine, and if GSUS gets so fucked up that you can't post, I'm just going to get a ham radio. But some people act like this is intentional. If I had the skills to help and fix this I would.

OT - JQP, if you want I now someone that CAN fix this, but I'd have to pay him to do it, which I don't have a problem to do, he's a good friend.

2nd September 2010, 06:12 PM
Can we get you to reconsider?

2nd September 2010, 06:12 PM
It works well for me. I have not had but a few slow loads. No muss, no fuss.

I like it here, although sometimes its like a train-wreck in slo-mo, but I can't look away... :comp

General of Darkness
2nd September 2010, 06:13 PM
Can we get you to reconsider?

SEE. That's why I'm staying. ;D

2nd September 2010, 06:15 PM
I'm with General of Darkness (i.e., not going anywhere). The admins have done a lot of work to provide a place for us to post after GiM was yanked out from under us. I appreciate their hard work. I've run a discussion forum before, it can be a tedious, unappreciated endeavor.

1970 silver art
2nd September 2010, 06:18 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

2nd September 2010, 06:18 PM
I concur, lets build it

2nd September 2010, 06:23 PM
I'm staying put as well.

Hopefully, the connection problems will be solved forthwith so that less people will consider departing.

2nd September 2010, 06:27 PM
The show must go on. :-X


2nd September 2010, 06:30 PM
I concur, lets build it

Mee too

General of Darkness
2nd September 2010, 06:37 PM
OK Horn I'll raise ya. ;D


2nd September 2010, 06:39 PM
Mi 2 amigos ;D

2nd September 2010, 07:07 PM
I am staying. I love this crazy place.

2nd September 2010, 07:15 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

Who let the smite whore back in?

1970 silver art
2nd September 2010, 07:18 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

Who let the smite whore back in?

You mean ex-smite whore. I am not a smite whore anymore. I gave up whoring for smites when I came back to GSUS on July 12. I will leave the smite whoring to someone else who is truly "qualified" for the "job". ;D

2nd September 2010, 07:20 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

No no, come with me, away from this wicked wicked place. It's not so bad, the withdrawal: just drink a lot of colloidal silver with valium chaser and the shakes and bouts of depression should pass.....in a year or two!

2nd September 2010, 07:23 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

Who let the smite whore back in?

You mean ex-smite whore. I am not a smite whore anymore. I gave up whoring for smites when I came back to GSUS on July 12. I will leave the smite whoring to someone else who is truly "qualified" for the "job". ;D

Darn, and I had my whips hot & ready...


2nd September 2010, 07:25 PM
If we're truly sharing bandwith, than the object would be to steal as much as we can with as many posts as we can...

1970 silver art
2nd September 2010, 07:28 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

No no, come with me, away from this wicked wicked place. It's not so bad, the withdrawal: just drink a lot of colloidal silver with valium chaser and the shakes and bouts of depression should pass.....in a year or two!

But.....but......but.....Dr. Mamboni...........I tried to quit but I ended up coming back because I am too weak to overcome the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals. ;D I'm telling ya, that GSUS "heroin" is a very strong drug. It appears to me that I am a GSUS "heroin" junkie with no hope for getting "rehabilitated".

2nd September 2010, 07:29 PM
mamboni, is it the second coming... :o

1970 silver art
2nd September 2010, 07:31 PM
This is such a dramatic thread.. everyone freak out on the count of three.




I feel much better......... ;D

1970 silver art
2nd September 2010, 07:34 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

Who let the smite whore back in?

You mean ex-smite whore. I am not a smite whore anymore. I gave up whoring for smites when I came back to GSUS on July 12. I will leave the smite whoring to someone else who is truly "qualified" for the "job". ;D

Darn, and I had my whips hot & ready...


Sorry to disappoint you Horn. Bummer........... :(

2nd September 2010, 07:35 PM

2nd September 2010, 07:50 PM
When all else fails, we must whip the horse's eyes... - ..


2nd September 2010, 07:56 PM
I'm in the same boat, there are some posters who I really don't see eye to eye with but honestly as long as they aren't paid to be here I like everyone even if we don't agree 100% of the time.

It's still vivid in my mind how bummed I was when GIM went down and I seriously thought I wouldn't get to chat with you guys anymore or here everyones insights. Then outta nowhere I get an email about this place and join up and I've greatly enjoyed it so far.

They will get the server issues fixed and I don't plan on leaving.

2nd September 2010, 08:00 PM
mamboni, is it the second coming... :o

I think only Ponce can do that, if you catch my drift. :lol

2nd September 2010, 08:04 PM
I think only Ponce can do that, if you catch my drift. :lol

Mercury on retrograde this evening?


Where's that drama queen Magnes, I bet he would know.. :dunno

2nd September 2010, 08:47 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

I would suggest saving your money, not to mention your mind, body, and spirit. Also, your support to the criminal suppliers of illegal addiction mechanisms is not helpful.

I would suggest a full move toward "cold turkey". Try building a self-sufficient bunker in Alaska; that's one suggestion for what you could do in terms of something productive, and given the current situation, quite prudent.

Anyway, the heat is going to rise and if you can't take the heat, well you know the saying about the kitchen.

GSUS has been a bathroom though more than a kitchen, and in terms of matching what GIM1 was starting to become, well there's a lot of eye opening left to get through.

Are we ready to rumble?

2nd September 2010, 08:50 PM
another vote for staying 8)

1970 silver art
2nd September 2010, 09:04 PM
The GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to resist. Once you are hooked on the GSUS "heroin", you cannot get off of it. I tried to get off of the GSUS "heroin" but that did not work out very well for me because the GSUS "heroin" withdrawals are very painful. ;D

I would suggest saving your money, not to mention your mind, body, and spirit. Also, your support to the criminal suppliers of illegal addiction mechanisms is not helpful.

