View Full Version : The Legend of Sophie Scholl

7th September 2010, 07:58 AM
This weekend I watched a movie called The Legend of Sophie Scholl. My wife picked it out of the available Netflix streaming titles so I was just a passive viewer with no clue what the movie would be about.

Throughout the movie I was constantly wondering how the Hitler apologists we have on this forum might digest what is portrayed.

I have to say that this is the first Nazi Germany film I have seen that refused to focus on Jews or the Holocaust. Jews, of course, are mentioned but the focus of the film was on the political environment of the Germanic people during WW2. Specifically, the absence of freedom of speech and the draconian punishment of those who would exercise such a freedom. The point is driven home by the execution of 3 college students for nothing more than writing ideas on paper.

It was interesting to see a damning of Nazi principles based on their stifling of their own people's freedoms as opposed to another version of the poor, poor Jews and their plight. Even more interesting was the consideration of the very real possibility that America is going down the exact same road.


7th September 2010, 08:49 AM
My thoughts are, look around the US, UK and many other countries and you will find, right now in this era, in these last few years, tens, dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions of people who are now dead for having thoughts or being capable of having thoughts that are at odds with the controlling junta. I consider... o-oh....having a thought.... that most governments are now juntas. Those people had thoughts. Some expressed them in action.

Nationalism often becomes a runaway train. It becomes fervent amongst the people. Who prosecuted them and in who's name? Did Hitler do it by his hand or did some one else do it in his name or the in the name of nationalistic ideology of the time?

7th September 2010, 08:58 AM
Here's the thing:

If you are not in a position to influence the public, you are not a threat.
Guys like you and I, we're not going to get suicided.

If you are a person of influence, or potentially could be, you could easily get "offed" for writing your ideas down on paper.

We're getting closer to "papers please". Just as K-os about her trip when the NWO pig pulled her over.

7th September 2010, 09:57 AM
Who prosecuted them and in who's name? Did Hitler do it by his hand or did some one else do it in his name or the in the name of nationalistic ideology of the time?
Her group, The White Rose, was initially caught and interrogated by University of Munich investigators. Once confessions were signed (they were proud of their work) they were tried before the People's Court by Judge Roland Freisler with court appointed counsel who offered zero resistance to these kids being sentenced to death and then summarily executed only hours later despite protocol of the time allowing prisoners sentenced to death 99 days to live after their sentence. They were executed by guillotine. The remarks made in court and as closing comments are a matter of public record and therefore struck me as being the most moving parts of the film. Ultimately Scholl was proven to be perfectly right in everything she had to say to the court even to her claim that her accusers would one day stand in the same position as she.

Most ironically, the leaflet which they were caught distributing (the 6th of its kind), was copied millions of times over and dropped all over Germany by allied planes.

I would highly recommend anyone of any persuasion to see the film.

Also, after checking the Netflix log I see the title of the movie is actually, Sophie Scholl: The Final Days It is in German and the German title is Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage. My claim of the incorrect title was an aberration brought about by my asking my wife the name of the movie we had just watched and not checking behind her. Silly wife.

Probably the strongest question I left with after watching this was the efficacy of passive resistance. The members of the White Rose were executed and it was Allied forces that toppled the Nazi regime.

I found the wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Scholl) to be rather balanced on the topic considering the subject content.

7th September 2010, 11:39 AM
Here's the thing:

If you are not in a position to influence the public, you are not a threat.
Guys like you and I, we're not going to get suicided.

If you are a person of influence, or potentially could be, you could easily get "offed" for writing your ideas down on paper.

We're getting closer to "papers please". Just as K-os about her trip when the NWO pig pulled her over.


7th September 2010, 12:41 PM
Oh, great, the fu*ktards are prattling on about the loss of "freedom" in the Third Reich.

Sophie Scholl was a traitor to the German People. Preaching non-resistance to Communism during the height of the Judeo-Capitalo-Bolshevik genocide against Europe should be punished with death. Most Germans didn't like the war, many didn't like Hitler, but they didn't go about spreading propaganda suggesting people deliberately inhibit the defense against "Allied" mass murder.

My preference for "dear" Sophie would have been for her to experience reality on the Eastern Front, getting gang-raped by half-Mongoloid beasts of the Red Army like nearly all German civilian women, or perhaps finding out what hamburger feels like in the literal meat-grinders of Jew-Bolshevik NKVD killing centers.

Can the "anti-Nazi" (and by implication, pro-Jewish) morons name a country that was a World War II belligerent that did not punish willful, active treason with death?

The "freedom" you so-called "libertarians" demand always involves the worst extremes of human decadence. Why is that? Perhaps because the so-called "libertarian" ideology is Judeo-Freemasonic in origin?

I'll take the freedom to know my kids have a chance at a future in a White nation, as opposed to the "freedom" of preaching non-resistance to Devils and the "freedom" of infanticide or anal sex. :puke

7th September 2010, 12:52 PM
Phoenix, I'll have to reread your post a few times and research some of the terms to get what you are getting at entirely but I am getting this part loud and clear. You would support my execution for simply writing on paper my sentiment that a war my country was intentionally waging upon the rest of the world should be resisted. Not for actually doing anything other than expressing an idea and I should therefore be executed.

I would disagree with you but it wouldn't matter as you would just have me executed as a public example.

So, you DO hate freedom, no? In my definition of freedom it involves being able to express an idea in print or word without fear of execution by your government. If the idea is SOOO heinous it must have merit, no? If there is no merit then why bother punishing the idea?

