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4th September 2010, 12:06 AM
It's been a week, folks.

I've enjoyed my "observation point."

I wanted to clear the air about my ban. I do not attribute my ban to conspiracy or any sort of "targeting." I attribute it solely to stupidity.

Stupidity is what is wrecking our societies. Evil merely prospers in its midst. Without ubiquitous stupidity, evil would not triumph.

I accept that madfranks as well as Gaillo are "doing their best" and believe they are "doing the right thing." But neither are good enough.


I truly hope that madfranks and Gaillo can reflect deeply on this situation, and start to think beyond their myopia of "just following the rules." Aren't we all sick of that by now? "Just following the rules"? Haven't we had enough victimless "crime" bullsh*t from every bureaucracy, public & private, by now? But yet we have that here?

Who exactly complained about my smart quip against Liquid? Not Liquid! To his credit, he admitted he started it, and poured it on. So on this supposed "Liberty" forum we have a bunch of snitches who pushed some buttons to complain, and two "serve & protect" types that cannot see the difference between "the rules" and justice. (Think, men! My aim is not cheap-shot insults - my aim is to get you to THINK and do right!) And please, spare me the self-righteous crap about "JQP's property rights" and similar BS. I don't want to have to install a new keyboard due to vomitus on the current one. Such a non-argument is beyond lame. You're clearly not uniformly enforcing these rules from "god." So also spare us the "we have to apply them because we agreed to." I've been repeatedly personally attacked by the teenage-angst-ridden "General" of Darkness, and despite the presence of both moderators in the thread in question, nothing has happened, no ban, not even a warning. Members are assigned to the dungeon around here on a WHIM. I don't know if Ximmy is just ultra-smart, or repulsed by hypocrisy (or both!), but good for her to say "Hell No!" to being the third moderator.

The simple point is: "THE RULES" DO NOT HAVE TO BE ENFORCED TO THE LETTER! I've said often, rules serve people; people do not serve rules (I sometimes exchange "rules" with "law"). If Liquid did not complain, nor was in a position to be a righteous plaintiff (meaning he was innocent, e.g., the Doctrine of Unclean Hands, etc.), then who was harmed? And under what rationale is "punishment" dealt?

I predicted back in April that this forum would implode. Most thought I was speaking out of anger, but actually on that, I was not (most of what I said was anger - but even then, I often state the truth nonetheless when I'm red-hot). It's happening. Had enough server time outs? Noticing enough people not coming here any more? I thought about this in particular when I checked out the Bank Failure Friday thread. Where is ruprick, BTW? A key part of the thread's game is named after a man who no longer sees value in coming here. Wow. Remember what led to my earlier, involuntary departure? The infamous WebTech aka mayhem. As others have noted, it appears he either: is still involved with this forum, or, left "artifacts" to fu*k with you (witness his avatar materializing during database errors). Have you ever been extended a full accounting of that situation? (never mind the genuine apology that still has not been forthcoming to my wife for her non-guilt in what happened then).

Y'all can thank dysgenic for my returning here tonight. He wrote me an email. That made me decide I'd say something. I thank everyone who was honestly "missing" me.

Should my comments above lead to another retarded ban, I laugh at you. I'm no longer going to apologize. You see, being here is NOT a "privilege." That is bureaucracymind. No, you are privileged because I am here. What if someone threw a forum and no one came? A forum is only as good as it's members - the administration must serve them, and not vice-versa.

philo beddoe
4th September 2010, 12:18 AM

4th September 2010, 12:28 AM
lets get Phoenix's Karma balance back people


4th September 2010, 12:31 AM
If people want GS-US to see its first anniversary, here's what needs to happen:

Members must DEMAND that these retarded bans stop
Members must DEMAND that the bandwidth and/or server capacity for the forum be increased, and offer up the funds to fix it, if necessary

A forum is its members. If a forum was its administration, everyone could have a "forum." But a software package, a server, and self-appointed titles a forum does not make. GS-US' waning strength is because it had a captive audience in the refugees from the controlled-demolition of GIM 1.

If that strength is not increased by moving rapidly away from the traits that destroyed Golden Agora and is destroying GIM 2, then it will DIE.

I have run several mailing lists and fora and banned exactly ZERO members. On two of them, I was the sole administrator, despite having hundreds of members. My aim was to maximize participation, not play games with people and their valuable time & efforts (content is the prime asset of any list or forum). One of my lists was much higher profile than this forum here, garnering Jewsmedia notice.

No one is calling for anarchy. But I am calling for sanity, integrity, and just some common sense in moderation.

