View Full Version : Democrat Governor on Glenn Beck Rally: "It's a Free Country. I Wish It Weren't."

2nd September 2010, 08:18 PM
In this episode of "Better Know Your Democratic Governor," longtime Obama ally (and speech donor) Deval Patrick seems to commit a Kinsleyan gaffe when asked about the Glenn Beck rally held on the Mall August 28.

The rally faced criticism from liberals, particularly black leaders who believed it was inappropriate to hold it on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Most of those liberals were wise enough not to question Beck's right to hold a rally; just the wisdom and symbolism of the date and place. Gov. Patrick is not so sure about the Constitutional rights of those who disagree with him.

When asked whether he was troubled by the rally, he replies, "It's a free country. I wish it weren't. You know, you got to respect that freedom." Here's Massachusetts talker Michael Graham discussing the comment, with audio of the clip:
