View Full Version : Agenda 21 For Dummies (incl: abolition of private property)

8th September 2010, 12:20 PM
aka "sustainable development".

10 mins:


@ 2:10, "The focus of Agenda 21 is the abolition of private property, [...]"

found that video embedded in this article,
Censored Gulf news: State-sponsored terrorism targets Deep South for Agenda 21 (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/censored-gulf-news-state-sponsored-terrorism-targets-deep-south-for-agenda-21-pt1) <<< if you open this page, know that a little "blogtalkradio" begins auto-playing, hate that! Console is located about 2 page-downs, in the article text, just hit pause to shut it up. But it is a pretty interesting 2 hour interview with AC Griffith, among a few others, commercial-free except for one commercial at the opening.

9th September 2010, 04:33 PM
"U N Agenda 21 quote There Will Be No Private Housing Peter Schiff John Stossel Judge Napolitano"


@ 2:00 Napolitano: Is it true the government has come up with some new program whereby you give the deed of your house to the government, the government owns it, and you rent from the government?

Stossel: You bet. Fannie and Freddie are going to be in the rental business. They don't want to foreclose on so many people and dump the houses on the market, as they should to try to shrink these monsters, so they're going to rent. And what kind of record does government have of running public housing? [...more]

I think as they let the banksters' controlled demolition of real estate values progress, this "gummit holds the deed & rents to former/insolvent owners" program will be a calculated transitional step towards the eventual abolition of private property.

Don't you just love NWO "incompetence", ;)

34 secs:


23rd November 2010, 10:17 PM
Read @ link for many embedded links,

Agenda 21 sustainability violates rights, Gulf region and beyond (video) (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/agenda-21-violates-rights-dupes-with-climate-protection-for-sustainability)

* November 23rd, 2010 5:53 pm ET

Deborah Dupré

Moments before Austin City Council passed its so-called 'Energy Efficiency Upgrades Ordinance' supporting globalists' Agenda 21 for New World Order, John Bush testified, presenting Agenda 21's history evidencing the evil plan for removing human and civil rights, including right to property under the guise of protection and sustainability. Forced removal and depopulation are part of the globalists' agenda.

Widespread public denial about Agenda 21 being played out in the Gulf Coast region is due to suppressed information about Agenda 21 and the unprecedented petrochemical-military-industrial-complex (PMIC) cover-up of the continuing U.S. crime against humanity for its ultimate "Full Spectrum Dominance."

"Agenda 21's written goals are the same as the outcome of their actions in the Gulf of Mexico," said A.C. Griffith.

Hugh Kaufman has stated that "Americans can't handle truth" about the Gulf.

The truth, according to researches such as AC Griffith, is that Agenda 21's depopulation aided by a chemical warfare attack on Southerners has occurred. It is naive or deadly denial leading people to think Corexit dispersant was used without knowledge of its lethal effect. Calling the operation an "experiment" legalizes it according to PUBLIC LAW 95-79 [P.L. 95-79] TITLE 50, CHAPTER 32, SECTION 1520 “CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM” that states:

“The use of human subjects will be allowed for the testing of chemical and biological agents by the U.S. Department of Defense, accounting to Congressional committees with respect to the experiments and studies. The Secretary of Defense [may] conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological [warfare] agents on civilian populations [within the United States].”

Properties of people in the Gulf Coast Region are vulnerable, as Bush explained in relation to Austin's new ordinance furthering Agenda 21.

Attack on private property rights

Countering suppression of information in best interest of humanity, John Bush presented a history lesson on Agenda 21 at the recent Austin City Council meeting. Bush exposed how the “Energy Efficiency Upgrades Ordinance" ties in with Agenda 21, the UN sustainable development program enacted in 1992 after globalists' secret planning, "all part of the “climate protection agreement.” His presentation in the Youtube video below was posted by Blacklisted News. (www.blacklistednews.com/index.php?news_id=11611)

Bush represents a political action committee, Texans for Accountable Government that opposes Agenda 21, including the city's Energy Efficiency Ordinance.

Prefacing his testimony, Bush stated, "If the links I’m about to present allude to thoughts of an international conspiracy, that’s OK. They’re suppose to."

He admitted not believing Agenda 21's sinister world-wide goal until reading the UN plan about it.

Addressing the Austin City Council, Bush highlighted that a "long chain of events, policy papers, closed door meetings and international agreements that began long ago" are what has resulted in local approval of New World Order control by the ruling elite.

"Before carbon was thought of the most evil thing in the world, there were internationalists hashing out a plan to further their scheme for world government through the means of excessive environmentalism." (See: Real problem with oil is not carbon Dupré, D. Examiner, 2010)

Agenda 21 was first publicly revealed at the June 14, 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro where climate disinformation was applied to influence public opinion.

The comprehensive Agenda 21 plan of action globally, nationally and locally cannot succeed without the local support it is obtaining through what Bush refers to as "excessive environmentalism" such as Austin City Council has passed.

The Wildlands Project, "Rewilding America" under the title of "Smart Growth" is the part of Agenda 21 that removes property rights, according to Bush, referencing the Agenda 21 document. This involves: forcible removal of human beings from half of the US and deeming the new unhabited areas as core wilderness zoes.

"Humans will not allowed to set foot in those areas" and the areas are to be highly monitored buffered zones.

Humans would be allowed to live in futuristic sky scrapers under surveillance control.

In esssence, under the UN, the government is intruding on the free market and right to private property.

"Localism turns to state, then to national and than global through the UN," explained Bush.

Instead of renewable energy solutions that the UN Renewable Energy Ambassador of Goodwill, Josh Tickell documents in his move, FUEL, "sustainable development" - including eugenic depopulation - is promoted, as witnessed in the controlled Gulf of Mexico region operation. (See: Hitting oil addiction rock bottom calls for intervention Dupré, D. Examiner, May 9, 2010; and Oil 'spill' Louisiana genocide (Gassed in the Gulf Part IV), Dupré, D. Examiner, June 24, 2010: www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/oil-spill-louisiana-genocide-gassed-the-gulf-part-iv)

The Gulf operation is a giant Agenda 21 step toward New World Order's "Full Spectrum Dominance" spearheaded by the petrochemical-military-industrial- complex, including the US Coast Guard and BP according to AC Griffith.

All the plan needs to succeed is continued support of "excessive environmentalists" who learned that people are no longer as important as other creatures - as NWO globalists have covertly taught, plus induced pacification and passivity of the rest of the public.

Tickell states that "we are going to have to stand strong and stand as a unified force for change."


Hatha Sunahara
24th November 2010, 09:05 AM
I'm not worried about Agenda 21. Quantitative Easing will stop it in its tracks. When the money becomes worthless, the people who own all the money will be powerless, unless they use their gold to pay people to do their bidding. When the money becomes worthless, they will have to use gold to pay for everything, and I doubt that Agenda 21 will be that high on their list of priorities.

I'm more worried about nuclear war and other depopulation schemes.


Twisted Titan
24th November 2010, 09:30 AM
No nukes Hatha

Maybe something else but DEFINATELY no nukes.

If a States nukes launches THEY ALL LAUNCH because nobody in their right mind is gonna sitt on on there hands when they have abilty to defend themself.

No Body will be calling other nations to verify actions. It will be swift action by retaliating parties or those who assume they will be struck first.

It is the premise of M.A.D. ( Mutually Assured Destruction) that keeps the ball of wax that we call life together

24th November 2010, 09:53 AM
I'm not worried about Agenda 21. Quantitative Easing will stop it in its tracks. When the money becomes worthless, the people who own all the money will be powerless, unless they use their gold to pay people to do their bidding. When the money becomes worthless, they will have to use gold to pay for everything, and I doubt that Agenda 21 will be that high on their list of priorities.

I'm more worried about nuclear war and other depopulation schemes.


You seem to be saying you believe that the descent to worthlessness of the current crop of fiat paper currency will be "unforeseen" by TPTB.. foiling all their diabolical plans (agenda 21, NWO etc)... where to begin on this?

The [engineered] decline to zero of paper currencies will be a component of their master plan in moving to NWO etc. The exact chain of events between here and there, us plebs can only speculate on, connect dots etc.

I'm with you on the depopulation component of their agenda. Look no further than the current Gulf Op.

24th November 2010, 10:48 AM
I'm not worried about Agenda 21. Quantitative Easing will stop it in its tracks. When the money becomes worthless, the people who own all the money will be powerless, unless they use their gold to pay people to do their bidding. When the money becomes worthless, they will have to use gold to pay for everything, and I doubt that Agenda 21 will be that high on their list of priorities.

I'm more worried about nuclear war and other depopulation schemes.


You seem to be saying you believe that the descent to worthlessness of the current crop of fiat paper currency will be "unforeseen" by TPTB.. foiling all their diabolical plans (agenda 21, NWO etc)... where to begin on this?

The [engineered] decline to zero of paper currencies will be a component of their master plan in moving to NWO etc. The exact chain of events between here and there, us plebs can only speculate on, connect dots etc.

I'm with you on the depopulation component of their agenda. Look no further than the current Gulf Op.

I agree, this is certainly not unforeseen. Remember, the FRN is simply a product of the corporate banking cabal (and hence, one reason you pay a fee tax for usage of their product). As with any product, it adheres to a Product Life Cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, decline) that has an ending, and any successful business will be working on a new and improved product, before the decline of the last one. The last “improvement” to the product was when Kissinger made the petro-dollar deal with the Saudis. Have no doubt that their new product has not only been conceived, but complete, and is surely about to go to User Acceptance Testing. They will even allow one arm of their octopus to be sacrificed (FED), while another arm swoops in with the new product to save the day.

17th December 2010, 08:21 AM
Rense links to a few Agenda 21 stories,

Agenda 21 Terms & Definitions De-Coded (http://morphcity.com/agenda-21/definitions)

States Engage In UN Agenda 21 Cap And Trade Schemes (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/politics/5466-cap-and-trade-by-stealth-us-states-partner-with-foreign-governments)

... and this following one, Rense re-titles "Locals Outraged - Agenda 21 Stealth Evil In City Council ", go Edmond OK! 8)

December 6, 2010
Protesters cut short Edmond sustainability forum (http://www.edmondsun.com/local/x713544661/Protesters-cut-short-Edmond-sustainability-forum)

James Coburn The Edmond Sun The Edmond Sun Mon Dec 06, 2010, 11:31 PM CST

EDMOND — A City Council Workshop to share ideas about sustainability was abandoned midstream Monday night amid protests about the City of Edmond’s involvement in sustainable conservation efforts.

The Edmond Sustainability Forum was created by the Planning Department and designed for Edmond residents to share their ideas and priorities for sustainable conservation efforts in their community, said Shannon Entz, community development manager. Police at the event estimated the audience to number about 200 people.

“It’s about saving money, saving energy, reducing waste, which the City of Edmond and many of you have been doing for many, many years,” Entz said.

Forum participants were asked to form discussion groups to share ideas regarding water conservation, greenspace parks and energy efficient buildings to save money. City staff would then take those recommendations to implement in a grass roots community plan, Entz said.

“We’re telling you we don’t want to do that. We want to talk about sustainability — its history — where it comes from,” Edmond resident Robert Semands said amid widespread applause.

Dr. David Newsome asked if a preliminary discussion about sustainability with the entire audience could occur before the groups were formed.

“I’m a little confused about it, and what I do know, I’m a little worried about it,” Newsome said. “And if the unknowing are going to be leading the groups, we’re not going to get anywhere fast.”

Environmental planning or sustainability can be applied to water conservation, land use and transportation planning, green jobs, waste management, energy consumption, parks and green space, public and alternative transportation, green infrastructure, building retrofits, alternative fuels and education programs, according to the Planning Department.

Sustainability planning is funded by nearly $1 million in Recovery Act funds from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, Entz said. Funding also helps develop energy-saving technologies for city facilities and water wells, CNG conversion kits, energy building code training and equipment for inspectors, she added. The CityLink bus service is an example of stimulus money put to use by the city.

Handouts titled “Why Edmond is concerned about U.N. Agenda 21/sustainable development” were handed to participants entering the Downtown Community Center.

The reading material states, “U.N. Agenda 21 is a 1,000-plus page, 40-chapter document spelling out how all activities on the planet, including in the USA, are to be brought under the control of the United Nations.”

Breaking into groups to discuss sustainability is about controlling what is said, one man in the audience said.

“We don’t even know what you’re talking about with Agenda 21,” Entz said. “This isn’t part of our conversation at all. It’s absolutely not. We’re not part of that; we’re not interested in that.”

Semands said the language of sustainability comes from Agenda 21 which is a U.N. agenda.

“Edmond did not sign off with any international agenda,” former Mayor Dan O’Neil said.

Newsome told The Edmond Sun that the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is a sub-group of the United Nations. The reading material provided by the group protesting the forum compared ICLEI to a Marxist document. He said the city is implementing Agenda 21 plans that have never been ratified at the national level.

“We feel like we’ve been essentially ambushed by all this,” Semands told The Edmond Sun. “We just found out about it a few days ago. When they post meetings it’s kind of hard to find out about them.”

City of Edmond meetings are posted at www.edmondok.com.

“My concern is ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development,’ the words come from UN Agenda 21,” Semands said. He said former President George H. W. Bush signed the U.S. up for U.N. Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janerio in 1992.

“Bill Clinton with an executive order created a governmental infrastructure to push this stuff as far as they could push it from a government level,” Semands said.

Local homeowner John Springman said conservation is fine, but he’s concerned the ICLEI movement is tied to the U.N.

“Who is the U.N. and ICLEI to tell we the people in the U.S.A. what to do?” Springman asked.

The City of Edmond has been working on a sustainability plan for better land use practices and energy conservation, Assistant City Manager Steve Commons told The Edmond Sun.

“Most of it’s about education and what areas we should emphasize to make people more aware of how they can have a positive impact at their homes and their businesses, and find ways to save money,” Commons said. “We’re trying to find out where we should put our emphasis in our planning process.”

City Manager Larry Stevens said he was pleased by the sizable crowd indicating a lot of interest in the subject of sustainability. The magnitude of differing opinions among the audience led him to set up more discussion on the topic in January.

“We’re going to cancel for tonight and after the first of the year, we’re going to have a general forum to discuss and answer some of your questions,” Entz announced.

Heath Hartman came to the forum to support sustainability, he said. The word “sustainability” is not owned by a particular group and is being “thrown around by a lot of different organizations,” he added.

“By sustainability we can survive and keep our quality of life up to the standard we’ve gotten it without destroying the world — without polluting our rivers — without killing the animals and the trees.”

He said he is more weary about large corporations using sustainability as a false facade to make people think they’re making a difference.

“I feel like this is awesome that they’re just inviting people to talk about it,” Hartman said of the City of Edmond. “If it was the city saying here’s what we’re going to do and this is how it’s going to be — that would make me weary. But they’ve just invited us to come talk about it. I think that’s awesome.”

Andrea Palmer said she wanted to learn about code requirements the city could mandate for making buildings more energy efficient.

“My agenda was to come and try to move Edmond forward so I volunteered to talk more about energy efficiency,” Palmer said.

Palmer said she came to the forum because she wanted to improve the quality of life for Edmond citizens and future generations.

“Long-term durability and being responsible for our resources — that’s what I came here for,” she said. “I feel ideas were twisted and turned the moment opinion was spoken to bring it back to the sustainability issue and no progress was made whatsoever.

“My voice wasn’t heard at all and it’s no fault to the City of Edmond.”

17th December 2010, 08:39 AM
Agenda 21 is alive and doing just great in Cuba........I wrote about this long ago.......there is no private property in Cuba and the governent owns all the houses and given to the people as needed, those who were living in a house (wheather they own it or not) stayed there till the las member of the family die and then the government would give it to another family.

You say that the US government will take over private property (unless you already own it) and rent them to those in need?.....those people lost their homes because they could not affort payment on the mortgage so what makes the government believe that they will be able to affort the rent?.......the end will be the same as it is in Cuba.

First post of the day............good morning to one and all.

17th December 2010, 08:52 AM
good morning to one and all.
Good morning.

17th December 2010, 10:15 AM
.......the end will be the same as it is in Cuba.

There's something to that- while I doubt the NWO will be *exactly* as in Cuba, I gather it's sort of a fascism/communism mix they're aiming for, and the communism part means the serfs don't own private property, so in that way it'll be like Cuba. Just speculating. :)

17th December 2010, 10:47 AM
What will happen here will be WORSE than in Cuba because we have nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats in this country........that we use 25% of the world energy in the form of oil is the best indicator of what is going on..........I don't use the words "spoiled brats" in the form of an insult but rather because we have had a very easy life where everything that we ever needed was always there for the taking........with myself being a very good example, the only difference between me and others is that where I got ready for what is to come many others have not.

17th December 2010, 12:45 PM
...fyi, private property has already been outlawed via the property tax..YOU NEVER OWN IT...who u owe the tax owns it

17th December 2010, 03:23 PM
Well JD.......owning a little is better than owning none and living on the streets.......besides, house taxes goes mostly to the IMF or INF or whatever they are called, it doesn't even belong to the US government.

17th December 2010, 07:54 PM
Agenda 21 Wildlands - How They Can Steal Your Land (http://morphcity.com/agenda-21/environment/wildlands)

This video by Dr. Michael Coffman, from Taking Liberty, exposes how The Wildlands Project is a tool used to destroy private property rights.


Private property rights are the basis of liberty and wealth creation.

Karl Marx defined Communism as the abolition of private property.

Currently, the federal government "owns" upwards of 29% of America's landmass. Mostly in the Western States.

* Only 6% of American land is developed (buildings, roads, etc)
* Only 3% of American land is urban
* 77% of Americans live in urban areas
* Private property is targeted for governmental control
* Private property rights are the basis of liberty & wealth
* Unfortunately, the majority of Urbanites have been fooled into believing environmental propaganda.
* Urbanites comprise a large voting block
* Most Americans don't understand the Constitution
* Most Americans are unaware of the limited powers of the federal government, so a monumental power grab has resulted


We all want a healthy planet with plenty of vegetation and animals. When these organisms become threatened or endangered, and it is a result of human interaction, then it is caused by society, not one landowner. Therefore, it is society's responsibility to make amends, the liability does not fall on the shoulders of independent landowners. If an area is needed to rehabilitate a species, the landowner should be justly compensated. This solution also benefits society, in that the protection of the species is more secure.

Property ownership is important, not only for landowners, but because property ownership extends to all of your possessions, your intellectual property and all the way to your very body. If private property ownership is abolished, imagine the eventual impact on property rights.

18th December 2010, 01:02 AM

The PDF is here: http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/documents/agenda21/english/Agenda21.pdf

15th February 2011, 01:43 PM
2nd hour on Rense tonight: 8:08 PM PT (after the top of the hour news etc), repeating at 11 PM PT:

Niki Raapana (http://labvirus.wordpress.com/2010/08/31/niki-raapana-un-local-agenda-21-the-smoking-cannon/)
Agenda 21

15th February 2011, 06:05 PM
...fyi, private property has already been outlawed via the property tax..YOU NEVER OWN IT...who u owe the tax owns it

Also, even if there was no property tax your land can be taken from you from government at any time without due process under the guise of 'war on drugs', accusation of terrorism (and the accusation can be kept secret from you), or by the IRS. This is not just true for property, it's true for anything you 'own'. So there is no private property, even now. But what we do have right now is the pretense of private property ownership. This pretense is very expensive and problematic for TPTB, as are a lot of other pretenses (example: innocent until proven guilty) in our society; so as we speed toward collapse the bad guys are trying very hard to get rid of all these pesky pretenses.

One other point: ever notice how the solutions to environmental problems are always centered around the PEOPLE giving up their convenience, privacy, and freedom for the greater good; but never focus on COMPANIES doing the same thing, even though COMPANIES use far more energy, are responsible for more polution, and have a far greater negative impact on the environment?


po boy
15th February 2011, 07:27 PM
No nukes Hatha

Maybe something else but DEFINATELY no nukes.

If a States nukes launches THEY ALL LAUNCH because nobody in their right mind is gonna sitt on on there hands when they have abilty to defend themself.

No Body will be calling other nations to verify actions. It will be swift action by retaliating parties or those who assume they will be struck first.

It is the premise of M.A.D. ( Mutually Assured Destruction) that keeps the ball of wax that we call life together

I hope your right TT but what's up with all the under ground bunkers and seed storage.

15th February 2011, 07:57 PM
2nd hour on Rense tonight: 8:08 PM PT (after the top of the hour news etc), repeating at 11 PM PT:

Niki Raapana (http://labvirus.wordpress.com/2010/08/31/niki-raapana-un-local-agenda-21-the-smoking-cannon/)
Agenda 21

A bump for this in case anyone cares to listen, starts in about 10 mins.

Listen link, pick your player inside:


edit: woops, he's got Joel Skousen on now, contrary to what the schedule says (Skousen 3rd hour). Don't know who will be on third hour now, hopefully it's the agenda 21 person!

15th February 2011, 09:16 PM
2nd hour on Rense tonight: 8:08 PM PT (after the top of the hour news etc), repeating at 11 PM PT:

Niki Raapana (http://labvirus.wordpress.com/2010/08/31/niki-raapana-un-local-agenda-21-the-smoking-cannon/)
Agenda 21

A bump for this in case anyone cares to listen, starts in about 10 mins.

Listen link, pick your player inside:


edit: woops, he's got Joel Skousen on now, contrary to what the schedule says (Skousen 3rd hour). Don't know who will be on third hour now, hopefully it's the agenda 21 person!

okay she's on this hour! will repeat at midnight PT.