What right does a man have to kill another man for expressing an idea with no action?

7th September 2010, 01:10 PM
Sophie Scholl was a traitor to the German People. Preaching non-resistance to Communism during the height of the Judeo-Capitalo-Bolshevik genocide against Europe should be punished with death. Most Germans didn't like the war, many didn't like Hitler, but they didn't go about spreading propaganda suggesting people deliberately inhibit the defense against "Allied" mass murder.


SLV^GLD wants to focus on old anti-goyim WWII traitor stuff and distract us from recent real female heroes like Rachel Corrie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rachel_corrie.jpeg).


7th September 2010, 01:54 PM
SLV>GLD wants to discuss a movie he watched last night. :oo-->

7th September 2010, 02:09 PM
I'm still trying to process Phoenix's rant. There's quite a bit of name assumptive name calling I had to work around but let me understand if I got this part right; The 1st amendment to our constitution is a libertarian ideal that finds its origins in Judaism and Freemasonry?

I'm not arguing one way or the other, I'm just asking if that is what you are trying to say.

My retort to this line:

Can the "anti-Nazi" (and by implication, pro-Jewish) morons name a country that was a World War II belligerent that did not punish willful, active treason with death?
Just because everyone involved in the war was willing to sacrifice their own children for expressing an idea doesn't make it copacetic especially in light of the fact at least one of those nations had founded itself on the idea that all men had an unalienable right to freedom of speech.

I'm not necessarily anti-"Nazi" as far as I can tell. I am, however, anti-execution of your own citizens for writing ideas on paper. I'm more pro-debate and refute ideas in public forum.

7th September 2010, 03:26 PM
SLV>GLD wants to discuss a movie he watched last night. :oo-->

SLV>GLD wants to discuss a Jewish Hollywood propaganda piece about a German traitor that defied the realities of the Eastern Front, preaching that Germans should lay down their weapons against the greatest threat to humanity the world had yet known.

I challenge you to cite ONE example of someone executed (solely) for written treason between January 30, 1933 and September 1, 1939 in Germany. If the Third Reich was the "dictatorship" that Jews - and you - claim it was, then this challenge should be EASY.

7th September 2010, 03:29 PM
So, you DO hate freedom, no? In my definition of freedom it involves being able to express an idea in print or word without fear of execution by your government. If the idea is SOOO heinous it must have merit, no? If there is no merit then why bother punishing the idea?

What right does a man have to kill another man for expressing an idea with no action?

I have to go grab my kids in a minute, so this is an abbreviated reply, but this will suffice for now:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

SENTENCE: (up to and including) DEATH

You cannot argue that "Nazi" Germany was wrong, because it contravened your (erroneous) interpretation of the First Amendment, while ignoring that the same document endorses the same penalty that "Nazi" Germany applied to a traitor using the same definition.

7th September 2010, 04:22 PM
You would support my execution for simply writing on paper my sentiment that a war my country was intentionally waging upon the rest of the world should be resisted.

I didn't catch this the first time. Ah, now I see. You are totally befuddled by Jewish propaganda lies. Your "objectivity" is demolished.

Not for actually doing anything other than expressing an idea and I should therefore be executed.

So you oppose the electric chair for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? After all, they were "only expressing the idea" of nuclear weapons to the Jewish USSR.

So, you DO hate freedom, no? In my definition of freedom it involves being able to express an idea in print or word without fear of execution by your government. If the idea is SOOO heinous it must have merit, no? If there is no merit then why bother punishing the idea?

What right does a man have to kill another man for expressing an idea with no action?

As the Founding Fathers believed - which I have demonstrated in their Constitution - "ideas," namely, "adhering to enemies" and "giving them comfort," are "action."

"I wish this war was over," "I wish Hitler had killed the Brits at Dunkirk," "I think Julius Streicher is a pervert" were all permitted expressions in the Third Reich. As was owning rifles and shotguns.

"You are against freedom" is a strawman, and you are disingenuous in pretending to act so innocently in leveling that claim against me.

7th September 2010, 04:26 PM

SLV^GLD wants to focus on old anti-goyim WWII traitor stuff and distract us from recent real female heroes like Rachel Corrie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rachel_corrie.jpeg).


Rachel Corrie was murdered for standing in front of a bulldozer that was going to destroy a family's home. Even in the Third Reich, most soldiers would have hopped down off the machine, and pulled her aside. In Israel, however, the Jewboy at the controls shoved the throttle forward with a grin.

Anyone who focuses on the "atrocities" of the Third Reich 65+ years after the fact as though they are something priority for our attention today is obviously not objective nor sane.

7th September 2010, 04:28 PM
I am, however, anti-execution of your own citizens for writing ideas on paper.


He "wrote ideas on paper" and gave them to Soviet agents.

7th September 2010, 05:25 PM
Rachel Corrie was murdered for standing in front of a bulldozer that was going to destroy a family's home. Even in the Third Reich, most soldiers would have hopped down off the machine, and pulled her aside. In Israel, however, the Jewboy at the controls shoved the throttle forward with a grin.

Anyone who focuses on the "atrocities" of the Third Reich 65+ years after the fact as though they are something priority for our attention today is obviously not objective nor sane.

Um, have you ever been around a large Caterpillar D9? These are huge and very loud diesel engines. Visibility is pretty poor and gets worse once you lift the blade. There is a very reasonable possibility that the operator was not able to see anyone standing in the area where RC was.

