View Full Version : What is this Zombie Walk thing about?

5th September 2010, 11:38 AM
Wondering what your take is on these 'Zombie Walks' that are taking place.
They've been happening for awhile now.
Across the country and in England and Canada.
people dress like Zombies and parade around.

From last night in Wisconsin (Sister-in-law is into it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYfEMVyGpmQ&feature=player_embedded#!

I'm trying to figure what the deal is on it.

I wonder why so many people would want to dress up in blood and gore and look as
if they were dead. Walking corpses.

Is it just a goofy social thing, like phone booth stuffing from many years ago,
that kind of nonsense event, or is there more to it.

What's the social significance? Is there any?

5th September 2010, 11:40 AM
Are they practising, for when the shtf?

5th September 2010, 11:42 AM
I'm sure there are plenty of goofy people that just like to dress up, but any real zombie fan knows it's about consumerism.


Zombies, Malls, and the Consumerism Debate:
George Romero's Dawn of the Dead

5th September 2010, 11:56 AM
so ... i could bring a plate of fresh scrumptious earthworms to one of these and be accepted.

we could even have a maggot eating contest.

cool ! ;D

5th September 2010, 12:11 PM
It looks like a chance for us to practice or zombie shootings.

5th September 2010, 12:19 PM
Laugh today for tomorrow you will cry.

Saul Mine
5th September 2010, 11:28 PM
It is the current interpretation of "Tune in, turn on, drop out!" An overall rejection of excellence, extending even to a rejection of life. God says "I set before you life and death. Choose life." You figure out where the other comes from.

6th September 2010, 12:25 AM
I know some of them are put on and hosted by Zombie Squad (ZRT, zombie hunters, etc) which is a forum dedicated to zombies and to teaching people how to prepare and prepare others as well as be able to assist and be of use during a SHTF (think katrina type natural disasters).

It started as a zombie movie fan hang out and evolved into that. Its a good site, with a lot of good, (if some are a bit naive) people. I suggest everyone check it out, especialy if you like zombies.http://zombiehunters.org/forum/

its not an excercise in the rejection of life (and therefor god). As Wildcard said, the ORIGINAL romero classics were metaphors for mindless american consumers who lead themeselves into a buy buy buy and service economy to their own detriment. He was pretty accurate back in the 60's I'd say.

6th September 2010, 12:48 AM

ZOMBIETARDS: Great excuse for homos (http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=525&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=goth+guy&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=) to wear black lipstick and black nail polish since Goth went out of fashion...lol.


6th September 2010, 03:12 AM
Fluoridation obviously, what else could describe this nonsense?

6th September 2010, 03:47 AM
Also, a lot of these, especialy the ones sponsored by ZS, are for charity. Yeah, sure theres some social aspect, but they do raise a lot of money for charity and pass out a lot of good information on preparedness and community service. So its not a total waste of energy or anything, if it is a bit strange.

the biss
6th September 2010, 05:50 AM
I always wanted to be a zombie extra in a movie. Something like this would be an opportunity to live that fantasy out in real life.

6th September 2010, 07:23 AM
Ducking fweebs....

6th September 2010, 07:54 AM
Says the guy with the Mal Reynolds fetish. :P ;D :-*

*you'd respect them if they were dressed as reavers!

6th September 2010, 07:57 AM

6th September 2010, 08:47 AM
I saw the "I like turtles" kid at 0:55


6th September 2010, 12:48 PM
This is new to me, so I'm not sure of what to make of it. My first reaction, is that it's whacked out behavior, and I would want no part of it. But I'm sure that my instant analysis is a reflection of my age.

I'll take a guess that this behavior is acting out a scene (or several scenes) from a recent movie(s)? I say this because back in my day, I once attended a toga party, dressed in little more than sheets. But that was then, and this is now, every generation is entitled to go against the grain in some different (original?) way.

Twisted Titan
6th September 2010, 05:24 PM

Korbin Dallas
6th September 2010, 07:48 PM
Funny thing is, I see zombie walks all the time, except none of them is wearing make-up. In fact, they don't even know they are zombies, formerly known as sheeple. I see it at the mall, the shopping centers, the beach, just about everywhere I go to.

7th September 2010, 05:31 AM
You didn't get the notice folks?

