View Full Version : 10 hidden hazards in your home

9th September 2010, 09:02 AM
By C. Jeanne Heida, Associated Content

Buying a first home is an exciting time for many of us. That pride of home ownership plus the freedom of decorating however we'd like is a liberating feeling. Once you own a home, there's no more worrying about the landlord and whether you can paint that ugly pink kitchen, hang new curtains, or (gasp!) put nails in the walls.
Home ownership does come with a different set of worries, unfortunately. Unlike a rental where the landlord takes care of regular maintenance issues, keeping a house safe from hidden threats is a homeowner's responsibility. Here are just a few of the hidden threats we've uncovered in our home over the years; the list might surprise you.

1. Clogged dryer exhaust ducts. Dryer lint will catch fire very easily, which is why regular vacuuming of the dryer's exhaust system is a must. What many people aren't aware of is that dryer lint can also accumulate and possibly ignite in the exhaust ducting under the floors or behind the walls. To remove lint buildup in these ducts, a DIY dryer duct cleaning kit can help clean those hard-to-reach areas.

2. Dirty chimneys. It wasn't until our chimney flue exploded in flames that we learned how important it was to have chimneys cleaned out at least once a year. Burning wood in the fireplace releases a black, tarry substance called "creosote" which sticks to the chimney walls. If the creosote is allowed to build up, a floating ember is all it takes to set off a fire.

3. Mice droppings. If your new home is an older home or one that has been vacant for awhile, be extra careful when sweeping out piles of mice poop. Deer mice droppings can transmit the deadly disease known as Hantavirus which is breathed in along with all that stirred up dust. To avoid exposure to Hantavirus, wear latex gloves and a HEPA face mask, and wet down the floor before cleaning.

4. Water heaters. Water heaters are usually set to high temperatures so that a family can enjoy plenty of hot water. Those higher temperatures can also cause accidental burns, especially in young children. Lowering the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees will prevent scalding burns and lower energy costs as well.

5. Lead paint. Back in the "old days", some types of household paint contained lead for extra sheen. For homeowners, sanding and scraping off this old paint can generate lots of lead-tainted dust which is both an environmental and health hazard. If your new home was built before the 1970s, check with your city's Hazardous Waste office first to learn the safe way to prep an old house for a new paint job.

6. Radon gas. One out of 15 homes in the United States has high levels of cancer causing radioactive Radon gas which originates from the uranium found naturally in the soil. Testing for Radon is something you can do with a DIY testing kit. Fixing the problem however is best left to the professionals.

7. Bad DIY wiring. When we had the wiring updated in our home several years ago, the electrician discovered that an early owner had wired the house himself, using braided cloth extension cords. Before buying an older home, a home inspection by a certified inspector will catch a so-not-to-code wiring job and other unsafe DIY improvements.

8. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and flammable gas that is poisonous to humans and their pets. CO gas can build up from a faulty gas furnace or oven, a camp stove or even a chimney. Fixing the escape of CO gas into your home is a job for the professionals, but an easy (and cheap) DIY task for a home owner is to install CO alarms throughout the home.

9. Icicle buildup on the eaves. If you are a southerner that has recently moved to the cold north, icicle buildup is one of those hidden hazards that people don't often think about. Melting icicles can drop from the eaves and cosh anyone who happens to be standing around. To avoid injury from dropping icicles, it's best to knock these things off with a shovel first even though they look pretty cool.

10. Squirrels. Attic dwelling squirrels love to nibble away at all that yummy electrical insulation which increases the risk of home fires. To prevent squirrels from entering your attic, check the roof and eaves periodically for signs of gnawing. Open areas should be repaired with a bit of steel mesh after the squirrel has been trapped.


Saul Mine
9th September 2010, 12:43 PM
A lot of manufactured houses (AKA trailer houses or double wides) were wired with aluminum wiring. Aluminum is ok as long as it works. The difficulty is that copper oxide conducts and aluminum oxide doesn't. So if a joint oxidizes you have an intermittent connection, and that can get hot and then the aluminum can burn. Your first clue is a flickering light. That is your sign that it's time to replace that circuit with copper wires.

Joe King
9th September 2010, 10:52 PM
In #4 they say 120 degrees, but that's not nearly hot enough to make sure bacteria can't survive.

To reduce the risk of burns from hot tap water, the temperature setting on the water heater can be turned down. But if the temperature is set too low, bacteria may begin to grow in the tank. Even at 60 °C – the setting on most electric water heaters – an estimated 25% of all water heaters are contaminated by legionella bacteria (http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/03/turning-down-water-heater-safe.php).

As for the kids? Ask more of them.
i.e. expect them to learn how to work both knobs on the sink. After all, it's not rocket science.

Saul Mine
10th September 2010, 01:58 AM
In #4 they say 120 degrees, but that's not nearly hot enough to make sure bacteria can't survive.

A very common problem with well water is black stinky stuff in the hot water. It's caused by bacteria living somewhere in the hot water supply. A quick easy way to stop that is to change the temp of the water heater, up or down. They live in a fairly narrow range of temperatures. Another way is to open the tank and pour in a couple pints of hydrogen peroxide.

A water heater is not a sterilizer. There are plenty of microbes that can survive at temperatures above boiling. If you want to kill things you need fancy equipment with ultraviolet lights.

Joe King
10th September 2010, 01:23 PM
In #4 they say 120 degrees, but that's not nearly hot enough to make sure bacteria can't survive.

A very common problem with well water is black stinky stuff in the hot water. It's caused by bacteria living somewhere in the hot water supply. A quick easy way to stop that is to change the temp of the water heater, up or down. They live in a fairly narrow range of temperatures. Another way is to open the tank and pour in a couple pints of hydrogen peroxide.

A water heater is not a sterilizer. There are plenty of microbes that can survive at temperatures above boiling. If you want to kill things you need fancy equipment with ultraviolet lights.
I realize it's not a sterilizer, but hotter is still better. It'll kill the stuff that causes Legionares disease. That bacteria thrives below 122F.
120F is just too cold.

13th September 2010, 05:52 PM
In #4 they say 120 degrees, but that's not nearly hot enough to make sure bacteria can't survive.

Water hot enough to kill bacteria is hot enough to kill cells in your skin.

SOAP is what gets rid of bacteria, not warm/hot water.

13th September 2010, 05:54 PM
Bacteria can be killed without soap, the friction itself when washing your hands will kill bacteria.

And the sky is not blue !

Just being hateful ;D

13th September 2010, 05:57 PM
Bacteria can be killed without soap, the friction itself when washing your hands will kill bacteria.

Zap next time you go see a doctor say that to him/her
and watch their face when you do..


Joe King
14th September 2010, 11:06 PM
In #4 they say 120 degrees, but that's not nearly hot enough to make sure bacteria can't survive.

Water hot enough to kill bacteria is hot enough to kill cells in your skin.
Not that it matters anymore, but that's just not true for the bacteria in question.
Besides, as long as the time it takes a particular temperature of water to actually transfer enough heat to cause damage is greater than your reaction time, you can't really get burned by it.
Unless of course you happen to be a masochist.

SOAP is what gets rid of bacteria, not warm/hot water.
Yes, soap can kill bacteria on skin, but the kind we're talking about is in the water and can be inhaled while taking a shower. So unless you wash out your mouth with soap, and you may, it can still get you.
You'll also need to wash out your nose and throat. Lungs too. Because the whole time you're in a shower you're breathing water vapor and if it contains dangerous bacteria, you'll get it all up inside you.

Also, for people who have families, a higher temp will make the hot water last longer as each person will use less of it.