This comment is meant to address the very narrow issue of whether RC could have been seen by any operator.

7th September 2010, 05:46 PM
I feel as though Phoenix has conflated the concept of 21 year old college students writing ideas on paper and disseminating them in their own college campus with the concept of directly aiding and abetting the enemy with secrets delivered into their hands.

One deserves execution. One does not.

But I am accused of being insane for seeing the difference. :oo-->

Or maybe that accusation was for having thought to bring a topic up for discussion simply for having watched it the night before. Of course, I feel Phoenix has conflated that concept with the one of "focusing on 65+ year old atrocities" as if they have no bearing on what is happening in our own country today.

And just to clarify, as I admit my wording was ambiguous, my comments about "my country was intentionally waging war upon the rest of the world" was specifically about the current war our country is engaged in TODAY, not the one that took place 65+ years ago.

In my opinion, the 65+ year old historical account of executing college students for suggesting the war stop and that maybe the soldiers themselves do something to stop it is becoming a reality for our country NOW. I'd wager to bet that within five years 90% of the anti-war rants that pass as tripe on the internets now will pass for treason with nothing changing but the dictator in the oval office and the minds of people like Phoenix who would kill their own for expressing an idea towards their own.

7th September 2010, 06:11 PM
I think Phoenix is just perturbed that you are slandering the Third Reich, and therefore insulting St. Adolphus of Bruneu (sp?). ;)

7th September 2010, 06:22 PM
I think Phoenix ate lunch by himself in school... :P

7th September 2010, 06:55 PM
As a side note, Sophie Scholl is honored at The Walhalla Temple.


7th September 2010, 07:29 PM
SLV>GLD wants to discuss a movie he watched last night. :oo-->

SLV>GLD wants to discuss a Jewish Hollywood propaganda piece about a German traitor that defied the realities of the Eastern Front, preaching that Germans should lay down their weapons against the greatest threat to humanity the world had yet known.

I challenge you to cite ONE example of someone executed (solely) for written treason between January 30, 1933 and September 1, 1939 in Germany. If the Third Reich was the "dictatorship" that Jews - and you - claim it was, then this challenge should be EASY.

Or where the good guys win for a change, the Nationalists in Spain. (after they won)

7th September 2010, 07:39 PM
Um, have you ever been around a large Caterpillar D9? These are huge and very loud diesel engines. Visibility is pretty poor and gets worse once you lift the blade. There is a very reasonable possibility that the operator was not able to see anyone standing in the area where RC was.

This comment is meant to address the very narrow issue of whether RC could have been seen by any operator.

Uh, uh, my dad was, uh, like a heavy equipment operator in his earlier days, and I was at every farm & equipment show he could track down. Tulare was my home every February (oh, the mud-pit of the County Fairgrounds prior to the new IAC grounds). Uh, yeah, I've been around - and on - D-9s...uh, like, dozens of them. ::)

Totally fu*king sickening that anyone would try to excuse the obviously deliberate murder of Corrie. She was wearing international safety orange, and the prick aboard knew she was there. But what's just another blond shiksa getting in the way of Eretz Yisrael?

7th September 2010, 07:47 PM
As a side note, Sophie Scholl is honored at The Walhalla Temple.


First line about the hall....
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors laudable and distinguished Germans, famous personalities in German history —

In our PC world, A. Einstein is there too; but the fraud known as Einstein is Jewish, not German

7th September 2010, 07:58 PM
I feel as though Phoenix has conflated the concept of 21 year old college students writing ideas on paper and disseminating them in their own college campus with the concept of directly aiding and abetting the enemy with secrets delivered into their hands.

Yup, just naive little college kids. ::)

This group was actually a concerted conspiracy involving students and professors that spread propaganda across an entire Land (German State). They suggested German soldiers lay down their arms against the Allies and/or turn their arms against the German government.

From one of their "writings on paper""

<a href="http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERschollS.htm">"We want to try and show that everyone is in a position to contribute to the overthrow of the system. It can be done only by the cooperation of many convinced, energetic people - people who are agreed as to the means they must use. We have no great number of choices as to the means. The meaning and goal of passive resistance is to topple National Socialism, and in this struggle we must not recoil from our course, any action, whatever its nature. A victory of fascist Germany in this war would have immeasurable, frightful consequences."</a>

That's unmitigated treason, according to the definition in the United States Constitution, as applied to the German context.

NOT opposition to "totalitarianism" including Communism and Capitalism, but only opposition to the elected government of Germany.

Are you ignorant, or lying?

Of course, I feel Phoenix has conflated that concept with the one of "focusing on 65+ year old atrocities" as if they have no bearing on what is happening in our own country today.

The CORRECT comparison is to show the Stalinist nature of the US Federal regime, and how the internationalist "ideals" of Jewish Marxism are what guides the Washington Criminals, the New York Jew Banksters, and their allies across the world.

But IDIOTIC comparisons to Hitler and National Socialism - those very things which made the only serious, and almost successful effort to stop a Jew World Order - only serve to vilify what the Jews hate the most; the man who dared to stand up for both Germany and Europe, against the International Jewish Banks.

And just to clarify, as I admit my wording was ambiguous, my comments about "my country was intentionally waging war upon the rest of the world" was specifically about the current war our country is engaged in TODAY, not the one that took place 65+ years ago.

The perpetual war of the Pentagram is identical to the Jewish Marxist "permanent revolution" in both purpose and ethnic character of the leaders.

the minds of people like Phoenix who would kill their own for expressing an idea towards their own.

I expect to die for "counter-revolution" and "hatred of humanity." I am not afraid. Only it will be on my feet, preferably at my home, but never in a "freedom camp" somewhere. People like you, "anti-racists" and "anti-Nazis," will be frothing at the mouth, cheering it on.

NO ONE was killed in the Third Reich for "expressing an idea." They were executed for assisting the world's most deadly enemy, Communism, along with it's perpetual ally, Capitalism. Both of which were then, and now, tools of the Jew, who created both.

7th September 2010, 08:03 PM
I think Phoenix is just perturbed that you are slandering the Third Reich, and therefore insulting St. Adolphus of Bruneu (sp?). ;)

I revere the Truth, and it is no mystery why the real Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler are the number one and number two "most evil figures" amongst the Talmudic ideologies (Judaism, Judeo-"Christianity," Freemasonry, "Humanism," etc., etc.). They spoke the Truth about the Jews, never pulling punches, never mincing words, and willing to die for their ideals. It's a simple fact that Christ and Hitler are the number one and number two "most dangerous anti-Semites," and therefore, the fact is revealed why they have mountains of scorn heaped upon them. Christ is said to be in Hell in "boiling hot semen," after all, according to the pornographic Talmud.

I feel it is my duty to defend the honor of the Greatest Man, and the greatest man of the 20th Century.

7th September 2010, 08:04 PM
First line about the hall....
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors laudable and distinguished Germans, famous personalities in German history —

In our PC world, A. Einstein is there too; but the fraud known as Einstein is Jewish, not German
Yeah, I caught that as well. Fact is, he was born in Germany so he is German. You can't be born in Jewland because there is no such place. It certainly made me wonder how many other German Jews were in the hall.

Your avatar kills, dude. Linux painted on boobs!

7th September 2010, 08:05 PM
I think Phoenix ate lunch by himself in school... :P

Actually, pretty much everyone loved me in school, and most people who know me in the real world, love me, too. They know I'm "eccentric," but they respect my brilliance, my general kindness, my intense will (and ability to get things done right). Pretty much the traits of Adolf. ;D

7th September 2010, 08:10 PM
Yeah, I caught that as well. Fact is, he was born in Germany so he is German.

"Being German" means to be born of German parents and ancestors. I qualify, despite not speaking the language (well). People born in Austria or Switzerland (or elsewhere) who are of wholly German (or mostly German but wholly European) ancestry are Germans.

Jews can never be Germans.

Jewishness is biological and cultural, not just "religious." A Jew born in Germany is a Jew. A Jew born in China is a Jew. A Jew born in Nigeria is a Jew.

Is an Irish baby born in Japan Japanese? Hardly.

7th September 2010, 08:22 PM
They suggested German soldiers lay down their arms against the Allies and/or turn their arms against the German government.

That's unmitigated treason, according to the definition in the United States Constitution, as applied to the German context.

NOT opposition to "totalitarianism" including Communism and Capitalism, but only opposition to the elected government of Germany.

Are you ignorant, or lying?
I am neither. In your own reply you conflate suggestion with an act of treason. If the Germanic people chose to ACT on the suggestion they were then acting in treason. A suggestion to your own countrymen to fight tyranny within your homeland is just that, an idea to consider. If the Germans laughed it off, then so be it. There was no reason to kill people for making public suggestions to their own countrymen.

The CORRECT comparison is to show the Stalinist nature of the US Federal regime, and how the internationalist "ideals" of Jewish Marxism are what guides the Washington Criminals, the New York Jew Banksters, and their allies across the world.Aaah, but that, in this country, is treasonous by your definition of the word and therefore should be punished with death.

But IDIOTIC comparisons to Hitler and National Socialism - those very things which made the only serious, and almost successful effort to stop a Jew World Order - only serve to vilify what the Jews hate the most; the man who dared to stand up for both Germany and Europe, against the International Jewish Banks......
The perpetual war of the Pentagram is identical to the Jewish Marxist "permanent revolution" in both purpose and ethnic character of the leaders.No, it serves to villify the concept of killing your own people for bringing ideas to the table for consideration regardless of who is doing it. I actually believe Hitler was right in calling the Jews out on their parasitic Jewery. That makes me more or less not the anti-Nazi you so desperately need me to be.

I expect to die for "counter-revolution" and "hatred of humanity." I am not afraid. Only it will be on my feet, preferably at my home, but never in a "freedom camp" somewhere. People like you, "anti-racists" and "anti-Nazis," will be frothing at the mouth, cheering it on.I am anti-hate and I am pro-justice. I would never cheer for the slaughter of anyone. I believe in the power of the human mind over the barrel of a gun. I, too, expect to die, on my feet, in my home defending my right to live a life that asks nothing from anyone but to be left alone.

NO ONE was killed in the Third Reich for "expressing an idea." They were executed for assisting the world's most deadly enemy, Communism, along with it's perpetual ally, Capitalism.
Communism, Capitalism, Statism, National Socialism (aka Nazism), they are all ideas and yes, Sophie Scholl was put to death simply for passing out leaflets that espoused ideas counter to the one popular at the time. Carry on acting as if expressing ideas counter to the dictator's wishes is somehow directly aiding and abetting the dictator's enemy. The dictator's only real enemy is the minds of his own people if that is the case. And if that is the case then I must be treasonous, myself and it sounds like you are as well.