I would suggest a full move toward "cold turkey". Try building a self-sufficient bunker in Alaska; that's one suggestion for what you could do in terms of something productive, and given the current situation, quite prudent.

Anyway, the heat is going to rise and if you can't take the heat, well you know the saying about the kitchen.

GSUS has been a bathroom though more than a kitchen, and in terms of matching what GIM1 was starting to become, well there's a lot of eye opening left to get through.

Are we ready to rumble?


I think that I am a lost cause because the GSUS "heroin" addiction is too strong for me to overcome. I am not strong enough to quit cold turkey. I am too weak. Besides I do not want to live in Alaska because I have been living in Tennessee since 1979 and well........I am too old and set in my ways to move anywhere else. I guess I will just have to deal with the heat since I decided to stay in the kitchen. As I mentioned, I am a lost cause and I cannot be saved from the GSUS "heroin" addiction. Thanks anyway for the suggestions you mentioned. ;D

The only thing that might help me overcome this GSUS "heroin" addiction that I have is that my happiness level needs to go way up. If my happiness level is high enough, then I end up getting "strung out" on happiness and as a result, I do not feel like posting on GSUS.

2nd September 2010, 09:06 PM
Same here I am leaving too. I just have a couple more all-important posts to make, that everyone MUST read.

Arrivaderci my dear beloved friends and vicious evil enemies. Without me you wouldn't be anything!

2nd September 2010, 09:09 PM
mamboni, is it the second coming... :o

I think only Ponce can do that, if you catch my drift. :lol

You are now stealing my line............welcome back Doc.

2nd September 2010, 09:55 PM
All this would be quite a testimonial to the determination, esprit de corps and good nature of all of us here if there was really any other place to go.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
3rd September 2010, 06:25 AM
Because the people that post here ARE GSUS. We f*cking built this place from DAY ONE, and where would I go?

http://www.mlparena.com/forums.html :)

3rd September 2010, 08:55 AM
Where's that drama queen Magnes, I bet he would know.. :dunno

Something obvious, I ain't going anywhere too.

Horn why are you saying that, cause of a couple of major posts on a troll.

Horn you and I are old friends, you are no friend of the ZIOSHILLS as
hoarder just called them and it, the 3 main ones working together to
ban people on mass with skyvike, I remember your kind words in my
goodbye thread that my friend Daidalos opened, I was mostly hated
for outing the NeoCons , you remember, ? , you said and others
that " this is outrageous ", what if one of those shills became a mod
on here, how outrageous would that be ? I am trying to get people to
put on their glasses, what if, WHAT IF ? I can show you that one of those major
pieces of sh*t became a mod on here ? WHAT IF ? How's that for
outrageous, When have you ever known me to cause sh*t for no reason ?
I only have a lot of links that people are not looking at, I know that, after
disagreeing with me hoarder spent five minutes and found some peculiar language
I missed, we outed and suspected him long ago but did not know
his other persona's, WildCard found some peculiar language too, Olmstein helped,
now we know, we linked them, with no mod help, I'll wager money it is same IP.
People that joined after the major purgings don't know these trolls as well,
how they worked together with skyvike too, John does not know this,
gim sickens you too I see, they changed the dies and put a masonic eye in the round,
you were a part of the design and you stated on here that they changed it,
it did no go out like that, how many people saw your comments ? I did, and thanks
for doing the right thing when it counts, have a look at my links.
I ain't wrong, hoarder ain't wrong, more than one thread is gone too.
We worked to bring people here, we are hated and these forums are
hated by these shills from hell, either they have no life or they get paid.
He is working his way back in slowly. Total silence from the mods too.
If some troll has 10 sock puppets on here it is everyone's business
unless they want to protect someone.

Ulysses/Immanti, you are the one that has been, "pounding sand" for years.
What did you ever accomplish but wake people up to Jew Treachery,
you are the greatest cause of antisemitism on gim and hated by all.

I would never leave GSUS to you, between you and I, who was the last man standing,
fighting for the right thing and the posters, ? , go scamper, ROFL !

On these forums.


Twisted Titan
3rd September 2010, 09:48 AM


3rd September 2010, 09:59 AM


It's easy for you to say! When you mention the name Twisted Titan people shrink in fear. When you mention the name mamboni, people stick out their tongue and say "aaaahhh."


P.S. Did I mention that I'm really leaving this time?

3rd September 2010, 10:01 AM

Ok. The group will meet at the same time on Tuesday. Anyone in crisis before then can call JQP's emergency cell phone number.


3rd September 2010, 11:36 AM

book sure loves him some jews!


3rd September 2010, 02:04 PM

book sure loves him some jews!

Yes what was that? A practice led by the IDF, in trusting your fellow Jew? KumbaJahve my lord...

3rd September 2010, 02:55 PM
Mercury on retrograde this evening?

As a matter of fact Mercury has been Retrograde until September 12th. This is of course the ruling planet of electronics and communications---what can go wrong usually does!

As far as leaving? To go where? ;D After the GIM implosion, I broke my own rule of always being a lurker to just jumping in. Sometimes I feel like I'm in Oz and know some of you from somewhere else! Auntie Am is that you?

3rd September 2010, 07:30 PM
be true to your school



Saul Mine
3rd September 2010, 09:33 PM
Never sure what to expect here:


Here is a very interesting presentation of that flick:

Youtube Doubler (http://youtubedoubler.com/?video1=4gyR0ZIdoMM&start1=10&video2=cWnmCu3U09w&start2=0&authorName=lunar_rabbit)

4th September 2010, 05:44 PM
The doubler was excellent Saul.