View Full Version : I've had it! - I just ordered a Quran from for delivery by 9/11
6th September 2010, 05:39 PM
I ordered a cheap-ass copy of the cheap-ass Quran from for only $2.49 - with two-day Amazon Prime shipping. It'll be here for next Saturday's family barbecue. Great for starting charcoal.
You better believe I'm gonna do this. And if any towelhead or towelhead apologist can suggest a low-cost copy of the Talmud to go along with it, please send me the link!
Now burning Qurans is "helping the terrorists." Fu*k the Dutch Jew Betrayus...and everyone else protesting the burnings of the scribblings of the <a href="">Religion of Child Molestation</a>. od=WSJ_newsreel_world
SEPTEMBER 6, 2010, 1:08 P.M. ET
Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans
KABUL—The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.
Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.
Protesters stage an anti-U.S. rally in Kabul after an American church says it will burn the Holy Koran on the September 11 anniversary. Video courtesy of Reuters.
"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."
Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn the Quran on Sept. 11.
Afghan protesters chanted "death to America" and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its military convoy. Some of the protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy, although officials told the rock-throwers to stop.
Military officials fear the protests are likely to spread beyond Kabul to other Afghan cities. In interviews with various media outlets, Mr. Jones has denied his protest will put troops in danger. Mr. Jones has been denied a permit for the demonstration but has said he plans to go forward with the his protest anyway.
Mr. Jones leads a tiny church of just 50 people, but his threat to burn the Muslim holy book has been condemned around the world and has garnered him international attention.
Gen. Petraeus declined to elaborate on precisely what kinds of threats or violence could occur in the wake of such a demonstration. But westerners in Afghanistan have been warned away from restaurants and other public places as tensions arise over the matter.
A report in Newsweek, later retracted, that a U.S. interrogator at the Guantanamo Bay prison had flushed a Quran down a toilet set off riots in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Muslim world.
Officials fear that video of a members of Mr. Jones's church burning of Qurans could set off similar violence and stepped up attacks against U.S. troops.
Military leaders usually try to distance themselves from politics, so the decision by Gen. Petraeus to speak out to try and stop the burning is unusual. But last year Gen. Ray Odierno, the top commander in Iraq, asked President Barack Obama to stop the release of photos showing the abuse of Iraqi detainees, arguing pictures of Muslims being abused could touch off violence in Iraq and potentially slow down the withdrawal.
6th September 2010, 06:07 PM
Here ya go. You can download it for free from here.
If your copy doesn't arrive in time just torch your computer instead.
6th September 2010, 06:25 PM
Here ya go. You can download it for free from here.
If your copy doesn't arrive in time just torch your computer instead.
I take it you're a towelhead or towelhead apologist? Does your wife wear a Burkha in accordance with "the Will of Allah"? Do you have intercourse with 8-year olds like the "prophet" Muhammad?
6th September 2010, 06:31 PM
I take it you're a towelhead or towelhead apologist? Does your wife wear a Burkha in accordance with "the Will of Allah"? Do you have intercourse with 8-year olds like the "prophet" Muhammad?
Have you stopped beating YOUR wife?
6th September 2010, 06:56 PM
I take it you're a towelhead or towelhead apologist? Does your wife wear a Burkha in accordance with "the Will of Allah"? Do you have intercourse with 8-year olds like the "prophet" Muhammad?
Have you stopped beating YOUR wife?
I'm not Muslim. Have you?
6th September 2010, 07:15 PM
I'm not Muslim. Have you?
Non-responsive answer. It was a yes or no question.
6th September 2010, 07:47 PM
<a href=" od=WSJ_newsreel_world">"it's helping 'the terrorists' to burn the Quran,"</a>
He's right (though we'd prolly need to pretend to disagree about "who the terrorists are"). Why would you wanna help these terrorists? They're the cabal which conceived & is publicizing this whole Koran burning stunt, as well as the "ground zero mosque" Islamophobia campaigns.
The terrorists are laughing at those useful idiots like the FL pastor who help their agenda: Zionism’s goal to see the Muslim and Christian worlds destroyed through years (centuries) of civilization-destroying wars.
Those constantly posting the zionists' scary moozlems booga booga agit-prop at messageboards are helping the terrorists too
6th September 2010, 08:05 PM
What ever floats your boat Phoenix....I really don't see the point....Its just a book...Just paper and ink.
But If it makes you happy....Have at it!
7th September 2010, 04:34 AM
These Afghans need to be taught manners. While I do not support the Invasion AT ALL, I do believe when you Invade something, you do it. The US has had kid gloves with these people since day one, they will bomb the living shit out of a village, but yet, lack the will to occupy it correctly. After WWII, If Germans or Japanese would have thrown rocks and chanted "Death to America", they would have been met by M1s with bayonets.
Joe King
7th September 2010, 06:26 AM
Here ya go. You can download it for free from here.
If your copy doesn't arrive in time just torch your computer instead.
I take it you're a towelhead or towelhead apologist? Does your wife wear a Burkha in accordance with "the Will of Allah"? Do you have intercourse with 8-year olds like the "prophet" Muhammad?
Now Phoenix, I know you get all worked up over this subject, but try not to exagerate the facts. Ok?
I'm pretty sure he waited 'til she was 9. ::)
8th September 2010, 02:02 AM
I'm not Muslim. Have you?
Non-responsive answer. It was a yes or no question.
Why don't you ask stillwondering via PM?
8th September 2010, 02:04 AM
What ever floats your boat Phoenix....I really don't see the point....Its just a book...Just paper and ink.
But If it makes you happy....Have at it!
What if I wiped my ass with a picture of your late father? "Just paper and ink," right?
That's not intended to insult the memory of your father, only trying to make a point that you "get."
Burning the works of Satanists is a long-held Christian tradition.
8th September 2010, 02:06 AM
I'm not Muslim. Have you?
Non-responsive answer. It was a yes or no question.
Why don't you ask stillwondering via PM?
You are way too funny:oo--> :o ::) :oo--> ::) ::) :oo-->
8th September 2010, 05:34 AM
Burning the works of Satanists is a long-held Christian tradition.
Burning is pagan.
8th September 2010, 05:59 AM
Talmudic jews love ignorant christian vs. muslim threads like this. Their battle cry is Onward Christian Soldier!
8th September 2010, 11:03 AM
Talmudic jews love ignorant christian vs. muslim threads like this. Their battle cry is Onward Christian Soldier!
The Zionist Occupational Government & Jewsmedia are desperate to stop the Quran burning. WHY?
My burning of the Quran is a symbolic FU*K YOU to not only Muslims, but the Jews that insist I don't do it.
8th September 2010, 11:18 AM
Talmudic jews love ignorant christian vs. muslim threads like this. Their battle cry is Onward Christian Soldier!
The Zionist Occupational Government & Jewsmedia are desperate to stop the Quran burning. WHY?
My burning of the Quran is a symbolic FU*K YOU to not only Muslims, but the Jews that insist I don't do it.
How do you know that these "Jews that insist you don't do it" are not playing you like a fiddle?
8th September 2010, 04:24 PM
My burning of the Quran is a symbolic FU*K YOU to not only Muslims, but the Jews that insist I don't do it.
Phoenix, by burning a Quran, you are not saying fu*k you to the muslims, and the jews. You are stooping to their level. You are agreeing with them by saying that you are not embracing the very freedoms that they are trying to take from us. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech.
We've got to stand tall and fight for freedoms, everyone's. Not just our own freedoms.
8th September 2010, 10:01 PM
My burning of the Quran is a symbolic FU*K YOU to not only Muslims, but the Jews that insist I don't do it.
Phoenix, by burning a Quran, you are not saying fu*k you to the muslims, and the jews. You are stooping to their level. You are agreeing with them by saying that you are not embracing the very freedoms that they are trying to take from us. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech.
We've got to stand tall and fight for freedoms, everyone's. Not just our own freedoms.
Freedom by White people, for White people. I'm done with guaranteeing freedom for those who want to destroy my kind. "We have to protect our freedom by protecting that of those who hate us" is nothing but a liberal non-sequitur. A fool's folly.
We need a Great Cleansing.
8th September 2010, 10:12 PM
Freedom by White people, for White people. I'm done with guaranteeing freedom for those who want to destroy my kind. "We have to protect our freedom by protecting that of those who hate us" is nothing but a liberal non-sequitur. A fool's folly.
We need a Great Cleansing.
It doesn't work like that, your freedom is one of an agenda. It's not true freedom. If you truly believed in freedom, it would be regardless of calling it a fool's folly, just makes you a fool yourself.
Either you are for freedom, or against it. There is no grey area in between. Freedom has sacrifices to make. It sounds like you are too stubborn to make them.
9th September 2010, 01:21 AM
Freedom by White people, for White people. I'm done with guaranteeing freedom for those who want to destroy my kind. "We have to protect our freedom by protecting that of those who hate us" is nothing but a liberal non-sequitur. A fool's folly.
We need a Great Cleansing.
It doesn't work like that, your freedom is one of an agenda. It's not true freedom.
The "freedom" you visualize has never existed, and never will.
And the freedom you and I enjoy here, today, is the work of WHITE MEN.
You're damned right I have an "agenda." My "agenda" is the unconditional defense of the White, Adamic race, which has given the world nearly everything that is valuable.
If you truly believed in freedom, it would be regardless of calling it a fool's folly, just makes you a fool yourself.
Where does "freedom" end? Shall we accord "rights" to animals? Like I said, yours is a fool's folly. A liberal DELUSION.
Either you are for freedom, or against it.
You support "freedom" for "man-boy 'love'"? Sex between 45 and 8 year olds?
There is no grey area in between.
Please, be consistent. "No gray areas." If you don't support pederasty, you don't "support freedom." ::)
Freedom has sacrifices to make. It sounds like you are too stubborn to make them.
I am ready to sacrifice the useless baggage that is weighing down our race. I, too, am willing to sacrifice the numbskull liberals who are too blind to see freedom is not, and can never be, "unlimited," carried to the worst extremes of human (and sub-human!) decadence.
9th September 2010, 01:30 AM
If you want to burn something, start with some of the pretty buildings in dc.
9th September 2010, 05:50 AM
We need a Great Cleansing.
Take a bath.
9th September 2010, 08:28 AM
The "freedom" you visualize has never existed, and never will.
And the freedom you and I enjoy here, today, is the work of WHITE MEN.
You support "freedom" for "man-boy 'love'"? Sex between 45 and 8 year olds?
Please, be consistent. "No gray areas." If you don't support pederasty, you don't "support freedom." ::)
Where did that come from? Of course I don't support anything to do with hurting children, that is not what this thread is about. It's about burning religious books. You have the freedom of burning any book you want, however I think you are sending the wrong message by doing that. It's like telling preaching to someone not to smoke as you light up a cigarette, it's contradictory.
Is the freedoms I enjoy today the work of white men only? I think it's the work of a lot of true patriots who came from many different cultural backgrounds.
I enjoy working alongside a black man who I deeply respect. I also report to a mexican man on occassion, who I also respect. In my line of work, that's important, because often our lives and health are dependent upon trusting other men.
9th September 2010, 08:39 AM
We need a Great Cleansing.
Take a bath.
Or a cold shower.
9th September 2010, 09:30 AM
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
(Matthew 5:43-48)
Hatred and intolerance are not Christian values.
the white rabbit
9th September 2010, 09:40 AM
Some guy gets paid to burn the Quran. The scary Moozlums get mad. CIA pays scary Moozlums to nuke Detriot. USA gets to have World War 3.
9th September 2010, 10:32 AM
Some guy gets paid to burn the Quran. The scary Moozlums get mad. CIA pays scary Moozlums to nuke Detriot. USA gets to have World War 3.
I'd only refine that to note that CIA are tools of the Rothschild Global Usury Empire (, the vampire-squid which powers the zionist/NWO political juggernaut. The Usury Empire is the root.
Also, this is the only sort of "scary moozlem" who would whore themselves to the Usury Empire to make anything go boom, launching the Usury Empire's NWO-enabling WW3,
9th September 2010, 11:15 AM
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
(Matthew 5:43-48)
Hatred and intolerance are not Christian values. There are some rolling their eyes at this post in the thoughts that Ken is naive, but imagine if every Christian who is burning a koran would instead ask a muslim to accept Jesus into their hearts.
As naive as that may sound, it would accomplish a lot more than this pointless burning.
the white rabbit
9th September 2010, 11:26 AM
Think about it !!!
9th September 2010, 11:36 AM
Think about it !!! video removed
Do you wanna be like them?
the white rabbit
9th September 2010, 11:41 AM
If your really free you should be able to burn whatever you want if you own it as long as your not committing a fraud ?
9th September 2010, 11:44 AM
Lead by Example
the white rabbit
9th September 2010, 11:57 AM
Lead by Example
If your example is Iraq war your f$cked then !!!
9th September 2010, 12:07 PM
If your really free you should be able to burn whatever you want if you own it as long as your not committing a fraud ?
I think you mean as long as you are not creating a fire hazard, correct?
the white rabbit
9th September 2010, 12:11 PM
If your really free you should be able to burn whatever you want if you own it as long as your not committing a fraud ?
I think you mean as long as you are not creating a fire hazard, correct?
Sure !!
9th September 2010, 02:00 PM
Good song...I remember it from the movie Billy Jack(cool movie) :)
9th September 2010, 05:47 PM
Hatred and intolerance are not Christian values.
What you preach is not Christianity.
You are preaching New Age sewage.
The real Jesus Christ says "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me." That is the epitome of "intolerance." You GO TO HELL if you refuse Jesus Christ.
"Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, even he that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that confesseth the Son hath the Father also."
According to the words of St. John there, Islam is "anti-Christ."
Are you a fool or a fraud, Ken?
All genuine Christians hate EVIL.
9th September 2010, 05:51 PM
There are some rolling their eyes at this post in the thoughts that Ken is naive, but imagine if every Christian who is burning a koran would instead ask a muslim to accept Jesus into their hearts.
As naive as that may sound, it would accomplish a lot more than this pointless burning.
Don't be stupid. How many Muslims would respond favorably? One in a million. How many would respond with anger and violence? Nearly all of them. They'd tell you to go away, at the very least. They DON'T want to hear it, since their false prophet Muhammad taught that Issa (supposedly Jesus) was just a "prophet," and your assertion is offensive, because it calls Muhammad a liar.
You are a fool, denying that Islam teaches that the real Jesus Christ, as defined by real Christianity, is an "idol," and that "idolaters" should be KILLED.
9th September 2010, 06:03 PM
Hatred and intolerance are not Christian values.
What you preach is not Christianity.
You are preaching New Age sewage.
Are you a fool or a fraud, Ken?
All genuine Christians hate EVIL.
Of course they hate evil Fred..
I posted and preach what Jesus said.
What is New Age about it?
You are full of hate need to repent.
I think you should read this again slowly
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
And even though I think you owe me an apology .....I'll pray for you Fred...
9th September 2010, 06:06 PM
I am completely Against Islamic ideology and it Needs to be refuted...and I have done a bit of that here.
But the Muslim people are not to be hated.
that might be Fred's way
Thats just not the Christian way
9th September 2010, 06:08 PM
How many Muslims would respond favorably? One in a million. How many would respond with anger and violence? Nearly all of them. They'd tell you to go away, at the very least. They DON'T want to hear it, since their false prophet Muhammad taught that Issa (supposedly Jesus) was just a "prophet," and your assertion is offensive, because it calls Muhammad a liar.
Do you know how many Christians were martyred in the 300 years to convert Rome up to 300 AD? Were Saints Ignatius of Antioc, Peter, Paul, Justin the Martyr etc. stupid for believing there was a chance to convert the Roman Empire? They faced a lot more adversity than us keyboard/armchair Christians do.
denying that Islam teaches that the real Jesus Christ, as defined by real Christianity, is an "idol," and that "idolaters" should be KILLED.Where have I denied that? Islam is an evil. The muslim people are not evil. They are people in need of Jesus. I was an atheist for fifteen years. I am thankful for all the Christians who prayed for me and witnessed to me.
9th September 2010, 06:16 PM
In Matthew 5 Jesus said..
You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin.
But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.
9th September 2010, 06:17 PM
Those who support evil ARE evil. Anyone who opposes Christ is evil.
9th September 2010, 06:19 PM
Islam is an evil. The muslim people are not evil. They are people in need of Jesus
Good Post RJB ....You get it...some don't
9th September 2010, 06:22 PM
Those who support evil ARE evil. Anyone who opposes Christ is evil.
I opposed Christ for 15 years as an atheist until I was saved. St. Paul opposed Christ until he was knocked off a horse.
Would Jesus want evangelizing in the streets or hanging out on your back deck pointlessly burning a koran in your BBQ grill?
9th September 2010, 06:30 PM
Since Islam is a abomination towards God, i would say YES! This would show more people that the religion of peace is the big falsehood it is,as these followers of the "prophet" could not contain themselves and show Islam's real colors. consider it an exorcism.
9th September 2010, 06:34 PM
Since Islam is a abomination towards God, i would say YES! This would show more people that the religion of peace is the big falsehood it is,as these followers of the "prophet" could not contain themselves and show Islam's real colors. consider it an exorcism.
I think going to Dearborn Michigan and handing out bibles to Muslims and video taping the results would be more worthwhile.
Buying a Koran and burning it just gives money to the publishers of the koran to print more.
9th September 2010, 08:06 PM
Hatred and intolerance are not Christian values.
What you preach is not Christianity.
You are preaching New Age sewage.
Are you a fool or a fraud, Ken?
All genuine Christians hate EVIL.
Of course they hate evil Fred..
Your quote, again, bigger:
"Hatred and intolerance are not Christian values."
Doublethink, Ken.
Is hatred of evil a Christian value or not?
I posted and preach what Jesus said.
You misrepresented Christ's words. He is speaking of our personal enemies, not God's enemies.
What is New Age about it?
Christian perspective: "a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace"
Heathen/New Age perspective: "Hatred and intolerance are not [xx] values.
You are full of hate man....
You better believe it! I hate the increasing and advancing EVIL in this world.
you need to repent.
Of preaching the Bible, of standing against Evil, of proclaiming the Truth? Repent for those things?
God knows I have committed plenty of sins, but "hatred" of evil is not one of them.
I think you should read this again slowly
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Pastor Jones is right: Islam is of the Devil.
And the Devil is the king of those "spiritual forces of evil."
And even though I think you owe me an apology .....I'll pray for you Fred...
I'll pray for you, too - that you can ditch the spent saltiness we as Christians are required to have. Christianity comes from Christ, not from the Talmudvision, and usually not from the pulpit.
9th September 2010, 08:07 PM
I am completely Against Islamic ideology and it Needs to be refuted...and I have done a bit of that here.
But the Muslim people are not to be hated.
that might be Fred's way
Thats just not the Christian way
Do you hate child molesters?
Do you hate mass murderers?
Just please answer those questions, yes or no.
9th September 2010, 08:09 PM
Don't be stupid. How many Muslims would respond favorably? One in a million. How many would respond with anger and violence? Nearly all of them. They'd tell you to go away, at the very least. They DON'T want to hear it, since their false prophet Muhammad taught that Issa (supposedly Jesus) was just a "prophet," and your assertion is offensive, because it calls Muhammad a liar.
Do you know how many Christians were martyred in the 300 years to convert Rome up to 300 AD? Were Saints Ignatius of Antioc, Peter, Paul, Justin the Martyr etc. stupid for believing there was a chance to convert the Roman Empire? They faced a lot more adversity than us keyboard/armchair Christians do.
The saints lived in times when ordinary people wanted to hear the Truth.
We live in a time that mirrors that of Noah, where few want to hear the Truth.
I am not saying do not take personal risk to preach the Good News, but don't naively think you can walk into the "Muslim community" and be welcomed once you make clear their "Issa" is "another Christ."
You are a fool, denying that Islam teaches that the real Jesus Christ, as defined by real Christianity, is an "idol," and that "idolaters" should be KILLED.
Where have I denied that? Islam is an evil. The muslim people are not evil. They are people in need of Jesus. I was an atheist for fifteen years. I am thankful for all the Christians who prayed for me and witnessed to me.
BTW Before calling someone a fool make sure you know what you are talking about instead of flying off the handle. You seem to do a lot of that.
I withdraw, and apologize for, my comment about you being a fool, since it appears misplaced.
9th September 2010, 08:14 PM
Since Islam is a abomination towards God, i would say YES! This would show more people that the religion of peace is the big falsehood it is,as these followers of the "prophet" could not contain themselves and show Islam's real colors. consider it an exorcism.
I think going to Dearborn Michigan and handing out bibles to Muslims and video taping the results would be more worthwhile.
I welcome you to do it.
I predict you would be arrested by the pigs within an hour, once the Mooslims called to complain. "Inciting religious hatred" it would be called.
Fortyone is right, as usual. Torching the work of the Devil called the Quran is an exorcism. Since Jew-inspired Vatican II, exorcisms have fallen by the wayside, and that's not a good thing.
9th September 2010, 08:17 PM
I withdraw, and apologize for, my comment about you being a fool, since it appears misplaced.
I sincerely accept it.
I'm withdrawing from this debate. From the beginning I was suspicious of Jones of being a tool of TPTB. This latest news of him cancelling the burn and the Imam claiming there was no deal has me in agreement with you that he or more likely a loved one was threatened.
I still think there are better ways, but there's something much deeper going on and I'm not sure what at this time.
willie pete
9th September 2010, 08:21 PM
"I think going to Dearborn Michigan and handing out bibles to Muslims and video taping the results would be more worthwhile."
Seems like a double standard though....
9th September 2010, 08:30 PM
I welcome you to do it.
I predict you would be arrested by the pigs within an hour, once the Mooslims called to complain. "Inciting religious hatred" it would be called.That's why it needs to be taped.
Burning a koran slaps the muslims in the face. They don't need it. They are riled up enough.
The western world needs the slap in the face and a kick to the rear about what is happening. I do agree with you on more points than you realize. The importation of Sudanese, Somalians and other Muslims is pure suicide. Getting arrest is nothing compared to what will happen if they get a larger population base through continued immigration and just simple reproduction.
9th September 2010, 08:33 PM
"I think going to Dearborn Michigan and handing out bibles to Muslims and video taping the results would be more worthwhile."
Seems like a double standard though....
I saw that a few months ago. Most people have no idea (present company aside) that our constitution is no more. I've forwarded this video to others.
10th September 2010, 12:31 AM
I withdraw, and apologize for, my comment about you being a fool, since it appears misplaced.
I sincerely accept it.
I'm withdrawing from this debate. From the beginning I was suspicious of Jones of being a tool of TPTB. This latest news of him cancelling the burn and the Imam claiming there was no deal has me in agreement with you that he or more likely a loved one was threatened.
I still think there are better ways, but there's something much deeper going on and I'm not sure what at this time.
Islam is merely another tool to control the Goyim. Despite all the APPEARANCE that Jews and Muslims are "at war," in reality, they work for the same boss: the Devil.
10th September 2010, 03:40 AM
I withdraw, and apologize for, my comment about you being a fool, since it appears misplaced.
I sincerely accept it.
I'm withdrawing from this debate. From the beginning I was suspicious of Jones of being a tool of TPTB. This latest news of him cancelling the burn and the Imam claiming there was no deal has me in agreement with you that he or more likely a loved one was threatened.
I still think there are better ways, but there's something much deeper going on and I'm not sure what at this time.
Islam is merely another tool to control the Goyim. Despite all the APPEARANCE that Jews and Muslims are "at war," in reality, they work for the same boss: the Devil.
You are correct. Mecca is within easy reach of IDF aircraft,and has supported all of Israels enemies in its wars. Tell me, Why hasnt Israel ever attacked Saudi Arabia? because they are linked.
10th September 2010, 11:57 AM
Phoenix; I would rather err on the side of showing love
10th September 2010, 01:08 PM
You are correct. Mecca is within easy reach of IDF aircraft,and has supported all of Israels enemies in its wars. Tell me, Why hasnt Israel ever attacked Saudi Arabia? because they are linked.
The Devil needs both Judaism and Islam to do his work.
Christianity (and all things derived from it) is the target...the ONLY target.
10th September 2010, 01:10 PM
Phoenix; I would rather err on the side of showing love
You love evil books?
You love evil ideas?
You love evil teachings?
You love evil rituals?
This isn't about not loving Muslims who are sincerely seeking the Truth. This is about making a statement that Evil will not be tolerated.
10th September 2010, 01:19 PM
Those questions are so stupid I won't even bother with them :oo-->
10th September 2010, 01:22 PM
Rather than burn a Koran tomorrow, why not do us all a favor and join in burning some true crimes against humanity material - the works of John Maynard Keynes:
10th September 2010, 01:29 PM
Phoenix, the thing is, you can protect yourself and your family from evil, without seeking it out directly.
I think Madfranks? post. If I am wrong please correct me. But his post was about witchcraft and how evil had taken root in his immediate family, and they burned those books so those evil writings could not be passed on.
What you are doing is different though. You purchased a book, had it shipped to your home, just so you can burn 'evil'. You invited it in, to your home, for that purpose.
There may be a time and place where we may have to seek out evil, to protect ourselves. But, I agree with Stackerken, I'll err on the good side, and if evil shows it's ugly head, I'll squash it then.
10th September 2010, 01:54 PM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
10th September 2010, 02:11 PM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
I know Ken, I admire and commend you on your lead by example approach. If more folks did that, perhaps the world would be a better place.
It's a damn shame to see so many threads in the general discussion forum, particularly fueled by so much emotions against other cultures and religions. Add that, and the site slowness, makes it difficult to post here. It would be nice if the board was a bit more well rounded, it seems there's a select few who just dominate this place.
10th September 2010, 02:23 PM
Thanks Liquid. I realize the error of my past ways now...Partly thanks to Phoenix :)
and I agree with is a shame. :(
10th September 2010, 02:24 PM
Believe it or not Fred, I am Not your enemy.
I believe we need to stand for the truth and not let Christianity be trampled upon.
I just don't agree with your methods (and the white supremacy stuff)
We need to show the love of Christ to these people.
10th September 2010, 02:57 PM
This isn't about not loving Muslims who are sincerely seeking the Truth. This is about making a statement that Evil will not be tolerated.
I think you said it very well with this sentence.
I would ask both you and Ken a genuine, real question. Have you ever read or studied the Qur'an? I have, and I'm telling you the truth, many times when reading that book I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me that this was an evil, demonic book. Pick it up, ask the Spirit to speak to you, thumb through it and read all the abominations throughout and tell me if you don't get the same feeling. Don't fool or kid yourself; there is evil in this world and the Qur'an is purely of Satan.
10th September 2010, 03:37 PM
Promotion of this issue is pure gold for the Zionists and all the rest of the top controllers.
They can point to the American haters and the sheep think big government will protect them from the Hitlers, intolerant, and religious and those whose freedoms 'caused' this. Minorities will want protection, the dominant race will feel even more guilty.
Others will accept the loss of more freedom to the government can prevent this in the future.
And of course this will inflame anger and disgust against America around the world. It supports the economic destruction of America. It provides timely cover for another batch of Muslim mid 20's patsy's to be sold as the masterminds of the next false flag terror attack on the US this winter; 'of course they attacked us, because we keep attacking them' spin. It provides cover for going to war with yet another country not really connected in any serious way with the attack.
Bibles are free at any North American Hotel.
10th September 2010, 06:54 PM
Those questions are so stupid I won't even bother with them :oo-->
You know where they lead, so you avoid them.
Hate is not sinful. MISPLACED hate is sinful. "There is a time..."
Hating Muslims would be insane if one hated them merely because they called God "Allah." But that's not what this is about. Allah is not Yahweh. Issa is not the real Jesus Christ. Muhammad is not a prophet of Yahweh. The Quran is not inspired. And people who threaten, or actually do, kill to protect the Quran are inspired by the Devil.
I never hated Saddam Hussein because he was a nominal Muslim. I actually admired the man, since he tried his best to give his people the best, including the most freedom for women in the Islamic world. I don't hate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, either. Or Abdul Muhammad, the "ordinary Muslim," who (erroneously) thinks Islam "is the Way." He only knows what he's been exposed to. He's a kind-hearted soul, that would never hurt or kill someone for "offending Allah" or "disrespecting Muhammad or the Quran." Unfortunately, he's the minority in the Islamic world. What is called "Muslim extremism" by TPTB is actually ideology consistent with the Quran.
10th September 2010, 06:57 PM
Phoenix, the thing is, you can protect yourself and your family from evil, without seeking it out directly.
I think Madfranks? post. If I am wrong please correct me. But his post was about witchcraft and how evil had taken root in his immediate family, and they burned those books so those evil writings could not be passed on.
What you are doing is different though. You purchased a book, had it shipped to your home, just so you can burn 'evil'. You invited it in, to your home, for that purpose.
There may be a time and place where we may have to seek out evil, to protect ourselves. But, I agree with Stackerken, I'll err on the good side, and if evil shows it's ugly head, I'll squash it then.
You are blind to the obvious reality right in front of you.
I invoke the name of Jesus Christ against evil whenever it tries to gain a foothold in this house. Hence, bringing a Quran into my home is of no effect. We will consign it to the flames. Rituals have meaning, far beyond the mere act. They go down deep into the soul. They are a reminder of what it's all about and what we must do.
10th September 2010, 06:59 PM
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has.
There's that New Age / "humanist" buzz-word again.
You speak as though "hate" is an evil itself.
Only in "humanism" and other heathen, anti-God religious systems is hate an anti-virtue.
The rejection of correctly-placed hate is NOT consistent with the Bible.
10th September 2010, 07:42 PM
Rituals have meaning, far beyond the mere act. They go down deep into the soul. They are a reminder of what it's all about and what we must do.
I can understand this.
Well Phoenix, do what you gotta do, I suppose. I don't agree with it, I think it sends the wrong message. However, one of the things I respect about you Phoenix, is your passion, for what you feel is right. Even if I may not agree.
Practice good fire safety. ;)
11th September 2010, 01:34 AM
It would be nice if the board was a bit more well rounded, it seems there's a select few who just dominate this place.
The Truth always dominates unless suppressed.
If you want "fair and balanced," turn to Fox "News."
11th September 2010, 01:35 AM
Rather than burn a Koran tomorrow, why not do us all a favor and join in burning some true crimes against humanity material - the works of John Maynard Keynes:
Keynes is far down the list of "evil" people. The man was more a fool than a monster.
11th September 2010, 01:41 AM
Believe it or not Fred, I am Not your enemy.
I believe we need to stand for the truth and not let Christianity be trampled upon.
I just don't agree with your methods (and the white supremacy stuff)
We need to show the love of Christ to these people.
I don't have the confidence you do in Muslims being willing to turn to God rather than staying with the Devil. For their sake, I'd hope you're right. But I honestly think you're just incredibly naive and befuddled.
Do you like the original Battlestar Galactica, Ken? If so, I'd say you're Council President Adar aboard the Atlantia, and I'm Commander Adama. While you're insisting the Muslims...uh, Cylons are creatures of peace despite clear warning signs, I'm sounding a general quarters "drill." One of us is ready when the Cylons ram the the Battlestars with kamikazes. Does that help illustrate my beliefs?
11th September 2010, 01:43 AM
This isn't about not loving Muslims who are sincerely seeking the Truth. This is about making a statement that Evil will not be tolerated.
I think you said it very well with this sentence.
I would ask both you and Ken a genuine, real question. Have you ever read or studied the Qur'an? I have, and I'm telling you the truth, many times when reading that book I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me that this was an evil, demonic book. Pick it up, ask the Spirit to speak to you, thumb through it and read all the abominations throughout and tell me if you don't get the same feeling. Don't fool or kid yourself; there is evil in this world and the Qur'an is purely of Satan.
I don't know if I'd say I've "studied" the Quran, but I have read through it. I even flipped through the one for the BBQ. It's a clear rip-off overall from the Bible, along with the insane thoughts of the psycho-sexually disordered Muhammad, under the influence of the Evil One.
11th September 2010, 01:50 AM
Promotion of this issue is pure gold for the Zionists and all the rest of the top controllers.
Of course, of course, all the demands from the Zionist Occupational Government against the many people who have signed aboard the Quran BBQ are just "all in my head." ::)
The Jewsmedia and the ZOG are desperately trying to coerce people into not doing it. If it served their agenda, they'd have Glenn Beck fanning the flames. BUT THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE: both Beck and Sarah Palin have DENOUNCED the burnings.
And of course this will inflame anger and disgust against America around the world. It supports the economic destruction of America.
America's economy is FU*KED already. Partly because America has collectively told the Real God to "fu*k off." Americans have lowered Yahweh to the level of every other phony "god," like Allah, and made "god" into a good luck charm. The real god Americans worship is themselves.
America won't recover because America won't admit the Real God is worthy of worship.
Bibles are free at any North American Hotel.
The Mooslim shows his true colors. Go ahead, burn the Bible, we won't kill you for it. But you can answer to the Real God when you croak. God have mercy on you.
11th September 2010, 05:40 AM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
you need to wake up there Ken, One, there is NO Muslim people. there are people who believe in Islam,You cant say your against Islamic theology and not be against Muslims, thats just nonsensical.You "Christians" better just get your shit together,No one is telling you to go out and hurt anyone physically.People are trying to wake you from your MSM ,PC slumber.Already today,even though the Rev. isnt going to burn Korans,the Muslims are burning US flags etc. in the ME,in protest. Ken if you dont hate ME people and wish to convert them, thats your affair, but to respect Islam is an insult to the Lord.Remember this ONE passage,written long before Islam and you will see you are defending the Damned.
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 22:19
11th September 2010, 07:14 AM
It would be nice if the board was a bit more well rounded, it seems there's a select few who just dominate this place.
Reminds me of the time a couple years back at GIM1, resident zio-shill Jooristic Person finally replied to one of the many questions asking how he was paid.
He said, "I'm paid by the post, plus a performance bonus."
It was obvious from his posting style that the "performance bonus" was based upon his successfully "agitating" responses from the honest members.
The Pentagon’s War on the Internet (shills, trolls, etc) (
11th September 2010, 09:32 AM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
you need to wake up there Ken, One, there is NO Muslim people. there are people who believe in Islam,You cant say your against Islamic theology and not be against Muslims, thats just nonsensical.You "Christians" better just get your sh*t together,No one is telling you to go out and hurt anyone physically.People are trying to wake you from your MSM ,PC slumber.Already today,even though the Rev. isnt going to burn Korans,the Muslims are burning US flags etc. in the ME,in protest. Ken if you dont hate ME people and wish to convert them, thats your affair, but to respect Islam is an insult to the Lord.Remember this ONE passage,written long before Islam and you will see you are defending the Damned.
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 22:19
Im awake Forty.
"respect Islam" ? Where have I said or implied that I respect Islam ?
Where have I Defended Islam? or the Koran?
Don't put words in my mouth Forty....You obviously know nothing about me
11th September 2010, 09:44 AM
Look and read...try to understand
This is not new age
Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For,
"Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep his tongue from evil
and his lips from deceitful speech.
He must turn from evil and do good;
he must seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
philo beddoe
11th September 2010, 09:46 AM
I am completely Against Islamic ideology and it Needs to be refuted...and I have done a bit of that here.
But the Muslim people are not to be hated.
that might be Fred's way
Thats just not the Christian way
Grow up Kenny.
11th September 2010, 09:49 AM
I am completely Against Islamic ideology and it Needs to be refuted...and I have done a bit of that here.
But the Muslim people are not to be hated.
that might be Fred's way
Thats just not the Christian way
Grow up Kenny.
I'm trying Philo....Lord knows I am trying :)
11th September 2010, 10:28 AM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
Muslim people and Islam is the same. You claim to have changed your "approach". Claiming your not against Muslim people IS defending Islam's right to exist! It is the teachings of Satan. While i can respect your not hating Arabs or Persians in general, The defense of Islam is against God,as it is a false religion.
11th September 2010, 10:33 AM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
Im not putting words in your mouth ken,you implied it yourself. No one here is calling for you to openly hate anyone.But as a Christian, you have to reject those people as lost to the devil. AND your enemy.As they would like nothing more than to force you to live under their laws and beliefs.
BTW, I havent been here that long,that is true, but i have read enough of your posts to have an understanding of your positions, and this is a new one.
you need to wake up there Ken, One, there is NO Muslim people. there are people who believe in Islam,You cant say your against Islamic theology and not be against Muslims, thats just nonsensical.You "Christians" better just get your sh*t together,No one is telling you to go out and hurt anyone physically.People are trying to wake you from your MSM ,PC slumber.Already today,even though the Rev. isnt going to burn Korans,the Muslims are burning US flags etc. in the ME,in protest. Ken if you dont hate ME people and wish to convert them, thats your affair, but to respect Islam is an insult to the Lord.Remember this ONE passage,written long before Islam and you will see you are defending the Damned.
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 22:19
Im awake Forty.
"respect Islam" ? Where have I said or implied that I respect Islam ?
Where have I Defended Islam? or the Koran?
Don't put words in my mouth Forty....You obviously know nothing about me
11th September 2010, 10:47 AM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
Muslim people and Islam is the same. You claim to have changed your "approach". Claiming your not against Muslim people IS defending Islam's right to exist! It is the teachings of Satan. While i can respect your not hating Arabs or Persians in general, The defense of Islam is against God,as it is a false religion.
Duh...You don't think I know that Islam is a false religion.? Of course it is.
I will ask again...Where have I defended that false religion?
The People in that false religion need to be saved. (or do you think otherwise?)
Do you know what is in their hearts?
I think many of them have a true desire to love God. (#1 Commandment)
They need to be shown "The Way"
I think we need to be kind and gentle with them so they can see the love of Christ in us.
11th September 2010, 12:15 PM
Like I have already said I am against Islamic Ideology ...Not the Muslim people.
And I have spoke out against Islam here and on GIM.
But after seeing the hate that Phoenix has...And all this Koran burning nonsense ..
I have changed my approach :)
Muslim people and Islam is the same. You claim to have changed your "approach". Claiming your not against Muslim people IS defending Islam's right to exist! It is the teachings of Satan. While i can respect your not hating Arabs or Persians in general, The defense of Islam is against God,as it is a false religion.
Duh...You don't think I know that Islam is a false religion.? Of course it is.
I will ask again...Where have I defended that false religion?
The People in that false religion need to be saved. (or do you think otherwise?)
Do you know what is in their hearts?
I think many of them have a true desire to love God. (#1 Commandment)
They need to be shown "The Way"
I think we need to be kind and gentle with them so they can see the love of Christ in us.
Actually Ken, you nailed me. I am bitter towards Muslims,especially those of the Turkish variety, these beasts are as evil as their Khazar Jewish brethren. I regard White Muslims as the Ultimate traitors to God,having been Christian prior to conversion. So no, I dont agree with a kind gentle approach to these animals.I am a firm believer in that they are the "king of the South" of the Bible. And I cannot wait for the whirlwind that destroys them.
11th September 2010, 01:27 PM
Either Ken doesn't like classic Battlestar Galactica, or he's deliberately ignoring this:
Do you like the original Battlestar Galactica, Ken? If so, I'd say you're Council President Adar aboard the Atlantia, and I'm Commander Adama. While you're insisting the Muslims...uh, Cylons are creatures of peace despite clear warning signs, I'm sounding a general quarters "drill." One of us is ready when the Cylons ram the the Battlestars with kamikazes. Does that help illustrate my beliefs?
11th September 2010, 01:30 PM
This is not new age
Your (mis)interpretation of it is definitely New Age.
We are to treat non-hostile souls, Good Samaritans, "Romans" truly interested in Christ, "Greeks," and especially fellow Christians, with honorable behavior, but those who hate God and are out to destroy us in service to the Devil, absolutely not.
If your interpretation of "being nice to everyone" is correct, and mine is wrong, then Christ committed many mortal sins, and we know that's not possible.
"Ye brood of vipers!" doesn't sound very "nice," or "gentle," or "meek."
the white rabbit
11th September 2010, 01:42 PM KEN ?
11th September 2010, 01:45 PM
This is not new age
Your (mis)interpretation of it is definitely New Age.
We are to treat non-hostile souls, Good Samaritans, "Romans" truly interested in Christ, "Greeks," and especially fellow Christians, with honorable behavior, but those who hate God and are out to destroy us in service to the Devil, absolutely not.
If your interpretation of "being nice to everyone" is correct, and mine is wrong, then Christ committed many mortal sins, and we know that's not possible.
"Ye brood of vipers!" doesn't sound very "nice," or "gentle," or "meek."
Talk about context...Jesus was speaking to the pharisees....not to the common folk.
How do you know who hates God"...Jesus did....
God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
You don't know what is in the hearts of these Muslims.
11th September 2010, 02:04 PM KEN ?
LOL. The Beard Man is disgruntled at the world. He's probably a poster here. He reminds me of an older version of wildcard! ;D
11th September 2010, 03:23 PM
This is not new age
Your (mis)interpretation of it is definitely New Age.
We are to treat non-hostile souls, Good Samaritans, "Romans" truly interested in Christ, "Greeks," and especially fellow Christians, with honorable behavior, but those who hate God and are out to destroy us in service to the Devil, absolutely not.
If your interpretation of "being nice to everyone" is correct, and mine is wrong, then Christ committed many mortal sins, and we know that's not possible.
"Ye brood of vipers!" doesn't sound very "nice," or "gentle," or "meek."
Talk about context...Jesus was speaking to the pharisees....not to the common folk.
According to your (mis)interpretation, Jesus did not have "the fruits of the Spirit" when speaking to the satanic Jews (Pharisees).
How do you know who hates God"...Jesus did....
God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
You don't know what is in the hearts of these Muslims.
By their fruits, Ken. We shall know them.
"Allah Akbar." Most of them are willing to put on suicide vests.
11th September 2010, 04:08 PM
According to your (mis)interpretation, Jesus did not have "the fruits of the Spirit" when speaking to the satanic Jews (Pharisees).
My (mis)interpretation ? I just posted the verses.
Don't put words in my mouth Fred.
Jesus is God. Do you think you are God?
Do you think you are able to do what God can do?
How do you know who hates God"...Jesus did....
God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
You don't know what is in the hearts of these Muslims.
By their fruits, Ken. We shall know them.
"Allah Akbar." Most of them are willing to put on suicide vests.
By the fruits of some you judge them all?
Most of them? I don't think so. I think you know better than that why do you lie?
Thank you Phoenix for helping become a better Christian.
By discussing this with you I see the errors I have made in the past
11th September 2010, 04:33 PM
One more post to explain my thoughts on this
Phoenix; I would rather err on the side of showing love
11th September 2010, 06:54 PM
Do you think you are able to do what God can do?
Do you believe in doing as Jesus would do?
11th September 2010, 10:06 PM
Do you think you are able to do what God can do?
Do you believe in doing as Jesus would do?
I believe we should try to do what Jesus said we should do :)
I don't think we are capable of doing the things Jesus did.
13th September 2010, 10:00 AM
You are correct in your gentle approach.
Generalized and broad brushed disdain is fanaticism, nothing less. Blind zealots hating blind zealots.
Who is your brother, Ken? Continue to show them who he is.
God Bless.
13th September 2010, 06:50 PM
Generalized and broad brushed disdain is fanaticism, nothing less. Blind zealots hating blind zealots.
Jews are not always bad or wrong.
This one was right:
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."
Some here advocate "tolerance" and "friendship" to proven killers. Why is that? Stupidity or treason?
14th September 2010, 07:37 AM
Generalized and broad brushed disdain is fanaticism, nothing less. Blind zealots hating blind zealots.
Jews are not always bad or wrong.
This one was right:
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."
Some here advocate "tolerance" and "friendship" to proven killers. Why is that? Stupidity or treason?
Are Muslims always bad or wrong? You only mentioned Jews.
14th September 2010, 02:01 PM
Generalized and broad brushed disdain is fanaticism, nothing less. Blind zealots hating blind zealots.
Jews are not always bad or wrong.
This one was right:
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."
Some here advocate "tolerance" and "friendship" to proven killers. Why is that? Stupidity or treason?
Are Muslims always bad or wrong? You only mentioned Jews.
Any Muslim who lives in accordance with the pathological parts of the Quran (most of it) is always bad. That means most Muslims.
I don't agree with the Jewsmedia/towelhead apologist falsehood that "extreme Muslims" are "Islamists." Barbarian behavior is mainstream Islam, not "extremist."
14th September 2010, 02:49 PM
Generalized and broad brushed disdain is fanaticism, nothing less. Blind zealots hating blind zealots.
Jews are not always bad or wrong.
This one was right:
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."
Some here advocate "tolerance" and "friendship" to proven killers. Why is that? Stupidity or treason?
Are Muslims always bad or wrong? You only mentioned Jews.
Any Muslim who lives in accordance with the pathological parts of the Quran (most of it) is always bad. That means most Muslims.
I don't agree with the Jewsmedia/towelhead apologist falsehood that "extreme Muslims" are "Islamists." Barbarian behavior is mainstream Islam, not "extremist."
I don't personally hang out with any Muslims so I can't comment on what you refer to as 'mainstream barbarian bahaviour'. If barbarian behaviour is mainstream among them, how do their economies and countries operate. They seem fairly peaceable within.....obviously, not during this military adventure, but in general. Can you point out what you mean....specifically, what do you see among muslim communities that would constitute daily, mainstream, barbarian behaviour?
15th September 2010, 04:37 PM
Generalized and broad brushed disdain is fanaticism, nothing less. Blind zealots hating blind zealots.
Jews are not always bad or wrong.
This one was right:
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."
Some here advocate "tolerance" and "friendship" to proven killers. Why is that? Stupidity or treason?
Are Muslims always bad or wrong? You only mentioned Jews.
Any Muslim who lives in accordance with the pathological parts of the Quran (most of it) is always bad. That means most Muslims.
I don't agree with the Jewsmedia/towelhead apologist falsehood that "extreme Muslims" are "Islamists." Barbarian behavior is mainstream Islam, not "extremist."
I don't personally hang out with any Muslims so I can't comment on what you refer to as 'mainstream barbarian bahaviour'. If barbarian behaviour is mainstream among them, how do their economies and countries operate. They seem fairly peaceable within.....obviously, not during this military adventure, but in general. Can you point out what you mean....specifically, what do you see among muslim communities that would constitute daily, mainstream, barbarian behaviour?
Well since he isnrt here any longer, Ill take it upon myself to answer your question,with a question. What Muslim nation do you see that doesnt display barbarism?All one has to do is look at the news from their countries and see the carnage. Stonings, beheadings,bombings, Honor killings,the list goes on and on.Look at the Phillipines,China ,Russia, India they are victims of their barbarism almost daily.I dont even have to bring up the Scary moozlem booga booga crap that Pat (PBUH) always defends. I used these examples as they arent Western nations that are getting tore up,Unless you think ONLY the Muslims are good and the entire rest of the world is at fault.
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