7th September 2010, 08:22 PM
I have never seen this film so I can't comment on it necessarily. I do know about propaganda which is a key weapon used by the marxists, so I will speak briefly on that.

It is no secret that Hitler completely eradicated the poison of marxism from Germany, he uprooted it and gave its practitioners the boot. This makes Hitler the antithesis and archenemy to talmudic marixsm from then on. Their goal is to drag his name through the mud, that is a light way of putting it, they want to make Adolf Hitler synonymous with the word evil. They don't want you to question why he was evil, just knowing without a doubt that he was the epitome of all that is evil in the world is good enough for them.

So when you speak of a movie that demonizes someone who is their archenemy and act like it isn't a propaganda tool is silly.

For example, say someone sleeps with your wife, if you didn't try to kill him you would certainly want his name ruined so you would go around town spewing all kinds of crap about the guy, how he once touched a little kid, or how he passes bad checks all over etc.

So now you have a laymen who sorta knows the score and is like "well gee he didn't mention anything about doing his wife, so the rest of this must be true"

It makes no sense you act as though hollywood is impartial and has no horse in the race. Don't be naive.

7th September 2010, 08:26 PM
Is an Irish baby born in Japan Japanese? Hardly.
So I must be an Englishman, right? Or, at what point did my family lineage cease to be English and become American? I would say it started with the first child my ancestors bore on this continent but apparently that would not be the case.

7th September 2010, 08:28 PM
Is an Irish baby born in Japan Japanese? Hardly.
So I must be an Englishman, right? Or, at what point did my family lineage cease to be English and become American? I would say it started with the first child my ancestors bore on this continent but apparently that would not be the case.

That is the stupid part of using lines on a map to distinguish nationalities.

It makes no logical sense whatsoever.

7th September 2010, 08:30 PM
First line about the hall....
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors laudable and distinguished Germans, famous personalities in German history —

In our PC world, A. Einstein is there too; but the fraud known as Einstein is Jewish, not German
Yeah, I caught that as well. Fact is, he was born in Germany so he is German. You can't be born in Jewland because there is no such place. It certainly made me wonder how many other German Jews were in the hall.

Your avatar kills, dude. Linux painted on boobs!

Not necessarily, if I was born in Japan while my parents were working there and grew up there until I was ten... I could probably speak Japanese, maybe knowledgeable in Japanese culture, and maybe eligible for Japanese citizenship; but I would never be Japanese.

That is an idea that came about in the last 50-60 years. Same with a Mexican family jumping the fence and having an anchor-baby. To me, they are not Americans and never will be.

Thanks man, I've gotten more comments on that one than any I've ever had. I saw that picture, and I knew I had to use it. Linux has been my desktop OS for ten years now.

7th September 2010, 08:31 PM
So when you speak of a movie that demonizes someone who is their archenemy and act like it isn't a propaganda tool is silly.
It makes no sense you act as though hollywood is impartial and has no horse in the race. Don't be naive.
It is my opinion the film in question demonizes a totalitarian society which kills its own people for thinking outside the hive mind regardless of who is doing it. Germany just provided an easily assimilated concept since everyone is already familiar with the setting and Sophie Scholl is a well documented example with which to work. Rarely, in this film, is Hitler even mentioned.

7th September 2010, 08:32 PM
Yeah, I caught that as well. Fact is, he was born in Germany so he is German.

"Being German" means to be born of German parents and ancestors. I qualify, despite not speaking the language (well). People born in Austria or Switzerland (or elsewhere) who are of wholly German (or mostly German but wholly European) ancestry are Germans.

Jews can never be Germans.

Jewishness is biological and cultural, not just "religious." A Jew born in Germany is a Jew. A Jew born in China is a Jew. A Jew born in Nigeria is a Jew.

Is an Irish baby born in Japan Japanese? Hardly.

Hey, beat me to it. Plus you wrote it better too. ;-)

7th September 2010, 08:34 PM
So, none of us here are Americans? If some of us are, then by what criteria do you make such claim?

7th September 2010, 08:35 PM
Thanks man, I've gotten more comments on that one than any I've ever had. I saw that picture, and I knew I had to use it. Linux has been my desktop OS for ten years now.

Linux is a good OS, I have F13 on my laptop. I'm not really competent enough in it to try using it as my desktop OS since I have multi monitor display etc. Plus I just use vbox if I do need it on this machine.

Which distro are you using?

7th September 2010, 08:39 PM
They don't want you to question why he was evil, just knowing without a doubt that he was the epitome of all that is evil in the world is good enough for them.

Well said and thought-out post. It reminded my about the endless list of Jewish "persecutions"; but you never hear about why they were persecuted.

7th September 2010, 08:40 PM
I've been using Debian since 1996. I've tried a thousand others but Debian is a mainstay.

7th September 2010, 08:45 PM
Thanks man, I've gotten more comments on that one than any I've ever had. I saw that picture, and I knew I had to use it. Linux has been my desktop OS for ten years now.

Linux is a good OS, I have F13 on my laptop. I'm not really competent enough in it to try using it as my desktop OS since I have multi monitor display etc. Plus I just use vbox if I do need it on this machine.

Which distro are you using?

Right now I'm using openSuse 11.2... I will never use the Africanized "Ubuntu" OS. I don't care how popular it is. Back in the day, you really had to want to use Linux. Difficult installation, ugly fonts, not much (or crappy in comparison) software.

I don't have multi monitor displays, but know Linux supports it.

7th September 2010, 08:46 PM
I actually believe Hitler was right in calling the Jews out on their parasitic Jewery.


