View Full Version : If the muzzies didn't do 9/11 then why don't they say that?
General of Darkness
9th September 2010, 06:50 PM
I'm pretty positive that 9/11 was inside job by the CIA, MOSSAD, and MI6, BUT if that's true why don't the muzzies say it WASN'T THEM?
My only assumption I can make is that it's in their interest not too.
Why would it be in their interest not too.
1 - Middle East wars drive up oil prices, good for them.
2 - They like the idea of the NWO. Makes sense, their princes etc are educated in England AKA NWO Central
3 - Refugees end up being relocated in white lands, leaving less hands to feed etc
Any thoughts about this?
9th September 2010, 07:06 PM
General? the same way that we had the Commies we now have the "muzzies", if for nothing else to keep the fire hot.........the end page is that the Zionists wants the world to fight the Muslims for them and then as usual they will "appear" to have clean hands.
9th September 2010, 07:17 PM
I'm pretty positive that 9/11 was inside job by the CIA, MOSSAD, and MI6, BUT if that's true why don't the muzzies say it WASN'T THEM?
My only assumption I can make is that it's in their interest not too.
Why would it be in their interest not too.
1 - Middle East wars drive up oil prices, good for them.
2 - They like the idea of the NWO. Makes sense, their princes etc are educated in England AKA NWO Central
3 - Refugees end up being relocated in white lands, leaving less hands to feed etc
Any thoughts about this?
They really arent a very creative bunch anymore, although in the early middle ages they were smart enough to improve on pre existing technology,like math.I doubt they actually masterminded it,but I come from the belief there were aircraft involved and people did die on the planes. I believe Muslims did hijack them, and buildings were damaged, but finished off from other means.BUT I believe the puppet masters were Mossad, working through them to cause the direct involvement of US power into the Mid east.
This has been done before, as in the 50s when Mossad planted bombs in Egypt,in the US embassy, to make US citizens the Arabs were their enemy, and that the US would support, Israel, They got caught that time as they went off early, and Egypt had the proof. another example is the Young Turks (Jews) of the Ottoman empire, orchestrated various false flags to provide the massacre of Christian Armenians and paid Princip for his task against Austrian Archduke .
9th September 2010, 07:49 PM
another "crickets" thread,Thanks anyway general for a good post. It appears the Mob doesnt want to hear anything that insults the Pedophile (PBUH)
9th September 2010, 08:00 PM
Any thoughts about this?
Yes, you're probably right on all three counts.
That and it's just another one of the many symptom issues. The JFK thing was still more important, it may have been that he was actually trying to do something with his "secret societies" address to the nation, and the silver certs. What's certain is that if the towers were still here standing, they wouldn't be doing anything of the sort.
9th September 2010, 08:03 PM
The Arabs are just as infiltrated and subverted as we are. They probably believe their more extreme brethren did 9-11, just as the donmeh media tells them.
9th September 2010, 08:05 PM
They want the street cred.
9th September 2010, 08:11 PM
Seriously though, I don't think most arabs really know what the hell happened and how much credibility are they gonna have if they say "we didn't do it" if they blamed mossad how many people do you think would listen?
9th September 2010, 08:31 PM
There is no evidence, nor reason to believe, that Muslims did not willingly participate. Most of them are inherently stupid; after all, they subscribe to Islam.
Towelheads tried to blow up the WTC in 1993, using ineffective means. The Mossad and/or CIA likely hooked up with some of them and said, "let's help you do it right this time."
What we can be sure of is that they didn't do 9/11 all by their lonesome. American "intelligence community" involvement, and likely major support/organization from the Mossad and Aman, are certain. Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman was/has been a willing Muslim thug in the pay of the CIA for decades.
Perhaps, however, the question we should be asking is not, "did Muslims do 9/11?" but rather, "would Muslims have done 9/11 if they could?"
The unequivocal answer obvious to all but the insane is YES.
9th September 2010, 08:31 PM
Seriously though, I don't think most arabs really know what the hell happened and how much credibility are they gonna have if they say "we didn't do it" if they blamed mossad how many people do you think would listen?
Screw the Arabs. How many Americans really know what happened?
9th September 2010, 08:32 PM
the Pedophile (PBUH)
PBUH = Piss be upon him.
General of Darkness
9th September 2010, 08:33 PM
Seriously though, I don't think most arabs really know what the hell happened and how much credibility are they gonna have if they say "we didn't do it" if they blamed mossad how many people do you think would listen?
Come on Nordic. If Saudi Arabia said, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, and we know they weren't involved. You don't think people would take note? They would, and the point that I'm trying to make is that their Princes etc are in on the scam.
9th September 2010, 08:36 PM
Seriously though, I don't think most arabs really know what the hell happened and how much credibility are they gonna have if they say "we didn't do it" if they blamed mossad how many people do you think would listen?
Come on Nordic. If Saudi Arabia said, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, and we know they weren't involved. You don't think people would take note? They would, and the point that I'm trying to make is that their Princes etc are in on the scam.
Yeah but Saudi is by far the closest arab nation to the US so why would they rock the boat?
I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just saying the average muslim has no clue about 9/11 same as the average anyone. And the people in power pretty much anywhere in the world are put there or helped there through CIA/Mossad help and a ton of Fed money. So they are bought off and have no reason to rock the boat.
9th September 2010, 08:42 PM
another "crickets" thread,Thanks anyway general for a good post. It appears the Mob doesnt want to hear anything that insults the Pedophile (PBUH)
most of this forum is the banned and non politically correct from gim,
and it's recent destruction where there is no free thought and the
head mason over there operates it like a re education camp.
We are preaching to the choir here when it comes to Zionism, wars, etc.
Even the leftist cry babies read here though for the finds, lol .
This is why many don't post or log in.
It is not that nobody cares, the contrary,
that is how we ended up here.
Edit add after thanks by NB.
@ GD, most of them know I believe and their media does report it I believe,
or questions, just recently some Iranian General had something to say,
and some major Intell guy from Pakistan I think, he was
even on CNN, the media won't cover it, and everyone has
been silenced, Muslims speaking out , easy to mock,
Arabs said day one Jews did it and were laughed at.
9th September 2010, 08:55 PM
We are preaching to the choir here when it comes to Zionism, wars, etc.
Even the leftist cry babies read here though for the finds, lol .
I'm starting to hang out at forums I haven't visitted for a while because I no longer felt at home because they just follow the left right paradigm, but now I've been stirring things up with info I've learned from you guys over the last few years, and I've been surprised how many people people agree with me, when before it was a pile on against me.
Sometimes I think we should branch out with this as homebase. In other words recommend friends visit here who are just waking up. Maybe have a thread about visitting another forum and how our info woke people up.
Sometimes I think what we argue about here (for the most part) is over such little stuff, it just isn't that interesting. The mason guys on GIM1 played decent devils (pun intended ;D) advocates when they didn't get too heavy handed.
9th September 2010, 09:00 PM
We are preaching to the choir here when it comes to Zionism, wars, etc.
Even the leftist cry babies read here though for the finds, lol .
I'm starting to hang out at forums I haven't visitted for a while because I no longer felt at home because they just follow the left right paradigm, but now I've been stirring things up with info I've learned from you guys over the last few years, and I've been surprised how many people people agree with me, when before it was a pile on against me.
Sometimes I think we should branch out with this as homebase. In other words recommend friends visit here who are just waking up. Maybe have a thread about visitting another forum and how our info woke people up.
Sometimes I think what we argue about here (for the most part) is over such little stuff, it just isn't that interesting. The mason guys on GIM1 played decent devils (pun intended ;D) advocates when they didn't get too heavy handed.
I agree 100%, at some point it is good to leave the nest. It's great to have a haven where people agree on core issues that are far from mainstream, but the masses are out there, and they certainly need to be reached and mentally stimulated into thought.
I have little confidence in people, but there are some out there that like you say definitely seem to agree with a lot of things and I think if any time is right to expose the phony left right BS is now since it's blatantly obvious to anyone who is honest with themselves.
9th September 2010, 09:27 PM
The House of Saud is of Khazar ancestry. That's why we don't need to attack them. That's why they are closest to the USAZOG, that's where Osama Bin Goldstein comes from.
9th September 2010, 09:55 PM
Perhaps, however, the question we should be asking is not, "did Muslims do 9/11?" but rather, "would Muslims have done 9/11 if they could?"
The unequivocal answer obvious to all but the insane is YES.
