View Full Version : Black Panthers Tell Koran Burners “You Will Be A Target”

10th September 2010, 01:41 PM

10th September 2010, 01:43 PM

"Islam is a 'religion of peace,' and if you do not agree, we will KILL you!"

Please try it.

10th September 2010, 01:55 PM
At the risk of being terribly insensitive--------------





10th September 2010, 01:56 PM
What purpose you serve posting that filth Phoenix? Very Christ like of you.


10th September 2010, 02:19 PM
Yes, a great response indeed.

Retaliate with violence in response to a pointless display of Quran burning. :sarc:

10th September 2010, 02:48 PM
Phoenix I'm embarassed to be on the same message board as you. Getting really sick of your knee-jerk hatred.

10th September 2010, 03:01 PM
Black Panthers=Shills

Stoke that fire!

10th September 2010, 03:05 PM
Phoenix I'm embarassed to be on the same message board as you. Getting really sick of your knee-jerk hatred.

Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

10th September 2010, 03:10 PM






10th September 2010, 03:15 PM






10th September 2010, 03:16 PM
Koran burners, not coal burners Book. :P

10th September 2010, 03:26 PM
What's with Seal's face? Did he mistake a vial of acid for aftershave one morning?

10th September 2010, 03:35 PM
What's with Seal's face? Did he mistake a vial of acid for aftershave one morning?

I've read before that he was afflicted with lupus at a young age which caused those scars.

10th September 2010, 03:36 PM
Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

To me it sounded like they didn't want violence, a plea to keep violence from happening.

I was surprised by this video, it was not what I was expecting. I found these folks very well spoken, in fact. I agree, a true Christian would not burn the quran.

willie pete
10th September 2010, 04:11 PM
Sounded somewhat like a veiled threat ;D I was thinking what the reaction would be if a group in Pakastan or another muslim country announced they were going to burn a truck load of Bibles? I have to think the reaction would be entirely different

philo beddoe
10th September 2010, 04:35 PM
Phoenix I'm embarassed to be on the same message board as you. Getting really sick of your knee-jerk hatred.

I thought it was funny. Too bad for you.

Desolation LineTrimmer
10th September 2010, 04:51 PM
Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

To me it sounded like they didn't want violence, a plea to keep violence from happening.

I was surprised by this video, it was not what I was expecting. I found these folks very well spoken, in fact. I agree, a true Christian would not burn the quran.

That orc was exuding malice. Liberals are so clueless it is unbelievable at times.

Joe King
10th September 2010, 04:54 PM
Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

To me it sounded like they didn't want violence, a plea to keep violence from happening.

I was surprised by this video, it was not what I was expecting. I found these folks very well spoken, in fact. I agree, a true Christian would not burn the quran.
Yea, I thought the same when I saw it too. I certainly did not hear them threaten violence.

10th September 2010, 04:57 PM
That orc was exuding malice. Liberals are so clueless it is unbelievable at times.

I'd like you to explain how being open-minded is being liberal. I am not a liberal, but I try and have an open mind.

10th September 2010, 04:59 PM
Liquid, to answer your question, look no further than the US Army in Afghanistan, they just torched boxes of them.


10th September 2010, 05:00 PM
You guys are on Phoenix and Philo for being hateful, what about the Black Panthers threats? they arent hateful? Is White America supposed to just look at the ground and not respond when these animals attack?

10th September 2010, 05:01 PM
Sounded like a baboon trying to sound intelligent to me. "if someone aggress me I will fight back..."

He's there in militant clothing. What else would he mean?

10th September 2010, 05:05 PM
The title of this thread is misleading.

The guy simply stated that aggression will be met with resistance. Replace Black Panther with Home Owner and Pastor with Police and most of you would be on board. He also offered a warning to the pastor to think about what he was doing.

More noise and distraction from the real issue.

10th September 2010, 05:07 PM
You guys are on Phoenix and Philo for being hateful, what about the Black Panthers threats? they arent hateful? Is White America supposed to just look at the ground and not respond when these animals attack?

I did watch the video again, there may have been a thin veiled threat. However, by burning quran doesn't that play a role in inciting violence? I think that's the message they were trying to get across, not necessarily them personally, but a plea to keep form inciting some radical nutjob.

I don't know much about the black panthers, but this video..this ONE video. Race was not mentioned, at all. No mention of white's, blacks, nothing..only the responses in this thread conjured up races. They mentioned it as being a civil rights issue. Which is true, it is.