What do you actually propose we DO about them here in America today in 2010?


7th September 2010, 08:50 PM
Thanks man, I've gotten more comments on that one than any I've ever had. I saw that picture, and I knew I had to use it.


7th September 2010, 08:52 PM
I will never use the Africanized "Ubuntu" OS.

Likewise. How retarded to name a cultural product that could only be created by Homo sapiens sapiens a word from a stone-age culture incapable of building even a simple machine, such as a wooden waterwheel, let alone an electronic computer.

I don't care how popular it is.

It's popular because there is an insane fascination with Niqqers pervading the terminally ill Western world.

7th September 2010, 08:55 PM
Is an Irish baby born in Japan Japanese? Hardly.

So I must be an Englishman, right? Or, at what point did my family lineage cease to be English and become American? I would say it started with the first child my ancestors bore on this continent but apparently that would not be the case.

American is a citizenship, not an ethnicity. You will remain English (and whatever else).

Originally, the concept of "American" was to be an ethnicity of (re)unified Europeans, but that was destroyed when they started letting Jews and other non-Whites in.

7th September 2010, 08:56 PM
I've been using Debian since 1996. I've tried a thousand others but Debian is a mainstay.

I like Debian too but replaced it with Suse. I, for the life of me, could not adjust the video resolution settings. So I was living with 1280x1024 on a 1440x900 monitor. Believe me, I tried everything. I never had any issues with Xorg/X11 before so I wasn't very knowledgeable about it. I finally said "f it" you're gone.

Really, for most users, the only differences is how to install software and some admin. I really like Yast. I bought Suse 7 and later 8 but replaced it with Debian because I was pissed that Novell bought out Suse.

7th September 2010, 09:00 PM
Thanks man, I've gotten more comments on that one than any I've ever had. I saw that picture, and I knew I had to use it.


Thanks Book... :oo--> I like your new one

7th September 2010, 09:09 PM
Likewise. How retarded to name a cultural product that could only be created by Homo sapiens sapiens a word from a stone-age culture incapable of building even a simple machine, such as a wooden waterwheel, let alone an electronic computer.

It's popular because there is an insane fascination with Niqqers pervading the terminally ill Western world.

Linux was created by white people to escape the money machines of the Mac/Windows computer world. This is why you will never see Photoshop, MS Office, AutoCAD, etc. being released for Linux even though it would be easy since Mac is Unix-based (I think it's actually based on Free BSD). MS and Mac would fall like a deck of cards.

I'd actually like to try Free BSD some time. Any opinions?

8th September 2010, 01:52 AM
Likewise. How retarded to name a cultural product that could only be created by Homo sapiens sapiens a word from a stone-age culture incapable of building even a simple machine, such as a wooden waterwheel, let alone an electronic computer.

It's popular because there is an insane fascination with Niqqers pervading the terminally ill Western world.

Linux was created by white people to escape the money machines of the Mac/Windows computer world. This is why you will never see Photoshop, MS Office, AutoCAD, etc. being released for Linux even though it would be easy since Mac is Unix-based (I think it's actually based on Free BSD). MS and Mac would fall like a deck of cards.

Linux is the epitome of what Aryan Socialism can do for the world. A product not only as good, but in many ways better, than Windows or Mac OSs, for free (or effectively free). Crapitalists like to insist that nothing good would be invented except for unearned profit. But yet most of what is valuable in this world was created for free, out of love for others and/or love of creating.

8th September 2010, 06:40 AM
I agree with the majority of the sentiments expressed here surrounding Linux.
Ubuntu is not popular because of anything to do with race, imho. It's popular because it is the easiest to install and has the largest support on the internet. It combines the stable development base of Debian with a much more open minded attitude about less free software. I prefer the idealistic environment of Debian, though.

Setting screen res in xorg.conf isn't any different in Debian than Suse AFAIK. I'm using it on 2 desktops at home with 1440X900 resolution with zero issues.

Mac OSX is built on portions of FreeBSD and NetBSD as well as the graphical components developed in NeXTSTEP, a Steve Jobs development.

FWIW, I hate Apple even more than M$. At least M$ lets me have choices and caters to those choices. I choose Linux because it is the ultimate concept of choice. I use M$ because everyone around me does as well and I generally HAVE to. It literally pays to be proficient in both operating systems. I have never seen a compelling reason to become proficient in any Apple OS. M$ is a money machine for anyone who develops for the OS, Apple is a money machine for Apple only. Fact is, OSX is the most popular Unix desktop primarily because it presents a unified front and just works on the limited hardware Apple provides for the user. It's not a terrible model if you hate choice. Apparently, the market hates choice.

We have digressed?

Joe King
8th September 2010, 07:55 AM
I am, however, anti-execution of your own citizens for writing ideas on paper.


He "wrote ideas on paper" and gave them to Soviet agents.

Apples and oranges dude.
He did more than just write ideas on paper.
Apparently his own kids, after decades of trying to prove his innocence, now admit he was involved.
So it's not like he wrote his own original ideas on paper and was executed for it.

In nazi Germany you were "free" as long as you openly supported the faschism that was going on. Or at least pretended to.

Btw, seeing as the thread has two topics now, has anyone tried PCLinuxOS? (http://www.pclinuxos.com/)

8th September 2010, 11:24 AM
Ubuntu is not popular because of anything to do with race, imho. It's popular because it is the easiest to install and has the largest support on the internet.