The question you pose in the above quote is the same as asking "do we want to pursue those who committed 9/11?" or "do we want to divert our attention to people who had nothing to do with 9/11?"
You are one scary dude.
9th September 2010, 10:30 PM
...or "do we want to divert our attention ... ?"
Well, I guess it depends on who you're asking.
Uncle Salty
9th September 2010, 10:39 PM
How do you prove a negative?
Answer. You can't.
Who is the "Muslim" who is supposed to deny doing it?
America has been subjugating third world countries for decades, Muslims included, so why wouldn't some of them rejoice in some supposed retribution?
Straw man! Straw man!
Do you not realize how easy it is for Mossad, MI6, and the CIA to create Muslim patsies? They did with the Madrid and London bombings.
9th September 2010, 11:39 PM
Perhaps, however, the question we should be asking is not, "did Muslims do 9/11?" but rather, "would Muslims have done 9/11 if they could?"
The unequivocal answer obvious to all but the insane is YES.
The question you pose in the above quote is the same as asking "do we want to pursue those who committed 9/11?" or "do we want to divert our attention to people who had nothing to do with 9/11?"
You are one scary dude.
Towelhead apologist (or are you a towelhead), it is FACT that Islam is a "religion" of violence. It's been that way for over 1400 years.
Do you have proof no Muslims were involved on 9/11? No, you don't. As the OP points out, where are the denials? Spew from PatMecca, illuminati19, and the rest don't count. We should be having every imam across the planet pointing out "the truth" if Islam was not involved in any way. But rather we hear nothing, or even, braggery about "hitting the Great Satan."
Considering you think Muslims are "cool," I'm glad you find me "scary."
9th September 2010, 11:43 PM
Do you not realize how easy it is for Mossad, MI6, and the CIA to create Muslim patsies? They did with the Madrid and London bombings.
Some of us are pretty much DONE with this line of "thinking."
"Everything is done by Mossad" is a lunatic's mantra.
Mossad didn't exist at the Battle of Tours. Or the Battle of Vienna. Or during the life of Stephen Decatur.
Islam is a monstrous problem, and has been ignored, partly due to naivete, partly due to unbalanced focus only on the Jews. I don't prefer one vermin over another; both need to be stomped out.
10th September 2010, 12:40 AM
Ataboy Phoenix! |--0--|
"Onward Christian Soldier!!" :lol
10th September 2010, 01:16 AM
There's simply too much money to be made, selling arms at the gun show.
10th September 2010, 01:17 AM
LMAO ^ that ^ is a classic PatColo!
10th September 2010, 01:20 AM
There is no evidence, nor reason to believe, that Muslims did not willingly participate. Most of them are inherently stupid; after all, they subscribe to Islam.
Towelheads tried to blow up the WTC in 1993, using ineffective means. The Mossad and/or CIA likely hooked up with some of them and said, "let's help you do it right this time."
What we can be sure of is that they didn't do 9/11 all by their lonesome. American "intelligence community" involvement, and likely major support/organization from the Mossad and Aman, are certain. Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman was/has been a willing Muslim thug in the pay of the CIA for decades.
Perhaps, however, the question we should be asking is not, "did Muslims do 9/11?" but rather, "would Muslims have done 9/11 if they could?"
The unequivocal answer obvious to all but the insane is YES.
Are you saying that the inherently stupid are guilty of thought crime?
10th September 2010, 01:43 AM
Ataboy Phoenix!
PatMecca, it's time to stop pretending to be an American.
10th September 2010, 01:46 AM
There is no evidence, nor reason to believe, that Muslims did not willingly participate. Most of them are inherently stupid; after all, they subscribe to Islam.
Towelheads tried to blow up the WTC in 1993, using ineffective means. The Mossad and/or CIA likely hooked up with some of them and said, "let's help you do it right this time."
What we can be sure of is that they didn't do 9/11 all by their lonesome. American "intelligence community" involvement, and likely major support/organization from the Mossad and Aman, are certain. Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman was/has been a willing Muslim thug in the pay of the CIA for decades.
Perhaps, however, the question we should be asking is not, "did Muslims do 9/11?" but rather, "would Muslims have done 9/11 if they could?"
The unequivocal answer obvious to all but the insane is YES.
Are you saying that the inherently stupid are guilty of thought crime?
The point is simple: Quran-correct Muslims were GLAD the WTC came down, and wished they themselves could have harmed the "Great Satan" in such a manner. It's the core of their teachings, to harm and kill "infidels." They've done it since Muhammad puked out the Quran 14 centuries ago.
10th September 2010, 01:59 AM
There is no evidence, nor reason to believe, that Muslims did not willingly participate. Most of them are inherently stupid; after all, they subscribe to Islam.
Towelheads tried to blow up the WTC in 1993, using ineffective means. The Mossad and/or CIA likely hooked up with some of them and said, "let's help you do it right this time."
What we can be sure of is that they didn't do 9/11 all by their lonesome. American "intelligence community" involvement, and likely major support/organization from the Mossad and Aman, are certain. Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman was/has been a willing Muslim thug in the pay of the CIA for
Perhaps, however, the question we should be asking is not, "did Muslims do 9/11?" but rather, "would Muslims have done 9/11 if they could?"
The unequivocal answer obvious to all but the insane is YES.
Are you saying that the inherently stupid are guilty of thought crime?
The point is simple: Quran-correct Muslims were GLAD the WTC came down, and wished they themselves could have harmed the "Great Satan" in such a manner. It's the core of their teachings, to harm and kill "infidels." They've done it since Muhammad puked out the Quran 14 centuries ago.
Certainly many Muslims may have thought it was a great job, serving Islam and Allah very well, but they are inherently stupid, as you pointed out... Now wouldn't it be better to go after the criminal masterminds of 911, aka Israel. Rather than some deluded morons that barely can add up 2 and 2, and at the same time obfuscate the matter further by diverting attention?
10th September 2010, 02:07 AM
On 911 you have the Dancing Israelis in New York, who were there to document the event, didn't get any media attention at all. At the same time you have the Hollering Palestinian women and children who were broadcasted all over the world. And they were hollering because the Israeli tv-team gave them candy...
Silver Shield
10th September 2010, 05:07 AM
Hey General why do you beat your wife?
It is a classic tactic.
The charge is heard much loader than any one saying they are innocent.
Do you really think our media would ever let that out and give the scary moozlims their time on the tv?
And forget the scary moozlims what about the us? The average Joe thinks obl is still alive and that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Saudi Arabia is a long term Anglo American (Zionist) tool they are fully on board and are rewarded handsomely.
Iraq was a quasi controlled in the 80s only against Iran. They said they had nothing to do with 9/11 or weapons.
Afghanistan Zbig created al CIAda and we worked with the Taliban before 9/11 and is a basket case that lives 300 years in the past because of the grand chess board.
Iran says it was an inside job...
Pakistan... Well we al saw what happened to benezir Bhutto when she challenged our puppet there...
The Palestinians definitely know the scoop they have been deal with Zionist games for decades.
Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Egypt are starting to come around.
10th September 2010, 08:26 AM
What are they gonna say?
When a gunman shoots up a place do you say "gun owners didn't do it!" Probably not, you feel no responsibility for the actions of someone else just because you are grouped together by others in some way.
philo beddoe
10th September 2010, 08:57 AM
I'm pretty positive that 9/11 was inside job by the CIA, MOSSAD, and MI6, BUT if that's true why don't the muzzies say it WASN'T THEM?
My only assumption I can make is that it's in their interest not too.
Why would it be in their interest not too.
1 - Middle East wars drive up oil prices, good for them.
2 - They like the idea of the NWO. Makes sense, their princes etc are educated in England AKA NWO Central
3 - Refugees end up being relocated in white lands, leaving less hands to feed etc
Any thoughts about this?
You know where the UHAUL is on PCH @ the 10 fwy? I went there to rent a truck once and a Turkish guy approached me for work. After I hired him to work, he talked with me over an hour about the jews, freemasons and 911. He knew everything. they know. Even people like Charlie Sheen are afraid to speculate on WHO exactly did 911.
10th September 2010, 09:01 AM
From where I'm sitting I've been reading for years that the scary muslim zombies didn't do 911. Many of their governments/military leaders have been saying this.
10th September 2010, 09:40 AM
Osama Bin Laden already covered this base when he (the real Osama) denied any involvement in 9/11 and put the blame on the Mossad.
The video seems to have gone down the memory hole.
10th September 2010, 09:41 AM
Muslims have been saying Israel was behind 911 from the beginning...I don't know where this 'why don't they speak out' comes from.
We are so overwhelmed by the 6 or 7 global media conglomerates coordinated messages that it just appears there are no other voices.
10th September 2010, 11:49 AM
Do you jump up and say "I didn't do it!" for every crime that is committed? If you read uninfiltrated Arab sites you will see they know who carried it out.
10th September 2010, 02:01 PM
Certainly many Muslims may have thought it was a great job, serving Islam and Allah very well, but they are inherently stupid, as you pointed out... Now wouldn't it be better to go after the criminal masterminds of 911, aka Israel. Rather than some deluded morons that barely can add up 2 and 2, and at the same time obfuscate the matter further by diverting attention?
The ultimate criminal mastermind of Evil is the Devil. And he gives orders to both Jews and Muslims.
Changes the picture when you think about it that way.
10th September 2010, 02:03 PM
On 911 you have the Dancing Israelis in New York, who were there to document the event, didn't get any media attention at all. At the same time you have the Hollering Palestinian women and children who were broadcasted all over the world. And they were hollering because the Israeli tv-team gave them candy...
If they go no media attention, how did I hear about it on AP wires?
We also have Nutandyahu admitting that 9/11 was "good" for Israel on the Jewsmedia.
BOTH groups loved 9/11.
10th September 2010, 02:07 PM
Do you jump up and say "I didn't do it!" for every crime that is committed?
If I or my family or my community are fingered as the perp, you better believe it.
10th September 2010, 02:11 PM
Certainly many Muslims may have thought it was a great job, serving Islam and Allah very well, but they are inherently stupid, as you pointed out... Now wouldn't it be better to go after the criminal masterminds of 911, aka Israel. Rather than some deluded morons that barely can add up 2 and 2, and at the same time obfuscate the matter further by diverting attention?
The ultimate criminal mastermind of Evil is the Devil. And he gives orders to both Jews and Muslims.
Changes the picture when you think about it that way.
I am sure it does. I find it difficult to think about it like that though. I prefer to think it is humans ultimately responsible rather than a fiction.
10th September 2010, 02:27 PM
Do you jump up and say "I didn't do it!" for every crime that is committed?
If I or my family or my community are fingered as the perp, you better believe it.
So with the jews controlling 99% of the world's media who will hear you outside of earshot? Who exactly is the spokesperson for these mystery people? That Iranian guy seems to be doing a pretty good job of telling people what israel is up to.
10th September 2010, 02:42 PM
Do you jump up and say "I didn't do it!" for every crime that is committed?
If I or my family or my community are fingered as the perp, you better believe it.
So with the jews controlling 99% of the world's media who will hear you outside of earshot? Who exactly is the spokesperson for these mystery people? That Iranian guy seems to be doing a pretty good job of telling people what israel is up to.
Jews don't control Russia Today, ITAR-TASS, PressTV and many other sources. And, they still don't control the Internet.
If I was fingered for a grave crime I didn't commit, I'd be putting out "press releases" everywhere. And since Islam has been fingered for 9/11, every imam and ayatollah should be doing the same. But they're not. WHY?
10th September 2010, 02:46 PM
Guilty dog barks the loudest? I don't know their culture or how widely they use the internet or care what outsiders think of them.
10th September 2010, 02:51 PM
Do you jump up and say "I didn't do it!" for every crime that is committed?
If I or my family or my community are fingered as the perp, you better believe it.
So with the jews controlling 99% of the world's media who will hear you outside of earshot? Who exactly is the spokesperson for these mystery people? That Iranian guy seems to be doing a pretty good job of telling people what israel is up to.
Jews don't control Russia Today, ITAR-TASS, PressTV and many other sources. And, they still don't control the Internet.
If I was fingered for a grave crime I didn't commit, I'd be putting out "press releases" everywhere. And since Islam has been fingered for 9/11, every imam and ayatollah should be doing the same. But they're not. WHY?
There is an unwritten rule to not publicly out clandestine operations. To break this rule among nations would lead to total war.
10th September 2010, 02:53 PM
There is an unwritten rule to not publicly out clandestine operations. To break this rule among nations would lead to total war.
That's BS.
The CIA and Mossad have "outed" KGB/FSB ops plenty of times.