If any animals attack us we have the right to bury them. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

10th September 2010, 05:17 PM
Militant black muzlims don't qualify for radical nutjobs?

*if you don't think race has anything to do with it, why don't you email them and ask if you can join. Don't forget to tell them you're white and if you have blue eyes. Waiting for response.

**probably invite you out to the midnight initiation ceremony for all white applicants.

10th September 2010, 05:19 PM
You guys are on Phoenix and Philo for being hateful, what about the Black Panthers threats? they arent hateful? Is White America supposed to just look at the ground and not respond when these animals attack?

I did watch the video again, there may have been a thin veiled threat. However, by burning quran doesn't that play a role in inciting violence? I think that's the message they were trying to get across, not necessarily them personally, but a plea to keep form inciting some radical nutjob.

I don't know much about the black panthers, but this video..this ONE video. Race was not mentioned, at all. No mention of white's, blacks, nothing..only the responses in this thread conjured up races. They mentioned it as being a civil rights issue. Which is true, it is.

If any animals attack us we have the right to bury them. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

i suggest you watch the 90s move "Panthers" It is a propaganda piece, showing the Panthers in a light, but you get the meaning if you watch it,Maoist,socialist,scum.

10th September 2010, 05:23 PM
That movie is extremely hard to find. I DL'ed it a while back and watched it. So hilarious. They're all crimefighting heroes! :oo-->

*assuming you meant 1995 Panther by Mario Van Peebles


10th September 2010, 05:26 PM
Militant black muzlims don't qualify for radical nutjobs?

*if you don't think race has anything to do with it, why don't you email them and ask if you can join. Don't forget to tell them you're white and if you have blue eyes. Waiting for response.

**probably invite you out to the midnight initiation ceremony for all white applicants.

I know the black panthers, the original movement in the 60's were radical nutjobs. In my area, we have the black uhuru movement, which is very radical.

You are correct, it would not go over well if I tried to join. We should join together and show up to the midnight initiation with our guns. ;D

10th September 2010, 05:27 PM
i suggest you watch the 90s move "Panthers" It is a propaganda piece, showing the Panthers in a light, but you get the meaning if you watch it,Maoist,socialist,scum.

I'll have to try and find that movie, thanks Fortyone.

10th September 2010, 05:32 PM
I did it for ya. Pure propaganda.


10th September 2010, 05:38 PM
Wasn't it the panthers that had a points system for killing whites? More points for killing white women, especially if pregnant, white cops, etc.? Had to earn a certain number of points to get in.

Could be misremembering with another cali black gang. I'll research it.

10th September 2010, 05:42 PM
Could be misremembering with another cali black gang. I'll research it.

Let us know what you find out. I know there's a 'kill a cop' day, with the hispanic gangs. I believe it was part of their initiation process. Can't remember which gang, think it may have been MS13 or the border brothers. Working that day was uncomfortable.

I don't doubt other gangs have something similar.

10th September 2010, 05:49 PM
That movie is extremely hard to find. I DL'ed it a while back and watched it. So hilarious. They're all crimefighting heroes! :oo-->

*assuming you meant 1995 Panther by Mario Van Peebles


Yup, thats the one! it is shit, but it does show the organization and what not, pure BS on the "hero" part! Although they did have a issue with the Nation of Islam, as the Panthers were Communist.

10th September 2010, 05:57 PM
You guys are on Phoenix and Philo for being hateful, what about the Black Panthers threats? they arent hateful? Is White America supposed to just look at the ground and not respond when these animals attack?

I did watch the video again, there may have been a thin veiled threat. However, by burning quran doesn't that play a role in inciting violence? I think that's the message they were trying to get across, not necessarily them personally, but a plea to keep form inciting some radical nutjob.

I don't know much about the black panthers, but this video..this ONE video. Race was not mentioned, at all. No mention of white's, blacks, nothing..only the responses in this thread conjured up races. They mentioned it as being a civil rights issue. Which is true, it is.

If any animals attack us we have the right to bury them. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Inciting violence by burning a koran? Get real dude. If that incites violence then maybe we should do it in some key locations and have plenty of snipers on hand who want to get a little moving target practice in. It irks me something fierce to even have freekin animals threaten violence for burning the crap they call holy. The koran alone incites violence- demanding submission to islam or be executed as infidel. Here and now, I say stick your koran up your burning ass.

BTW- that is what a real christian does and says.