Linux Mint exceeds Ubuntu, but the latter dominates, yes, because of the "multicultural" aspect. Don't be in denial.

8th September 2010, 11:46 AM

Stick it to The Man and also enjoy all your favorite fully-compatible programs...lol.


8th September 2010, 06:47 PM
In nazi Germany you were "free" as long as you openly supported the faschism that was going on. Or at least pretended to.

Btw, seeing as the thread has two topics now, has anyone tried PCLinuxOS? (http://www.pclinuxos.com/)

I don't agree with Joe King much (there's a lot you haven't clarified in our last discussion) but I agree with him here. That being said, it was worse in the USSR. But.... I will also say that the Nazi's were right in trying to stamp out that hideous disease of Marxism. They were unsuccessful, so we have the problems we have today.

no, never tried (or heard of) PCLinuxOS. I kind of liked the old days when there were only like, six disros. Slackware, Debian, Red Hat, suse, Mandrake, and can't think of more.

8th September 2010, 06:52 PM
Ubuntu is not popular because of anything to do with race, imho.

Setting screen res in xorg.conf isn't any different in Debian than Suse AFAIK. I'm using it on 2 desktops at home with 1440X900 resolution with zero issues.

We have digressed?

I'm not saying it became popular only because of the name; but will say, never underestimate the power of culture and subliminal messages.

Take that and that retarded Discovery Channel "boom-dee-ada" african chant and your culture continues it's slow decent to oblivion.

Joe King
9th September 2010, 08:44 AM
In nazi Germany you were "free" as long as you openly supported the fa schism that was going on. Or at least pretended to.

Btw, seeing as the thread has two topics now, has anyone tried PCLinuxOS? (http://www.pclinuxos.com/)

I don't agree with Joe King much (there's a lot you haven't clarified in our last discussion) but I agree with him here. That being said, it was worse in the USSR. But.... I will also say that the Nazi's were right in trying to stamp out that hideous disease of Marxism. They were unsuccessful, so we have the problems we have today.

no, never tried (or heard of) PCLinuxOS. I kind of liked the old days when there were only like, six disros. Slackware, Debian, Red Hat, suse, Mandrake, and can't think of more.

IMO, comparing the level of individual Liberty under nazi Germany and that of soviet Russia is like comparing Dem to Rep in America.
i.e. it's simply picking the lessor of two evils.

Was that a Hitler discussion I'm presuming? Or something else? ???
I've probably slept since then so jog my memory on our previous discussion {linky} and I'll take a look and see if I can clarify anything for you, ok?

If you like Linux, and I think you do, take a look at PCLinux. You just might like it. Or not. But you'll never know if you don't.
Personally, I'd reccomend going with a mini-me version and adding only the software you actually want.

9th September 2010, 06:42 PM
IMO, comparing the level of individual Liberty under nazi Germany and that of soviet Russia is like comparing Dem to Rep in America.
i.e. it's simply picking the lessor of two evils.

Was that a Hitler discussion I'm presuming? Or something else? ???
I've probably slept since then so jog my memory on our previous discussion {linky} and I'll take a look and see if I can clarify anything for you, ok?

Link - http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/what-started-ww2/80/

Well, you have to realise that the Nazis came to power by popular election and that the Bolsheviks came to power by a Civil War. You'll also have to realise that AH was a pretty popular guy, I've read how he toured factories without body guards. It's apples and oranges.

You say that you're picking the lessor of two evils. I personally believe That Stalin and the USSR were infinitely worse than Nazi Germany ever was. A. Hitler was made to be an "evil dictator set to rule the world" (since that slander campaign worked, that same thing has been used on S. Hussein, Noriega, Idi Amin, and now A-jad). The reality is that at the time, the British already ruled the world and the US wanted to replace it. Hitlers plans were to re-unify the German peoples and to colonise Russia. It is all laid out Mein Kampf and in his speeches. There was a plan to unify with GB to be a team in more colonisation, where GB would be the Naval power and Germany the Land/Army power.

You always said you believed in "right and wrong" and "live and let live"....

But to me, it seems like you never seemed to "get it" when defining right or wrong. Was it "right" to split a nation and give it away to another people(splitting Germany after Versailles)? Was it "wrong" for those people to get handed over to another nation? Or to "live and let live" with a nation of people like their own (Danzig, Memel, and Prussia wanted to reunify with Germany). When Poland refused, Germany took it; but the USSR invaded too. As I mentioned, that only Germany was considered "evil" and the USSR, who did the exact same thing were our allies? Huh? Explain that.

To me, you seem to be parroting the same thing I've been seeing on TalmudVision for the past 40 years.

I haven't read much about life in pre-war Nazi Germany; but I'm willing to guess that they had more freedom than you do in the US.

Joe King
9th September 2010, 08:32 PM
IMO, comparing the level of individual Liberty under nazi Germany and that of soviet Russia is like comparing Dem to Rep in America.
i.e. it's simply picking the lessor of two evils.

Was that a Hitler discussion I'm presuming? Or something else? ???
I've probably slept since then so jog my memory on our previous discussion {linky} and I'll take a look and see if I can clarify anything for you, ok?

Link - http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/what-started-ww2/80/

Well, you have to realise that the Nazis came to power by popular election and that the Bolsheviks came to power by a Civil War. You'll also have to realise that AH was a pretty popular guy, I've read how he toured factories without body guards. It's apples and oranges.
Granted, I'd personally prefer a popularly elected leader than a dictator as a result of war. But it's Hitlers decisions that directly led to his Nations destruction. And as such, I can't really support anything he did.
I don't support Stalin either, but at least he was fighting a defensive war against a nation who's intent for invasion was colonization.
How would you feel if Obama stated that we were going to colonize Canada, and then invaded? Would you be justified in fighting back? Of course you would be.
Well, that's what Russia did against Germany.