15th February 2011, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the info. I read your older posts when they were posted, and had them in the back of my mind since.

Then a couple of months ago I read an article in the local paper that talked about how the county plans on re-zoning farmland in order to reduce rural sprawl and concentrate growth in the county's already populated areas (in other words, herding us out of the country and into the city).

I found out that my city is a member of the ICLEI (http://www.iclei.org/)(International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) from the Freedom Advocates site (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/). I contacted them, and they put me in touch with local activists who are trying to get the word out about "Sustainable" Development.

It's just a small group, but at least it's a start!

6th March 2011, 02:23 PM
find at the RENSE HOMEPAGE (http://rense.com) right now, active links to these stories:

EPA Bullies' Land Grabs -Vid

Agenda 21 Land Grab Thru The EPA

Raapana - Who Wants UN Local Agenda 21?

Your Hometown And UN Agenda 21

Local Govt ICLEI Alliances Unconstitutional

Agenda 21 Whistleblower Harassed by FL Enviro Dept.

Agenda 21 - Austin Official Confirms Depop Plan - Vid

US Sheriffs' Power Supersedes The Feds - MT Senate Bill

Agenda 21 Global Warming Hoax

Obama Wilderness Plan a Cruel Joke

Then at the RENSE AGENDA 21 ARCHIVE PAGE (http://rense.com/Datapages/agenda21dat.htm), find links to these stories:

Local Govt ICLEI Alliances Unconstitutional

Agenda 21 Whistleblower Harassed by FL Enviro Dept.

Agenda 21 - Austin Official Confirms Depop Plan - Vid

US Sheriffs' Power Supersedes The Feds - MT Senate Bill

Agenda 21 Global Warming Hoax

Obama Wilderness Plan a Cruel Joke

Obama's 'Wilderness' = UN Wildlands Project -Vid

10 Modern Mind Control Methods

My Blackberry's Not Working - Vid (very funny)

On New Year's Eve, 2010

Conservation Easements - Attack On Private Property

Agenda 21 Wildlands - How They Can Steal Your Land

Lame Duck Agenda 21 Land Grab For 'Conservation'

Tea Partiers Go After Agenda 21

Misprision Of Treason Letter For A21 Local Officials

Agenda 21 Terms & Definitions De-Coded

Locals Outraged - Agenda 21 Stealth Evil In City Council

States Engage In UN Agenda 21 Cap And Trade Schemes

6th March 2011, 03:17 PM
Well JD.......owning a little is better than owning none and living on the streets.......besides, house taxes goes mostly to the IMF or INF or whatever they are called, it doesn't even belong to the US government.

you dont understand...you DONT own anything...not even a little....if you owe ANYTHING on it in taxes or otherwise...you DONT OWN IT.

8th March 2011, 09:52 AM
new dees,


26th June 2011, 09:30 AM
a few agenda 21 links @ rense presently,

UN Agenda 21 Evil
Agenda 21 Hits Warp Speed In Mexico (http://www.activistpost.com/2011/06/agenda-21-indoctrination-going-global.html)
UN Agenda 21 Is Now US Law (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/just-another-brick-in-the-wall-un-agenda-21-in-us-law/)
Agenda 21 Is Global Governance (http://americanpolicy.org/sustainable-development/agenda-21-in-one-easy-lesson.html/)
EPA & Army Corps to Seize All Water (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/epa-and-corps-plan-to-seize-control-of-all-water/)
Agenda 21 Land Theft Scams (http://www.activistpost.com/2011/05/property-rights-under-attack-in-nj-re.html)
Utah Sues Feds for 'Midnight Ambush' Land Grab (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110430/ap_on_go_ot/us_wilderness_rules_utah%3B_ylt%3DAvTUBTWU3Xab0xhi vgwRfnGs0NUE%3B_ylu%3DX3oDMTFlcTM5NWw1BHBvcwMxMTQE c2VjA2FjY29yZGlvbl9zY2llbmNlBHNsawN1dGFoc3VpbmdmZW Q-)
Superman Renounces US Citizenship, Panders to the UN (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1381711/A-slight-US-Superman-RENOUNCE-American-citizenship-new-storyline.html#ixzz1KvhuzDBS)
Agenda 21 Is in Your Community (http://www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0411/0411agenda21comm.htm)
More... (http://rense.com/Datapages/agenda21dat.htm)

5th July 2011, 04:16 AM
Agenda 21 Must See, Especially For Land Owners (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEHWsdimVO4&playnext=1&list=PL810BC6E1C97F195F) - Vid


^^^ I see Rense linked to this, titling it as you see. YouTube title is:

How your community is implementing AGENDA 21

Still watching, 94 mins. A woman, Rosa Koire, self described as a librul democrat lesbian speaks to a "tea party" group in N. Calif. She operates

DEMOCRATS AGAINST U. N. AGENDA 21 (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/)

She quickly gets to talking about how Agenda 21 transcends left-v-right.

Her site currently points to this hit piece against her,

Rosa was videoing and has the entire interview for you here. The article is full of misrepresentations and distortions, and poses our concerns about Agenda 21 as a joke. We think it's notable that the Bohemian requested an interview with Rosa two days after she reported Sonoma County Supervisor Valerie Brown to the California Fair Political Practices Commission for alleged conflict of interest. Supervisor Brown sits on the national board of ICLEI and, at the same time, voted for Sonoma County to pay ICLEI $83,000 to design a greenhouse gas emissions protocol for Sonoma County.
Read the article here:
Please forward our website to everyone so that they can see how the Press smears anyone who dares to speak the truth about UN Agenda 21 and Redevelopment.
READ ROSA'S LETTER TO THE BOHEMIAN CLICK HERE (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/letter-to-bohemian.html)

includes these videos:




5th July 2011, 04:18 AM
also see these A-21 articles Rense also points to,

Agenda 21 For Lower Living Standards (http://youtu.be/GEzbQotyu9k)
^^^ 56 min video, haven't watched yet, radio interview with Rosa Koire (see post above)


Uploaded by drlove76 (http://www.youtube.com/user/drlove76) on Jan 16, 2011
Rosa Koire on Radio Liberty talks about the goals of Agenda 21. In disguise of sustainable development our Western living standards will be lowered. Forget about the future free energy and having a flying car, if you ask the UN. United Nations is after your car and your toilet! This is eco fashism where you and your style of living is seen as a threat for the earth.



What Is Agenda 21? - You'd Better Wake Up (http://www.keepourrights.org/A21.HTM)

5th July 2011, 06:02 AM
More great info from PatColo!


5th July 2011, 07:00 PM
Project Flood for Agenda 21: Army floods, Army buys flooded land. (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/project-flood-agenda-21-land-grab-soros-s-army-buys-evacuated-land)

with video inside:
L.A. County's Private Property War (http://www.laweekly.com/content/printVersion/1303834/)

This article in an independent FL rag gives a good summary of the game afoot too,
Local Land Grab Part Of UN Agenda (http://www.libertysentinel.org/article.php?id=LandGrab)

by Alex Newman (alex@libertysentinel.org), Gary R. Schor (grschor@gmail.com)
Sections: World (http://www.libertysentinel.org/section.php?id=World), Local (http://www.libertysentinel.org/section.php?id=Local), Property (http://www.libertysentinel.org/section.php?id=Property)
From: Volume 2, Issue 2 (http://www.libertysentinel.org/issue.php?volume=2&issue=2)
http://www.libertysentinel.org/images/notrespassing.gif OCALA - A decades-old scheme to eliminate private ownership of land has been working quietly to snatch up thousands of acres in North-Central Florida and across the nation under the guise of environmental protection. The plan, formally known as “Agenda 21,” was originally outlined in a 1976 United Nations report called ‘Habitat I.’



5th July 2011, 07:23 PM
Thanks for the info. I read your older posts when they were posted, and had them in the back of my mind since.

Then a couple of months ago I read an article in the local paper that talked about how the county plans on re-zoning farmland in order to reduce rural sprawl and concentrate growth in the county's already populated areas (in other words, herding us out of the country and into the city).

I found out that my city is a member of the ICLEI (http://www.iclei.org/)(International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) from the Freedom Advocates site (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/). I contacted them, and they put me in touch with local activists who are trying to get the word out about "Sustainable" Development.

It's just a small group, but at least it's a start!

thanks lapis, useful stuff. That ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) (http://www.iclei.org) org is one to be aware of- Rosa Koire (see couple posts up) speaks quite a bit of them and their insidious role.

Your other link to Freedom Advocates site (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/) also looks terrific- here's a paste of the articles they link to on their homepage presently:

Main Menu

Home (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/)
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Redevelopment: Cure Worse than Disease

By Karen Klinger State Redevelopment Agencies have used their abuse of power to threaten and take private property by eminent domain for developers and investors profit and gain, so how can we trust California's SB 214 won’t do the same or even be worse?
Read more... - Redevelopment: Cure ... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/planning_-_smart_growth/redevelopment%3a_cure_worse_than_disease_201106244 40/)
ICLEI Primer: Your Town and Freedom Threatened

By Freedom Advocates Right now, in your town and neighborhood, policies are being implemented that will ultimately eliminate your freedoms and destroy your way of life. You need to know what's going on to stop this process. Many town officials are selling us out to global regional development with help from the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI): Local Governments for Sustainability. ICLEI is used as one of the mechanisms to undo the political recognition of unalienable rights.

Read more... - ICLEI Primer: Your T... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/illegitimate_government/iclei_primer%3a_your_town_and_freedom_threatened_2 0090804364/) Assessing Monetary Collapse: Exposing Agenda 21 and Understanding Freedom

By Michael Shaw What if the Federal Reserve dollar falls – hard? How is the globalist blueprint known as Sustainable Development Agenda 21 designed to make humans into livestock? Why liberty must be understood by this generation of Americans lest it be lost for a very long time.
Read more... - Assessing Monetary C... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/illegitimate_government/assessing_monetary_collapse%3a_exposing_agenda_21_ and_understanding_freedom_20110609439/) Agenda 21 -- The Blueprint to Advance Sustainable Development

By Daniel Beckett In this straightforward expose of Agenda 21 -- the blueprint to advance Sustainable Development -- Beckett examines the notion of "sustainability". His conclusion: The American people need to be better informed so they understand that Sustainable Development is a pseudonym for centralized control over human life.
Read more... - Agenda 21 -- The Blu... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/sustainable_development/agenda_21_--_the_blueprint_to_advance_sustainable_development_ 20040615100/) Here Comes the U.N. -- Again!

By Henry Lamb June 2005 Hollow Rock, Tenn. -- United Nations biosphere reserves are being created across America through a little-known program called "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB). A Biosphere Reserve is a massive land area divided into three zones: core wilderness areas; buffer zones; and a transitional area. The plan is to continually enlarge each of the zones. For example, The Southern Appalachian MAB (SAMAB) was originally designated to be the Smoky Mountains National Park, an area of 517,000 acres. It has now grown to embrace an area stretching from near Birmingham, Alabama, to near Roanoke, Virginia.
Read more... - Here Comes the U.N. ... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/sustainable_development/here_comes_the_u.n._--_again%21_20050630110/) ICLEI - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

By Freedom Advocates Vocal Local Progress – Commissioner Richard Rothschild of Maryland explains why Carroll County terminated their ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) contract while Chief Sustainability Officer, Lucia Athens of Austin, Texas affirms the existence of a global population reduction agenda.
Read more... - ICLEI - the Good, th... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/illegitimate_government/iclei_-_the_good%2c_the_bad_and_the_ugly_20110215429/) Abusing the System Through NGOs and CSOs

By Maryetta Ables Everyone knows what a lobbyist is, but do you know what an "Adviser" is in Washington, D.C.? No matter whom we elect, no matter the person or party, if we don't shine the light on who really is writing policy, we are in for a rude awakening.
Read more... - Abusing the System T... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/illegitimate_government/abusing_the_system_through_ngos_and_csos_201004054 03/) Bureaucrat Bingo

By Freedom Advocates Don't get bored - be creative. Enliven community "visioning" meetings and workshops with bureaucrat bingo cards. Here's a great example!
Read more... - Bureaucrat Bingo (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/planning_-_smart_growth/bureaucrat_bingo_20070709169/) Understanding Unalienable Rights

By Michael Shaw Why do we use the term unalienable instead of inalienable? Inalienable rights are subject to changes in the law such as when property rights are given a back seat to emerging environmental law or free speech rights give way to political correctness. Whereas under the original doctrine of unalienable rights, these rights cannot be abridged.

Read more... - Understanding Unalie... (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/legitimate_government/understanding_unalienable_rights_20090805368/) More Articles...

What is a Soviet? (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/illegitimate_government/what_is_a_soviet%3f_20050629134/)
The Consensus Process (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/sustainable_development/the_consensus_process_20060603181/)
&nbsp;Democracy is Not Freedom (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/legitimate_government/democracy_is_not_freedom_20091006378/)

5th July 2011, 07:29 PM
the plan simplified...over the next 100 years the fundable assets will transform into unfundable liabilities and be liquidated...90% or so.

Fundable assets are all of you...

Then with all the technology that has been obtained...the growth rate will be held to 1%...Allowing the growth that was accomplished the past 70 years...To take 700 or more years to reach the maximum potential.

The system can only inflate to maximum potential then implode...

The top employs the bottom to construct and maintain the NWO to its maximum potential...then the top employs the bottom to deconstruct and demolish the NWO to it's maximum potential.

The survivors are then employed to construct and maintain the next NWO.

6th July 2011, 07:41 AM
The Wildlands Project, "Rewilding America" under the title of "Smart Growth" is the part of Agenda 21 that removes property rights, according to Bush, referencing the Agenda 21 document. This involves: forcible removal of human beings from half of the US and deeming the new unhabited areas as core wilderness zoes.

"Humans will not allowed to set foot in those areas" and the areas are to be highly monitored buffered zones.

I'm not worried about Agenda 21. Quantitative Easing will stop it in its tracks.

I'm not worried about it either. No human can tell me that I am not allowed in the forest.

Genesis 1:26 (http://drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=1&ch=1&l=26&f=s#x)
And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 1:29 (http://drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=1&ch=1&l=29&f=s#x)
And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own kind, to be your meat:

Screw their agenda.

6th July 2011, 08:46 AM
Agenda 21 a dismantled savior, invoked from the past by our children's children.

Sounds about correct.

28th July 2011, 04:29 AM
posted @ rense,

UN Agenda 21 Evil
Agenda 21 Swallowing Florida - You're Next (http://www.m912tc.com/2011/07/un-wildlands-projecttaking-over-america.html)
USDA In Cahoots With UN Public Lands Seizures (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/usda-closing-roads-to-public-lands-while-opening-doors-for-the-united-nations/)
3 Major Religions OK Agenda 21 Sustainable Development (http://news.yahoo.com/holy-land-clerics-launch-interfaith-earth-forum-113212070.html)
White House Rural Council - Agenda 21 'Quiet Coup' (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/the-quiet-coup-the-implementation-of-agenda-21/)
Real Terrorism - Obama's Rural Council (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2011/07/14/executive-order-13575-the-theft-of-rural-and-agricultural-lands-for-un-agenda-21/)
Explanation Of Obama's Rural Council Goals (Agenda 21) (http://kritterbox.com/showthread.php?tid=1126)
Agenda 21 In NY State - Home Rule & Article X (http://www.batr.org/totalitariancollectivism/071011.html)
More... (http://rense.com/Datapages/agenda21dat.htm)

5th September 2011, 06:48 PM
recent FSN newshour, several shows on "conspiracy" posted there now,


The Conspiracy Roundtable: Global Governance and Agenda 21 (http://www.financialsense.com/financial-sense-newshour/guest-expert/2011/09/03/m-coffman-t-deweese-m-shaw-h-lamb/global-governance-and-agenda-21)

A roundtable discussion on the threat to property rights and economic freedom


Newshour, Guest Expert RealPlayer (http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2011-0903-1.ram) WinAmp (http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2011-0903-1.m3u) Windows Media (http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2011-0903-1.asx) MP3 (http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast/fsn2011-0903-1.mp3)

Michael Coffman Phd, Tom DeWeese, Michael Shaw and Henry Lamb join Jim in a roundtable discussion on "21st Century Feudalism and the Threat to our Property Rights."
James J Puplava CFP (http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/james-j-puplava) With
Michael Coffman PhD (http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/michael-coffman-phd)
Tom DeWeese (http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/tom-deweese)
Michael Shaw (http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/michael-shaw)
Henry Lamb (http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/henry-lamb)

also see these stories @ rense,
UN Agenda 21 Evil
Stop UN Agenda 21 And 'Sustainable Development' (http://www.jbs.org/news/stop-the-un-s-agenda-21-sustainable-development)
These US Cities Have Sold Out To UN Agenda 21 (http://www.iclei.org/index.php?id=11454)
Agenda 21 Taking Over SoCal Desert Areas (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread745427/pg1%CA)
Agenda 21 Eats The SoCal Desert, Residents Ejected (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread745427/pg1)
USDA Commits Incest With The UN & Rural Council (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2011/08/01/the-usda%27s-incestuous-relationship-with-the-rural-council-the-united-nations/)

More... (http://rense.com/Datapages/agenda21dat.htm)

5th September 2011, 07:10 PM
the plan simplified...over the next 100 years the fundable assets will transform into unfundable liabilities and be liquidated...90% or so.

Fundable assets are all of you...

Then with all the technology that has been obtained...the growth rate will be held to 1%...Allowing the growth that was accomplished the past 70 years...To take 700 or more years to reach the maximum potential.

The system can only inflate to maximum potential then implode...

The top employs the bottom to construct and maintain the NWO to its maximum potential...then the top employs the bottom to deconstruct and demolish the NWO to it's maximum potential.

The survivors are then employed to construct and maintain the next NWO.

So do you consider yourself an employee?

5th September 2011, 07:18 PM
So do you consider yourself an employee?

Currently leading the destruction charge thru Babylon, a captain of captains.

6th September 2011, 04:39 AM
I'm starting to draw all kinds of parallels with this "wilds project" and shit the MNR is doing here in Ontario.

They are making certain areas in northern Ontario off limits. They are blocking off and bulldozing logging roads making areas them inaccessable by motorized vehicle. Heres the kicker though you can still get into alot of these areas only by float plane. So Local Joe Blow can't take his fourwheeler down to lake x to do some fishing, but if Joe Blow has 3 grand to spend on a fly in trip he can fish there all he wants....

They're going about it pretty sneaky but its happening right before our eyes.

6th September 2011, 04:47 AM
I'm starting to draw all kinds of parallels with this "wilds project" and shit the MNR is doing here in Ontario.

They are making certain areas in northern Ontario off limits. They are blocking off and bulldozing logging roads making areas them inaccessable by motorized vehicle. Heres the kicker though you can still get into alot of these areas only by float plane. So Local Joe Blow can't take his fourwheeler down to lake x to do some fishing, but if Joe Blow has 3 grand to spend on a fly in trip he can fish there all he wants....

They're going about it pretty sneaky but its happening right before our eyes.

they did this exact thing to a lake i fished quite a bit up by thunder bay. we arrived 2 years ago to find the logging road dug out about 10 yards wide with a big sign that said "no motorized vehicles." whole area is now fly in only.

6th September 2011, 05:20 AM
they did this exact thing to a lake i fished quite a bit up by thunder bay. we arrived 2 years ago to find the logging road dug out about 10 yards wide with a big sign that said "no motorized vehicles." whole area is now fly in only.

Not to worry. The locals always make it difficult to get to the good lakes. They did this to a lake we used to fish years ago near Kawashiwi lake. Always tearing down the sign on the little road that lead to the lake. Placing baracades to prevent people from getting to it.

6th September 2011, 07:13 AM
Not to worry. The locals always make it difficult to get to the good lakes. They did this to a lake we used to fish years ago near Kawashiwi lake. Always tearing down the sign on the little road that lead to the lake. Placing baracades to prevent people from getting to it.

I worry lots.... Dealing with locals that don't want you fishing "their" lake is one thing. The Ministry of Natural Resources telling me a whole area is off limits to any motorized vehicle is another thing. Old timers have camps on some of these lakes dating back 30 and 40 years now they have to walk in 20kms to get to them. Not to mention you can't drive in to go berry picking, hunting, bird watching... This is just the start....

6th September 2011, 07:33 AM
The Ministry of Natural Resources telling me a whole area is off limits to any motorized vehicle is another thing.

The Boundary Waters has been this way for at least 30-40 years.

As to obeying signs..... they start training you with STOP signs and traffic signals. You learn to ignore the CITY LIMITS sign but this is notice that you are entering someones jurisdiction.

Funny thing about signs ... they almost all come with a border line around them. On legal documents anything surrounded by brackets or enclosed in a box is for advisory purposes only. On signs if there is no legal authority posted then why would you obey it? You might as well obey a rock or a tree as a sign with no authority.

6th September 2011, 07:36 AM
Last Resort: Bring a Chainsaw when you go.

27th November 2011, 06:41 PM
Saw this blog post from one of my favorite traditional foods blogger, and thought it stunk like Agenda 21 when I read this line, "The Natural Park Service wants the land to go back to its 'natural state.'"

"Save Drakes Bay Oyster Farm (http://www.cheeseslave.com/save-drakes-bay-oyster-farm/)"

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2096/1854640742_839526008c_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/swamibu/1854640742/)

As many of you know, small, sustainable farms are under attack in America and around the world. Oyster farms are no exception. I’ve been reading about the dirty politics surrounding Drakes Bay Oyster Farm (http://drakesbayoyster.com/) and my blood is boiling.

The National Park Service wants to shut them down, and for no good reason. Who knows why they are pushing for this (I smell something very fishy). Bottom line: their claims that the oyster farm is bad for the environment are TOTALLY bogus.