Oh, and please don't ask me if you think I can do better. :D

4th September 2010, 12:35 AM
Phoenix!!!! ;D
|--0--| :banrasta :whip

4th September 2010, 01:26 AM
What "retarded bans" are you referring to? There are actually very FEW bans that occur here, especially if we (as moderators) were to "follow the rules to the letter of the law" as you alude to in another post. It takes a pretty grievous violation of the rules to be banned around here - we overlook a lot, never mind the fact that we just don't have the time or energy to go looking through every thread for stuff!

You say that the members here should DEMAND an increase in bandwidth, and fund it if necessary... but it appears that after dealing with the problem on his own, with his own out-of-pocket expenses, JohnQPublic has managed to greatly improve forum speed/usability in the last 2 days. Sure, it isn't perfect yet... But it IS improving and I think he's on the right track despite whatever obstacles he's had to face, never mind forum member outrage at the situation. Even Mamboni has noticed the improvement, and has threatened to "leave for good" less and less lately! ;D

I believe that I've been one of your most outspoken advocates and a solid defender for your position here on this forum, DESPITE the fact that you have publicly ridiculed me, put me down, called me a politician (and FAR worse... if that's possible! ;D) - I've always stood up for you and told JQP that you should be allowed back, and that you should be forgiven... EVEN THOUGH you attacked him viciously as well. In short, I like you - and consider you a valued 'net "colleague" if not an outright friend.

Your posts this evening bring up many interesting, an possibly valid philosophical points about forums and online communities, but the FACT remains that this is NOT your personal playground and that this forum belongs to ONE MAN - the man who started it with his own resources, hard work, and knowhow. That man (JohnQPublic) absolutely HAS THE RIGHT and IS RIGHT in setting the rules here, rules that both myself and madfranks agree are sensible and just, and until such a time as JQP decides to alter those rules, we will continue to attempt to follow and implement those rules in spirit, if not absolutely "by the letter". That's not "myopia", it's a CONSCIOUS DECISION based on our love of this forum and it's members, and our respect for JQP for making all of this possible. As a "national socialist", I think YOU of all people would understand that viewpoint.

This forum, from many varied viewpoints, is about the best "compromise" out there when considering the conflicting requirements of freedom of speech, civil discussion, and allowance of topics that no other place on the net would touch with a 10 foot pole. Despite your request, I'm going to ask you anyway: do you think you can do better? If so, convince JQP to alter his vision for the forum and it's governance, or start your own forum. Either way, I doubt you can accomplish a successful online community without SOME sort of rules and moderation.

That's all for now... It's been a long week, I'm tired and looking forward to the long weekend... I hope you enjoy it as much as I hope to! ;)

Joe King
4th September 2010, 01:58 AM
First, welcome back.

Second, For what it's worth, I kinda have to agree with him on the bans for personal insults. At the most, only the person the insult was aimed at should be able to say anything about it, as they are the injured party and no one else.

However, I also must say that I like how mods will clearly point out what the problem was as opposed to it being a big secret as happens on most forums.
i.e. that's the only way people can learn what they did "wrong" and be able to change their behavior so as to prevent the same from happening again.

http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/4948/wavingsmiley.gif ;D

4th September 2010, 06:47 AM

Here is an idea, instead of actually being a member on this forum (soley), start a derivative blog on a site that YOU own. You can say whatever you want in response to what is posted here. You can even link out to your site. If people value your commentary on your blog, one, they will visit and two, they will comment while there. Your brand can stand alone and let the popularity and participation in you own derivative site speak for itself, why ever let JQP limit your voice? If no one makes an effort to link out an follow your thought, that should not prevent you from posting it for posterity regardless. If what you have to say has value, it has value for the ages and it is up to you to perpetuate it at your own expense. You really to have choices; actions do speak louder than words.

4th September 2010, 08:07 AM
Welcome back Fred. A true pillar of the GSUS community.

7th trump
4th September 2010, 08:41 AM
It's been a week, folks.

I've enjoyed my "observation point."

I wanted to clear the air about my ban. I do not attribute my ban to conspiracy or any sort of "targeting." I attribute it solely to stupidity.

Stupidity is what is wrecking our societies. Evil merely prospers in its midst. Without ubiquitous stupidity, evil would not triumph.

I accept that madfranks as well as Gaillo are "doing their best" and believe they are "doing the right thing." But neither are good enough.


I truly hope that madfranks and Gaillo can reflect deeply on this situation, and start to think beyond their myopia of "just following the rules." Aren't we all sick of that by now? "Just following the rules"? Haven't we had enough victimless "crime" bullsh*t from every bureaucracy, public & private, by now? But yet we have that here?