10th September 2010, 02:55 PM
There is an unwritten rule to not publicly out clandestine operations. To break this rule among nations would lead to total war.
That's BS.
The CIA and Mossad have "outed" KGB/FSB ops plenty of times.
Also, I meant more specifically to out CIA ops to the world at large would lead to total war from the US.
Everyone knows the CIA is in the drug game yet there is no mention of it by world powers. WHY? Cause the US will bring democracy to their doors if they did.
And I am in complete disagreement that Jews are NOT in control of Russia today. They are.
10th September 2010, 03:14 PM
Perhaps, however, the question we should be asking is not, "did Muslims do 9/11?" but rather, "would Muslims have done 9/11 if they could?"
The unequivocal answer obvious to all but the insane is YES.
My answer is sure the would've and how could you blame them?
We have been intensely active in their affairs for decades usually at the behest of k,ikestan.
10th September 2010, 08:16 PM
If the muzzies didn't do 9/11 then why don't they say that?
actually the scary moozlems bristle at at the global movement to take credit for 911 away from them.
Here was a TV appearance by an authentic scary moozlem, spokesperson for al-CIAduh,
10th September 2010, 09:18 PM
Were America Attacked by Scary Moozlems on 9/11? (
by David Ray Griffin
Much of America's foreign policy since 9/11 has been based on the assumption that it was attacked by Scary Moozlems on that day. This assumption was used, most prominently, to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is now widely agreed that the use of 9/11 as a basis for attacking Iraq was illegitimate: none of the hijackers were Iraqis, there was no working relation between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, and Iraq was not behind the anthrax attacks. But it is still widely believed that the US attack on Afghanistan was justified. For example, the New York Times, while referring to the US attack on Iraq as a "war of choice," calls the battle in Afghanistan a "war of necessity." Time magazine has dubbed it "the right war." And Barack Obama says that one reason to wind down our involvement in Iraq is to have the troops and resources to "go after the people in Afghanistan who actually attacked us on 9/11."
The assumption that America was attacked by Scary Moozlems on 9/11 also lies behind the widespread perception of Islam as an inherently violent religion and therefore of Scary Moozlems as guilty until proven innocent. This perception surely contributed to attempts to portray Obama as a Scary Moozlem, which was lampooned by a controversial cartoon on the July 21, 2008, cover of The New Yorker.
As could be illustrated by reference to many other post-9/11 developments, including as spying, torture, extraordinary rendition, military tribunals, America's new doctrine of preemptive war, and its enormous increase in military spending, the assumption that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked by Scary Moozlem hijackers has had enormous negative consequences for both international and domestic issues.1
Is it conceivable that this assumption might be false? Insofar as Americans and Canadians would say "No," they would express their belief that this assumption is not merely an "assumption" but is instead based on strong evidence. When actually examined, however, the proffered evidence turns out to be remarkably weak. I will illustrate this point by means of 16 questions.
1. Were Mohamed Atta and the Other Hijackers Devout Scary Moozlems?
more... (
Silver Shield
10th September 2010, 09:28 PM
Towelhead apologist (or are you a towelhead), it is FACT that Islam is a "religion" of violence. It's been that way for over 1400 years.
I know you are just doing your job stirring shit up...
I guarantee you that Christians by far have the highest death count in history.
The real enemies are those that create the debt, spin the wars, profit off death and tell us we are free.
The real enemy of freedom is is new York, dc, London and tel aviv not Baghdad , Kabul, or tehrN.
10th September 2010, 09:31 PM
And I am in complete disagreement that Jews are NOT in control of Russia today. They are.
With the possible exception of North Korea, Jews control every country on this planet as needed. Of course it may not be absolute control, but they have everything massively slanted in their favor. They have controlled Russia ever since their Bolshevik Revolution.
Of course they try to distance themselves from this control with phony news reports that suggest conflicts that don't exist, like Stalin's fake "purges" of Jews. Everything on the news has a calculated psychological reaction.
In countries of most strategic value and difficulty in control like the US they use more and better personnel. In countries like Mexico they have a few hundred thousand crooked Khazar thugs that run practically everything.
General of Darkness
10th September 2010, 09:51 PM
Jews left Russia? Seriously? This is ONE example.
Here's the
Russian jew's $300 million yacht
Here's the jew
Another Russian yacht loving jew.
Here's his boat.
