View Full Version : Gold Heroin Needle: Player vs Trader! - Please discuss

7th September 2010, 07:27 AM
Stewart Thomson
email: s2p3t4@sympatico.ca
Sep 7, 2010

1. How do you spell “party”? I spell it, “ringing the cash register”.

2. The greatest danger in markets is believing you have the situation all figured out. For many decades, the “banksters” have controlled the gold market, and many other markets. When the OTC derivatives were marked to market (a small portion of them) in 2007, the losing side of the trade said “we don’t have the money, we’re bankrupt!”. The winning side, the bankster side, said, “if we don’t get paid, we shut the system down. We crack the whip and the taxpayers make the trip. Ha ha ha!” The greatest blackmail in the history of the world then immediately took place, as US Govt borrowed trillions on behalf of the taxpayers (stole it from them), and handed it to the banksters. The bottom line is the banksters became multi-trillionaires in a heartbeat, and began their reign as money kings in the new era of “unlimited money”. Unlimited money for them. Unlimited debt for the taxpaying bagholders, the American Citizen.

3. Since the multi-trillion dollar OTC derivatives implosion of Lehman Brothers, it has become all-critical that investors never forget the power that “unlimited money” gives to those in that position, on a macro as well as on a micro scale. That power will be used in the gold market on a degree never imagined by most, let alone experienced, in the very near future.

4. Most analysts and investors in the gold community have become very very bullish on gold items over the past couple of weeks, and with a lot of good reasons.

5. What I would like you to understand is that I’m probably even more bullish than most of you, but there is a “dangerous to you” undercurrent developing, a gold market “rip tide” if you will.

6. The banksters don’t need to crash gold and gold stocks to take the gold items most investors hold; they just need to hit it enough so those investors liquidate. Because they have near unlimited financial resources, the best charts and analysis mean very little when put into the market battlefield against the liquidity flows of the banksters.

7. That is what I’m seeing now in the gold community; a focus on charts, good times, and strong seasonals. Some are claiming gold can’t sell off now. That’s just plain wrong. I agree all the bullish factors mentioned are present, and more. September is also a time when junior miners release drill program results, and that’s been happening. I’ve referred to “Golden Popcorn”, and many juniors are indeed “price popping” upside, with 20%, 50%, 100%, and even bigger moves, in just over the recent 4 to 12 week timeframes. Other juniors however, remain stuck in the mud, well below their 2006 highs, having hedged or diluted themselves as they faced costs that rose faster than gold did!

8. Most writers believe the gold bull market has many years to run. I say: Perhaps. That depends on how gold is used by the banksters as a control mechanism to raise asset prices, not on whether the impoverished public “sees the light” in gold’s value. Let’s not be too hasty to forget the main function of gold in the financial system.

9. Let’s all repeat together: Gold is a control mechanism. The banksters make most of their money from selling debt to people, govts, corporations, and now, central banks. The more debt that is taken on, the more money the banksters make, provided the debtor can pay the interest on the debts. It really doesn’t matter about the principal; what matters is the ability of the banksters to keep the debtor servicing a growing debt.

Full article.... (http://www.321gold.com/editorials/thomson_s/thomson_s_090710.html)