Who exactly complained about my smart quip against Liquid? Not Liquid! To his credit, he admitted he started it, and poured it on. So on this supposed "Liberty" forum we have a bunch of snitches who pushed some buttons to complain, and two "serve & protect" types that cannot see the difference between "the rules" and justice. (Think, men! My aim is not cheap-shot insults - my aim is to get you to THINK and do right!) And please, spare me the self-righteous crap about "JQP's property rights" and similar BS. I don't want to have to install a new keyboard due to vomitus on the current one. Such a non-argument is beyond lame. You're clearly not uniformly enforcing these rules from "god." So also spare us the "we have to apply them because we agreed to." I've been repeatedly personally attacked by the teenage-angst-ridden "General" of Darkness, and despite the presence of both moderators in the thread in question, nothing has happened, no ban, not even a warning. Members are assigned to the dungeon around here on a WHIM. I don't know if Ximmy is just ultra-smart, or repulsed by hypocrisy (or both!), but good for her to say "Hell No!" to being the third moderator.

The simple point is: "THE RULES" DO NOT HAVE TO BE ENFORCED TO THE LETTER! I've said often, rules serve people; people do not serve rules (I sometimes exchange "rules" with "law"). If Liquid did not complain, nor was in a position to be a righteous plaintiff (meaning he was innocent, e.g., the Doctrine of Unclean Hands, etc.), then who was harmed? And under what rationale is "punishment" dealt?

I predicted back in April that this forum would implode. Most thought I was speaking out of anger, but actually on that, I was not (most of what I said was anger - but even then, I often state the truth nonetheless when I'm red-hot). It's happening. Had enough server time outs? Noticing enough people not coming here any more? I thought about this in particular when I checked out the Bank Failure Friday thread. Where is ruprick, BTW? A key part of the thread's game is named after a man who no longer sees value in coming here. Wow. Remember what led to my earlier, involuntary departure? The infamous WebTech aka mayhem. As others have noted, it appears he either: is still involved with this forum, or, left "artifacts" to fu*k with you (witness his avatar materializing during database errors). Have you ever been extended a full accounting of that situation? (never mind the genuine apology that still has not been forthcoming to my wife for her non-guilt in what happened then).

Y'all can thank dysgenic for my returning here tonight. He wrote me an email. That made me decide I'd say something. I thank everyone who was honestly "missing" me.

Should my comments above lead to another retarded ban, I laugh at you. I'm no longer going to apologize. You see, being here is NOT a "privilege." That is bureaucracymind. No, you are privileged because I am here. What if someone threw a forum and no one came? A forum is only as good as it's members - the administration must serve them, and not vice-versa.

I was banned thirty days which I thought was excessive for the circumstances and anyway since I was gone I been to other sites that I might say are moderated better and the members seem to be........ well this place is like the gossip in a high school auditorium in comparison.
I most likely wont be posting much here if I'm not banned for this post.

4th September 2010, 08:52 AM
I believe unless its constant non thread related badgering, or speaking in extremely personal terms,IE insulting ones wife, or of someones disability ,like having one eye,etc. There shouldnt be bans. Exception would be like some posting a topic concerning fish and some one just responding, "f*ck you." you get the point. The one point I 100% believe in bans for is the outright release of personal info, or reposting of PMs

4th September 2010, 09:19 AM
I come here to be enlightened first and contribute second. Whatever people want to say about you, I give you credit for many, many posts that have made me examine my own beliefs and limits of consideration. In that light, your presence here has been missed and I welcome you back. But this compliment also extends to your critics - I am the last one to pick sides and GSUS overall is constituted by the body of all members, not just you - or me. Prost.

4th September 2010, 09:21 AM
Sorry you're dissatisfied with the way things are run around here. I'll take your comments in the spirit in which they were offered, as constructive criticism. We're doing our best to make this the best forum we can, but it'll never be perfect.

4th September 2010, 09:33 AM
If there were no rules against name calling, this place would devolve into 3rd grade recess by the monkey bars.

4th September 2010, 09:43 AM
Good Morning,

I think the mods here do a decent job here, and if you want to fight and argue, I guess liquid should have called you a " pos" in thunderdome then there wouldn't have been a ban.

The main thing is, you don't always get what you want even if you write a big story about it, you ought to know that by now, and JQP does own the forum so you do have to play by his rules. ;D

Life ain't fair and that is the way it goes. ;D

4th September 2010, 09:58 AM
If there were no rules against name calling, this place would devolve into 3rd grade recess by the monkey bars.

Your right, it would.
There has to to some rules...and what good are rules if they are not enforced?