UNDERSTAND SOMETHING, then Russia collapsed, the jews stole everything or placed themselves into position to STEAL everything.
10th September 2010, 10:56 PM
Iranian Press TV’s Waqar Rizvi talks to Mark Dankof on Truth abut 9/11 (
11th September 2010, 07:54 AM
Why aren't they denying involvement?
1) They would be proud to be involved in some sort of destruction in the USA, since the USA has been involved in destruction of their land and resources for decades. It's like when your NFL team wins and you yell "We Won!" You didn't win anything. You watched. In this analogy, their team had their asses handed to them for decades, and then they think someone on their team finally scored.
2) They don't really know anything about it. Most people in most towns in Afghanistan and Iraq have no idea why there are invaders in their country. They are farmers who live in a far gone era, and have no clue why these soldiers are on their soil. You may find this very hard to believe, but they don't have internet access, and they don't even have television or newspaper, or radio, even. So, the hatred they feel for US is simply because we have invaded their country. If you see them on the news burning the flag, that's why, not 9/11.
3) Who knows what they've been promised by some devil whispering in their ear. Maybe they were promised an extra few virgins if they didn't deny it. Who knows? It's toolishness. It's a word I use for someone or a group being used foolishly as a tool. I think the koran burners, the flag burners, etc. are all tools. They are all pawns, and they will build all of the hate in up in their hearts until they are stone, and spend their last breaths wanting to believe otherwise.
4) We don't speak their languages, and we can only hope that translations are honest and accurate. What if they have denied it over an over again, but we just don't know because we don't speak Farsi? We all seem to think that because of the internet that we know everything, but we don't. A video recorded in Iraq must pass through many different hands and channels to get to our home computers. And if it's translated, multiply that by 10.
Lastly, I don't rule out the possibility that the leaders of those countries are ruled by people who benefit from this war.
11th September 2010, 08:35 AM
Jews don't control Russia Today...And, they still don't control the Internet.
Russian TV has released video of the meeting of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar and Alexander Boroda, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:
Mr. Putin: I am very happy to see you. We have been trying to meet and talk for a long time. We had an opportunity to discuss our current business together briefly. I know about your project, and I remember that you told me about the construction of a museum. How is it going?
Rabbi Lazar: Despite the crisis, the project we planned and that you helped start is being carried out on time. We planned to open the museum in two years, and this is still realistic.
Mr. Putin: Is it being built or not?
Rabbi Lazar: The building has already been finished. Now we need to finish the interiors... Much work is still ahead, but, thank God, we can already see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Today is the eve of January 27, and we think that this is a very big event. We Jews will never forget what the Soviet Army, the Red Army, did for us during World War II. We must clearly emphasise this and tell people how it was in reality, because, regrettably, what we see happening in Ukraine in the last few days is simply appalling. We cannot accept this, and we will help people understand these issues so that everyone is clear on the past. Historical facts are the best answer when we see something like this.
Mr. Putin: I closely follow what is happening in the world to distort history, in particular, to deny the Holocaust. I would like to note that Jewish organizations are our consistent allies in our efforts to preserve the memory of the victims of Nazism and the real tragedies of World War II. We had their support when the monument was moved in Tallinn, and we see this in other regions of the world, where attempts are made to revise the truth about the tragedy of World War II. We have seen how consistent Jewish organizations are in Russia as well, and we absolutely agree with you on this issue. I would like to thank you for that.
Rabbi Lazar: I think that those who saw and felt this tragedy cannot deny it. There are many people who, by no coincidence, continue to say: we were there, we know who helped us and who did not. This is not even a question.
Overall, I think that the Jewish community in Russia would like to prove that it is impossible to deny this moment and the Holocaust as a whole, and to prove participation of every nation that helped us. This is an ideological approach. This is not only because some people helped and some did not. Nazism is bad not only because its proponents killed, but because they killed and justified their actions. There were people who helped them in the Baltic countries and in Ukraine - local people took part in the liquidation of the Jews.
Saying that the Nazis came and the people resisted is not enough. There were many people who did many things, but on the whole it was the state that helped. That is why it is frightening when now some are trying again to come up with their own versions of history.
Mr. Putin: I agree.
