View Full Version : I believe they are out to get me

6th September 2010, 06:23 AM
Ok, I have a lawn tractor for sale I put on craigslist for $700. Ive been getting the usual offers of trade, etc. when I get this offer to trade, not one,not two, but TWELVE (12) Jugoslavian SKS rifles for this tractor!($2400-2600 at current value) I firmly believe this a plot to catch me in some sort of wrong doing by some agency.I would bet a silver round that if I accepted, at least one of these rifles would be "dirty".I responded I have no desire for guns,and he counter offered, 500 rds of ammo to go along with it. any suggestions on how to handle this?Im planning on just ignoring it for now.

6th September 2010, 06:33 AM
Take the deal and send me a couple.

Oh, you mean ideas on how to help YOU?

If it wasnt SKS's I would say its suspicious, but they are cheap enough that having 12 isnt unheard of at all. Especialy yugos.

If you dont want guns, tell him you dont and thats that. Guy probably bought them all for 100 bucks a pop a few years ago and is trying to trade up as it were. As long as they are all 922r compliant and both you and he are legaly allowed to posses and sell firearms then theres really nothing illegal about it.

It does sound like it could be more trouble than its worth and you'd have to physicaly inspect each rifle to see if any minute little american made parts were added on (like a trigger or piston) that would take it out of compliance. but if it is up and up, 500 rounds and 12 rifles is a great deal.

But again, if you are suspicious, avoid it, no harm. (I'd buy one off ya though) ;)

1970 silver art
6th September 2010, 06:35 AM
Run far away from this offer. Ignore it and move on. Something does not smell right with this but I do not know much about guns to really know for sure. Something stinks in the state of Craigslist with that offer.

6th September 2010, 06:37 AM
Run far away from this offer. Ignore it and move on. Something does not smell right with this. Something stinks in the state of Craigslist with that offer.

Thats what i was thinking, hunting seasons are beginning soon and these types of rifles are always easy to sell at shows because they are cheap. I think something else is afoot.

6th September 2010, 06:49 AM
Ok, if you are paranoid (which means figuring out whether they are out to get you is as important as the sale, if not more so, because, well, you know, they ARE out to get YOU ;D) here is what you could do: Have a local buddy advertise a similar lawnmower. See if he gets a similar offer of these SKS. If he does, then this guy is not targeting YOU, per se. If he doesn't respond to the other add, but continues to communicate with you, just because you're paranoid, I doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. ;D

6th September 2010, 06:54 AM
If you value your sleep stay away from this deal...

Otherwise take it and dig the rifles down far from your house in the middle of the night, and wait a year or so. Admit to nothing if the Feds come...

6th September 2010, 07:15 AM
My response to the "gun seller":
I hate guns. Guns kill people. Maybe your guns have killed people and that makes them bad guns. I won't have guns in my house. My tractor is a good tractor. It has never hurt anyone. Go away. You make me afraid. ;) ;) ;)

Before you get to the end of the "rant" whoever is on the other end should have hung up. :D ;D


6th September 2010, 07:27 AM
My response to the "gun seller":
I hate guns. Guns kill people. Maybe your guns have killed people and that makes them bad guns. I won't have guns in my house. My tractor is a good tractor. It has never hurt anyone. Go away. You make me afraid. ;) ;) ;)

Before you get to the end of the "rant" whoever is on the other end should have hung up. :D ;D


I sent him an email stating thanks, but no thanks about 1/2 hr ago. I told him to sell his guns and bring me cash, we will see how he responds.

6th September 2010, 07:30 AM
Way to go.

How is everything going?


6th September 2010, 08:10 AM
Yeah the suspicious part is the fact that its 12, if it was like 2-4 it might be legit, but 12 seems so high because most people are greedy and even if they sensed something was up they would still jump on it. If he isn't a fed he could just be a scam artist and either all 12 rifles don't work, or there aren't 12 rifles at all.

The most disconcerting part is the possibility that they are trying to set you up, be on your guard man for sure. Better to be too skeptical than too trusting, kudos to your for have the sense of mind. As I'm sure you know this is similar to what happened to Randy Weaver and it didn't work out well for him.