I don't like to see folks get banned...unless they are asking for it, by repeated violations of the rules.

I think warnings are a good idea...and if the warnings are not heeded...and rules continue to be broken...then temp. bans must be given.

I think Gaillo and Madfranks are doing a good job.

Saul Mine
4th September 2010, 10:21 AM
You have been on my ignore list for so long I forgot why.


4th September 2010, 02:09 PM
I'd like to warn everyone against being naive. When JohnQ publicly defends mayhem the mystery monitor, what does that tell you?


4th September 2010, 06:06 PM
What "retarded bans" are you referring to? There are actually very FEW bans that occur here, especially if we (as moderators) were to "follow the rules to the letter of the law" as you alude to in another post. It takes a pretty grievous violation of the rules to be banned around here - we overlook a lot, never mind the fact that we just don't have the time or energy to go looking through every thread for stuff!

You're kidding, right? If not, I truly feel sorry for you.

You say that the members here should DEMAND an increase in bandwidth, and fund it if necessary... but it appears that after dealing with the problem on his own, with his own out-of-pocket expenses, JohnQPublic has managed to greatly improve forum speed/usability in the last 2 days. Sure, it isn't perfect yet... But it IS improving and I think he's on the right track despite whatever obstacles he's had to face, never mind forum member outrage at the situation. Even Mamboni has noticed the improvement, and has threatened to "leave for good" less and less lately! ;D

It shouldn't have taken weeks to fix. And, I got two time-outs last night, despite my presence on this forum of about 1/4 of my normal daily quota.

Is the will to fix GS-US there or not?

Mark shouldn't have to pay for any of this...we use the forum, and I have no doubt that the donations would be forthcoming if they were requested.

I believe that I've been one of your most outspoken advocates and a solid defender for your position here on this forum, DESPITE the fact that you have publicly ridiculed me, put me down, called me a politician (and FAR worse... if that's possible! ;D) - I've always stood up for you and told JQP that you should be allowed back, and that you should be forgiven... EVEN THOUGH you attacked him viciously as well. In short, I like you - and consider you a valued 'net "colleague" if not an outright friend.

I'm never going to discount your support. I would ask, however, that you place yourself in my position, and ponder how otherwise I should have reacted in such situations. Do you have no passion against injustice? The Gaillo I knew at GIM 1 did.

Your posts this evening bring up many interesting, an possibly valid philosophical points about forums and online communities, but the FACT remains that this is NOT your personal playground and that this forum belongs to ONE MAN - the man who started it with his own resources, hard work, and knowhow.

This forum "belongs" to Mark J. Wyatt only under the laws of the very system you and I condemn on a daily basis. In reality, it belongs to every one who has worked to build it up.

That man (JohnQPublic) absolutely HAS THE RIGHT and IS RIGHT in setting the rules here, rules that both myself and madfranks agree are sensible and just, and until such a time as JQP decides to alter those rules, we will continue to attempt to follow and implement those rules in spirit, if not absolutely "by the letter". That's not "myopia", it's a CONSCIOUS DECISION based on our love of this forum and it's members, and our respect for JQP for making all of this possible. As a "national socialist", I think YOU of all people would understand that viewpoint.

Thank you for the opportunity to turn the "National Socialist" angle back at you. ;D

Do you know who used "his own resources, hard work and knowhow" to create the German Workers' Party? Anton Drexler and friends. Do you know Hitler was a relative late-comer to the party? Yet the founders of the party recognized Hitler's superior ideals, ideas, and skills, and stepped aside to let him take the DAP, later the NSDAP, to world-shattering heights.

YES, my ideas, my vision, are superior to yours. Arrogant? Perhaps? But true nevertheless.

We have shown that "the rules" are selectively enforced. They are enforced only on a whim, and for minor offenses, when more serious and even repeated offenses go unpunished. My recommendation is to rewrite the "civility" rule so that it serves only to restrict unprovoked, outrageous personal attacks. The current rule flies in the face of human nature and millennia of concepts of justice. Oh, and I do "turn the other cheek," often, but eventually I respond. You expect people to not?

If you truly love the forum, you will STOP doing what is killing it. JQP has little power, unless he wants to monitor this forum 24/7 all by himself, unless he has two willing COPS in yourselves to enforce "the rules." You can simply look the other way except for the most egregious offenses. If you applied the "letter" of "the rules," 90% of the membership would be banned (even StackerKen! - and yourself!!). And you know that's absurd. Unworkable. So you apply "the rules" selectively, not necessarily based on people's opinions (I won't accuse you of this since it's not true), but whenever you think people need a demonstration of moderator power...and this is the very definition of INJUSTICE.

Rules should serve people, not people serve rules. Neither Liquid nor I complained about the supposed "violations" yet suffered the - yes, RETARDED - bans.

This forum, from many varied viewpoints, is about the best "compromise" out there when considering the conflicting requirements of freedom of speech, civil discussion, and allowance of topics that no other place on the net would touch with a 10 foot pole. Despite your request, I'm going to ask you anyway: do you think you can do better? If so, convince JQP to alter his vision for the forum and it's governance, or start your own forum.


I don't think I can convince Mark/JQP of much regarding this. Rational arguments don't work, that's obvious. Coercion in the form of "civil disobedience," including from both you and madfranks, could. Mark, despite being a smart, capable man, is apparently very naive. He trusted, and continues to trust, mayhem, which is just beyond my comprehension. He has so much to offer the world, well beyond this forum (look him up on Google, and read his articles), but, without any intended insult, JQP is NO UNITARY ADMINISTRATOR. He has the same failings as Skirnir. And this forum is mirroring the latter's due to same problems. JQP should be the "chairman," but he has to let go and seek counsel from the greater community here, if he wants this forum to see it's first birthday.

Either way, I doubt you can accomplish a successful online community without SOME sort of rules and moderation.

When have I ever proposed a "no rules" forum? Never, so this is either a silly accusation, or a deliberate strawman. In fact, you may remember my forum "constitution" I wrote and posted at Striped Bear's forum? My constitution was available for use for GS-US, even without my direct involvement. It was rejected in totality.

That's all for now... It's been a long week, I'm tired and looking forward to the long weekend... I hope you enjoy it as much as I hope to! ;)

Likewise. Weekends are for fun!

I don't want to fight. Really, I don't. But I just can't understand how all this can simply be allowed to go on. You act as a moderator here much differently than the freedom-promoting Gaillo I knew at GIM 1.

There are two options for me in all this:

1) I will leave, either by fading away, or by banishment because Mark doesn't like my comments. If so, that's OK, I will merely watch GS-US sink into oblivion, exactly in the manner and timeframe of the Golden Agora, saddened that its potential was flushed down the toilet.

2) GS-US will be revamped, with the consent/cooperation of Mark, and will begin to strengthen and attract new members, retain old ones, and move towards what GIM 1 was and could have been. This doesn't even have to involve me - this can all happen with or without me. This forum is the work of ALL contributing members, not just Mark, not just you or madfranks.

It's up to you.

4th September 2010, 06:09 PM
I'd like to warn everyone against being naive. When JohnQ publicly defends mayhem the mystery monitor, what does that tell you?


That does not have anything to do with this.

If you want to personally attack people you should prepare to get a ban.

Ask yourself dysgenic, instead, why am I one of the only people outing Ulysses ?
John does not know who he is.

I was banned on here twice, first time supporting PDT, aka MJK/FRED/Phoenix ,
Fred never supported me ever, never said a word when I was banned and nobody
ever told me who, for how long, it was just lifted, I got banned for guessing WT/WebTech
is mayhem with PDT's comments. Fred was on the phone with the sh*t and the riot act
brags about phone calls on here divulging personal information openly, I have link.

This thread is a drama thread, sorry Fred, you are fighting people on here
for no reason and given Ulysses on here a pass, why ? Through your choice
of language you have pissed off a lot of your old friends on here, why , I been
in PM's trying to smooth things for you and it bit me back ? I told
you in PM to cool it, I put my hand up in your threads the way you put things,
"you are a mental case if".

John has no clue who Ulysses is, mods on here do not know, nobody is looking
at my links, I posted, hoarder found peculiar language too, more time you spend
more you see, after disagreeing with me he agreed.

You people should be thankful we have Gaillo and MadFranks, John is with us too.
Not some ZIOSHILL troll from hell.

Don't link legit rules with other stuff. I'd have tougher rules and everyone here
that knows my history I have posted this many many times, they know me.

I support Gaillo big time, all of us need to support Gaillo right now.
Give him more power, this forum has a major troll on it's hands and
you people are fighting among each other, Gaillo in email got my
login and saw for himself my homepage which was corrected just
after, something is going on on this forum. Gaillo was in the trenches
last day with us, we got banned together, me , Gaillo, and John as
you know who was laughing at us.

Stop fighting each other, this is the 10th time I said this. f*ck !

Gaillo, more power to you, I will get smited just like the Hitler thread,
f*cken mayhem ain't smiting me but some other people, "friends" are.

You people need to be told, diplomatically you didn't get it after all this.