10th September 2010, 06:01 PM
What purpose you serve posting that filth Phoenix? Very Christ like of you.


It is indeed Christ-like to render justice. If these Black Muslims wage war on Americans because Americans want to burn garbage, then a noose is a JUST response.

10th September 2010, 06:02 PM
Took me a bit to remember that. Kept seeing prison stripes in my mind, but it was a zebra.

(this would make a great movie wouldn't it? Pity nobody has ever heard of it)

The zebra victims


All of the 24 victims were targeted for death for the same reason: They were white. Their attackers were all members of the black supremacist Nation of Islam (NOI), then primarily known as the Black Muslims, and acted on its behalf. They were members of the “Death Angels,” a branch of the NOI which existed for the sole purpose of murdering white people. The Death Angels had a scoring system, whereby they got more points for murdering women and children than grown men; their pathological cowardice had a numerical system. Clark Howard writes,

“Death Angels wings were awarded to each man who killed four white children, five white women, or nine white men. Upon completion of the required quota, a new member’s photograph was taken and a pair of black wings were drawn extending from the neck. The photo was mounted on a board along with pictures of other successful candidates, and the board was displayed on an easel at the loft meetings” at Black Self Help Moving and Storage.

The Death Angels were nurtured on a steady diet of NOI theology — that whites were “blue-eyed devils, “white devils,” and “grafted snakes,” a wicked race that had been created anywhere from 1,000-6,000 years ago by an evil black scientist named Yacub. (The number of years and method of Yacub changes from one version to another.) Actually, “the Myth of Yacub” was ripped off from black journalist George S. Schuyler’s classic, 1931 racial satire, Black No More. Schuyler in turn had been influenced by H.G. Wells.

10th September 2010, 06:03 PM
Phoenix I'm embarassed to be on the same message board as you. Getting really sick of your knee-jerk hatred.

You're welcome to go to GIM 2. They are Judeo-Freemasonic interracists over there.

I thought you said you were Coptic Christian Egyptian? (i.e., White Mediterranean) You sure talk like a Muslim and/or Negroid "Egyptian" sometimes.

10th September 2010, 06:05 PM
What's with Seal's face? Did he mistake a vial of acid for aftershave one morning?

Childhood illness.

I liked Seal until he hooked up with Heidi Kum.

10th September 2010, 06:09 PM
Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

To me it sounded like they didn't want violence, a plea to keep violence from happening.

I was surprised by this video, it was not what I was expecting. I found these folks very well spoken, in fact. I agree, a true Christian would not burn the quran.

A true New Age "Christian"?

Moses was a Christian before that term was used. He not only destroyed the Golden Calf with heat, but he made the idol worshipers drink the remains. The Muslims should be happy we're only burning the book.

The Black Muslim Niqqer said: "I believe in peace, but if you aggress me, I'm gonna fight back." The context is that burning the Quran is "aggression."

"We are a 'religion of peace,' and if you do not agree, we will KILL you."

10th September 2010, 06:11 PM
That orc was exuding malice. Liberals are so clueless it is unbelievable at times.

I'd like you to explain how being open-minded is being liberal. I am not a liberal, but I try and have an open mind.

Friend, your mind is so open your brains fell out. ;D

10th September 2010, 06:11 PM
I liked Seal until he hooked up with Heidi Klum.

I never HEARD of Seal until he hooked up with Heidi Klum.


10th September 2010, 06:13 PM
You guys are on Phoenix and Philo for being hateful, what about the Black Panthers threats? they arent hateful? Is White America supposed to just look at the ground and not respond when these animals attack?

I find it amusing that all the leftists pounce on me and Philo, and you and wildcard, too, and yet we remain standing. What is it, 20 to 1 sometimes? ;D

One man with the Truth is more powerful than the entire world in disagreement. (someone wrote that, I don't claim it)

10th September 2010, 06:14 PM
The title of this thread is misleading.

The guy simply stated that aggression will be met with resistance. Replace Black Panther with Home Owner and Pastor with Police and most of you would be on board. He also offered a warning to the pastor to think about what he was doing.

More noise and distraction from the real issue.

The real issue is MUSLIM VIOLENCE for over 1400 years.

10th September 2010, 06:14 PM
Here and now, I say stick your koran up your burning ass.

BTW- that is what a real christian does and says.

What you are saying, and giving, is them the right to tell us to shove our bibles up our asses.