The Attack on Drakes Bay Oyster Farm

The National Park Service plans to shut down Drakes Bay Oyster Farm in 2012. According to The Oyster Guide (http://www.oysterguide.com/other/save-the-drakes-bay-oyster/):
The ecological footprint is tiny, and there’s probably no other farm of any kind in the country producing so much high-quality, ultra-nutritious protein so efficiently. Kevin explained to me that the amount of organic meat that can be produced per acre on the oyster farm is many times what can be produced on an organic cattle farm (which he also owns). Kevin is even working to restore to the estuary two native, threatened shellfish species: the Olympia Oyster and the Purple-Fringed Rock Scallop. Yet the Park Service has decided that a working oyster farm, even one that is the paragon of sustainable agriculture, doesn’t fit with their vision of what a national park should include.

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4043/4341134053_daec801608_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdlasica/4341134053/)

Drakes Bay

But Isn’t Farmed Fish Bad?

While most kinds of “farmed” fish should be avoided, sustainably farmed shellfish (oysters, clams and mussels) are very good for you and are very important to the environment. Just like we promote grass-fed meat for the health benefits and for the environment, oysters are highly regarded for both reasons.

Drakes Bay Oyster Farm, (http://drakesbayoyster.com/) established in the 1950s, is one of the last sustainable oyster farms in California. They have the very last cannery in the state.

Remember John Steinbeck’s classic novel, Cannery Row? (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/014200068X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=cheeseslave-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399369&creativeASIN=014200068X) There used to be a lot of canneries along the California coast. Now there is exactly ONE left — at Drakes Bay.

Why the Argument for Humanless Landscapes is Bull Crap

The Natural Park Service wants the land to go back to its “natural state”. As we know from sustainable grass farmers like Joel Salatin, the theory that the “humanless landscape” is best for our environment is total bull crap.

In fact, bull crap is exactly what is needed in order to build topsoil and revive our grasslands.

Lierre Keith, author of The Vegetarian Myth, (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1604860804?ie=UTF8&tag=cheeseslave-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1604860804) makes the point that animals on pasture produce FAR more topsoil than “humanless landscapes”. A “humanless” pine forest produces only one-sixteenth of an inch of soil in 50 fifty years. Meanwhile, Joel Salatin’s farm is building one inch of topsoil annually.

Keith writes:
On Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm (http://www.polyfacefarms.com/) — the mecca of sustainable food production — organic matter has increased from 1.5 percent in 1961 to 8 percent today. The average right now in the US is 2-3 percent.

In case you don’t understand, let me explain. A 6.5 percent increase in organic matter isn’t a fact for ink and paper: it’s a song for the angels to sing.

Remember that pine forest that built one-sixteenth of an inch of soil in fifty years? Cue those angels again: Salatin’s rotating mixture of animals on pasture is building one inch of top soil annually.
So it isn’t “wilderness” that we need. It’s sustainable farms.

Why We Must Save the Oysters

According to Mark Kurlansky, author of one of my favorite books, The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell: (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0345476395/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=cheeseslave-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399369&creativeASIN=0345476395)
[Oysters] suck in the water and take out algae and impurities and pump out clear water. So that when Henry Hudson first arrived in New York Harbor, the water must have been incredibly clear because of all those oysters. (Source) (http://naturecalendar.wordpress.com/2008/06/13/mark-kurlansky-on-the-big-oyster/)
Time Magazine (http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2047245,00.html) reports:
According to a study published in the February issue of BioScience, 85% percent of the world’s native oyster reefs have been destroyed. Three-quarters of the wild oysters left in the world, the study says, now live in North America —- and they aren’t all doing that great, either.

Oysters aren’t delicate creatures. In fact, you have to go out of your way to make life difficult for these animals, which happen to be the most efficient water filters in the world. For centuries, they kept the English Channel from choking itself on sewage and industrial sludge; a few beds can clean the entire New York City harbor in a matter of months, according to Mark Kurlansky’s admirable book, The Big Oyster. In it, he notes that the creatures just a hundred years ago were so common and copious that you could buy a big jar of them, shelled, for a quarter. The indigenous peoples of Manhattan ate so many oysters that the leftover shells formed mountains that could be used as landmarks. More recently, their shells have been turned into calcium supplements and construction materials. But alas, out of pure shortsightedness, these incredibly beneficial animals have been driven to functional extinction.
So WHY would we want to get rid of them? Shut down the oyster farm and the oysters will continue to reproduce, but at a MUCH slower rate than they will if we allow the oyster farm to stay in business.

Bottom line: Oysters are being wiped off the face of the earth AND they are capable of very effectively cleaning and filtering the oceans, just as grazing animals help to produce topsoil. We need MORE sustainable oyster farms, not fewer.

Who’s Behind The Attack on Drakes Bay Oysters?

The push to close Drakes Bay Oyster Farm is being fueled by the likes of the Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network, National Parks Conservation Association, National Wildlife Federation. They have formed a coalition with a website (http://www.savepointreyeswilderness.org/) teeming with unsupported claims and logical fallacies:
If we lose the wilderness status at Drakes Estero, it opens the door for industry to do the same in our wilderness areas and national parks across the country. (Source: Save Point Reyes Wilderness (http://www.savepointreyeswilderness.org/))
Um, hi? That’s a classic logical fallacy: Slippery Slope. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope)

I could go on and rip apart all the fallacious claims on their website but I’ll stop here. I want to get this post up so you guys have time to do something to help save this small family farm (scroll down to the bottom for the post for how you can help).

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3191/3021743975_9725acc257_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ammichaels/3021743975/)

So What Are the Claims?

Here is what they are claiming:
1. Oyster farming is harming Harbor Seals.
2. Oyster farming is harming eel grass or causing increased sedimentation in Drakes Estero.
3. Oysters threaten native species:

Let’s take a look at these false claims, all of which have been soundly disproven by the National Park Service’s very own data:

1. Oyster farming is NOT harming Harbor Seals.
Dr. Corey Goodman shows that the seals are being harmed by kayakers, not the oyster farm boats. These photographs come from the National Park Service — 3 1/2 years worth of photographs that clearly show that there has not been a single disturbance by the oyster farm.

Read the full analysis of the National Park Service’s Data by Dr. Corey Goodman. (http://www.cheeseslave.com/save-drakes-bay-oyster-farm/pdfs/analysis%20of%20NPS%20harbor_seals.v2.4.pdf)
Watch Dr. Corey Goodman’s video proving that the seals are not being harmed:


2. Oyster farming is NOT harming eel grass or causing increased sedimentation in Drakes Estero.
Report 1 to Marin County Board of Supervisors (http://www.cheeseslave.com/save-drakes-bay-oyster-farm/pdfs/CSG%20report1%20070508.pdf)
Cover letter for Report 2 to Marin County Board of Supervisors (http://www.cheeseslave.com/save-drakes-bay-oyster-farm/pdfs/CSG%20report2%20cover%20070529.pdf)
Report 2 to Marin County Board of Supervisors (http://www.cheeseslave.com/save-drakes-bay-oyster-farm/pdfs/CSG%20report2%20text%20070529.pdf)

3. Oysters do NOT threaten native species.
According to the Alliance for Local Sustainable Agriculture (http://www.alsamarin.org/esteroscience.htm):
Historically and currently, the shellfish species produced within this lease include Pacific Oysters, Kumamoto Oysters, Manila Clams and Purple Hinged Rock Scallops. These products continue to be produced as “singles” and sold live in-shell as well as shucked packed in various sized containers. The water temperature of Drakes Estero remains too cold for the non-native oysters to reproduce, therefore they are not able to escape into the natural habitat.

The Drakes Bay Oyster Farm produces its own shellfish seed (baby shellfish) by performing remote setting on-farm, which mean no “hitchhiker” organisms or diseases are introduced from elsewhere.
Oysters = Good Water Quality

Folks, oysters are CRITICAL to the health of our oceans.

A single oyster is capable of filtering over fifty gallons of water per day. Scientists have shown that the shellfish aquaculture in Drakes Estero improves both species richness and abundance in Drakes Estero.

For this reason, the California State Legislation reads:
14950. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Shellfish Protection Act of 1993.

14951. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) Commercial shellfish harvesting is a beneficial use of the waters of the state and, in addition, benefits the economy of the state through the creation of jobs.
(b) Pollution, from both point and nonpoint sources, currently threatens many of the state’s commercial shellfish growing areas.
(c) In order to maintain the health, and encourage the expansion, of commercial shellfish harvesting within the state, it is necessary to protect the commercial shellfish growing areas from ongoing point and nonpoint sources of pollution.

(d) The regional boards whose jurisdictions include commercial shellfish growing areas shall have primary responsibility for the protection of commercial shellfish harvesting from the effects of point and nonpoint pollution sources.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3155/3021742733_7daa1f535a_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ammichaels/3021742733/)

Nancy Lunny of Drakes Bay Oyster Co. at Weston A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions 2008

How You Can Help Save Drakes Bay Oyster Farm

Please take 5 minutes and submit a comment on the Draft EIS. (http://parkplanning.nps.gov/commentForm.cfm?documentID=43390)
The deadline is Friday, December 9th. Please act NOW!
Tell them that you SUPPORT Drakes Bay Oyster Company and you believe that sustainably farmed oysters IMPROVE the environment and do not harm it in any way.

The action you take can help to keep this family farm alive. Please just click over and tell them that you Drakes Bay Oyster Farm is good for the environment and demand that they let them stay open.

Remember, the National Park Service works for US, the American people.

If you are a member of the Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network, National Parks Conservation Association, National Wildlife Federation or any of the organizations listed on this page, (http://www.savepointreyeswilderness.org/coalition-members/) I implore you to STOP giving these people your hard-earned money. They are spreading lies about a sustainable farm and this should not be supported.

Photo credits: Oyster by Swamibu, on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/swamibu/1854640742/) and Drakes Bay by jdlasica (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdlasica/4341134053/)
Disclosure: cmp.ly/4 (http://cmp.ly/4) and cmp.ly/5 (http://cmp.ly/5)

22nd December 2011, 09:52 PM
this just aired live last week, clip is only an 8 min segment. I'd like to hear the full hour (~40 mins after news/breaks)

Rense & Rosa Koire - Agenda 21 Eco Terror War


Uploaded by JRense (http://www.youtube.com/user/JRense) on Dec 22, 2011
Rosa Koire campaigns against the United Nations Agenda 21, a plan for the whole world:
Excerpt from her web site: http://www.postsustainabilityinstitute.org
(http://www.postsustainabilityinstitute.org/) "In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation. Another program, called the Wildlands Project spells out how most of the land is to be set aside for non-humans."
This is a 9 minute excerpt of from an hour long program.

from Rosa's site:
BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. AGENDA 21, the new book by Rosa Koire, is available now. Please click here to purchase your copy. (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/buy-behind-the-green-mask.html)

@ amazon:
BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 [Paperback] (http://www.amazon.com/BEHIND-GREEN-MASK-U-N-Agenda/dp/0615494544/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8)

Customer Reviews

10 Reviews
5 star (http://www.amazon.com/BEHIND-GREEN-MASK-U-N-Agenda/product-reviews/0615494544/ref=cm_cr_dp_hist_5?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&filterBy=addFiveStar):
(10) 4 star: (0) 3 star: (0) 2 star: (0) 1 star: (0)

Average Customer Review
5.0 out of 5 stars (10 customer reviews (http://www.amazon.com/BEHIND-GREEN-MASK-U-N-Agenda/product-reviews/0615494544/ref=cm_cr_dp_all_summary?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending))

23rd December 2011, 12:03 PM
I'm not worried about Agenda 21. Quantitative Easing will stop it in its tracks. When the money becomes worthless, the people who own all the money will be powerless, unless they use their gold to pay people to do their bidding. When the money becomes worthless, they will have to use gold to pay for everything, and I doubt that Agenda 21 will be that high on their list of priorities.

I'm more worried about nuclear war and other depopulation schemes.

hatha...they will use FOOD to control the people just like joseph in the old testament took control of the peoples $, then their lands, then- their SOULS! . in exactly that order.

14th January 2012, 09:14 PM
article from Rosa Koire, thanks Hatha for your thread,
Thread: Fight Back at Delphi Meetings (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58130-Fight-Back-at-Delphi-Meetings)



January 12, 2012 by ppjg (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/author/ppjg/)

http://ppjg.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/ppjg-488.jpg?w=500 (http://ppjg.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/ppjg-488.jpg)
Rosa Koire/PPJ Contributor
Rosa Koire, ASA
Executive Director
Post Sustainability Institute
www.PostSustainabilityInstitute.org (http://www.postsustainabilityinstitute.org/)
www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/)
www.SantaRosaNeighborhoodCoalition.com (http://www.santarosaneighborhoodcoalition.com/)
Video’s of the public meeting protest are available on www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/)
Last night about 50 citizen activists turned a ONE BAY AREA public Delphi meeting inSanta Rosa,CA upside down.
WE REFUSED TO BE GOOD GERMANS!http://ppjg.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/29881_1thm1.jpg?w=500 (http://ppjg.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/29881_1thm1.jpg)
What happened? We spoke out:

entered the meeting without signing in,
refused to be railroaded,
continually corrected the government/consultant lies and called them out,
did not participate in the phony ‘voting’,
did not give our names to the establishment press,
brought in cameras and signs,
flyered warning the organizers not to violate the open meeting laws,
and did not get arrested although police were called

We exercised our rights as Americans!
Who are we?
A coalition of independent citizens from all over the SF Bay Area, Democrats, Property Rights Advocates, Tea Party members, Republicans, Libertarians, non-affiliated Independents—brave Americans standing together to resist tyranny.
A regional plan to direct federal and state transportation dollars over the next 25 years to specific cities that have agreed to ONLY approve smart growth and ONLY approve it in limited pre-designated areas of just a few towns in the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Using ridiculously inflated population projections, ONE BAY AREA states that future housing must designed in one of their ‘approved’ smart growth models and developed in a Priority Development Area.
What is that?
A Priority Development Area (PDA) is a so-called transportation corridor—usually a busy street with a bus line or near a proposed train station. This PDA can be as small as a half-block or as large as a square mile. All of the projected new population for the next 25 years will be accommodated by housing within this designated area.
No other housing developments will be approved for the next 25 years—or the city will not get their piece of the transportation funding.
We’re talking about 200 Billion dollars of federal and state transportation dollars for the SF Bay Area over the 25 year term.
Do you see what this will do to property values outside of the specific PDA’s? It will destroy them. Do you see what this does to individual cities? It destroys their sovereignty.
ONE BAY AREA is a regional plan that breaks down boundaries and pushes UN Agenda 21.

Northern California is one of 11 Mega Regions in the US.
It includes 31 counties,
48,000 square miles,
15 million people, and
part of TWO STATES–California and NEVADA.

Do you see how this happens?
We thought we had 50 states, but now we have ELEVEN MEGA REGIONS. Using transportation dollars, grants, legislation (SB 375 & AB 32 in California), and pressure, your government is destroying your ability to be self-determining.
www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/) will have the video on this site
and YouTube later today or tomorrow. Watch it and USE IT. We
guarantee you that you’ll have a chance real soon.
Rosa Koire, ASA
Executive Director
Post Sustainability Institute
www.PostSustainabilityInstitute.org (http://www.postsustainabilityinstitute.org/)
www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/)
www.SantaRosaNeighborhoodCoalition.com (http://www.santarosaneighborhoodcoalition.com/)

14th January 2012, 09:26 PM
a few more stories @ Rense's A-21 section:
UN Agenda 21 Evil
Marx And Agenda 21 (http://www.moneyteachers.org/Agenda21.html)
A 21 'Regionalization' - Camden, NJ PD To Go 'Regional' (http://www.courierpostonline.com/article/20111217/NEWS01/312170011/Camden-will-join-regional-police-force)
Executive Order 13575 Rural Council * Agenda 21 (http://farmwars.info/?p=7400)
180 Lb Giant 'Federal' Wolves Threaten Idaho Citizens (http://tinyurl.com/3nfmo3o)
Giant Idaho Wolves Hunt, Kill In Packs Of Up To 20 (http://rense.com/general93/idaho.htm) - Photo
'Mother Earth' To Get Same Rights As Humans By UN (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1376244/South-American-countrys-treaty-giving-Mother-Earth-rights-citizens.html)
Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson (http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Opinion/086970-2011-04-01-agenda-21-in-one-easy-lesson.htm)
UN Nuclear Bank (http://morphcity.com/home/98-united-nations-nuclear-ban)
Agenda 21 Cancer Spreading in Florida (http://www.libertynewsonline.com/article_301_30341.php)
OK Rises Up Against UN Agenda 21 & ICLEI (http://www.varight.com/news/people-are-rising-against-iclei-and-agenda-21-today-we-turn-to-edmond-oklahoma/)
How To Get Rid Of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development (http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=3af5d41d21ad9fce53c86ba9d&id=50818a3857&e=a3672262a8)

EPA Bullies' Land Grabs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYf2qSW_yRk) -Vid
Agenda 21 Land Grab Thru The EPA (http://www.cdfe.org/cdfe-action-fund/epas-new-form-of-land-seizure/)
Is Your Favorite Charity Infiltrated? (http://morphcity.com/home/93-is-your-favorite-charity-infiltrated)
Foundations Of Evil (http://morphcity.com/home/97-foundations-of-evil)
Raapana - Who Wants UN Local Agenda 21? (http://nikiraapana.blogspot.com/2011/02/who-in-world-wants-un-local-agenda-21.html)
Your Hometown And UN Agenda 21 (http://thenewamerican.com/index.php/tech-mainmenu-30/environment/6235-your-hometown-a-the-united-nations-agenda-21)

Local Govt ICLEI Alliances Unconstitutional (http://jindal2012blog.com/iclei-cannot-be-constitutionally-joined-by-any-city-or-local-government/)
Agenda 21 Whistleblower Harassed by FL Enviro Dept. (http://1787network.com/?p=295)
Agenda 21 - Austin Official Confirms Depop Plan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sTjVhvAgas) - Vid
US Sheriffs' Power Supersedes The Feds - MT Senate Bill (http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=250317)
Agenda 21 Global Warming Hoax (http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/31319)
Obama Wilderness Plan a Cruel Joke (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700096289/Wilderness-reinventory-a-cruel-joke.html)
Obama's 'Wilderness' = UN Wildlands Project (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vW9ORaIR_w&feature=related) -Vid
10 Modern Mind Control Methods (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/12/10-modern-methods-of-mind-control.html)

My Blackberry's Not Working - Vid (very funny) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG39jKi0lI%C3%8A)
On New Year's Eve, 2010 (http://lesvisible.blogspot.com/2010/12/on-new-years-eve-2010.html)
Conservation Easements - Attack On Private Property (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2010/12/18/conservation-easements-cesread-the-fine-print-before-you-sign/)
Agenda 21 Wildlands - How They Can Steal Your Land (http://morphcity.com/agenda-21/environment/wildlands)
Lame Duck Agenda 21 Land Grab For 'Conservation' (http://drscoundrels.com/?p=1901)
Tea Partiers Go After Agenda 21 (http://dagblog.com/reader-blogs/tea-party-youre-not-going-ban-my-cul-de-sac-7841)
Misprision Of Treason Letter For A21 Local Officials (http://www.vc4l.com/downloads/N%CAO%20T%20I%20C%20E.pdf)
Agenda 21 Terms & Definitions De-Coded (http://morphcity.com/agenda-21/definitions)
Locals Outraged - Agenda 21 Stealth Evil In City Council (http://www.edmondsun.com/local/x713544661/Protesters-cut-short-Edmond-sustainability-forum)
States Engage In UN Agenda 21 Cap And Trade Schemes (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/politics/5466-cap-and-trade-by-stealth-us-states-partner-with-foreign-governments)
More... (http://rense.com/Datapages/agenda21dat.htm)

20th January 2012, 06:19 AM
stumbled into this article @ rense, just posting the part about property ownership, read the whole thing at link, make of it what you will!

NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969 (http://www.rense.com/general94/nwoplans.htm)

HOME OWNERSHIP A THING OF THE PAST Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down. You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments. Small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority. There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority. Have this in mind in 1990 when they ask, "How many bedrooms in your house? How many bathrooms in your house? Do you have a finished game room? "This information is personal and is of no national interest to government under our existing Constitution. But you'll be asked those questions and decide how you want to respond to them. http://www.rense.com/general94/nwoplans.htm

24th January 2012, 11:51 AM
Republican National Committee Adopts Resolution Exposing Agenda 21 (http://www.republicanassemblies.org/rnc-adopts-resolution-exposing-agenda-21/)

ICLEI’s Murder Meters and Spy Grid Turning Mr Roger Neighborhood into Electronic Internment Camps (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/icleis-murder-meters-and-spy-grid-turning-mr-roger-neighborhood-into-electronic-internment-camps/)

Environmental NGOs Use UN Agenda 21 Against Farmers (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/the-vicious-domestic-enemy-of-rural-america/)


Democrats Against Agenda 21 (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/)

26th January 2012, 11:30 PM
Environmental NGOs Use UN Agenda 21 Against Farmers (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/the-vicious-domestic-enemy-of-rural-america/)

also see radio show, hosts Marti Oakley of PPJ Gazzette (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/), and Barbara Peterson of farmwars.info (http://farmwars.info):

TS Radio with special guest Dave Hodges! (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley/2012/01/25/ts-radio-with-special-guest-dave-hodges)

by Marti Oakley (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley)

in Politics (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/politics)
Airdate: Wed, January 25, 2012

Join us this evening for a visit with one of our favorite radio show hosts, Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Radio Show will join us to give an update on the Gulf Coast disaster, and fill us in on the massive corruption of UN Agenda 21′s ICLEI local branches.