Fred when are you going to give me some credit like I have you ?
When are you going to support me ?
When are you going to put something together to out Ulysses ?
I just came in the other day and told two friends to cool it on you, out in open.
Now it is your turn. Do something productive or you will never see me support
you again. Ulysses is laughing at all of you.

Gaillo thanked me, a message, pay attention people, I wouldn't thank myself here, lol .
And where are you MJK, fighting other significants that don't agree with you totally ?
What happened to the good old days MJK, both of us in the "arabs own hollywood" thread .
That was the beginning. People need to see that thread. Especially John.
another, what if to an old friend,

4th September 2010, 06:17 PM
Fred when are you going to give me some credit like I have you ?
When are you going to support me ?
When are you going to put something together to out Ulysses ?
I just came in the other day and told two friends to cool it on you, out in open.
Now it is your turn. So something productive or you will never see me support
you again. Ulysses is laughing at all of you.

What exactly is it you expect from me?

My aim is to save this forum from sinking into the abyss like Golden Agora, or abandon it. GS-US represents the last vestiges of the GIM 1 we loved. And it's dying. It's dying because the Captain won't turn the ship away from the rocks.

Who am I suppose to "out"? How would that benefit us? Policy and IT changes are needed; exposing yet one more shill or troll will do what?

JQP has admitted in open forum that he "still trusts" mayhem, and seeks his "advice." What more do we need to know?

4th September 2010, 06:32 PM
What more do we need to know?

That is not mayhem, bad enough as himself mayhem, not that big of a deal right now as mayhem. BUT ...

That is Ulysses, that is explosive, I have links to show, made a case long ago,
I ain't alone, WildCard, Olmstein, Hoarder recently.

Help out here, you think I am asking you to help me personally or kiss my ass ?

You and others are not helping by fighting each other, this place needs rules,
why argue with Gaillo ? We got bigger issues. You are hated, I am hated,
we are hated, this forum is hated, and the barbarians got in the gate,
in the control tower. I been in PM's trying to cool people for a while,
no more, I'll fight it on my own if I have to. Browbeating people ain't
the way, Who is Ulysses is the way ? GPond knows everything too.
Boycott GIM totally. We can further discredit them on this.

Your welcome MJK. No good deed goes unpunished, in the middle. lol

4th September 2010, 06:41 PM
If there were no rules against name calling, this place would devolve into 3rd grade recess by the monkey bars.

I'm all for even tougher rules and stated so many times and in past, listed examples like Pravda.

Just recently gim1 and becks troll, same person, here to make us look bad, all nonsense bad stuff.

You need rules. You need some decorum. Protects against trolls too. Helps with credibility.

philo beddoe
4th September 2010, 06:43 PM
What more do we need to know?

That is not mayhem, bad enough as himself mayhem, not that big of a deal right now as mayhem. BUT ...

That is Ulysses, that is explosive, I have links to show, made a case long ago,
I ain't alone, WildCard, Olmstein, Hoarder recently.

Help out here, you think I am asking you to help me personally or kiss my ass ?

You and others are not helping by fighting each other, this place needs rules,
why argue with Gaillo ? We got bigger issues. You are hated, I am hated,
we are hated, this forum is hated, and the barbarians got in the gate,
in the control tower. I been in PM's trying to cool people for a while,
no more, I'll fight it on my own if I have to. Browbeating people ain't
the way, Who is Ulysses is the way ? GPond knows everything too.
Boycott GIM totally. We can further discredit them on this.
Lets talk truth.......Libertarian and master melon need immediate permanent bans ...so does db cooper MAGNES, GAILLO 'suddenly' came to realize libertarian was not who he pretends to be....gee, I knew that from day one .......all the trolls came after me from the get go zap convinced ken to not be on their side anymore, and brent was the only one to object to GAILLO, who consistently mocks us so called 'waycissss'

Joe King
4th September 2010, 06:46 PM
If there were no rules against name calling, this place would devolve into 3rd grade recess by the monkey bars.

I'm all for even tougher rules and stated so many times and in past, listed examples like Pravda.

Just recently gim1 and becks troll, same person, here to make us look bad, all nonsense bad stuff.

You need rules. You need some decorum. Protects against trolls too. Helps with credibility.
Magnes? Weren't both of them recently banned?

See? The rules seem to have worked.

4th September 2010, 06:50 PM
Lets talk truth.......Libertarian and master melon need immediate permanent bans ...so does db cooper MAGNES, GAILLO 'suddenly' came to realize libertarian was not who he pretends to be....gee, I knew that from day one .......all the trolls came after me from the get go zap convinced ken to not be on their side anymore, and brent was the only one to object to GAILLO, who consistently mocks us so called 'waycissss'

Ben, you bother to look at my links ? You ask about JP and I out his best friend Ulikkies
with hoarders help after he disagreed with me at first, look at the trolls posts for more finds,
we need help.