Stay safe.

6th September 2010, 08:12 AM
Tell the guy to sell them to a gun dealer and bring you the cash.

*I see now that's what you did. :P

Twisted Titan
6th September 2010, 08:18 AM
Listen to your gut.........Stay away.

I got a visit from Several ATF agents because I purchased 3 G21 back in Febuary( this was on top of what I already owned)

The reason why I was flagged was because I owned "so many guns"

Nothing ever came of it but it way to close for comfort

CL is dangerous enough as it is

Buying Guns off a CL is even worse.

Especially when you werent in the market for them.

Pass on this.


6th September 2010, 08:36 AM
Depends what you want to mow down I guess ,grass or people......hehe

6th September 2010, 08:39 AM
Yeah the suspicious part is the fact that its 12, if it was like 2-4 it might be legit, but 12 seems so high because most people are greedy and even if they sensed something was up they would still jump on it. If he isn't a fed he could just be a scam artist and either all 12 rifles don't work, or there aren't 12 rifles at all.

The most disconcerting part is the possibility that they are trying to set you up, be on your guard man for sure. Better to be too skeptical than too trusting, kudos to your for have the sense of mind. As I'm sure you know this is similar to what happened to Randy Weaver and it didn't work out well for him.

Stay safe.

The fact that they are Jugoslavian is a double flag for me. And yes R Weaver definitely comes to mind.

6th September 2010, 08:40 AM
BTW, dont these fuckers have to tell you if they are a FED?

6th September 2010, 08:44 AM
BTW, dont these f*ckers have to tell you if they are a FED?

No, they do not. Remember that.

6th September 2010, 08:57 AM
If they were setting you up, they would nab you as soon as you took their props. There would be some technicality they would catch you on.

Now if it is not the feds, who is this guy? Someone so eager to deal in weapons is to be avoided.

BTW- how many guns can you shoot at one time? Hmmm... I bet there is a number technicality- like if you go over 10 you are "dealing" and need a special license.

6th September 2010, 09:09 AM
BTW, dont these f*ckers have to tell you if they are a FED?

They can lie to you, you can't lie to them.

6th September 2010, 09:19 AM
Well here is some data:

The Yugoslavian SKS does not need to be HR 922 compliant it is a Curio and Relic rifle so no worries on them being in your hands as is straight from the importer unless you live in California.

Now, the strange thing they are currently worth about $250-350 on the market so he is paying way more than that lawnmower is worth. Yugo's were never the $69.95 import specials they were not imported until much later based on the waiting for C&R status amongst other reasons. so they were a $125ish rifle to start with.

Sounds like they were either stolen or it is a scam.

If he had offered 4 like someone else had said that would be legit. sweetening the offer with an additional 200 dollars worth of ammo is even more bizarre.

Could it have been a typo and he meant 2 rifles?

6th September 2010, 09:21 AM
Or, you could bring the FEDs with you? Naugh....

6th September 2010, 09:25 AM
Well here is some data:

The Yugoslavian SKS does not need to be HR 922 compliant it is a Curio and Relic rifle so no worries on them being in your hands as is straight from the importer unless you live in California.

Now, the strange thing they are currently worth about $250-350 on the market so he is paying way more than that lawnmower is worth. Yugo's were never the $69.95 import specials they were not imported until much later based on the waiting for C&R status amongst other reasons. so they were a $125ish rifle to start with.

Sounds like they were either stolen or it is a scam.

If he had offered 4 like someone else had said that would be legit. sweetening the offer with an additional 200 dollars worth of ammo is even more bizarre.

Could it have been a typo and he meant 2 rifles?

They do if you subtract imported parts or add an american part. As is, straight from the importer, they are compliant and perfecntly fine, but put a tapco gas piston on it (american made) or a tapco trigger, or remove the fixed box mag and put on a duckbill, or put an american firing pin in it and it is out of compliance and will need 10 or less import parts. As they come, I believe they have 14

Heres a good resource for it: http://www.sksboards.com/smf/index.php?board=12.0

922(r) applies to most C&R/Imports, but as far as I know, no one has actualy been arrested over it, but no one wants to be the first I suppose.