View Full Version : Righteous and honorable ____________

2nd September 2010, 10:14 PM
You fill in the blank.

I will provide the answer.

About 80% of those you mention are sheeple, or rather sleep walking through life, or lost, or entirely unaware, or can't handle the truth, or in need of a mommy for life, or simply spectators and nothing more.

Spectators are good for the state. The state has understood this fact since even before the days of the colosseum games. Without the spectators, TPTB couldn't survive.

The remainder of the group you mention, are split up into two sub-groups:

Goup one - those aware or attempting to become aware, or in other words, conscious, awake, thoughtful, intelligent, understanding, wordly, spiritual or some other attribute reflective of those things that would bring joy to a small child's day, peace to an old person's life, and prosperity to mankind. Well, "would bring prosperity to the rest of mankind", except for the spectators unfocused but support for whatever, in an often random and usually stupid way. Oh that, and the other group...

Group two - no, not the members of your group who are darker in color, or who are more likely to have parents along some special race or religious line - no, not at all. Group two are simply the criminals, plain and simple. Individuals who have exercised their GOD given right to free will. Individuals decide who and what they will be, regardless of who and what their parents were. Individuals will be judged on their actions as individuals. No group assures one of guilt or salvation. You can not use being a member of some group as your excuse and it can't be used against you as the sole reason for being the way you are. Individuals decide their own behavior. The individuals in this sub group however, at different degrees of evil, have selected pain over prosperity for those within their reach - for who cares whatever reason.

Poverty tends to send more spectators into group two. Prosperity tends to send more into group one.

Fill in the blank with any race, religion, color or creed you want - the above still applies perfectly.

It even applies to GSUS members.

2nd September 2010, 11:51 PM
I wondered why someone would post, "Righteous and honorable Jews." as if they are especially to be treated... why not "Righteous and honorable Blacks."; "Righteous and honorable Hispanics."; "Righteous and honorable Amerindians."; etc...

3rd September 2010, 06:54 AM
I wondered why someone would post, "Righteous and honorable Jews." as if they are especially to be treated... why not "Righteous and honorable Blacks."; "Righteous and honorable Hispanics."; "Righteous and honorable Amerindians."; etc...
Good point. I will introduce myself as "The Righteous and Honorable RJB" and I expect you all to address me as that well.

Joe King
3rd September 2010, 07:45 AM
I wondered why someone would post, "Righteous and honorable Jews." as if they are especially to be treated... why not "Righteous and honorable Blacks."; "Righteous and honorable Hispanics."; "Righteous and honorable Amerindians."; etc...
Or how 'bout just as Rightous and honorable people?

4th September 2010, 09:15 AM
It even applies to GSUS members.

I thought some member would catch this mistake. Guess a lot here are giving me some writer's leniency.

GSUS and several other "liberty/freedom/alternative" forums do not actually fall into the 80% spectator rule.

It is more likely that only about 30% of forum members demonstrate those characteristics in their day to day living. I think what we are seeing is an extreme application of the portion of the theory when I mentioned, "Prosperity tends to send more into sub group one." In this case, "prosperity" is more a prosperity of thought, not the financial wealth definition of the word. At GIM1 and today here at GSUS the prosperity of truthful thought, an understanding of history (especially the study of money and power via all the video, books and essays posted) has pushed many out of the spectator camp. And of those members still "spectating", many are still trying to get beyond the "inside the matrix" way of thinking and whether it takes week / months, or years, continued learning should eventually send many of them beyond the ignorance as well.