Nothing to say about that ?

The barbarians are in the gates and you people are fighting each other and creating new fires.
Why ?

You notice the guy I supported and defended won't even thank me,
but both of you are going after Gaillo and others on here, why ?

If Ulikkies ain't your enemy to out in a strategic way you ain't legit.
Has the Kings ear and was mod here.

4th September 2010, 06:51 PM
I for one don't care who is here or why, we all have our own reasons and that's all that there is to it.....about the so called "trolls"......I still don't know what that means, to me If I disagreed with someone I call him or her out and that's it.

4th September 2010, 07:25 PM
She’s breaking up, Capt’n, and can’t take much more!”


4th September 2010, 07:54 PM
My recommendation is to rewrite the "civility" rule so that it serves only to restrict unprovoked, outrageous personal attacks. The current rule flies in the face of human nature and millennia of concepts of justice. Oh, and I do "turn the other cheek," often, but eventually I respond. You expect people to not?

The problem I see with this is that after a dozen or so bans over "unprovoked, outrageous personal attacks", the same people will complain about selective enforcement because in their view certain members' personal attacks were outrageous but got no ban, while other members attacks were not outrageous yet they got the ban. Then come the accusations of deliberate mismanagement, favoritism, conspiracy, etc.

I think a better option might be to be more liberal with the warnings and maybe even take the name calling posts and move them to the thunderdome, which is exactly why we made it in the first place. In thinking about how your and Liquid's 3 day temp bans were executed, this might have been a better choice in hindsight.

philo beddoe
4th September 2010, 08:01 PM
Lets talk truth.......Libertarian and master melon need immediate permanent bans ...so does db cooper MAGNES, GAILLO 'suddenly' came to realize libertarian was not who he pretends to be....gee, I knew that from day one .......all the trolls came after me from the get go zap convinced ken to not be on their side anymore, and brent was the only one to object to GAILLO, who consistently mocks us so called 'waycissss'

Ben, you bother to look at my links ? You ask about JP and I out his best friend Ulikkies
with hoarders help after he disagreed with me at first, look at the trolls posts for more finds,
we need help.

Nothing to say about that ?

The barbarians are in the gates and you people are fighting each other and creating new fires.
Why ?

You notice the guy I supported and defended won't even thank me,
but both of you are going after Gaillo and others on here, why ?

If Ulikkies ain't your enemy to out in a strategic way you ain't legit.
Has the Kings ear and was mod here.
If you were backing up Fred you he should thank you but it doesn't make him the enemy if he doesn't
I'm telling you point blank GAILLO gives people free passes to insult and flame away if the agrees with them
I could care less about that, but if you choose to embarass the flamers back, he whips out his ban hammer and pretends he is all about fairness. I call bullshit
JDCock and sirporno insult me on a regular basis, one of em even puts it on his sig

I knew this webtech guy was an a-hole
but it goes to show, same amount of naivete mixed ith arrogance as skirnir
FRED, you me and BOOK do the lions share of the fighting, and we ALL had a hand in outing skyvike
SKIRNIR conveniently comes along as an opportunist and sez, hey, I'll make a forum
by his own statements, he was planning on making agora a money enterprise, thats why he hesitated to ban trolls

it is extreme naivete to start a forum , and just give somebody else that you don't know the keys
but understand, you, me BOOK, Mamboni, FRED, Wildcard, Fred and a few other geniuses make this forum
it's the genius that makes the heart and soul of the forum
I will freely admit that I am the cause of people running scared from here
they wanted a fight, and without skykike or skirnir as backup, they quickly melted
do you see antonio running around here?
skirnir spammed one of my video threads, and then ran away
greenbear was starting shit with everybody, then ran away
if mayhem shows up, he should be banned on the spot

7th trump
4th September 2010, 08:15 PM
Lets talk truth.......Libertarian and master melon need immediate permanent bans ...so does db cooper MAGNES, GAILLO 'suddenly' came to realize libertarian was not who he pretends to be....gee, I knew that from day one .......all the trolls came after me from the get go zap convinced ken to not be on their side anymore, and brent was the only one to object to GAILLO, who consistently mocks us so called 'waycissss'

Ben, you bother to look at my links ? You ask about JP and I out his best friend Ulikkies
with hoarders help after he disagreed with me at first, look at the trolls posts for more finds,
we need help.

Nothing to say about that ?