It is act like your favorite bank month.

7th September 2010, 06:06 AM
You didn't get the notice folks?

It is act like your favorite bank month.

We lend out something we don't actually have, while holding a lien on the underling asset, and charging compound interest?

7th September 2010, 07:04 AM
I know nothing of this phenomenon but I did dress as a Dawn of the Dead zombie for Halloween last year. I always dress as something that actually scares me personally. The movie didn't scare me, per se, but what the Zombies represent certainly does.

This year I am pondering how to present myself as a genetic engineer for Monsanto.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
7th September 2010, 12:29 PM
This is what's known as foreshadowing.

Silver Baron
7th September 2010, 09:34 PM
"Let's do the Time Warp Agaaaaaain!"

edit: I just knew I should have clarified and quoted...I'm too young to have seen Rocky Horror, but remember the folks all dressed and ready to see it.

The time warp reference was more for SRB's mention of <em>foreshadowing</em>.

Those folks in that time, as well as the Star Trek / Star Wars Conventions and Renaissance Festival participants are just having fun with a theme they are into.

I really liked the rejection of life angle regarding the zombies though, and it is good that they are getting in some practice beforehand.

Rebel Yarr
7th September 2010, 09:56 PM

Twisted Titan
8th September 2010, 10:00 AM
Funny thing is, I see zombie walks all the time, except none of them is wearing make-up. In fact, they don't even know they are zombies, formerly known as sheeple. I see it at the mall, the shopping centers, the beach, just about everywhere I go to.

We do have Zombie Sheep......

8th September 2010, 10:47 AM
Funny thing is, I see zombie walks all the time, except none of them is wearing make-up. In fact, they don't even know they are zombies, formerly known as sheeple. I see it at the mall, the shopping centers, the beach, just about everywhere I go to.

We do have Zombie Sheep......

One of the dumbest movies ever, btw. lol

8th July 2011, 09:03 AM
When zombies attack! Bristol city council ready for undead invasion

The undead hit the streets for the Zombie Walk in Warsaw, Poland. Bristol city council has outlined emergency plans for a local attack. Photograph: Jacek Turczyk/EPA

Local authorities routinely have detailed emergency plans for natural disasters such as floods and man-made atrocities including terrorist attacks. But according to a "top secret" plan revealed after a freedom of information request, Bristol city council appears well prepared for a zombie attack.

A Mr P Store contacted the council wondering what plans have been laid down in case the undead invade. Rather than ignoring the request or dismissing it, an officer wrote back – light-heartedly, of course – setting out the best ways to tackle zombies and highlighting areas of the city considered high-risk areas.

Peter Holt, service director of communication and marketing, wrote back to Store: "In response to your request for details of Bristol city council's contingency plans for dealing with zombies, I can now release to you the following strategy document.

"Please note that this document contains various redactions as it has been considered that some information contained therein must be redacted for the purpose of safeguarding national security."

Marked top secret, the document, which has been published on the whatdotheyknow.com site, sets out four alert states:

• Ambient zombie level – business as usual, but be on the lookout for telltale signs.

• Enhanced activity level – confirmed zombie attacks on the populous.

• Major outbreak – zombie infection level in excess of 1%, multiple sightings across the city.

• Zombie pandemic level – concentrated outbreak, with infection levels over 30%.

The report suggests certain parts of the city – Whitchurch Park, Shirehampton, and Totterdown – are particularly at risk and adds that "false positives have been found in Stokes Croft", the city's bohemian quarter that was the scene of riots this year after the opening of a new Tesco store.

To avoid "widespread panic" staff are asked to listen for codewords on radio and television broadcasts to warn them that a zombie attack is under way.

Under health and safety the document urges staff to remember the correct zombie-killing procedure: "Fully disconnect the brain-stem from the body through either blunt force or full head removal."

In the procurement section the document claims "cuffs, stun guns, protection suits etc" are available on the staff intranet.

An annual training schedule for designated officers is in place, the document reveals. "To avoid public panic, this is billed as a gaming festival," the report says and adds that staff "fully qualified in zombie handling may qualify for partial exemption and accreditation in the training for handling pirate outbreaks and for spotting the difference between genuine hot air balloons and evil, giant, floaty space aliens."