Enough with the double standards. Don't give them that, you do and they win.

A real christian stands by his word and honor of God, first.

10th September 2010, 06:16 PM
The real issue is MUSLIM VIOLENCE for over 1400 years.

I can't disagree with that. That is the real issue.

10th September 2010, 06:16 PM
And the jews brought it to our doorstep.

*celebrating my 1150th smite. Weeeee. :P (that's 12 today)

10th September 2010, 06:17 PM
(this would make a great movie wouldn't it? Pity nobody has ever heard of it)

I have, and was going to post details, but saw your post here.

10th September 2010, 06:19 PM
And the jews brought it to our doorstep.

*celebrating my 1150th smite. Weeeee. :P (that's 12 today)

I just hit the milestone of 75 net smites. I was running about even until I started my campaign for anti-Muslim Truth.

Bring 'em on, towelheads - I know I'm being effective as you give me more smites.

10th September 2010, 07:06 PM
Phoenix your post # 1 with a hanging black man is just hateful and ugly, I am ashamed of you.

We do have black people on this board and that is just uncalled for, I am pretty damn white and I don't appreciate it at all , just being hateful just for the fun of it, you think it is funny?

I could understand it if you were a f*cken skinhead, but from your posts I don't think you are.

If you are skinhead, I have no use for you either they are usually ignorant idiots with no mind of their own.

I was brought up to marry within my race, but I am not going to hate someone because they didn't, it's free country right?

10th September 2010, 07:14 PM
Phoenix your post # 1 with a hanging black man is just hateful and ugly, I am ashamed of you.

We do have black people on this board and that is just uncalled for, I am pretty damn white and I don't appreciate it at all , just being hateful just for the fun of it, you think it is funny?

I could understand it if you were a f*cken skinhead, but from your posts I don't think you are.

If you are skinhead, I have no use for you either they are usually ignorant idiots with no mind of their own.

I was brought up to marry within my race, but I am not going to hate someone because they didn't, it's free country right.

Struck me as funny, do you think skinheads hanged that black guy? Or did they look like everyday white folks that were fed up with TNB that they wanted dealt with?

*another thing, that's reality. That really happened. It'll be a white man hanging there next time.

10th September 2010, 07:21 PM
If you people want to kill each other over stupid shit like this, I don't care as long as you leave me out of it.

10th September 2010, 07:25 PM
It's coming to America whether you bury your head in the sand or not. (or should I say it's been brought to America)

(just keep humming kumbaya, I'm sure you'll be spared)

10th September 2010, 07:25 PM
Good glad you got a laugh off it hahahah, I am glad you thought a dead black man hanging is funny , nice...

and no I don't think a skinhead hung him, but I do know what scumbags skinheads are.

At my daughter's school this am, the had a 4 army guys doing the color guard with the flags 2 of the 4 were black, maybe I should have yelled out the n word , just for the fun of it. Since we all think that is the right thing to do?

Still wish I had a flippin the bird smiley

10th September 2010, 07:27 PM
Here you go :-* :


*and I didn't say it was funny that he was hanged. I thought it was funny that you pictured skinheads doing the deed.

10th September 2010, 07:29 PM
That guy received what people used to call justice. They get 2-5 years or probation nowadays.

10th September 2010, 07:30 PM
Here you go :-* :


*and I didn't say it was funny that he was http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii46/Dolvio/Phelan.jpg?t=1284172025hanged. I thought it was funny that you pictured skinheads doing the deed.

Then say what you mean damnit

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii46/Dolvio/Phelan.jpg?t=1284172025 :o :D

10th September 2010, 07:33 PM
That's what I said! Learn to read what I mean. :P

*and you'd better ask that colored color guard if he has a son you can hook your daughter up with...oh right! I smell hypocrisy! :)

10th September 2010, 07:35 PM
I have changed my mind, it won't be a white guy hanging there. They're too stupid to know how to tie a noose. They'll just pour some gasoline in a tire and put it around whitey's neck.


10th September 2010, 07:37 PM
And thanks for the finger, if i could just make it work.


From Wildcard' You'd better ask that colored color guard if he has a son you can hook your daughter up with...oh right! I smell hypocrisy!

Shut up, here's a finger for you!

10th September 2010, 07:39 PM
I love you too. :-*

*yay, you finally learned how to finger..... ;D

10th September 2010, 08:47 PM
Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

To reply, to you and the others, my problem is that he has reached this conclusion already. Post #2. How the f*ck can I talk to him if this is already his conclusion?