The barbarians are in the gates and you people are fighting each other and creating new fires.
Why ?

You notice the guy I supported and defended won't even thank me,
but both of you are going after Gaillo and others on here, why ?

If Ulikkies ain't your enemy to out in a strategic way you ain't legit.
Has the Kings ear and was mod here.
If you were backing up Fred you he should thank you but it doesn't make him the enemy if he doesn't
I'm telling you point blank GAILLO gives people free passes to insult and flame away if the agrees with them
I could care less about that, but if you choose to embarass the flamers back, he whips out his ban hammer and pretends he is all about fairness. I call bullsh*t
JDCock and sirporno insult me on a regular basis, one of em even puts it on his sig

I knew this webtech guy was an a-hole
but it goes to show, same amount of naivete mixed ith arrogance as skirnir
FRED, you me and BOOK do the lions share of the fighting, and we ALL had a hand in outing skyvike
SKIRNIR conveniently comes along as an opportunist and sez, hey, I'll make a forum
by his own statements, he was planning on making agora a money enterprise, thats why he hesitated to ban trolls

it is extreme naivete to start a forum , and just give somebody else that you don't know the keys
but understand, you, me BOOK, Mamboni, FRED, Wildcard, Fred and a few other geniuses make this forum
it's the genius that makes the heart and soul of the forum
I will freely admit that I am the cause of people running scared from here
they wanted a fight, and without skyk-word or skirnir as backup, they quickly melted
do you see antonio running around here?
skirnir spammed one of my video threads, and then ran away
greenbear was starting sh*t with everybody, then ran away
if mayhem shows up, he should be banned on the spot

Are you saying skirnir was skyvike?
If you are snirnir was the reason I was banned for thirty days.
Since the 30 day ban was lifted I'm directed to go to gim2 when I click on my saved link to this site.
Interesting ..........very interesting!

philo beddoe
4th September 2010, 08:28 PM
Lets talk truth.......Libertarian and master melon need immediate permanent bans ...so does db cooper MAGNES, GAILLO 'suddenly' came to realize libertarian was not who he pretends to be....gee, I knew that from day one .......all the trolls came after me from the get go zap convinced ken to not be on their side anymore, and brent was the only one to object to GAILLO, who consistently mocks us so called 'waycissss'

Ben, you bother to look at my links ? You ask about JP and I out his best friend Ulikkies
with hoarders help after he disagreed with me at first, look at the trolls posts for more finds,
we need help.

Nothing to say about that ?

The barbarians are in the gates and you people are fighting each other and creating new fires.
Why ?

You notice the guy I supported and defended won't even thank me,
but both of you are going after Gaillo and others on here, why ?

If Ulikkies ain't your enemy to out in a strategic way you ain't legit.
Has the Kings ear and was mod here.
If you were backing up Fred you he should thank you but it doesn't make him the enemy if he doesn't
I'm telling you point blank GAILLO gives people free passes to insult and flame away if the agrees with them
I could care less about that, but if you choose to embarass the flamers back, he whips out his ban hammer and pretends he is all about fairness. I call bullsh*t
JDCock and sirporno insult me on a regular basis, one of em even puts it on his sig

I knew this webtech guy was an a-hole
but it goes to show, same amount of naivete mixed ith arrogance as skirnir
FRED, you me and BOOK do the lions share of the fighting, and we ALL had a hand in outing skyvike
SKIRNIR conveniently comes along as an opportunist and sez, hey, I'll make a forum
by his own statements, he was planning on making agora a money enterprise, thats why he hesitated to ban trolls

it is extreme naivete to start a forum , and just give somebody else that you don't know the keys
but understand, you, me BOOK, Mamboni, FRED, Wildcard, Fred and a few other geniuses make this forum
it's the genius that makes the heart and soul of the forum
I will freely admit that I am the cause of people running scared from here
they wanted a fight, and without skyk-word or skirnir as backup, they quickly melted
do you see antonio running around here?
skirnir spammed one of my video threads, and then ran away
greenbear was starting sh*t with everybody, then ran away
if mayhem shows up, he should be banned on the spot

Are you saying skirnir was skyvike?
If you are snirnir was the reason I was banned for thirty days.
Since the 30 day ban was lifted I'm directed to go to gim2 when I click on my saved link to this site.
Interesting ..........very interesting!
Well, that would be the ultimate mindfuck! No, I think they are different peopple
I am saying that skirnir is an opportunist
Once he smelled blood about skyvikes downfall, he pops up and offers to make a forum
skinny puts on airs, then when someone calls him on his shit, he gets flustered
I told him I don't respect gookophiles, and he split