Dave Hodges is an award winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach as well as a former mental health counselor. Dave also serves as the spokesperson to the newly formed national coalition, The American Coalition to Protect Personal Property Rights, which is designed to combat the growing erosion of personal property rights across America.

Often referred to America’s most independent talk show host, Dave Hodges is the host of the nationally syndicated, hard-hitting and exciting investigative radio talk show called “The Common Sense Show.” “The Common Sense Show” airs on the Republic Broadcasting Network every Sunday evening from 9-11pm Central. The primary purpose of “The Common Sense Show” is to provide the listening audience with the tools necessary to reclaim both their individual freedoms and national sovereignty.

MP3 - Download this episode (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley/2012/01/25/ts-radio-with-special-guest-dave-hodges.mp3)

other listening options inside:

2nd February 2012, 10:39 PM
BUMP for any noobs out there.

mick silver
3rd February 2012, 07:05 AM
thanks pat keep the good work up

4th February 2012, 08:04 PM
also see radio show, hosts Marti Oakley of PPJ Gazzette (http://ppjg.wordpress.com/), and Barbara Peterson of farmwars.info (http://farmwars.info):

^ those are great sites, esp PPJ if you like podcasts, check their archives @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

I was just looking back through the older posts on PPJ, and see this recent podcast with Rosa Koire-

TS Radio with Rosa Koire

by Marti Oakley (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley)

in Politics (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/politics)
Airdate: Wed, January 11, 2012

Rosa Koire, author of "Behind the Green Mask" joins us today at 1:00 CST!
Rosa Koire, ASA, is the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute. She is a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her nearly 30 years of experience analyzing land use and property value enabled her to recognize the planning revolution sweeping the country. While fighting to stop a huge redevelopment project in her city she researched the corporate, political, and financial interests behind it and found UN Agenda 21. Impacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan. Rosa speaks across the nation and is a regular blogger on her website Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 dot com.

show auto-plays here,

or download mp3 at

28th February 2012, 06:24 PM
I see Rosa Koire has this posted at her blog (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/the-way-we-see-itour-blog.html). Initial commentary is hers, then China Daily article,

How do you say Public Private Partnerships in Chinese? (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2012/02/how-do-you-say-public-private-partnerships-in-chinese.html)
0 Comments (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2012/02/how-do-you-say-public-private-partnerships-in-chinese.html#comments)

Oooh baby. America2050.org here we come. High-speed rail owned and operated by the Chinese throughout the US. "Win-win" according to our government. Roads, sewer systems, and water systems will be owned by the Chinese. Remember Debt for Nature? Debt for infrastructure. Take a look at these blog posts http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2011/11/this-just-inchinese-takeover-of-our-telecom-grid.html and http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2011/11/did-i-say-that.html I can see it now. We lose our rural roads--pulverized to gravel. Our private vehicle usage is limited, restricted, and taxed. Our bus service will be declared insolvent and not cost effective. High-speed rail will be the only way to travel. Fully owned and operated by the Chinese. In our country. Airport-style searches. Restricted use tickets. Overcrowding. Limited line service. Why? Because we can't maintain our own infrastructure? Can we maintain our sovereignty? Just wondering.

From China Daily:
Yuan Ning, president of China Construction America, a wholly owned subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corporation, said the perfect way for China and the US to collaborate is through public-private partnership for infrastructure projects.

PPP is a government service or private business venture that is funded and operated through a partnership between the government and one or more private sector companies. Yuan said Chinese companies working through PPP with the US government and private sectors is a "win-win solution".

Robert Hormats, US Under Secretary of State for economic, energy and agricultural affairs, agrees that PPP is a good way to work with Chinese companies on infrastructure projects.

"Chinese investment can be really helpful. We would love to have more of that and we will be pursuing that dialogue with the Chinese," Hormats told China Daily after a business event in New York.

Chinese companies not only see the opportunity but also have shown a commitment to be a part of this development.

China State Construction Engineering Corporation recently said it will invest $2 billion in the next few years in the US market for PPP infrastructure projects, mergers and acquisitions and residential projects.

Joe Catapano, a project manager with China Construction America, said the expertise and capital Chinese companies can provide are important.

"The key issue is money. It doesn't seem the United States government is willing to spend money (on building infrastructure)," said Catapano, who has 12 years of engineering experience in New York and California.

"High-speed rail is definitely something we can learn from China. We don't have any of that in the US, anywhere," he added.

This is the source article:
China "partnering" with US and giving money to build infrastructure projects in the US:

1st March 2012, 12:30 PM
How do you say Public Private Partnerships in Chinese? (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2012/02/how-do-you-say-public-private-partnerships-in-chinese.html)

This is the source article:
China "partnering" with US and giving money to build infrastructure projects in the US:

Bump. This is insane. I read through the articles, and did a Startpage search on PPPs. There isn't much coverage of this issue even on alternative news sites; most of the hits are for .gov and related sites.

mick silver
1st March 2012, 01:14 PM
dam it just keeps getting better . hell they may just cut the water off at any time so they can have it . just wait till they start pumping the water on to boats for there country

25th March 2012, 04:23 AM
Glen Beck did this segment, uploaded to YT last Summer, 14 mins



Uploaded by cvminutemen (http://www.youtube.com/user/cvminutemen) on Jun 23, 2011
AGENDA 21 - There are people that want to transform America and put our problems into the hands of the rest of the world. The best thing we can do is link arms together, neighbor to neighbor and reach out to our houses of worship and community centers and take care of each other like God and the Founders intended us to. But a growing number of people are latching on to the idea of globalism...groundwork is being laid right now for government control on a global level. These people have mastered the art of hiding it in plain sight and then just dismissing it as a joke...such is the case with Agenda 21. What is Agenda 21? Find out on this video. 6-15-11

25th March 2012, 09:11 PM
@ PPJ Gazette blog:

Fredinburg Interviews Heather Gass – Defeating the Delphi Technique (http://ppjg.me/2012/03/17/fredinburg-interviews-heather-gass-defeating-the-delphi-technique/)

March 17, 2012 by ppjg (http://ppjg.me/author/ppjg/)

Have you been a victim of the Delphi Technique? Controlled public meetings where the public is prohibited from speaking? How about being divided up into groups and directed to [stations] where trained facilitators control the dialogue? Have you been called names? Screamed at by shills planted in the audience? Do you know what an ADD meeting is? Its an “already done deal”. They made their decisions before you got there.

These and many other techniques are used to prevent the public from expressing its true opinion. Listen to Heather Gass explain what the Delphi Technique is, and how it is used to control YOU.



Roger Fredinburg’s 3-14-2012 interview with Heather Gass of the East Bay Tea Party about how to disrupt the psychology of the Delphi Technique used by the facilitator to control public input at meetings promoting the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 21 agreement signed by George H.W. Bush at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Heather’s website is: http://www.theeastbayteaparty.com/greentyranny/greentyranny.html
Roger’s websites are: http://www.regularguy.com/ http://www.hohumproductions.com/ and the Holocaust Series website http://www.wemustremember.weebly.com/

Washington State complied with the Earth Summit / UN Agenda 21 goals by passing the “Growth Management Act” land use legislation in the early 1990s. In alliance with the Washington Planning Association, the State Dept of Commerce provides an online course for professional and aspiring facilitator’s: “Citizen Participation and the Public Process” http://www.commerce.wa.gov/DesktopModules/CTEDPublications/CTEDPublicationsVi… (http://www.commerce.wa.gov/DesktopModules/CTEDPublications/CTEDPublicationsView.aspx?tabID=0&ItemID=7550&MId=944&wversion=Staging)

Posted in Agenda 21 (http://ppjg.me/category/agenda-21/) | Tagged A.D.D. meetings (http://ppjg.me/tag/a-d-d-meetings/), citizen participation (http://ppjg.me/tag/citizen-participation/), controlling public meetings (http://ppjg.me/tag/controlling-public-meetings/), Delphi Technique (http://ppjg.me/tag/delphi-technique/), facilitators (http://ppjg.me/tag/facilitators/), Heather Gass (http://ppjg.me/tag/heather-gass/), public process (http://ppjg.me/tag/public-process/), Roger Fredinburg (http://ppjg.me/tag/roger-fredinburg/), shills in the audience (http://ppjg.me/tag/shills-in-the-audience/) | 4 Comments » (http://ppjg.me/2012/03/17/fredinburg-interviews-heather-gass-defeating-the-delphi-technique/#comments)
cross posting to this dedicated thread:
Thread: Defeating Delphi technique at (fake) "public input" mtgs (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?59960-Defeating-Delphi-technique-at-%28fake%29-quot-public-input-quot-mtgs)

BTW, this Roger Fredinburg character (radio show host) is apparently a holohoax enabler- see his site above. But this interview should be fairly independent of that subject.

31st July 2012, 05:06 PM
new Rosa Koire interview, 90 mins,

TS Radio: Rosa Koire the fight against UN Agenda 21 (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley/2012/07/31/ts-radio-rosa-koire-the-fight-against-un-agenda-21) by Marti Oakley (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley) in Politics (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/politics)
Tue, July 31, 2012

Rosa Koire returns!
Rosa Koire, author of "Behind the Green Mask" joins us today at 10:00 CST!
Rosa Koire, ASA, is the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute. She is a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her nearly 30 years of experience analyzing land use and property value enabled her to recognize the planning revolution sweeping the country. While fighting to stop a huge redevelopment project in her city she researched the corporate, political, and financial interests behind it and found UN Agenda 21. Impacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan. Rosa speaks across the nation and is a regular blogger on her website Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 dot com


MP3: Download this episode (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley/2012/07/31/ts-radio-rosa-koire-the-fight-against-un-agenda-21.mp3)

mick silver
1st August 2012, 10:16 AM
back up........

26th August 2012, 03:46 AM
Great Rosa Koire interview on Red Ice here. I've seen numerous of her youtube speeches & interview MP3s, and they were somewhat redundant in content; but this one they discuss many areas I hadn't heard discussed b4.

Rosa Koire - Hour 1 - Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2012/08/RIR-120816.php)

August 16, 2012

Activist, speaker, and blogger, Rosa Koire is a forensic real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her research into and fight against redevelopment led her to UN Agenda 21 and was the genesis to co-found the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, and the Post Sustainability Institute. She has been speaking and inspiring groups nationally to take action. She is the author of Behind The Green Mask. Don’t miss this important program as Rosa details how Agenda 21 is being used to transition the world into a global totalitarian state where one must pay to live. She’ll explain how this agenda is the biggest public relation scam in history. We’ll cover how this plan is designed to destroy the individual, create scarcity and make us vulnerable to control. Rosa talks about the ideology of Communitarianism, which is similar to Communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Later, we’ll discuss the hypocrisy, the propaganda and how to fight back. In the second hour, we’ll talk about how we’ll see Agenda 21 in our towns as well as the different names gives for the agenda. We’ll speak more about Communitarianism. Agenda 21 calls for people to be moved out of the rural areas and into the cities, living in high rise gulag-esque apartments. Rosa talks about the covert ways in which they’ll fulfill their agenda. She’ll speak more how this agenda is a comprehensive plan for every part of our lives from exercise, to diet and lifestyle. We’ll also discuss how eugenics, surveillance, mind control techniques and corrupt companies are connected to Agenda 21. The middle class is now deemed “un-sustainable” and must fall far for “social equity.” Later, we’ll discuss newspeak, religious aspects of the green movement and what the world will look like post sustainability. Rosa speaks more about what the resistance to Agenda 21 can do.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2012/RIR-120816-rkoire-hr1.mp3)

Rosa's blog (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/the-way-we-see-itour-blog.html) is worth a visit now and then- updates are erratic but always good,

26th August 2012, 04:24 AM
this segment aired 8/1/12, 11 mins, VG exposure :)

Glenn Beck talks U.N. Agenda 21 w/ author Rosa Koire BEHIND THE GREEN MASK


2nd October 2012, 09:53 PM
2 hrs 38 mins comm free, I haven't listened yet, MP3 link @ bottom.

Coast to Coast 2012.09.29

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/1d/Coast_to_coast_am_logo.jpg/200px-Coast_to_coast_am_logo.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/1d/Coast_to_coast_am_logo.jpg/200px-Coast_to_coast_am_logo.jpg)
Agenda 21

John B. Wells

William Jasper (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/jasper-william/59622), Rosa Koire (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/koire-rosa/59617)

In the first half, William Jasper, a United Nations expert and Senior Editor for The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/) magazine (a publication of the John Birch Society (http://www.jbs.org/)), commented on the UN's Agenda 21—a plan he described as a "sweeping grab for power on a global level to micromanage and regiment every aspect of human life on the planet." The authors of the massive document are mostly from UN environmental organizations at the forefront of promoting global governance for the purposes of sustainable development, he revealed.

Those promoting 'sustainable development' are typically socialists, communists, Marxists, and fascists, who believe the state should own and control all assets, Jasper continued. They are antagonistic toward the United States, free enterprise, and the idea of constitutional limits on government, he said, adding that "you can depend on the United Nations to be overwhelmingly, viciously anti-American and anti-freedom." Ultimately, Agenda 21 provides a master plan that encompasses all aspects of life, demanding dictatorial power over the planet and everyone on it, Jasper warned.

During the latter half, Rosa Koire of Democrats Against Agenda 21 (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/) weighed in with her views on the UN's globalist plan to control everything. "This is not a left or a right issue... freedom is non-partisan," she declared. Koire, a commercial real estate appraiser, said ten years ago she began noticing limits on what people could do with their land by right, which made her job determining the worth of property nearly impossible. She eventually connected the limits on land usage to Agenda 21, which she identified as a plan to inventory and control all land, water, plants, animals, and human beings in the world.

As an example of what is happening now in America, Koire pointed to satellite mapping of timber on conservation easements. NASA flyovers occur every 16 days and can determine if a single tree has been cut down, she disclosed. Should Agenda 21 be fully implemented people will be moved into densely packed city centers and have their mobility severely restricted, she cautioned. There will be no access to food and water, no employment, and education will become outcome-based with the goal of producing good global citizens, Koire added. She recommended her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/buy-behind-the-green-mask.html), for those who wish to learn more about the plan and how to stop it.

Download MP3 (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/uc8v74k9pm/coast_to_coast_-_agenda_21_2012.09.29.mp3)

^ 54 MBs

9th November 2012, 03:39 AM
How about a commercial?



10th November 2012, 05:46 AM
Anti-Agenda 21 activist riles Natrona County crowd

midnight rambler
10th November 2012, 06:17 AM
Agenda 21 to drive people into 'stack n' pack' closet sized apartments - http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/11/09/how-obama-will-force-you-into-the-stackn-packs/

Naturally those in the ever so crucial 'entertainment industry' along with other EIPs (extremely important people) will be under no pressure whatsoever to divest themselves of all their multiple homes which all have the extra, extra large walk-in closets which are larger than stack n' packs.

10th December 2012, 01:39 AM
I listened to the first part of this so far- it's 2 radio shows a week apart. It's heavy on smart meters, A-21, and humans being replaced by robot/cyborgs. Check this guest's website- it's rich with primary source docs backing everything.

What's Ailing the America with Dr Rebecca Carley 2012.12.02-09 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/12/whats-ailing-america-with-dr-rebecca_9.html)

Guest: Deborah Tavares (http://www.stopthecrime.net/) talks about trans humanism and the multiple crimes against humanity perpetrated by the global elite. (Jews Being Jews)

The source documents talked about during the show can be found at Deborah's site (http://www.stopthecrime.net/)

Dr. Carleys Site (http://www.drcarley.com/)

Download Part 1 2012.12.02 here (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/t3or9d2e03/dr_carley_-_deborah_tavares_2012.12.02.mp3)

Download Part 2 2012.12.09 here (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/28r2i532je/dr_carley_-_deborah_tavares_2012.12.09.mp3)

25th December 2012, 02:21 AM
Spingola interview, 1hr 45 mins!

Friday, 12/21: Diana Hunter (http://www.naturecons.weebly.com) talks about Agenda 21 and the Protocols, MP3 (http://www.spingola.com/DianaHunter2012-12-21.mp3)

5th January 2013, 07:47 PM
^ Diana Hunter again, 1hr 20m, 43 MBs:

Spingola Special 2013.01.04 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/01/spingola-special-20130104.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna,%20Gethsemane.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/)
Diana Hunter (http://www.naturecons.weebly.com/) talks about Agenda 21 and the Protocols

Deanna' site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Spingola Specials (http://www.spingola.com/SpingolaSpecials.html)

Download MP3 (http://www.spingola.com/DianaHunter2013-01-04.mp3)

5th January 2013, 08:52 PM
I don't think this is off topic? just my 2 cents, since I am building (HVAC) green for a few federally assisted programs, the apts and houses I am on are ( Green) meaning ( the homes ) they are built so tight that you have to install a (Green Bath fan) meaning the fan has to run 23 out of 24 hours a day just to exhaust inside air, with out the homeowner having any control over them , its not like you are bringing in outside air, you are removing stagnant inside air, otherwise the folks would get sick from the stagnant air.

In the old days and in my home there are cracks and crevices, that let air in. Now you need to have a fan to ventilate your home, scary ....what if your fan quits working? Green technology, yep its scary.

5th January 2013, 10:31 PM
^ not an expert on that, but a dozen years ago I recall looking at a few new "green" townhouse condos in Boulder CO, and in the basement level there was the gas furnace, and a ~6" duct ran from it sideways to a port on the lower outside of the place (IE not the roof but rather the side near ground level). RE agent said that was code, the place is built so "tight" that the duct was nec for air exchange like you said.

I didn't fully understand but didn't pursue it. It seems that a bath fan which was always blowing inside air to outside, but nowhere for new outside air to enter to replace, & assuming all doors/windows shut tight, you'd just have a low-pressure/vacuum in the house, right? And with mammals like us living & breathing inside, oxygen would get lower in favor of our carbon dioxide exhales... so maybe that furnace duct to outside I questioned in the basement of the green place, is pulling in outdoor air into the house, maybe heating it on its way in maybe not depending on season/thermostat/etc? In say summer when the furnace sits idle all season, with a bath fan always running, maybe the new replacement air is being pulled in passively through that furnace duct, entering throughout the house via the heated air ducts/registers?

6th February 2013, 03:58 AM
Rense Mon night 2nd hour- she's married to Gen. Stubblebine right? I think they live in Panama or C.Rica.

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/a1y007bo86/rense.20130204.2of3.mp3) Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/a1y007bo86/rense.20130204.2of3.mp3) Hour 2 - Dr. Rima Laibow, MD (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/) - The Horrors Of Agenda 21

46 mins, 15 MBs

14th March 2013, 07:42 AM
podcast: A21 from an Oz/NZ perspective:

13 March 2013, Gun Bans In America Getting Closer! Susanne Posel, Ann Bressington, Agenda 21 Will Destroy Australian Freedoms. http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_9483585.png
Segment 1: Susanne Posel www.occupycorporatism.com (http://www.occupycorporatism.com)
www.realguerillamedia.com (http://www.realguerillamedia.com) Is the United States going to implement gun bans soon?
The terrifying agenda to separate veterans from their 2nd amendment rights.

Rest of the show: Ann Bressington www.facebook.com/AnnBressingtonAppreciationSociety (http://www.facebook.com/AnnBressingtonAppreciationSociety)
One of the few member of the Australian parliament taking responsibility for exposing the Agenda 21 protocols and dangers to the Aussie way of life posed by Globalist Scumbaggery.
http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_13_mar_susanne_posel_ann_bressington_vinny_eastwo od_show_2013.mp3)

13_mar_susanne_posel_ann_bressington_vinny_eastwoo d_show_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_13_mar_susanne_posel_ann_bressington_vinny_eastwo od_show_2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_1_13_mar_susanne_posel_ann_bressington_vinny _eastwood_show_2013.mp3)

hour_1_13_mar_susanne_posel_ann_bressington_vinny_ eastwood_show_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_1_13_mar_susanne_posel_ann_bressington_vinny _eastwood_show_2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_2_13_mar_ann_bressington_vinny_eastwood_show _2013.mp3)

hour_2_13_mar_ann_bressington_vinny_eastwood_show_ 2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_2_13_mar_ann_bressington_vinny_eastwood_show _2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_short_clip_13_mar_agenda_21_ann_bressington_vinny _eastwood_show_2013.mp3)

short_clip_13_mar_agenda_21_ann_bressington_vinny_ eastwood_show_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_short_clip_13_mar_agenda_21_ann_bressington_vinny _eastwood_show_2013.mp3)

14th March 2013, 08:35 AM
^ not an expert on that, but a dozen years ago I recall looking at a few new "green" townhouse condos in Boulder CO, and in the basement level there was the gas furnace, and a ~6" duct ran from it sideways to a port on the lower outside of the place (IE not the roof but rather the side near ground level). RE agent said that was code, the place is built so "tight" that the duct was nec for air exchange like you said.

I didn't fully understand but didn't pursue it. It seems that a bath fan which was always blowing inside air to outside, but nowhere for new outside air to enter to replace, & assuming all doors/windows shut tight, you'd just have a low-pressure/vacuum in the house, right? And with mammals like us living & breathing inside, oxygen would get lower in favor of our carbon dioxide exhales... so maybe that furnace duct to outside I questioned in the basement of the green place, is pulling in outdoor air into the house, maybe heating it on its way in maybe not depending on season/thermostat/etc? In say summer when the furnace sits idle all season, with a bath fan always running, maybe the new replacement air is being pulled in passively through that furnace duct, entering throughout the house via the heated air ducts/registers?