11th September 2010, 08:48 AM
1) They would be proud to be involved in some sort of destruction in the USA, since the USA has been involved in destruction of their land and resources for decades. It's like when your NFL team wins and you yell "We Won!" You didn't win anything. You watched. In this analogy, their team had their asses handed to them for decades, and then they think someone on their team finally scored.
Exactly. Think about the outcomes of 9/11. How many freedoms we've lost in the 'fear' agenda since. It doesn't matter who did 9/11 to the muslims, they are happy about the effects it had to our once great nation. Our fear is their #1 goal.
11th September 2010, 11:13 AM
k-os get's the noodle dance award for using her noodle. :)
(That's a pb&j reference)
11th September 2010, 02:07 PM
I know you are just doing your job stirring sh*t up...
My job? My job is preaching the Truth, whether any punk likes it or not. I do it not for pay, but love. Unlike many of you. How's that rip-off, con-site of yours going, BTW? "Learn the 'truth' for only $499.95!"
I guarantee you that Christians by far have the highest death count in history.
#1) Jewish Communism
#2) Islam
#3) Jewish Capitalism
#4) the Catholic Church, only nominally "Christian"
The real enemy of freedom is is new York, dc, London and tel aviv not Baghdad , Kabul, or tehrN. [/b]
The real enemy is in Hell. And he has billions of supporters in New York, Washington, London, Tel Aviv AND MECCA.
11th September 2010, 02:08 PM
Jews don't control Russia Today.
11th September 2010, 02:13 PM
Ari Shaffir just posted this on his Facebook:
12th September 2010, 11:18 AM
DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands.
12th September 2010, 01:27 PM
DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands.
Thanks Bildo, I meant to get around to finding/posting that. Of course Osama was dead by 12/01 (; couldn't have such a big blabbermouth running around alive, spoiling the whole warrenterra hoax fun now could we?
Since 12/01, we affectionately refer to the late Osama as, "Emmanuel bin Goldstein (", :D
Were America Attacked by Scary Moozlems on 9/11? (
by David Ray Griffin
Much of America's foreign policy since 9/11 has been based on the assumption that it was attacked by Scary Moozlems on that day. This assumption was used, most prominently, to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is now widely agreed that the use of 9/11 as a basis for attacking Iraq was illegitimate: none of the hijackers were Iraqis, there was no working relation between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, and Iraq was not behind the anthrax attacks. But it is still widely believed that the US attack on Afghanistan was justified. For example, the New York Times, while referring to the US attack on Iraq as a "war of choice," calls the battle in Afghanistan a "war of necessity." Time magazine has dubbed it "the right war." And Barack Obama says that one reason to wind down our involvement in Iraq is to have the troops and resources to "go after the people in Afghanistan who actually attacked us on 9/11."
The assumption that America was attacked by Scary Moozlems on 9/11 also lies behind the widespread perception of Islam as an inherently violent religion and therefore of Scary Moozlems as guilty until proven innocent. This perception surely contributed to attempts to portray Obama as a Scary Moozlem, which was lampooned by a controversial cartoon on the July 21, 2008, cover of The New Yorker.
As could be illustrated by reference to many other post-9/11 developments, including as spying, torture, extraordinary rendition, military tribunals, America's new doctrine of preemptive war, and its enormous increase in military spending, the assumption that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked by Scary Moozlem hijackers has had enormous negative consequences for both international and domestic issues.1
Is it conceivable that this assumption might be false? Insofar as Americans and Canadians would say "No," they would express their belief that this assumption is not merely an "assumption" but is instead based on strong evidence. When actually examined, however, the proffered evidence turns out to be remarkably weak. I will illustrate this point by means of 16 questions.
1. Were Mohamed Atta and the Other Hijackers Devout Scary Moozlems?
more... (
lastly, I would just like to add,
aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,286 licensed architects & engineers ( now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D (
12th September 2010, 03:35 PM
DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Confirmed CIA asset Tim Osman, more commonly known as Osama bin Laden, the man the United States labels as the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands.
Fixed it for you.
A CIA officer in the UAE met with bin Laden in July of 2001, while he was receiving dialysis at a Dubai hospital.
Similar to how the "Christmas bomber's" daddy met with the local CIA officer in Nigeria just before that phony "attack."
12th September 2010, 04:43 PM
Phoenix, I just wonder what kind of involvement, if any, you think Islam had in 9/11?
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