You say that you're picking the lessor of two evils. I personally believe That Stalin and the USSR were infinitely worse than Nazi Germany ever was. A. Hitler was made to be an "evil dictator set to rule the world" (since that slander campaign worked, that same thing has been used on S. Hussein, Noriega, Idi Amin, and now A-jad). The reality is that at the time, the British already ruled the world and the US wanted to replace it. Hitlers plans were to re-unify the German peoples and to colonise Russia. It is all laid out Mein Kampf and in his speeches. There was a plan to unify with GB to be a team in more colonisation, where GB would be the Naval power and Germany the Land/Army power.The bold parts seem to make a pretty good case for Hitler having wanted to colonize a lot more than what had at one time been German territory.
I mean, how can it be justified to take land that other people already live upon in order for it to be "colonized"? In my book that's called stealing, and it's wrong. Period. There can be no justification for it.
...and that applies in the Middle East, too. Because to say Germany was justified to want to colonize Russia is to say it's ok for Israel to do the same to Palenistian land today.

You always said you believed in "right and wrong" and "live and let live"....

But to me, it seems like you never seemed to "get it" when defining right or wrong. Was it "right" to split a nation and give it away to another people(splitting Germany after Versailles)?As I've already said, if Germany didn't lose WWI it wouldn't have been an issue. But they did. In fact, they gave up. Quit fighting. Surrendered. etc.etc.
Ever heard of spoils of war? Victor gets to run the show at that point. Don't like it? Then don't give up fighting so that you don't have to agree to and sign a peace treaty as the loser.
Now, that said, the splitting of Germany probably didn't help matters any and in retrospect probably shouldn't have happened. Just the same as the way much of the Middle East was divided into nations wasn't done correctly either and we're still paying for that mistake today.

Was it "wrong" for those people to get handed over to another nation? Or to "live and let live" with a nation of people like their own (Danzig, Memel, and Prussia wanted to reunify with Germany). When Poland refused, Germany took it; but the USSR invaded too. As I mentioned, that only Germany was considered "evil" and the USSR, who did the exact same thing were our allies? Huh? Explain that.I think I already have in another thread, but I will again here.
We {America} did not enter the war due to Poland being invaded by either Germany or Russia. America only entered the war as a result of Germany declaring war on us. What were we supposed to do? Just sit back and wait 'til we saw Hitler ships and planes off the East coast?
If Japan hadn't chose to attack, nor had Germany declared war on us, it's likely we would have sat-out WWII and all Europe would presumably be under German control.

As for handing people over and drawing lines on maps to dictate what borders would be after WWI, it all comes back to who the victor was.
That said, do I agree with how all that was done? No, I don't. Especially when it comes to the Middle East and how those borders were drawn after WWI.
But again, it all comes down to spoils of war.
Don't like that? then don't lose a war, or in Germanys case, chose to be the loser by giving up the fight.

To me, you seem to be parroting the same thing I've been seeing on TalmudVision for the past 40 years.

I haven't read much about life in pre-war Nazi Germany; but I'm willing to guess that they had more freedom than you do in the US.
That'd be subjective as there's a lot going on now that flies counter to the Peoples freedom, but I still wouldn't want what Germany had in the early '30s as the decisions made then led to utter destruction and that's the last thing I'd want for any Peoples of any Nation. Especially my own.

9th September 2010, 09:24 PM
America only entered the war as a result of Germany declaring war on us. What were we supposed to do? Just sit back and wait 'til we saw Hitler ships and planes off the East coast?


Nonsense. NYC JEWS declared war on Germany in 1933 and our President did what he was told to do by ZOG. Just like today.


Joe King
9th September 2010, 09:29 PM
Judea didn't bomb Germany in 1933.

9th September 2010, 09:43 PM
Judea didn't bomb Germany in 1933.

Get real. It is an act of war when NYC JEWS economically blockade a nation.


Joe King
9th September 2010, 10:06 PM
Judea didn't bomb Germany in 1933.

Get real. It is an act of war when NYC JEWS economically blockade a nation.


It's not an act of war to boycott anything.
By saying it is, you're saying that the Germans were dependant upon the Jews for their very survival to begin with.

An act of "war" in my book is the actual waging of war.
i.e. bullets, bombs and invasions.

10th September 2010, 12:21 AM
Judea didn't bomb Germany in 1933.

Germany didn't gas any Jews, 1933-1945. Your point?

10th September 2010, 06:08 AM
I think I watched this movie last night.
A freebie over at YouTube under a different title. 16 parts
Sophie Scholl: The Final Days
She did nothing wrong.

Joe King
10th September 2010, 07:38 AM
Judea didn't bomb Germany in 1933.

Germany didn't gas any Jews, 1933-1945. Your point?
Are you saying that the only justification for a boycott, would have been if they were being gassed first? If so, that doesn't fly.

Explain why anyone has to do business with those they don't want to?

The boycott is no different than if I was your neighbor and the only one you knew of with cows that also sold unpasteurized milk.
But I decided I didn't have enough to be able to trade with you anymore, as I needed it all for my family.
Would you feel justified in attacking me and mine in order to get what you want?