My brother does HVAC and what you said is basically correct. The newer furnaces have an air exchanger and are constantly sucking in a small amount of outside air. To me it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to make a house so air tight that you then have to suck in outside air and heat it. Why not just make the house a little less airtight?

12th July 2013, 08:00 PM
C2C - Property Issues Food Imperialism 2013.07.09 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/07/c2c-property-issues-food-imperialism.html)

http://oi48.tinypic.com/2n09ezp.jpg (http://oi48.tinypic.com/2n09ezp.jpg)
Date: 07-09-13
Host: George Noory
Guests: Reid Lance Rosenthal (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/rosenthal-reid-lance/63616), Scott Tips (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/tips-scott/63531)

In the first half, rancher, realtor, and author Reid Lance Rosenthal talked about Agenda 21 anti-private property edicts, and government encroachment on freedoms. Agenda 21 got its start at a conference of UN environmental organizations in 1992, and over the years it's become "a 40 chapter ever-evolving bible of globalism," obliterating the rights of sovereign nations, and eliminating personal liberties for the good of the collective, he remarked. Under the guise of such terms as sustainable development, and viable communities, the Agenda seeks to increasingly control human activity, Rosenthal suggested. Agenda 21 promotes the concept of "regionalism," pushing for everyone to live in compact urban areas, and casts a negative light on suburbs and rural areas, he continued.

Governmental property confiscation is up 100 fold in the last 10 years, and "the heyday of property seizures by government for political and fiscal reasons is just beginning," he warned. Agenda 21 has come to Brazil in full force, and there's been more than 4,000 people displaced with their homes demolished, and troops sporting a UN logo were involved in the re-locations, Rosenthal reported. Eminent domain, the right of a government to take a property from a private landowner "for the public good," is a growing problem, with 13 million acres in the US being targeted for "federalization," he added. Rosenthal was also critical of the push for alternative energy in the US, characterizing it as a "cloak of crony capitalism" in which most of its green jobs created go overseas, and further, the industry is highly subsidized, and can't stand on its own.


In the latter half, attorney Scott Tips, the General Counsel for the National Health Federation, the world's oldest health-freedom organization for consumers, discussed how corporations are attempting to dominate markets though global food imperialism, and deny the public access to vitamins and supplements. Big agriculture and 'big pharma' are "dumbing down" the food supply and filling it with toxins, "so they're basically poisoning us and devitalizing the foods," he said. Codex Alimentarius, created 50 years ago, to establish international guidelines and standards for foods and supplements has been pushing to lower the amount of recommended daily intakes of vitamins as well as control or restrict health supplements. FDA bureaucrats who attend the Codex meetings don't represent the American consumer but rather big business, and the US is connected to their rulings via various trade agreements, he detailed.

Statistics show that supplements are generally quite safe, he cited, much more so than hospitals, and pharmaceutical drugs, for instance. People like Senator Dick Durbin, who is promoting a bill to control supplements as a way to protect the consumer, is actually more interested in protecting the existing big business, Tips opined. The answer isn't to build up more government powers-- this doesn't secure freedom, he continued. His organization has looked into such problems as excessive vaccinations, water fluoridation, over-farming reducing nutrients, and GMOs, and the common denominator in all of them is that they serve to lower fertility rates.

2.5 hrs comm-free, includes both guests above.
Download MP3

12th July 2013, 08:28 PM
2 hrs comm-free, dense with a wide range of topics, with A21 being an undercurrent returned to throughout:

Guest: Rebecca Campbell--Police surveillance, false flags http://cdn2.btrcdn.com/pics/hostpics/thumbs/ab5fd5cc-4e3d-47a7-8655-e32128d5663a_logo_2.jpg
Marti Oakley (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley) Tue, Apr 23, 2013 12:00AM UTC

Play in your default player (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/convertplaylist.aspx?PlayListUrl=http%3a%2f%2fwww. blogtalkradio.com%2fmarti-oakley%2fplay_list.xml%3fshow_id%3d4723253&OutputType=m3u)

Download this episode


Rebecca Em Campbell joins the show in what is sure to be an explosive interview loaded with useful information on various topics. Among the issues to be discussed:

Fascist DHS/police surveillance in American cities;
The false flag operations being used to promote this;
How the environmental movement has been hijacked thru quiet implementation of UN Agenda 21;
The fact that a complete corporate coup of government at all levels in America has tacitly occurred, and,
How Democrats Against Agenda 21/Post-Sustainabilty Institute, Citizens for Property Rights, Campaign for Liberty and other citizens' grassroots organizations, as well as the new worldwide OPPT and Occupy movements can help stop this thru effective transpartisan action.

Rebecca Em Campbell is broad-spectrum activist/artist who wears many hats -- both literally and figuratively. She presently resides in Seattle, Washington State.

Marti Oakley's site: http://ppjg.me
all podcasts: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

19th August 2013, 09:45 PM
Spingola today-- "communitarianism" is one of those deceptive JWO buzzwords, like "smart growth", "green" etc.

Spingola Speaks 2013.08.19 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/08/spingola-speaks-20130819.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)

Guest: Niki Raapana (http://www.nikiraapana.blogspot.com/) talks about the Communitarian agenda and her new book: 2020: Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto (http://nord.twu.net/acl)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)



Posted by Mami (http://www.blogger.com/profile/13298385482303078866) at 2:49 PM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=4085915428132448376)

Most recent from Rosa Koire's blog:

GUEST POST: CHARLOTTE ISERBYT ON SCHOOL CHOICE (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/08/guest-post-charlotte-iserbyt-on-school-choice.html)

THUG POLITICS: HUD vs. WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/08/thug-politics-hud-vs-westchester-county-new-york.html)

For those at square one...UN Agenda 21 in the Federal Register (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/08/for-those-at-square-oneun-agenda-21-in-the-federal-register.html)

Surprised to see this letter in our local propaganda unit (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/08/surprised-to-see-this-letter-in-our-local-propaganda-unit.html)

Snowed in on July 4th (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/07/snowed-in-on-july-4th.html)

GOOD NEWS: STOP PLAN BAY AREA .ORG AND @ROSAKOIRE (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/06/good-news-stop-plan-bay-area-org-and-rosakoire.html)

GUEST POST: MICHAEL SHAW AT FREEDOM ADVOCATES (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/06/guest-post-michael-shaw-at-freedom-advocates.html)

GUEST POST: VICKY DAVIS ON THE TIGHTENING NOOSE (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/06/guest-post-vicky-davis-on-the-tightening-noose.html)

FIGHTING BACK IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: YES WE CAN! (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/06/fighting-back-in-new-hampshire-yes-we-can.html)

WHAT WOULD CHINA DO? TAKING CHINA AS THE EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2013/06/what-would-china-do-taking-china-as-the-example-to-follow.html)

20th August 2013, 06:28 AM
Pat, I would like to thank you for the updates on agenda 21. Being our Town Chairman, this information has been a big help.
I've gone through alot of printer ink running off copies of this info. to give to my 2 board members and others. please keep up the good research and thanks again!

3rd September 2013, 12:45 AM
This podcast comes from a 'White Nationalist' advocacy network. I'm about 15 mins into it now, and the WN thing hasn't been an issue yet. In fact he's been touting Rosa Koire's book "Behind The Green Mask (http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/buy-behind-the-green-mask.html)" - and Rosa's a lipstick-lesbian 'democrat', whose face, once you imagine-away her huge blow-dried peroxide-blonde coif, looks to me quite... joowey (schnoz!! :o)

edit: I've had it playing, and beginning around 23:00 through 32:45, he plays audio of some sort of telling shite- problem is, the sound level is so low it's totally inaudible, except maybe with headphones which I've been too lazy to break out. I upped VLC-player to 200% volume and still hopeless. So just skip to 32:45 when that begins.


What is Truth? ‘Agenda 21′ 08/28 by American Nationalist Network | Culture Podcasts

By David Baillie (http://zioncrimefactory.com/author/davidbaillie/) | August 29, 2013
0 Comment (http://zioncrimefactory.com/2013/08/29/what-is-truth-agenda-21-0828-by-american-nationalist-network-culture-podcasts/#comments)

Jim is in Las Vegas City of Sin but he’s not sinning and Joe is home holding down the fort.
He will discussing Agenda 21 issues.

MP3 14 MBs: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/american-nationalist-network/2013/08/29/agenda-21.mp3

22nd September 2013, 09:58 PM
The JWO/A-21 thugs have arrested a German-Canadian cattle farmer, Werner Bock, after years of multifaceted harassment. He was a frequent caller Deanna Spingola's shows, always with something enlightened to contribute. Deanna had him on as the show's primary guest in this 18 June '13 show (http://spingolaspeaks.info/2013/06/18/tuesday-6-18-werner-bock):

Tuesday, 6-18: Werner Bock

Today’s guest is Werner Bock, a farmer from New Brunswick Canada and a regular caller to Deanna’s broadcast. (MP3 (https://copy.com/Dd604IFOFx2xRhd9))



THX1138 on June 18, 2013 at 12:35 PM (http://spingolaspeaks.info/2013/06/18/tuesday-6-18-werner-bock/#comment-64) said: . . .
Werner Bock Blames Death Rays, Aliens For Cows’ Deaths; Faces Charges In Canada http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/12/werner-bock-blames-death-rays-aliens-for-cow-deaths_n_1589706.html
Agenda-Driven Response: HAARP and the Army’s Land Grab in Colorado http://www.spingola.com/agendadriven_response__weather.htm
Tens of millions of Florida bees mysteriously drop dead in one day, beekeepers blame pesticides | REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information http://www.realfarmacy.com/tens-of-millions-of-florida-bees-mysteriously-drop-dead-in-one-day-beekeepers-blame-pesticides/
Farmer`s Ordeal http://maritimediseases.50megs.com/favorite_links_1.html
My Struggle against the Jews, by Eustace Mullins | Darkmoon http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/my-struggle-against-the-jews-by-eustace-mullins/
The West’s Darkest Hour | Western racial and cultural preservation http://chechar.wordpress.com/
J. Franklin Snook America Needs The Divine Law http://www.scribd.com/doc/54107740/J-Franklin-Snook-America-Needs-The-Divine-Law
Madoff’s UK unit was ‘warehouse for stolen money’ – liquidators’ representative | Interactive Investor http://www.iii.co.uk/news-opinion/reuters/news/98022
The Medical Mafia http://whale.to/a/medical_mafia.html
Wired 8.04: Why the future doesn’t need us. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/joy.html
Zippyshare.com – Wilderness Evasion A Guide To Hiding Out and Eluding Pursuit in Remote Areas http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/56754849/file.html
The Lincoln Putsch: America’s Bolshevik Revolution | Codoh http://codoh.com/library/document/610
Samizdat – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samizdat
CRANBERRY SAUCE: The Paul Is Dead Hoax Video – Films | Openfilm http://www.openfilm.com/videos/cranberry-sauce-the-paul-is-dead-hoax
QSLS Politics: Cow mutilation & New Brunswick landgrab? http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/05/cow-mutilation-new-brunswick-landgrab.html
CCWW/ACWW Jokertattooo – https://www.youtube.com/user/Jokertattooo
Johnny Cash – A Boy Named Sue – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1BJfDvSITY
Half Human Half Frog/anecephalic baby – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7r3EL-bzs8

Today Deanna posted this 11 minute appeal about Werner Bock's Friday arrest by RCMP:

Spingola Special 2013.09.22 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/09/spingola-special-20130922.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna,%20Gethsemane.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/)

Deanna talks about Werner Bock's recent arrest;
Werner's Electronic Attack/Cattle Mutilation Ordeal (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIYgIvJHceM);
Cow mutilation & New Brunswick land grab? (http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/05/cow-mutilation-new-brunswick-landgrab.html);
CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/farmer-who-says-lasers-killed-cows-sent-for-assessment-1.1862003);
Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/12/werner-bock-blames-death-rays-aliens-for-cow-deaths_n_1589706.html).

Deanna' site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html) Spingola Specials (http://www.spingola.com/SpingolaSpecials.html)
Deanna's News Page (https://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)

Download MP3


Posted by zapoper (http://www.blogger.com/profile/15726967138606494466) at 5:14 PM 2 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=4271252972385745133)

16th October 2013, 10:31 AM
Rosa Koire, 1h 42m, 47 MBs:

The Plane Truth 10 15 2013 (http://grizzom.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/the-plane-truth-10-15-2013.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fmIbbRVtCJY/UlX1d4fXh0I/AAAAAAAAAxM/8fJ2G3lSr7M/s640/TMRN_PTS_Base_Skin_350px.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fmIbbRVtCJY/UlX1d4fXh0I/AAAAAAAAAxM/8fJ2G3lSr7M/s1600/TMRN_PTS_Base_Skin_350px.jpg)
What's the Agenda
Behind Agenda 21?
w/ Rosa Koire

The Mighty Time Monk
Radio Arts Players
Your Host:

RoundTable Members:
Oolong Rabbit Download MP3 (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/j1ie81rble/what_s_the_agenda_behind_agenda21.mp3)

16th October 2013, 02:34 PM
so far, the elites have created concepts to make us feel empowered us but also have invented/orchestrated the threat to disempower us.... that's the only game in town guys... time to get real.

31st December 2013, 11:05 PM
cross posting this from the common core thread - Clint's presentation here is a blend of A21 & Rotten Core ed, mostly the latter but the first ~1/2 hour is a good A21 overview. And hell it's not even 3 hours! :)



Clint Richardson - Common Core, Agenda 21, And Global Privatization

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-qXjyKmPcHEg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/sG77vK1WKaA/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCorporationNation?feature=watch)TheCorporationN ation (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCorporationNation?feature=watch)·30 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCorporationNation/videos)
http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 71 http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 0

Published on Dec 22, 2013
The greater global picture of Common Core...

Common Core Standards are not only in schools, but are now standard in the military, FBI, CIA, and most other government agencies.

This Power Point lecture was given in November, 2013 at the Utah County Fairgrounds by Clint Richardson. Special thanks to Linda Oberhansley for organizing the event.

Other research on Common Core by Clint:

http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/20... (http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/core-making-children-stupider-around-the-world/)

http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/20... (http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/united-states-and-its-military-now-rotten-to-the-core/)

Please utilize the following links for total CORE immersion.

1- Read the Annual Financial Report for "CORE Education and Technologies" corporation:

Link: http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/CETLA... (http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/CETLAnnualReport2011-12.pdf)

***Previous years reports will have other valuable information

Link: http://www.core-edutech.com/investors... (http://www.core-edutech.com/investors/Financial-Reports.php)

2- Explore the "CORE Education and Consulting Services" main International website based in India:

Link: http://www.coreecs.com/

3- Learn who CORE's international corporate and government Shareholders are:

Link: http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/Share... (http://www.core-edutech.com/pdf/ShareholdingPattern30.06.2013.pdf)

4- CORE learning tools for Autistic and other special needs children -- the workforce of the future: Computers and keyboards for autistic kids are learning on.

Link: http://www.coreecs.com/k12_education/... (http://www.coreecs.com/k12_education/Assistive_Technologies)

5- Dr. Rima Liabou video "Don't Delta Me, Dude!":

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p3DHt... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p3DHtxjLlg)

6- "CSCOPE" is CORE in Texas. This is a watchdog site:

Link: http://www.txcscopereview.com

7- CORE is essentially Agenda 21. Here is the Texas "School Transformation" website:

Link: http://www.transformtexas.org/know-th... (http://www.transformtexas.org/know-the-document/)

8- This comes from the "Public Education Visioning Institute", which is all Texas school superintendents literally proof of their conspiring to "Transform" public education into for profit private enterprise by implementing CSCOPE as part of "Common Core" model standards and best practices. They also admit the failure of their own education system. (Very Important):

Link: http://www.transformtexas.org/ourhist... (http://www.transformtexas.org/ourhistory/)

9- Link to the Report issued by Public Education Visioning Institute called "Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas"... "Respectfully Offered by Superintendent Participants in the Public Education Visioning Institute":

Link: http://www.tasb.org/legislative/docum... (http://www.tasb.org/legislative/documents/vpevi.pdf)

For those who know IT and computer code, CORE's main function is data collection and management. This search page searches Texas CSCOPE and CORE programming:

Link: http://search.tea.state.tx.us/search?... (http://search.tea.state.tx.us/search?access=p&entqr=0&output=xml_no_dtd&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&ud=1&client=default_frontend&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&proxystylesheet=default_frontend&site=default_collection&q=core)

Propagandist for special needs children:

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMKCrT... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMKCrTkez4Q)

Clint's Documentaries include:

Lethal Injection: The Story of Vaccines - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UioC6A... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UioC6ARoLEM)

Others at:


Clint's blog:


This 10 min video (link #5 above) is VG.

Vaccines + Rotten Core Ed + Agenda 21 = THE JWO! (http://spingola.com/JewWorldOrder.pdf) :(



https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-r5sF95QLLkY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/e72fk8PAGJ4/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions?feature=watch)NaturalSolutions (http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions?feature=watch)·191 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions/videos)
http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 150 http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 16

Published on Jul 31, 2013
Dr. Rima discusses Christine England's hypothesis that the intent behind the autism pandemic is the creation of easily controlled Brave New World "delta" worker drones.

17th January 2014, 07:32 AM
Spingola Speaks 2014.01.09 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/01/spingola-speaks-20140109.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Guest: Clint Richardson (http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/), Common Core, Agenda 21, and Global Governance (http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/common-core-agenda-21-and-global-governance)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/htbtauq5uy/Spingola_Speaks.Clint.Richardson.2014.01.09.mp3)

Great show, well worth a listen.

Posted by Mami (http://www.blogger.com/profile/13298385482303078866)

7th February 2014, 01:58 AM
Saturday, February 1, 2014
The New Social Class Structure Of The United States (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/02/the-new-social-class-structure-of.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KwbAwqKR-VI/Uu19ivYomYI/AAAAAAAAYrY/cZIwMNvcviU/s1600/social-class-structure.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KwbAwqKR-VI/Uu19ivYomYI/AAAAAAAAYrY/cZIwMNvcviU/s1600/social-class-structure.jpg)

Orwell's conceptualization of today's structure

Dave Hodges
Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/02/the-new-social-class-structure-of.html)

America is being nudged and now pushed into the heinous world of Agenda 21. However, I believe that when self-preservation takes over, the use of force will be necessary to get most people to willingly go along with this encroaching tyranny. This is another topic for another article.

Whistleblowers such as Deborah Tavares, Rosa Korie and Patrick Wood et al., have all been sounding the Agenda 21 alarm for a very long time. Yet, with each and every passing day, we see new stories which inch us toward the end point destination of total tyrannical control of our daily lives which will result in the loss of our fortunes.

No matter how many times a journalist in the alternative media identifies Agenda 21 as the scourge of the planet, it seems as if more people are not listening, and even fewer are acting. This is because most of our population is no longer capable of critical thinking and subsequently accept the unproven philosophies of climate change and the Agenda 21 policies which underlie this myth. Most Americans feel that going along with the social planners will help them survive and even thrive. Too much CNN, too much FOX, too much fluoridated water and too many distractions have left us with a country incapable of defending itself from enemies both foreign and domestic.

Recent Undeniable Truths About Agenda 21...

When we carry out the principles of Agenda 21 to its end point destination, the citizens of our country will be living in less than 500 square foot stack and pack apartments, (http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/01/07/say-goodbye-to-your-car-house-and-your-freedom/) they will not own an automobile because it will be cost prohibitive, they will not grow their own food and they will pay even a greater disproportionate percentage of their income for housing costs. Additionally, there will be no property rights, because there will be no Constitution. There will be no small farms, privately owned farms and privately grown food.

Since the government will soon own all healthcare (http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/08/06/obamacare-will-be-the-reason-that-you-will-never-retire/), most of us will be priced out of the market, and the Agenda 21 CODEX provisions will soon control alternative healthcare treatments. The Agenda 21 inspired Cap and Trade policies seek to reduce the energy usage of the average citizen by 80%. This means the average American will be living an 1890s lifestyle. And, more than likely, some of the population reduction quotes which are so infamous (e.g. Ted Turner’s expressed desire to reduce the planet’s population by 95%), may come to fruition. The statements in this paragraph are self-evident. But for those new to this topic, pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage and be prepared to be shocked as you weave your way through the words of the Agenda 21 planners (http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf).

What is not obvious is the dismantling of America’s traditional socio-economic structure. A new and evolving social class structure is emerging right before our eyes. The former economic mobility of the new American society (i.e. rags to riches) has all but disappeared. The new social stratification will be forever fixed under the new social class structure of Agenda 21.

The Three Social Class America’s Brand of Agenda 21

Agenda 21 seeks to totally eliminate the middle class and the Obama wing of Agenda 21 is well on its way to making this a reality. Today (http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/04/05/it-no-longer-pays-to-go-to-work/), there are more American citizens who are receiving federal handouts than there are working Americans. Soon these classes will become one class and what is left of the middle class is destroyed. You may find this analysis to be very enlightening as to the veracity of these claims (http://thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/04/05/it-no-longer-pays-to-go-to-work/).

Most people believe that America is bifurcating into a two-class society; those who live off of the table scraps of those who still have a job, and those who still have a job. Temporarily, these two groups still constitute two separate classes. However, they will soon become one class. This will leave America with the traditional two-class system, the haves and the have-nots. However, we are not quite there yet.

At the present time, we still see a three-class system. For the purposes of clarity and discussion, we will refer to these classes as the First Tier (the elite), the Second Tier (the beleaguered middle class) and the Third Tier (the growing welfare class that has been fully domesticated through federal handouts).