I do think the OP merits a discussion, but to come into this thread and have to look at a dead non-muslim black man in response to the above video is non-sequitor and offensive. It is offensive because it insinuates someone will be killed without having broken the common law.

You will never and have never heard me argue that someone does not have the right to protect themselves from violence. What I don't like is the suggestion that the men in the OP's video will be tried and hung without any kind of rationale. I did not specifically hear them say that they would retaliate in any form if the Qu'ran was burned. They insinuated strongly that they interpreted it as a trend of growing anger against muslims, and that if they were targeted in any way, they would go all manhunter on the aggressor. Now personally I think this is just their way of stating their piece. If they get crazy, then everyone has the right to deal with them just like everyone else in our society.

Honestly, I am more against the shutdown of discussion, more than anything. This is your conclusion, post #2, kill the mother f*ckers, how can I have a discussion with that?

That would be a breach of the common law. Stop doing that and we can start having calm chit chats again.

Any "oh what if he attacks you scenarios" then of course you rip his f*cking elbow out of his arm. But that's regardless of skin color. Okay?

10th September 2010, 08:48 PM
Bald Knobbers is the solutionw where I am from.....

philo beddoe
10th September 2010, 11:50 PM
Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

To reply, to you and the others, my problem is that he has reached this conclusion already. Post #2. How the f*ck can I talk to him if this is already his conclusion?

I do think the OP merits a discussion, but to come into this thread and have to look at a dead non-muslim black man in response to the above video is non-sequitor and offensive. It is offensive because it insinuates someone will be killed without having broken the common law.

You will never and have never heard me argue that someone does not have the right to protect themselves from violence. What I don't like is the suggestion that the men in the OP's video will be tried and hung without any kind of rationale. I did not specifically hear them say that they would retaliate in any form if the Qu'ran was burned. They insinuated strongly that they interpreted it as a trend of growing anger against muslims, and that if they were targeted in any way, they would go all manhunter on the aggressor. Now personally I think this is just their way of stating their piece. If they get crazy, then everyone has the right to deal with them just like everyone else in our society.

Honestly, I am more against the shutdown of discussion, more than anything. This is your conclusion, post #2, kill the mother f*ckers, how can I have a discussion with that?

That would be a breach of the common law. Stop doing that and we can start having calm chit chats again.

Any "oh what if he attacks you scenarios" then of course you rip his f*cking elbow out of his arm. But that's regardless of skin color. Okay?

the white rabbit
10th September 2010, 11:55 PM
May I ask How the hell did Black Panthers get mixed up in this shit ?

11th September 2010, 01:05 AM
Phoenix your post # 1 with a hanging black man is just hateful and ugly, I am ashamed of you.

We do have black people on this board and that is just uncalled for, I am pretty damn white and I don't appreciate it at all , just being hateful just for the fun of it, you think it is funny?

It's not funny. It's deadly serious.

We need to bring back the Noose for "people" like these Black Muslims, as well as White Niqqers.

You do realize that White criminals were hung as well, right? You're playing into the "poor wittle Black folk" mantra of the Jewsmedia.

11th September 2010, 01:08 AM
May I ask How the hell did Black Panthers get mixed up in this sh*t ?

A lot of Blacks and Niqqers are Muslim.

the white rabbit
11th September 2010, 01:17 AM
May I ask How the hell did Black Panthers get mixed up in this sh*t ?

A lot of Blacks and Niqqers are Muslim.
Now if we find some Muslim Jews problem solved !!!

11th September 2010, 03:03 AM
maybe a little tit for tat proof of how they get when in charge.

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th September 2010, 10:02 AM
Because whitey has been trained to lay there and take his whipping? They threaten violence and they should expect violence.

It is offensive because it insinuates someone will be killed without having broken the common law.

The Black Panther is threatening violence for Koran burning. Koran burning is not against the law, violence is.

11th September 2010, 10:06 AM
With all the bullshit in the patriot act he should be in Gitmo by now with a microscope up his ass. If it were a white militia man he would be. He was threatening terror.

11th September 2010, 02:59 PM
The Black Panther is threatening violence for Koran burning. Koran burning is not against the law, violence is.

As stated above, the moment someone crosses that line, rip their f*cking head off. I don't care.

Until that happens, don't take action. Most of the threats I see are verbally emmanating from right here, and it makes me uncomfortable.