View Full Version : POLICE BRUTALITY - Criminal Cops Assault Man.......

8th September 2010, 01:40 AM
POLICE BRUTALITY - Criminal Cops Assault Man After He Finds His Son Committed Suicide


8th September 2010, 08:42 AM
How stupid can you be? These cops must be selected for their lack of brains. I would say to this guy- get a good lawyer and clean their house. If I were on a jury and heard a case like that, I would give the victim whatever he asked for. $20million? No problem.

8th September 2010, 08:52 AM
"Felony Obstruction?" What the hell was he obstructing in a felonious manor?

willie pete
8th September 2010, 09:10 AM
It's becoming more and more evident that cops are acting like robots, lacking any kind of judgement; in fact I'd imagine your risk of injury or death goes up tremendously with ANY encounter with LE, and ALWAYS remember, cops can Record any conversation they're having with you, either official or unofficial, with OR without consent, in most states (CA for sure) I had one say one time, he keeps a small recording device in his top shirt pocket, records ALL conversations with civilians he has, never asks or says he's recording