The First Tier

On the top level of the pyramid we find the George Soros’, the David Rockefellers’, et al. The minions of these elite control the politicians and the legislation, they control the dialogue (e.g. sustainability and climate change) and they are moving towards controlling every aspect of our lives.

In a case of “Rules for thee, but not for me”, the elite do not live by the same Agenda 21 policies that they are attempting to impose on everyone else. Make no mistake about it, the First Tier are the creators of Agenda 21. They get the corporate heads and the politicians to enforce their brand of Utopia, with the promise of salvation for these minions who play along. And many of these minions know exactly what is coming. For example, why do you think McCain can endure the condemnation (http://guardianlv.com/2014/01/john-mccain-arizona-maverick-senator-faces-censure/) of his own home-state Republican Party without blinking an eye? It is because he knows he’s working for a higher authority. McCain obviously believes that the life of he and his family are at stake as he throws caution to the wind. To McCain’s mindset, it is a matter of either serving the globalist monster, or perish.

McCain’s mindset would also explain the abject lunacy of Pelosi, Reed, Bachman, Graham and all the other out-of-touch Kool-Aid drinkers. Someone should point out to these “public servants” that history does not paint a kind picture for those who help to facilitate a tyrannical takeover of a government. Most minions usually get sacrificed along the way. Oh, by the way, John McCain told a town hall audience in Mesa, AZ., and clearly stated that he had never heard of Agenda 21. The purveyors of Agenda 21 and their minions are your worst enemy.

The Second Tier

In the Second Tier of America lies what is left of the middle class. Frequently, these Americans, are still able to keep their job with inflation-damaged salaries and are still trying to hold on to the outdated notion of the American dream.These people face the prospect of working second jobs and becoming bargain hunters when it comes to shopping. College student loans for their children, the soon-to-be-gone pensions and retirement accounts, as well as the increasing theft of their home mortgages constitute the increasing threats to their solvency.

God bless the Second Tier whose majority tries to embrace the pseudo-threat of climate change by conserving more and more. For example, the people of Arizona heeded the call of Arizona Public Service (APS) by adopting more “eco-friendly” solar technology and what did APS do as a result? They raised the electric rates because they claimed they lost money on all the solar technology adopted by the public which led to declining energy use. If this does not expose the fraud of Agenda 21, I do not know what does. We see the same silly mindset in the state of Washington, where the legislature wants to impose a 1.5 cent tax on every mile driven because the state is losing revenue due to the use of more fuel efficient cars. Same chapter, just a different verse.

Agenda 21 proponents will never let you catch up and prosper, no matter how many of their programs that you successfully embrace. The Agenda 21 system is pervasive and seeks to destroy the middle class at all costs.

Many of the second tier of America, still believe Obama when he says that economic recovery is right around the corner. So they keep drinking the KoolAid and work harder and harder while falling further behind the lifestyle once enjoyed by their parents.

Adding insult to injury, this second tier is being forced to support those who cannot/will not work crowd through higher taxes and regulatory fees. Eventually, every single one these people in the second tier will eventually slip into the Third Tier.

The Third Tier

The third tier has an interesting dynamic. Meet the welfare class. Many members of this class have been hopelessly conditioned to not take personal responsibility for their lives. For an excellent description of the psychological mindset for many in this social class, see Seligman’s experiments on acquired learned helplessness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness).

How many people have been kept in their place by the promise of food stamps and an Obama phone? Is there any social mobility arising out of the members of this social class? There is almost no social mobility, only misery. Once someone is on federal welfare, the chances of staying off are near zero. This is a great personal tragedy as many people in the Third Tier are robbed of their autonomy and self-determination. And this is just what the social planners want as they want us hopeless, helpless and totally dependent on their generosity.

The financial drain to support this growing class, now over 50% of the country, is breaking the backs of what is left of the middle class. Soon the remnants of the middle class will collapse and be absorbed by the Third Tier.

A New World Order

A two-class social structure is emerging in America. There are the hopelessly poor who do not riot - in exchange for basic life support services. And there will be the social class that hoards all resources in an attempt to control the populace.

This transformation will be completed when there are too few of the middle class to support the subsistence lifestyle of the Third Tier.

It is uncertain if the ultimate middle class collapse will come by a sudden chain of events like the ones we witnessed in 1929. Or, will the slide continue in the form of its barely perceptible but dramatic slide?

There is one thing that you can count on. Americans will reach a breaking point when subsistence payments to the Third Tier are greatly reduced. When these parents, who love their children no less than anyone else, cannot adequately feed them, there is going to be trouble in the American streets. Perhaps this is why DHS has acquired 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers.

If the “people” lose this war against the elite and we disintegrate into a society of haves and have-nots, we will indeed be living the American nightmare, Agenda 21 style.

Dave is an award winning psychology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach, a mental health counselor, a political activist and writer who has published dozens of editorials and articles in several publications such as Freedoms Phoenix (http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Front-Page.htm), News With Views (http://newswithviews.com/) and The Arizona Republic (http://www.azcentral.com/).

The Common Sense Show (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/) features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.

7th February 2014, 08:54 PM
Spingola today, ~82 mins:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.02.07 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/02/spingola-speaks-20140207.html)

Guest: Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh (http://ileanajohnson.com/). Dr. Paugh is an author, freelance writer and radio commentator. She is also a senior editor at Canada Free Press (http://canadafreepress.com/) where her articles (http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/members/1/Paugh/719) may be found. Her books, Echoes of Communism (http://www.amazon.com/dp/1456535080/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&tag=spingspeak-20), Liberty on Life Support (http://www.amazon.com/dp/147748308X/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&tag=spingspeak-20), and U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy (http://www.amazon.com/U-N-Agenda-21-Environmental-Piracy-ebook/dp/B009WC6JXO/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&tag=spingspeak-20)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/5zsb5k7c7j/Spingola.Speaks.Dr.Ileana.Johnson.Paugh.2014.02.07 .mp3)

mick silver
8th February 2014, 09:43 AM
back up pat

8th February 2014, 09:48 AM
I enjoy reading all those signs all over the place that call themselves "Private Property".....many comments about the law and yet none about those signs.....the heading of this thread is (incl: abolition of private property), it can be called that only if you hold the document "Land Patent".......otherwise is simply called "property"......the evidence? look at your yearly "property tax" it is not called
"Private Property Tax". You do not have to pay that tax.


20th February 2014, 11:06 AM
1h 23m:

Spingola Speaks 2014.02.12 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/02/spingola-speaks-20140212.html)

Guest: Beverly K. Eakman (http://www.beverlyeakman.com/index.php/about-bev), an educator, free-lance columnist, editor, writer, speaker and author of several books, her most recent and just released being, Push Back!: How to Take a Stand Against Groupthink, Bullies, Agitators, and Professional Manipulators (http://www.amazon.com/Push-Back-Groupthink-Professional-Manipulators-ebook/dp/B00EBO2DKG/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&tag=spingspeak-20).

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/lyzkxe662w/Spingola.Speaks.Beverly.K.Eakman.2014.02.12.mp3)

9th March 2014, 03:51 AM
Whistleblowers such as Deborah Tavares, Rosa Korie and Patrick Wood et al., have all been sounding the Agenda 21 alarm for a very long time. Yet, with each and every passing day, we see new stories which inch us toward the end point destination of total tyrannical control of our daily lives which will result in the loss of our fortunes.

Tavares on Rense Fri night, 43 mins:

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/ypsjuiw029/Rense.20140307.3of3.mp3) Hour 3 - Deborah Tavares - Globalists Closing In

her site: http://stopthecrime.net

9th March 2014, 06:15 AM
i don't know about devvy being a zio shill. she bitches about israel a lot of the times she's on rense.

9th March 2014, 08:18 AM
^ you surely meant to post that comment here? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?33073-zio-shill-Devvy-Kidd-Scary-Moozlemism-A-cancer-oozing-across-America) ;)

9th March 2014, 09:38 AM
man, i didn't even see that one. for the record, she REALLY hates mexicans.

21st April 2014, 07:06 PM
2 hour Jim Fetzer podcast, minus 20-some mins of breaks which are mostly Beatles songs:

Monday, April 14, 2014Susanne Posel (http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-agenda%2021.mp3)
^ mp3 link

Agenda 21 and Bundy Ranch confrontation
Posted by Total at 11:03 PM 55 comments: (http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2014/04/susanne-posel.html#comment-form)

30th October 2014, 07:05 PM
terrific 1 hour show here, defeating ICLEI strategies, delphi meetings, Bundy ranch story, more. Really articulate guest:

Sage Of Quay Radio Hour – Tom DeWeese – Agenda 21

(http://puremomentum.net/hosts-2/october/sage-of-quay-radio-hour-tom-deweese-agenda-21/)http://puremomentum.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sage-Tom-Deweese-David-Deese-Graphic2.jpg (http://puremomentum.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sage-Tom-Deweese-David-Deese-Graphic2.jpg)

Sage Of Quay Radio Hour

Hour 1 Mp3 Download (http://puremomentum.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sage-of-Quay-Radio-Tom-DeWeese-Agenda-21-The-Battle-for-Your-Property-Rights-Sept-2014.m4a)

About Your First Hour Guest

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.

A native of Ohio, he’s been a candidate for the Ohio Legislature, served as editor of two newspapers, and has owned several businesses since the age of 23. In 1989 Tom led the only privately-funded election-observation team to the Panamanian elections. In 2006 Tom was invited to Cambridge University to debate the issue of the United Nations before the Cambridge Union, a 200 year old debating society. Today he serves as Founder and President of the American Policy Center and editor of The DeWeese Report.

For 40 years Tom DeWeese has been a businessman, grassroots activist, writer and publisher. As such, he has always advocated a firm belief in man’s need to keep moving forward while protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

30th October 2014, 09:05 PM
Thats an A1 show there Pat.

For anyone who wants to start a grass roots effort against Agenda 21 and Eclie (?). good information on how it's done.

26th May 2015, 08:47 PM
couple hours podcast here, I forget :|~ but Patrick Wood has been a long time anti-A-21 speaker. This could also be dropped in the Commie/Rotten Core Edumakashun thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71931-Core-math-3-x-4-11), coz A21 & Commie Core are elements of the same big JWO picture, as are so many other ills in today's world. You'll need to endure host John B's distractingly bassy voice!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Caravan to Midnight: Patrick Wood - Technocracy Rising (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/05/caravan-to-midnight-patrick-wood.html)

http://libertygalaxy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/CTM-Logo-W-BG.png (http://libertygalaxy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/CTM-Logo-W-BG.png)

John B is joined by Patric wood to discuss 'Technocracy' - the new system of global governance currently being unveiled and its close ties with The Trilateral commission, the Rockefellers, Agenda 21 and the so called green economy.

Download Hour 1 (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/4z2bnlzs1w/C2M-250-2-Wood-3-18-15.mp3)

Download Hour 2 (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/am23ca44mc/C2M-250-3-Wood-3-18-15.mp3)

27th May 2015, 09:34 AM

11th August 2015, 04:49 PM
looks like another anti-A21 author making the rounds, message the same as Rosa Koire's; book even has a skeptical "green" word in the title; and guessing both ladies are jooowesses (Koire's face/shnoz and frequent eeevil nazi's refs; & this lady's face & name).

I don't know much about Dave Hodges; my limited experience says he's on the 'alarmist' side of the spectrum, and I browse his show archives (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/category/radio-archives/)to see, Steve Quayle (mega (false) alarmist!) is frequent guest! :D 1 hour:

Sheila Zilinsky&Dave Hodges- A Blockbuster Interview about the Agenda 21 Enslavement of America

10 Aug, 2015 by Dave Hodges (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/author/admindave/)
Print this article (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/08/10/sheila-zilinskydave-hodges-a-blockbuster-interview-about-the-agenda-21-enslavement-of-america/print) Font size - (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/08/10/sheila-zilinskydave-hodges-a-blockbuster-interview-about-the-agenda-21-enslavement-of-america/#font-size-down)16+ (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/08/10/sheila-zilinskydave-hodges-a-blockbuster-interview-about-the-agenda-21-enslavement-of-america/#font-size-up)

http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2014/08/CSS-Offical-New-Logo21-300x67.jpg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2014/08/CSS-Offical-New-Logo21.jpg)
http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2015/08/sheila-zilinsky-2.jpeg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2015/08/sheila-zilinsky-2.jpeg)
Sheila Zilinsky

Dave Hodges interviewed Sheila Zilinsky about her new book, The Green Gospel, in which describes a hellish Agenda 21 future based upon the false science/religion of climate change. This interview will make the hair on the back of your next stand up.

Listen to Dave Hodges and Sheila Zilinsky MP3 (http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/commonsenseshow/hr2080915.mp3)

26th January 2016, 08:49 AM
found @ Crazz Files:

The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded (http://www.naturalnews.com/051058_2030_Agenda_United_Nations_global_enslaveme nt.html)

Posted on January 23, 2016 by The Crazz Files (http://crazzfiles.com/author/adam/) in News (http://crazzfiles.com/category/news/) // 3 Comments


This week, Michael Snyder published an important article entitled The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/the-2030-agenda-this-month-the-un-launches-a-blueprint-for-a-new-world-order-with-the-help-of-the-pope).

That article references this UN “2030 Agenda” document (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld) that pushes a blueprint for so-called “sustainable development” around the world.

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet. The “goals” of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world’s most powerful globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont.

In the interests of helping wake up humanity, I’ve decided to translate the 17 points of this 2030 agenda so that readers everywhere can understand what this document is really calling for. To perform this translation, you have to understand how globalists disguise their monopolistic agendas in “feel good” language.

Here’s the point-by-point translation. Notice carefully that nowhere does this document state that “achieving human freedom” is one of its goals. Nor does it explain HOW these goals are to be achieved. As you’ll see here, every single point in this UN agenda is to be achieved through centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that resemble communism.

Translation of the UN’s “2030 Agenda blueprint for globalist government” (controlled by corporate interests)

Goal 1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Translation: Put everyone on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts that make them obedient slaves to global government. Never allow people upward mobility to help themselves. Instead, teach mass victimization and obedience to a government that provides monthly “allowance” money for basic essentials like food and medicine. Label it “ending poverty.”

Goal 2) End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Translation: Invade the entire planet with GMOs and Monsanto’s patented seeds while increasing the use of deadly herbicides under the false claim of “increased output” of food crops. Engineer genetically modified plants to boost specific vitamin chemicals while having no idea of the long-term consequences of genetic pollution or cross-species genetic experiments carried out openly in a fragile ecosystem.

Goal 3) Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Translation: Mandate 100+ vaccines for all children and adults at gunpoint, threatening parents with arrest and imprisonment if they refuse to cooperate. Push heavy medication use on children and teens while rolling out “screening” programs. Call mass medication “prevention” programs and claim they improve the health of citizens.

Goal 4) Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Translation: Push a false history and a dumbed-down education under “Common Core” education standards that produce obedient workers rather than independent thinkers. Never let people learn real history, or else they might realize they don’t want to repeat it.

Goal 5) Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Translation: Criminalize Christianity, marginalize heterosexuality, demonize males and promote the LGBT agenda everywhere. The real goal is never “equality” but rather the marginalization and shaming of anyone who expresses any male characteristics whatsoever. The ultimate goal is to feminize society, creating widespread acceptance of “gentle obedience” along with the self-weakening ideas of communal property and “sharing” everything. Because only male energy has the strength to rise up against oppression and fight for human rights, the suppression of male energy is key to keeping the population in a state of eternal acquiescence.

Goal 6) Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Translation: Allow powerful corporations to seize control of the world’s water supplies and charge monopoly prices to “build new water delivery infrastructure” that “ensures availability.”

Goal 7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Translation: Penalize coal, gas and oil while pushing doomed-to-fail “green” energy subsidies to brain-dead startups headed by friends of the White House who all go bankrupt in five years or less. The green startups make for impressive speeches and media coverage, but because these companies are led by corrupt idiots rather than capable entrepreneurs, they always go broke. (And the media hopes you don’t remember all the fanfare surrounding their original launch.)

Goal 8) Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Translation: Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages that bankrupt entire sectors of the economy. Force employers to meet hiring quotas of LGBT workers while mandating wage tiers under a centrally planned work economy dictated by the government. Destroy free market economics and deny permits and licenses to those companies that don’t obey government dictates.

Goal 9) Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Translation: Put nations into extreme debt with the World Bank, spending debt money to hire corrupt American corporations to build large-scale infrastructure projects that trap developing nations in an endless spiral of debt. See the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins to understand the details of how this scheme has been repeated countless times over the last several decades.

Goal 10) Reduce inequality within and among countries

Translation: Punish the rich, the entrepreneurs and the innovators, confiscating nearly all gains by those who choose to work and excel. Redistribute the confiscated wealth to the masses of non-working human parasites that feed off a productive economy while contributing nothing to it… all while screaming about “equality!”

Goal 11) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers. Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style “protected areas” which the government will claim are owned by “the People” even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy manipulation by government.

Goal 12) Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Translation: Begin levying punitive taxes on the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, forcing people to live under conditions of worsening standards of living that increasingly resemble Third World conditions. Use social influence campaigns in TV, movies and social media to shame people who use gasoline, water or electricity, establishing a social construct of ninnies and tattlers who rat out their neighbors in exchange for food credit rewards.

Goal 13) Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Translation: Set energy consumption quotas on each human being and start punishing or even criminalizing “lifestyle decisions” that exceed energy usage limits set by governments. Institute total surveillance of individuals in order to track and calculate their energy consumption. Penalize private vehicle ownership and force the masses onto public transit, where TSA grunts and facial recognition cameras can monitor and record the movement of every person in society, like a scene ripped right out of Minority Report.

Goal 14) Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Translation: Ban most ocean fishing, plunging the food supply into an extreme shortage and causing runaway food price inflation that puts even more people into economic desperation. Criminalize the operation of private fishing vessels and place all ocean fishing operations under the control of government central planning. Only allow favored corporations to conduct ocean fishing operations (and make this decision based entirely on which corporations give the most campaign contributions to corrupt lawmakers).

Goal 15) Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Translation: Roll out Agenda 21 and force humans off the land and into controlled cities. Criminalize private land ownership, including ranches and agricultural tracts. Tightly control all agriculture through a corporate-corrupted government bureaucracy whose policies are determined almost entirely by Monsanto while being rubber-stamped by the USDA. Ban woodstoves, rainwater collection and home gardening in order to criminalize self-reliance and force total dependence on government.

Goal 16) Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Translation: Grant legal immunity to illegal aliens and “protected” minority groups, which will be free to engage in any illegal activity — including openly calling for the mass murder of police officers — because they are the new protected class in society. “Inclusive institutions” means granting favorable tax structures and government grants to corporations that hire LGBT workers or whatever groups are currently in favor with the central planners in government. Use the IRS and other federal agencies to selectively punish unfavorable groups with punitive audits and regulatory harassment, all while ignoring the criminal activities of favored corporations that are friends of the political elite.

Goal 17) Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Translation: Enact global trade mandates that override national laws while granting unrestricted imperialism powers to companies like Monsanto, Dow Chemical, RJ Reynolds, Coca-Cola and Merck. Pass global trade pacts that bypass a nation’s lawmakers and override intellectual property laws to make sure the world’s most powerful corporations maintain total monopolies over drugs, seeds, chemicals and technology. Nullify national laws and demand total global obedience to trade agreements authored by powerful corporations and rubber-stamped by the UN.

Total enslavement of the planet by 2030

As the UN document says, “We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030.”

If you read the full document and can read beyond the fluffery and public relations phrases, you’ll quickly realize that this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion. Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected. Nor does it even acknowledge the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator. Even the so-called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” utterly denies individuals the right to self defense, the right to medical choice and the right to parental control over their own children.

The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme “sustainable development” and “equality.”

1984 has finally arrived. And of course it’s all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of “progress.”


http://www.naturalnews.com/051058_2030_Agenda_United_Nations_global_enslaveme nt.html

26th January 2016, 11:30 AM
1984 has finally arrived. And of course it’s all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of “progress.”

Blue helmets produce a nice contrast to red dot sites. Me thinks they'll make great targets to aim at from behind every blade of grass, every rock, every tree....

26th January 2016, 11:32 AM
things are going well -- off the land, and into depravity


1st March 2016, 03:32 AM
As usual, this Red Ice interview could be filed into many different subject threads. First free hour only.

http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2016/02/RIR-160229_small.jpg Sofia Smallstorm - Transformers: How Federal Grant Money is Buying You Globalism - Hour 1 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2016/02/RIR-160229.php)
Sofia Smallstorm - Transformers: How Federal Grant Money is Buying You Globalism - Hour 2 (http://www.redicemembers.com/memberscontent.php)
February 29, 2016

Sofia Smallstorm - Transformers: How Federal Grant Money is Buying You Globalism - Hour 1 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2016/02/RIR-160229.php)
February 29, 2016

Sofia Smallstorm is known for the documentaries “9/11 Mysteries” and “Unraveling Sandy Hook.” Sofia is also recognized for her research on the connections between geoengineering and synthetic biology.

Sofia joins us for a discussion about the federal grant money that is paving the way to America’s future under Agenda 21. In the first half, she explains how the United States of America, the federal government and Washington, DC were incorporated in 1871, creating a federal corporation franchise system that encompasses all cities, towns and local agencies. Sofia defines what it means to for local governments to accept grant money from and do contractual business with the federal government and how this essentially adds to its trillions of dollars of debt. Sofia says this borrowed money is paying for New World Order changes that are aimed at ushering in a new version of humanity, and the migrant floods taking place all over the West are just part of the plan to exchange its current populations for a more easily controlled mishmash of genderless, raceless cogs. Then, we discuss the militarization grants being awarded to cities and towns that agree to participate in active shooter drills, and how it is possible for our commercialized government to make decisions that are not representative of the peoples’ interests.

In the members’ half, Sofia gets into the huge debt that the UN is taking on to fund its own migrant invasion, and we look at how the load of this population replacement will be dumped on the people. We talk about projections of Africa’s population quadrupling, and the fact that migration to Europe is promoted there as a way to punish the evil colonialists, which contradicts the big lie that predominately White countries will be enriched through more diversity. Further, we consider how race mixing is being marketed and endorsed in the US, and how people are being programmed to accept a world reconfigured by gender bending chemicals. Sofia emphasizes the idea that our reproductive rights could someday be handled by the same government corporation that exploits humans for funds and resources through a little contract known as a birth certificate. As our conversation rounds off, we reflect on some of the problems we face as toxic overload is permanently altering the genetic components of humans, and how to balance the autonomic nervous system for optimal health.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2016/RIR-160229-sofiasmallstorm-hr1.mp3)

Relevant links

Smallstorm Blog (http://www.aboutthesky.com/smallstorm-blog)
aboutthesky.com (http://www.aboutthesky.com/)
anticorruptionsociety.com (http://anticorruptionsociety.com)
grants.gov (https://grants.gov)
Search Grants (http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html)
Who is twitter-luring refugees to Germany? (http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=35260)
'The biggest change of our time' is happening right now in Africa
Related programs
Sofia Smallstorm - Hour 1 - Bruce Jenner's Trans-formation & Terasem Transreligion (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/06/RIR-150605.php)
Sofia Smallstorm - Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life & Synthetic Biology (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/03/RIR-140319.php)
Sofia Smallstorm - Unraveling Sandy Hook & The Posthuman Society (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/02/RIR-140205.php)
Dave & Kim Dortch - Family Battles Police Harassment in Riverside County (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/10/RIR-141027.php)
Kim Dortch & Melody Kramer - Update on Dortch Family Battle with Riverside County Police


The Prisoner (Opening Sequence) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tra3Zi5ZWa0)

29th April 2016, 05:23 PM
BLM, National Monuments, Public lands and Military Industrial Complex
video is 24 minutes



29th April 2016, 05:39 PM
things are going well -- off the land, and into depravity


Good, let them congregate all in one place so we can keep an eye on them and they can stay the fuck off my land

29th April 2016, 05:52 PM
owning earth.... the sky is the limit, right, they show us why "property rights" can only be stretched so far.

The UN and the Oiligarchs Are Teaming Up to Take Over the Oceans


29th April 2016, 06:07 PM
From Dave Hodge's show August 2014:


29th April 2016, 06:22 PM
New BLACK Chemtrails Reported Worldwide



‘Belgian officials have grown so worried about the country’s nuclear power plants that the government has been advised to let everyone living within a 100-kilometer radius of the plants be issued with iodine pills. This is basically the entire population.

The recommendation was made by Health Minister Maggie De Block, who said the current legislation, which gives iodine pills to Belgians within a 20-kilometer radius, is inadequate and should be extended to 100 kilometers, according to La Libre daily.’

Read more: Iodine pills for all: Nuclear plant security worries prompt new Belgium health plan

1st May 2016, 08:03 PM
I couldn't find this posted using the search function:


The UNITED NATIONS/ATF Are Installing Spy Boxes Above Your House-The Strong Cities Network


What is in the box? If you
see one of these on your property hovering on a utility pole, you are not alone. This is going on all across America. Soon, as part of the Safe Cities Network (SCN), these invasive surveillance devices will be everywhere courtesy of America’s acquiescence to United Nations authority as carried out by the ATF.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch stated that:
“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration,” Lynch proclaimed for the United Nations SCN launch. “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

This quote by Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, is a thinly veiled announcement that Americans are going to be spied upon like never before because of the need to prevent the (artificially created) terror threat. It is an excuse for full frontal spying on the American people.

As of September 29, 2015, the Strong Cities Network was announced. It is described on the Strong Cities Network website (http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/launch-strong-cities-network-strengthen-community-resilience-against-violent-extremism) as “a global network of local authorities united in building resilience to prevent violent extremism.” And, again, to prevent “violent extremism”, one must preemptively spy upon all the population to prevent “terrorism”.

The SCN is global but it is also local. Ask yourself, why is the ATF putting surveillance boxes on top of utility power lines on private property without a court order (see the news story below)? Amazingly, the ATF states that they can basically do whatever they want, whenever they want. Legally, they are correct. The US Constitution is dead. This treaty that we entered into (SCN) supersedes all other arrangements. AND THIS WAS ALL DONE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE SENATE WHICH IS REQUIRED FOR ALL TREATIES.

The SCN and the Police State Surveillance Grid

The SCN fully admits to a program of dedicated spying on the population as part of the protocols related to the sharing of information, for the purposes of providing training to government officials, and a developing a platform for municipalities to make their communities “more secure”. There we go with that “trading liberty f0r security” nonsense! The SCN’s International Advisory Board is run by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a London based think-tank with ties to the defense ministries of Britain, Germany, and France. This means that foreigners will be spying on you as well as your own government.

“The SCN (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2015/10/10/scna-o10.html)is a part of a broader effort going under the name of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), developed by the Department of Homeland Security.”

The above paragraphs are a snap shot of the UN spying on Americans on a macro level. Below is what this program looks like on a micro level (i.e. you and your community).

Here Is What UN/ATF Spying Looks Like

From Phoenix ABC 15 NEWS

http://up.anv.bz/latest/anvload.html?key=eyJtIjoiU1BTIiwicCI6ImRlZmF1bHQiL CJ2IjoiNDU4MzcxIiwicGx1Z2lucyI6eyJkZnAiOnsiY2xpZW5 0U2lkZSI6eyJhZFRhZ1VybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9wdWJhZHMuZy5kb 3VibGVjbGljay5uZXQvZ2FtcGFkL2Fkcz9zej0xeDEwMDAmaXU 9LzYwODgvc3NwLktOWFYvbmV3cy8vcmVnaW9uX3Bob2VuaXhfb WV0cm8vL2NlbnRyYWxfcGhvZW5peC8vZGV0YWlsJmNpdV9zenM 9MzAweDI1MCZpbXBsPXMmZ2RmcF9yZXE9MSZlbnY9dnAmb3V0c HV0PXhtbF92YXN0MyZ1bnZpZXdlZF9wb3NpdGlvbl9zdGFydD0 xJnVybD1bcmVmZXJyZXJfdXJsXSZkZXNjcmlwdGlvbl91cmw9a HR0cDovL3d3dy5hYmMxNS5jb20vbmV3cy9yZWdpb24tcGhvZW5 peC1tZXRyby9jZW50cmFsLXBob2VuaXgvbXlzdGVyeS1zb2x2Z WQtYm94LW9uLXBob2VuaXgtdXRpbGl0eS1wb2xlLWJlbG9uZ3M tdG8tYXRmJmNvcnJlbGF0b3I9W3RpbWVzdGFtcF0mY3VzdF9wY XJhbXM9Zm5hbWU9bXlzdGVyeS1zb2x2ZWQtYm94LW9uLXBob2V uaXgtdXRpbGl0eS1wb2xlLWJlbG9uZ3MtdG8tYXRmJmt3PWNlb nRyYWxfcGhvZW5peCZrdz1waG9lbml4X21ldHJvJnRlbXA9NjA tNjkmb3JkPTIyNDIzOTEyMjYyMTUxNjgwMCJ9fSwicmVhbFRpb WVBbmFseXRpY3MiOnRydWV9LCJhbnZhY2siOiJhbnZhdG9fbWN wX3Nwc193ZWJfcHJvZF81NGJkYzkwZGQ2YmEyMTcxMGU5ZjcwN zQzMzgzNjViYmEyOGRhMzM2In0

The bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives came forward Thursday, admitting that a box spotted and removed from an SRP power pole (http://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/phoenix-man-says-hes-being-watched-by-mysterious-box) on 21st and Glendale avenues belonged to them and was part of an ongoing investigation.

ATF officials would not elaborate on the investigation and would not say if they were conducting surveillance in the area.

“I don’t feel safer,” said Brian Clegg, who called ABC15 about the box on the power pole behind his house.

Clegg was suspicious there could be cameras installed in the boxes but ATF would not confirm that.

“I feel that my privacy has been violated,” said Clegg. “It’s right behind my house.”
There are homes, a high school, an apartment complex and a strip mall in the area. The strip mall has a salon, pet grooming store, alterations business, ammunition store and a barber shop.
“It makes me feel like they’re up to something grimy,” said Kevin Moreno who is a manager at the barber shop.

SRP (utility company) tells ABC15 they had no idea the box was installed on their power pole. They said ATF has to notify them or work with them if they have an object on their property.
ATF tells ABC15 depending on the investigation and security they can put security measures in place without permission.

[Ed. Please note the ATF is admitting that this is for security (i.e. spying)].

They (ATF) say in this case they “acted within their bounds” but would not elaborate. (Ed. the “bounds means the UN Strong Cities Program agreed to by Attorney General Lynch.

Here is the TV report from ABC 15 in Phoenix


There is no question that the “power line incident” is about surveillance, but to what end? Please allow me the courtesy of some idle speculation. First, we know that the NSA is listening to every electronic communication. This program allow the criminal elite to listen to EVERY communication, electronic or otherwise. There is another more ominous feature and consideration. One must consider what the criminal elite will do with all this data? Consider the fact that the depopulation agenda, which is well publicized, may depend on the creation of a naughty or nice list. So if you look up and see an ATF/UN surveillance box above your house, make certain that you say nice things about climate change , free trade agreements and the sovereignty of corporations of over governments. Your life may depend upon it!

Please consider donating to The Common Sense Show (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/about/donate/)–CLICK http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2015/05/ad-sqmetals.jpgHERE (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/about/donate/)

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http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2015/12/sq-nazis.jpg (http://www.safetrek.com/index.php/empire-beneath-the-ice.html)

20th May 2016, 08:42 PM
34 mins

Max Bliss "Geo-Engineering Is Poisoning The Land & Will Force Us Into Super Cities. See Agenda 21!"
The Richie Allen Show 1,737 views
Published on May 19, 2016


23rd October 2016, 06:53 PM
Biosphere reserves in the United States


Biosphere Reserve Location Map - United States of America (http://www.unesco.org/mabdb/br/brdir/directory/contact.asp?code=USA)

23rd October 2016, 06:57 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/14721470_10206744946855288_8613905836417908407_n.j pg?oh=85a45959905fe5b1b51a740c144fd32d&oe=589A4D9B&__gda__=1487173025_eb20b5217ccdbc5cff3e266fd3225fc 8

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/14650340_10206744947135295_7414916108897879609_n.j pg?oh=8b619fdba5b244eeb312165971564a40&oe=58A3DC5C&__gda__=1486282342_f0c64548863a5bad476e48e38bf3e64 e

23rd October 2016, 08:40 PM
a21 sponsored conservation outfits are buying up bay front property in my hood - hundreds of acres at a time. they are WELL funded and full of deceit

26th October 2016, 06:12 PM
P.Timpone show 1 hr

Patrick Wood
Leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. Editor in Chief of Technocracy News

Patrick Wood is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.

patrick-woodWood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale.
An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core State Standards.
Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Technocracy, Transhumanism and Scientism, and how these are transforming global economics, politics and religion.
Visit Website

Show Highlights:
-What is technocracy? Who is behind it and when was the term first used?
-The science of social engineering
-Technocrats believe that the only source of truth is science
-Technology should be serving us instead of us serving it; it’s starting to enslave us
-China has started issuing a “social score” to it’s citizens
-What does sustainable development actually mean?
-Agenda 21 explained
-Are the technocrats the ones trying to keep Trump out of office?
-CERN and it’s agenda
and so much more!!!!

patrick wood, who’s running the world and where the bodies are buried, october 24, 2016
Download http://www.oneradionetwork2.com/mp3/health/challenges/10.24.16_woods_patrick.mp3

31st March 2017, 09:35 PM
Hagmann Report, haven't listened yet

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dia-FmMHUmA/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=67&sigh=S5x-oAOjbSMi0_nUYQSMH_PWFy4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dia-FmMHUmA) 1:53:03
Debbie Bacigalupi on Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 Updated 3/30/17 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dia-FmMHUmA)

8 hours ago

5th April 2017, 11:47 AM
How the West was lost Debbie Bacigalupi ~ Northwest Liberty News 43 minutes

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fv3hq3kvYbP8%2 Fmqdefault.jpg&f=1

How The West Was Lost - Debbie Bacigalupi speaking with k.Renee

(https://youtu.be/v3hq3kvYbP8)NorthWestLibertyNews (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCH7OUk52TlbS6Ise7mFBtoQ) 71 views

30th April 2017, 07:26 PM
An older video from 2011 - Behind the Green Mask U. N. Agenda 21 Rosa Koire 1 hour 43 minutes



29th November 2017, 09:12 AM
U.N. Back door land grab through public-private partnerships, new twist to an old Agend 21 goal?

UN using federal ‘public-private partnerships’ as backdoor for global policies (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/11/29/un-using-federal-public-private-partnerships-as-backdoor-for-global-policies/)


Extreme Greens (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/extreme-greens/),Government Run Amok (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/government-run-amok/),Human Rights (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/human-rights-3/) | November 29, 2017

The Outdoor Industry Association and NGOs love this as it benefits corporate greed and NGO agendas to lock up and control land. The Wilderness Society spells out just exactly what a recreation management area is, with all the restrictions, using the BLM as an example. Recreation Resource Management is already providing these types of services. What better way for businesses to incorporate their conservation goals into public land use than to be handed the keys for tourism?

Commentary by Karen Schumacher
The article, Recreation Advisory Committee for Public Lands (https://redoubtnews.com/2017/11/recreation-advisory-committee-lands/), shed a positive light on Sec. Zinke’s promotion of public-private-partnerships (PPP), giving the “motorized recreation industry a voice in the creation of public lands policy… that involve roads, trails and waterways on federally-controlled lands”. Sec. Zinke plans to accomplish this through his newly established Recreation Advisory Committee (https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary-zinke-announces-made-america-recreation-advisory-committee) (RAC). But there is a far greater, and more dangerous agenda with Zinke’s plan for corporate involvement in public land.

In 2014 (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/blue-ribbon-panel-energy-business-162000093.html), the Blue Ribbon Panel (http://www.fishwildlife.org/files/BRP-FAQ_expanded-updated_9-7-16.pdf) on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources (BRP (http://www.fishwildlife.org/files/TheBlueRibbonPanelonSustainingWildlife_BROCHURE.pd f)) was created by Bass Pro shop founder John Morris, and former Wyoming governor Dave Freudenthal. BRP (http://www.fishwildlife.org/index.php?section=afwa_press_releases&prrid=267) “represents the outdoor recreation retail and manufacturing sector, the energy and automotive industries, private landowners, educational institutions, conservation organizations, sportsmen’s groups and state fish and wildlife agencies.” One of their goals is “recommending a new funding (http://www.fishwildlife.org/files/BlueRibbonPanel_ShortReport.pdf) mechanism to support state fish and wildlife conservation to ensure the sustainability of all fish and wildlife for current and future generations.” “The Blue Ribbon Panel includes (http://www.fishwildlife.org/files/BlueRibbonPanel_ShortReport.pdf) 26 business and conservation leaders (http://www.fishwildlife.org/index.php?section=afwa_press_releases&prrid=267)” and “was convened to evaluate and recommend a more sustainable funding approach to avert a fish and wildlife conservation crisis.” Panel members (http://gemstatepatriot.com/blog/idaho-fish-game-evolving-corporatism/) include United Nations (UN) business (http://idahoansagainstagenda21.weebly.com/un-partners.html) partners (Toyota (https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/18815-Toyota-Gibraltar-Stockholdings-Ltd-), Shell (http://www.unfoundation.org/what-we-do/partners/corporations/shell.html)), UN non-governmental organizations (NGO) (NWF (http://esango.un.org/civilsociety/simpleSearch.do?method=search&searchTypeRedef=simpleSearch&sessionCheck=false&searchType=simpleSearch&organizationNamee=national+wildlife+federation&Submit=Go), AS (http://esango.un.org/civilsociety/showProfileDetail.do?method=showProfileDetails&profileCode=46574), NSSF (http://esango.un.org/civilsociety/showProfileDetail.do?method=showProfileDetails&profileCode=613214)), and other groups (https://www.greendecoys.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GreenDecoys_Update_April2015.compressed.pdf) funded by UN partners.

Corporations are not just interested in managing public land, they want to conserve land as well. Their involvement garnered another piece of legislation, H.R. 3400 (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr3400), called the Recreation Not Red-Tape Act. Among other things this bill would create a system of National Recreation Areas (RMA) managed specifically for recreation. A National Recreation Area is the counterpart to a designated wilderness area or national monument, an identified protected area for recreation (http://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/354326-congress-stick-up-for-outdoor-recreation-not-red-tape). The Outdoor Industry Association (https://outdoorindustry.org/article/7-ways-recreation-not-red-tape-act-will-help-outdoorists/) and NGOs (https://sierraclub.org/outings/sierra/rock-climbers-fight-for-public-lands-capitol-hill) love this as it benefits corporate greed and NGO agendas to lock up and control land. The Wilderness Society spells out just exactly what a recreation management area (https://wilderness.org/sites/default/files/TWS%20Guide%20to%20RMA%20Proposals.pdf) is, with all the restrictions, using the BLM as an example. Recreation Resource Management (http://recreationmanagers.com/) is already providing these types of services. What better way for businesses to incorporate their conservation goals into public land use than to be handed the keys for tourism? They will design where access will be, when, who, and how it can be used, just like an amusement park. The article, Will Zinke’s privatization plan improve national parks condition, accessibility (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/07/21/will-zinkes-privatization-plan-improve-national-parks-conditions-accessibility/)?, leads one to believe that privatization could lead to improvement of our national parks and our access to them. But what it really does is give corporate power to “design” our public land use, according to UN dictates, that land use must be “sustainable”, which means conserved and protected as much as possible.

PPPs are nothing more than an advancement of both Agenda 21 and 2030 (http://idahoansagainstagenda21.weebly.com/resources.html). Expanding on their tourism (http://www.gdrc.org/uem/eco-tour/agenda21_chapt4_para43.html) goals in the 2002 Johannesburg Plan (http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/documents/WSSD_POI_PD/English/WSSD_PlanImpl.pdf) of Implementation of Sustainable Development, in true technocratic fashion, the UN has broken tourism down into four categories (http://www.ecotourism.org/book/how-ecotourism-different-nature-tourism-sustainable-tourism-responsible-tourism), ecotourism (http://sdt.unwto.org/content/ecotourism-and-protected-areas), nature (http://sdt.unwto.org/content/ecotourism-and-protected-areas), sustainable (http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=57756#.WgnePnZryUk), and responsible (http://www.hindustantimes.com/travel/are-you-being-a-responsible-traveller-read-the-united-nations-manual-on-tourist-etiquette-to-find-out/story-ivcTyviSsMne6h7maKG8JN.html) tourism. UN business partners will force this UN ideology on us and Sec. Zinke has given the keys to his committee to do it. Using just one of his RAC members as an example, the American Recreation Coalition (ARC (http://www.funoutdoors.com/node/view/1227)) has international members, an Agenda 21 requirement for international involvement. Another member, AccessParks, will bring Wi-Fi (http://www.funoutdoors.com/node/view/3822) to our parks which accomplishes Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9.c (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/SDG9), “provide universal and affordable access to the Internet”.

The UN places great faith in PPPs for recreation and tourism as outlined on page 14 in this UN World Tourism Organization booklet (http://cf.cdn.unwto.org/sites/all/files/pdf/global_report_public_private_partnerships_v8.pdf), even going so far to claim that “eventually the government must rely on the private sector to deliver services to tourists.” Looks like Zinke is making it happen.

Agenda 2030 will have business partners use their 5Ps (https://www.tourism-watch.de/files/2030_agenda_internet_en_0.pdf) “as guiding themes…a frame of reference to design tourism in such a way that it can contribute to sustainable development.” One theme includes “Sustainable tourism…to reduce negative impacts on the environment, contribute to the conservation of biological diversity, actively protect terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and integrate climate protection.” This means corporations, to advance UN goals, will take over how you recreate on public lands. Sure, it will more accessible, but only in ways that will be sustainable. Your favorite, out of the way, camping spot will most likely be banned because it doesn’t conserve the biological diversity.

Chapter 7.20(e) (http://www.un-documents.net/a21-07.htm) of Agenda 21 promotes sound and culturally sensitive tourism programs, even writing about it in 1997 (https://www.e-unwto.org/doi/abs/10.18111/9789284403714.1). In Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/topics/sustainabletourism)) 8.9 (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg8) and 12.B (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg12), are targeted (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/topics/sustainabletourism) to “devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products”. Given UN business partnerships (http://idahoansagainstagenda21.weebly.com/un-partners.html) are driving us towards corporatism, this is the direction our government is taking us, placing the governance of public land into private business hands which will promote “sustainable” recreation while creating jobs and products, all in support of the UN SDGs. We are being robbed of our God-given right to use our land as we want to use it. It will be dictated to us. The federal government was designed by our Founding Fathers to represent “We the People”. Instead, the UN has made sure that all forms of our representation are removed, and we now have a government that turns representation over to UN cronies, corporations and NGOs.

PPP is one method being used to destroy the foundation of the United States with many other methodologies being implemented. It took some time but now the UN will have their hands on our public land use. It will only be a matter of time before you will see how using our public land will be transformed into an amusement park business where you will buy a ticket and be told what “sustainable services” will be available to you. There will be no more freedom to choose how you use public land, only what they decide to let you use, and how you use it.

Karen Schumacher is a Nurse Practitioner and has been studying the United Nations and ‘Agenda 21,’ and the ‘2030’ program for several years. A native Idahoan and daughter of a WWII veteran, her goal has been to educate others about the UN and its partnership with the federal government.

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25th June 2021, 07:06 AM
Ice Age Farmer shared on his Telegram that O’Biden’s Bureau of Land Management pick who is the 30x30 plan administrator is an advocate of population reduction.
Obama is the first President since Roosevelt who got a third term.

So, the woman (https://nypost.com/2021/06/24/biden-admin-pick-called-for-population-control-in-masters-thesis/) running Biden’s 30x30 plan to steal land from farmers in the name of Global Warming...

... is an open advocate of depopulation agendas and a literal eco-terrorist?

You can’t make this stuff up.


Biden land management pick called for population control in master’s thesis

President Biden’s pick to run the Bureau of Land Management (https://nypost.com/2021/06/21/former-obama-official-calls-on-biden-nominee-to-pull-out/) (BLM) argued in her graduate thesis nearly three decades ago that Americans should have no more than two children (https://nypost.com/2020/06/29/china-forces-birth-control-on-uighurs-to-suppress-population/) and claimed allowing livestock to graze on public land was “destroying the West.”

Tracy Stone-Manning was already under fire from Republicans for her links to a so-called “tree-spiking” operation to sabotage logging efforts in Idaho in the late 1980s. Stone-Manning eventually agreed to testify against two people involved in the eco-terrorist operation in exchange for immunity from prosecution.


13th July 2021, 10:14 AM
American Stewards of Liberty was originally Stewards of the Range first managed by E. Wayne Hage's daughter Margaret Hage Byfield. She and her husband reformed the Stewards of the Range into the non profit property rights protection organization, American Stewards of Liberty. They are among the organizations leading the fight against the unconstitutional federal theft of private property ownership. The American Stewards are located in Georgetown, Texas, the website is https://www.americanstewards.us

From American Stewards of Liberty:

The 30 x 30 Program is a plan advanced by the radical environmental activists to permanently protect 30% of America's land and oceans by 2030. The program was adopted by the Biden Administration through Executive Order 14008 "Tracking the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad" (86 Fed. Reg. 7,619) signed Jan. 27, 2021.

Proponents argue that climate impacts are human-caused, and and permanently preserving 30% of America's land and oceans is necessary to reverse climate change. This action must be taken immediately, they claim, to avoid impacts on the ecosystem and wildlife. However the science and data do not justify these extreme policy measures.

30 x 30 is an unconstitutional policy shift, moving us from a nation* founded on private property principles to one contolled by the administrative state

You can download their guide on the outline to fight the Biden administration's unconstitutional land grab:


*note to ziero0: I understand the United States of America is a federation of independent republican states, not a nation, That statement is the author's. ;)

13th July 2021, 11:09 AM
Recent letter from American Stewards on the 30 x 30 Plan I should have started a new thread in a sub forum where I can upload photos :(

American Stewards is being attacked by the communist left. They have filed a complaint against American Stewards alleging they are lobbying which is a violation of their 501(c)(3) status.





8th August 2021, 11:14 AM
What should be obvious to the average person, U.S. Senator says Biden’s 30 x 30 plan is a land grab scheme.




Published on Aug 5, 2021
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) called the Biden Administration's 30 by 30 conservation plan of being a "land grab."

21st April 2022, 11:51 AM
Guest column: Saving freedom, land rights (https://journalstar.com/opinion/columnists/guest-column-saving-freedom-land-rights/article_b1d44e2b-a4fa-5664-b959-463b9ae3698c.html)

[*=left]JAMES TAYLOR 13 hrs ago 3 (https://journalstar.com/opinion/columnists/guest-column-saving-freedom-land-rights/article_b1d44e2b-a4fa-5664-b959-463b9ae3698c.html?mode=comments)


James Taylor Heartland Institute

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The Biden administration is attempting to impose upon America a United Nations agenda to “conserve” at least 30% of each nation's land, primarily under government ownership or control, by the year 2030, supposedly to protect the environment.

Statements from leaders of the agenda suggest that number may then grow to 50% and then 70%. An American, pro-freedom public policy organization is hosting an summit in Lincoln Friday to oppose such a government land grab.

On April 19, the Journal Star published a guest column by Kyle Herrig (https://journalstar.com/opinion/columnists/guest-column-saving-land-livelihoods/article_671747f2-2b20-50da-b6dc-d3eea857a57e.html) trashing the organization – American Stewards of Liberty – and the summit. The guest column was personal in nature, nasty in tone and misleading in substance. As a speaker at the summit, I welcome the opportunity to respond to Herrig's column.

America is a nation of the people, by the people and for the people – not the government. Our nation will only remain free when individual people own and control the vast majority of the land, not the government. Moreover, individual Americans and local governments have proven much better stewards of our lands than the federal government. Government mismanagement of lands leading up to the Western U.S. wildfires in recent years illustrates that point.

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The American Stewards of Liberty chose Lincoln to host its “Stop 30x30” summit Friday because of Gov. Pete Ricketts’ leadership protecting Nebraskans and Americans from the 30x30 agenda. More than 200 people – primarily Nebraskans – have signed up to attend the summit. (https://click.mlsend.com/link/c/YT0xOTMzNTA3NTM1ODI2ODUyNjUzJmM9bjRuMSZlPTAmYj05NT k3Njc1OTImZD1sOXo3ejRz.CZeXN5zX5E7Fc8rzrBOIqZu5185 Lrdtn8czHzKFBGDo)

Herrig repeatedly disparages many of the Americans who will be speaking at the conference as "out-of-staters." This is surprising and inconsistent with the Nebraska I know. When I was growing up in the Nebraska border town of Sioux City, Iowa, I knew Nebraskans as a distinctively kind and welcoming people.

The Nebraska I know would graciously welcome fellow Americans to come visit Nebraska and host a conference here, not insult and disparage them for doing so. It is ironic that Herrig, who lives in Washington, D.C., and works for a Washington leftist political organization, seems to forget what it means to be a Nebraskan.

Herrig accuses American Stewards of Liberty of "lying," and being "grifters suckering local governments that can least afford it out of hundreds of thousands of tax dollars." Looking past Herrig's decidedly un-Nebraska-like personal nastiness, Herrig is the one who lies in his accusations and supports grifters sucking local governments dry.

Herrig claims there will be "mass extinctions" if government does not take control of "at least 30% of the Earth's lands and waters by 2030." Such a statement is hardly widely accepted science. Herrig also advocates the "30% by 2030" narrative without mentioning that the United Nations and lead figures in his movement say that 30% should be only the beginning. They advocate 50% by 2050 and an eventual 70% government control of all land. Not disclosing this is clearly a lie of omission.

Herrig claims American Stewards of Liberty "pays 94% of its revenue as salary to its husband-wife executive duo ... with more than $700,000 coming from local taxpayers living in counties that often have trouble coming up with the resources to pay for critical services." However, public records show American Stewards for Liberty typically has total annual revenue of between $250,000 and $500,000, not $700,000.

Moreover, public records show the husband-wife duo work full-time for a cumulative salary of less than $200,000. In only two years has the husband-wife team’s under-$200,000 total salary (an average of less than $100,000 apiece) approached anything close to 94% of the organization’s annual funding. Herrig should stick to the 30x30 issues rather than engage in unprovoked and disingenuous character assassination.

While accusing pro-freedom advocates of being "grifters suckering local governments," Herrig neglects to mention that he and his organization advocate for wind and solar power subsidies, which already dwarf the subsidies given to conventional energy generation.

Nebraskans – rather than the United Nations, the Biden administration, or leftist political organizations – deserve to own and control their own land. That’s what makes America America. All of the personal attacks and false assertions told by Washington, D.C.’s Kyle Herrig will never change that.

James Taylor is a native of Sioux City and president of the Heartland Institute

21st October 2023, 11:12 AM
This report is from E. Wayne Hage’s daughter Margret Byfield and her husband’s enterprise. Formerely it was Stewards of the Range, now is American Stewards of Liberty.

No Farmers No Food

This in depth report describes the future the Biden Administration has planned for you.
My personal feelings is this was pushed through by Obama and Valery Jerrot.

Undoubtedly The Gates Foundation and the WEF are the primary culprits. It will not be limited to the USA.

SEC Poised to Authorize “Natural Asset Companies”

Posted on October 20, 2023 (https://americanstewards.us/sec-poised-to-authorize-natural-asset-companies/) by admin (https://americanstewards.us/author/admin/)

SEC Poised to Authorize “Natural Asset Companies”

October 4, 2023, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a proposed rule to approve the creation of a new investment vehicle, the “Natural Asset Company (NAC).” (88 Fed. Reg. 68811 (Oct. 4, 2023)) This new vehicle was created by the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) in partnership with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

The IEG was founded by the Rockefeller Foundation with supporting partners including international environmental organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund.

The purpose for this new investment product is to provide a vehicle for elite investors and governments to profit from the protection of natural resources created by climate crisis policies. It is why these same proponents have been calling for the permanent protection of at least 30 percent of the world’s land and oceans by 2023 – the 30×30 agenda. These same actors are also pushing the net zero and decarbonization policies.
Their objective is not the conservation of the land. They seek total political and financial control of the world’s natural resources particularly in the United States.

Download Briefing Paper PDF (https://americanstewards.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/10-23-SEC-NA-Backgrounder.pdf)


Proposed Rule Authorizes Federal Lands, Including National Parks, to be Enrolled into NACs.
Proposed Rule Gives “Management Authority” to the NAC.
The Biden Administration is Preparing to Enroll the Federal Lands into NACs.
Proposed Rule Invites Foreign Interests to Invest in an NAC.
Land Trusts can Enroll Conservation Easements without Landowner’s Permission.
Exclusive Rights to Natural Processes will be Monetized and Assigned to NACs.
Protection of the Resources is Prioritized over Human Flourishing.

SEC Proposed Rule Change To Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual To Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/10/04/2023-22041/self-regulatory-organizations-new-york-stock-exchange-llc-notice-of-filing-of-proposed-rule-change)

The Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) claims the new natural asset economy will be a $5000 Trillion economy, four times larger than today’s economy, which is $105 Trillion. This is because they are creating an entirely new set of values — quantifying and monetizing “natural processes” and “ecosystem services” which every human being must have to live, and no one has a right to own. They are quite literally attempting to profit from, and control, the air we breathe.

They state that it is the act of protecting the resources, thereby increasing ecosystems services from nature, that will give the NAC its value and the shareholders an investment return. It is not the production of traditional consumer goods. In fact, they specifically prohibit an NAC from engaging in “unsustainable extractive activities.”

Three categories of lands make up a NAC: Natural (protected), Working (some productive uses highly regulated) and Hybrid (a mix of Natural and Working). They state that the investment return will come from “ecotourism revenue or carbon credit sales on natural lands and commodity crop production on working lands.” (IEG Website)
Ultimately, the NACs must hold rights to fixed assets such as land, water, conservation easements, federal protected lands, and crops to offer exclusive rights to the intrinsic elements they claim will be produced by protecting the area.

With the issuance of this proposed rule the SEC is approving the final step necessary to rob the American people of their property and natural rights.

1. The Proposed Rule Authorizes Federal Lands, Including National Parks, to be Enrolled into the NAC.

The SEC rule defines a Natural Asset Company as follows:
“NACs will be corporations that hold the rights to the ecological performance (i.e., the value of natural assets and production of ecosystem services) produced by natural or working areas, such as national reserves or large-scale farmlands, and have the authority to manage the areas for conservation, restoration, or sustainable management. These rights can be licensed like other rights, including ‘‘run with the land’’ rights (such as mineral rights, water rights, or air rights), and NACs are expected to license these rights from sovereign nations or private landowners.” (Fed. Reg. Vol. 88, No. 191, 10/4/2023, page 68812)

Exhibit 3 of the SEC proposed rule is the IEG “Ecological Performance Reporting Framework,” which describes how NACs are to be created, measured, valued and reported for investment purposes. The Framework states:

“These assets can be areas that are publicly owned, such as a national park, or tracts of privately owned property held by individuals or corporations.” (IEG Framework, SEC Proposed Rule Exhibit 3, page 7)

The IEG Website describes the ability to enroll federal land assets into NACs as:
“… a transformational solution whereby natural ecosystems are not simply a cost to manage, but rather, an investible productive asset which provides financial capital and a source of wealth for governments and its citizens.”

Another type of publicly owned land that can be enrolled in an NAC is a “conservation lease.” The Bureau of Land Management has recently issued a proposed rule that would prioritize “conservation” over the “multiple-uses” on the federal lands it manages. The rule also creates a new process whereby the agency can issue “conservation leases” that exclude other multiple-uses from those lands, and can therefore be enrolled into an NAC.
2. The Proposed Rule Gives “Management Authority” to the NAC.

The proposed rule gives the NAC corporate board “management authority” over all the assets within the NAC. This includes those federal lands providing the asset base for the NAC. This raises a fundamental constitutional question: How can a private investment company have management authority over federal lands Congress has the exclusive Constitutional authority to manage — authority it has delegated to the land management agencies?

Nevertheless, the SEC is authorizing this action. The plain language of the SEC proposed rule gives the private investment company management authority over the “ecological performance” of the enrolled federal natural assets. This authority is baked into the NAC’s definition set forth in the proposed rules.

“Natural Asset Companies (NACs) — Corporations that hold the rights to the ecological performance of a defined area and have the authority to manage the areas for conservation, restoration, or sustainable management.” (Fed. Reg. Vol. 88, No. 191, 10/4/2023, page 68814)

This definition makes clear that not only will the NAC have the controlling management authority over the assets, but that this must be carried out to ensure the assets are conserved and sustainably used. This eliminates any productive uses necessary for human flourishing.

The SEC Proposed Rule defines “Ecological Performance Rights” as follows:
“The rights to the value of natural assets and the production or ecosystem services in a designated area, including the authority to manage the area. These rights are granted to a NAC, from a natural asset owner, as provided through a license agreement.” (Fed. Reg. Vol. 88, No. 191, 10/4/2023, page 68813)

This management authority also extends to the private lands, conservation easements, and State lands. It is extended to all the assets controlled by the NAC.

3. The Biden Administration is Preparing to Enroll the Federal Lands into NACs.

The IEG Framework will be using the “natural capital accounting standards established in the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting— Ecosystem Accounting Framework (‘‘SEEA EA’’).” This is the only system that has placed a value on natural processes and ecosystem services. According to the IEG document, over 90 countries have signed on to use SEEA to “measure and track natural assets, including the United States.”

The Biden Administration released the “National Strategy to Develop Statistics for Environmental Economic Decisions” in January of 2023. They are creating “Natural Capital Accounts (NACs)” to track the intrinsic values of nature and place these alongside traditional assets on the federal balance sheet.

The report describes the purpose as follows:

“It creates a U.S. system to account for natural assets—from the minerals that power our tech economy and are driving the electric-vehicle revolution, to the ocean and rivers that support our fishing industry, to the forests that clean our air—and quantify the immense value this natural capital provides. This National Strategy will help us understand and consistently track changes in the condition and economic value of land, water, air, and other natural assets. It will also help the federal government fulfill its responsibility to the American people to provide a fuller understanding of our economy. And it will provide data to guide the federal government and the economy through the transition we need for sustainable growth and development, a stable climate, and a healthy planet.” (Report Introduction)

Along with adopting the UN accounting system, the Biden Administration has been gathering data on every natural element and process. The American Conservation and Stewardship Atlas initiated under 30×30 is quantifying the natural resources and their protected status. The recent USDA farm survey required landowners to provide more information about their operations than ever before. Failing to do so would be a violation of law.

They are collecting data about the natural assets, natural processes, and ecosystem services for a reason — to establish these assets to be used as collateral to increase the national debt, as new vehicles to tax the American people, and as the asset base for an investment product.

Additionally, the land management agencies are clearing the way for our federal lands to be included in the private investment product. As mentioned above, the BLM’s proposed “conservation” rule would position these lands to be enrolled in NACs.

As the Biden Administration revises the numerous federal resource management plans that govern the federal holdings, they are eliminating the productive uses and increasing the protected areas. This will make these lands eligible for enrollment into NACs.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is creating large “Conservation Areas” around National Wildlife Refuges, where the private land is targeted for acquisition and conservation easements in perpetuity. Most recently, they announced the creation of a 5.8-million-acre conservation area in Montana: The Missouri Headwaters Conservation Area. This was done without the knowledge of the State, even though 500,000 acres of State land and over two million acres of private land are included within the designated area.

The IEG website uses the example of “conservation areas” to describe how an NAC can be created in “Hybrid Areas” where there is a mix of protected and working lands, as well as small communities within the companies boundaries.

All the Biden Administration actions are being carried out for the purpose of conserving, restoring and sustainably managing the lands — the same objectives necessary for the formation of Natural Asset Companies.

4. The SEC Proposed Rule Invites Foreign Interests to Invest in an NAC.
It appears that adversarial countries, such as China, can own shares in NACs that hold the rights to our federal lands and profit from its protection while controlling how we use these lands.

Exhibit 5 of the SEC proposed rule is the manual language that will be adopted by the New York Stock Exchange authorizing the listing of NACs. At section 103.00 “Foreign Private Issuers,” it states: “The Exchange welcomes listing inquiries from foreign private issuers.”

This gives foreign investors permission to hold shares in or create an NAC. Importantly, however, there is nothing in the rule, the NYSE manual language, or the IEG Framework that prohibits foreign nations from also holding shares in or creating an NAC. The SEC should make clear whether or not foreign governments can invest in these companies.

5. Land Trusts can Enroll Conservation Easements without Landowner’s Permission.
The conservation easements held by Environmental and Agriculture Land Trusts, as well as Federal Agencies, can be enrolled into the NAC with or without the landowner’s permission. They stand to gain a huge profit off the backs of America’s landowners.

This includes the federal conservation easements such as the Wetlands Reserve Program and the Agriculture Conservation Easement Program funded through the Farm Bill.

6. Exclusive Rights to Natural Processes will be Monetized and Assigned to NAC’s.
Natural processes such as clean air, clean water, ecosystem services and other natural functions — those essential processes that are required by every human to live — are being arbitrarily monetized and the exclusive rights to these are being assigned to the NACs.

The IEG Framework states:
“Natural assets like forests, wetlands, or grasslands, provide a wealth of goods and services to people that not only sustain economic activity but that make life on Earth possible. These goods and services are called ecosystem services and include benefits such as clean air, water, productive soils for agriculture, food, climate stability, habitat for wildlife, genetic materials, medicines, and food.” (Exhibit 3, IEG Framework, page 2)

7. Protection of the Resources is Prioritized over Human Flourishing
The purpose of the NACs are to conserve, restore and sustainably manage the natural assets that make up the corporation. The IEG Website goes further to explain that protecting the resources is more important than securing human wellbeing.

“Yet producing these essential goods and services and managing resources wisely is as valuable, or perhaps even more valuable, than the food production.”

Not only is protection of the land placed above producing food for society, extractive uses are specifically prohibited. Exhibit 5, the NYSE Manual Amendment reads:
“The NAC will be prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly in unsustainable activities. These are defined as activities that cause any material adverse impact on the condition of the natural assets under its control, and that extract resources without replenishing them (including, but not limited to, traditional fossil fuel development, mining, unsustainable logging, or perpetuating industrial agriculture). The NAC will be prohibited from using its funds to finance such unsustainable activities.” (Fed. Reg. Vol. 88, No. 191, 10/4/2023, page 68814)

1. Share this briefing with your local, State and Federal Elected Representatives. There will be letters in the US House and Senate for Members to sign to oppose the proposed Rule. The Senate Letter is being lead by Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE).
2. Submit your comment to the SEC Proposed Rule here: https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-nyse-2023-09/notice-filing-proposed-rule-change-amend-nyse-listed-company-manual-adopt#no-back

The SEC Proposed Rule and Exhibits: https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/sr-nyse-2023-09
The Intrinsic Exchange Group Website: https://www.intrinsicexchange.com/
The New York Stock Exchange Announcement: https://www.nyse.com/introducing-natural-asset-companies
National Strategy to Develop Environmental Economic Statistics: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Natural-Capital-Accounting-Strategy-final.pdf
Article, “Monetizing the Air we Breathe:” https://americanstewards.us/natural-assets-monetizing-the-air-we-breathe/

22nd October 2023, 03:58 AM
What you create you get to control.

You create a social security system you get to write the rules.

You create cancer (AMA) you get to control who gets it.

You create COVID you get to come up with the rules for avoiding it.

I could go on but you get the point. People control other people by creating rules for things they control.

UN created Agenda 21. Only the UN can establish rules. But who created the UN? Who is the authority behind it? You may not be able to question whether the UN exists but you can force the authority behind it to prove their authority. Likely you will find no authority will fess up.

Your authority to do this? It is called the Rule Against Perpetuities. This is a universal rule and applies to anything you or anyone else might create. The 'authority' dies eventually. Their creations have 21 years 9 months more to exist. If they are around for longer than this they are allowed to exist only as charitable trusts.

Many of the things that you think of in real terms are mere charitable trusts. Even Agenda 21.

This is the view from Flat Earth Columbus view that he can sail a globe is ....you guessed it ...a Charitable Trust.