View Full Version : Another acid attack by a negro

10th September 2010, 06:10 PM
Time to add something that will neutralize acid to your car preps. Baking soda? Where are the board chemists.


Acid Attack Claims Two Victims, Florida Woman and Teenager Suffer from Burns


PALM BAY, Fla. (CBS/AP) Police say woman and a teenage boy from central Florida are the victims of an acid attack in Florida.

PICTURES: Bethany Storro, Wash. Acid Attack Victim

Although it is unclear what sparked the attack, Palm Bay Police say they arrested 50-year-old Fredrick Rogers after he allegedly splashed the unidentified woman and the 14-year-old boy with acid while they were in a car.

The woman was rushed to the hospital after sustaining burns covering 30 percent of her body.

The young boy's injuries were less severe.

Following the incident, Rogers was apprehended and charged with aggravated battery.

The Florida acid attack is the third acid attack in recent weeks.

Nearly two weeks ago, Bethany Storro of Vancouver, Wash. was attacked by a stranger who asked, "Hey, pretty girl, you want a drink of this" before she proceeded to throw a cupful of acid in the unsuspecting victim's face.

More recently, Derri Valarde of Mesa, Arizona told CBS's "The Early Show" that she was approached by an acid-wielding stranger outside her home.

Velarde said, "She just stopped abruptly and looked at me and threw it in my face."

Both of the previous acid assailants are still at large.

General of Darkness
10th September 2010, 06:22 PM
Lime or baking soda is a good neutralizer for some acids, it turns into a salt like substance, but I'm not sure if it's a one fits all deal.

Regarding the story. Low IQ people do low IQ things.

10th September 2010, 06:28 PM
Third World People doing Third World People things in the increasingly anti-white third world shit hole USA:

http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Kanwal%20Kayum%2026%20-%20burned%20by%20boy%20whom%20she%20rejected%20for %20marriage.bmp

10th September 2010, 06:49 PM
Such mad dogs need to be put down.

I have no problem with death penalty for such monsters.

10th September 2010, 06:54 PM
They don't talk about suicides in the media so as not to get copy cats but this stuff is all over the media giving people ideas.

In Melbourne about 1 person per week "Causes train delays after a person was hit by a train on such and such line". It's at least 1 person a week who steps in front of a melbourne train. Don't know about the other big cities because I only follow melbourne news.

If they admitted it was people suiciding, the trains would never run on time.

Big bottles of water are going to help some but you'd need a lot. Something to neutralize would be a good prep for sure.

11th September 2010, 02:22 AM
Time to add something that will neutralize acid to your car preps. Baking soda? Where are the board chemists.

To Hell with the acid, neutralize the Niqqer:


11th September 2010, 11:22 AM
Well, I figured .45 acp was a given. :P

Still may have to save some other white idiot that wasn't prepared.

*although you may want to leave any white powder in the package it came from the store in. Stoopid cops.

**all this sh*t is about to come screeching into American's everyday lives: IEDs, drug cartel gang hits, black cruelty (necklacing, machetes, acid attacks) We have become mexico, trashcanistan, haiti, somalia, etc.

11th September 2010, 01:57 PM
Well, I figured .45 acp was a given. :P

Still may have to save some other white idiot that wasn't prepared.

*although you may want to leave any white powder in the package it came from the store in. Stoopid cops.

**all this sh*t is about to come screeching into American's everyday lives: IEDs, drug cartel gang hits, black cruelty (necklacing, machetes, acid attacks) We have become mexico, trashcanistan, haiti, somalia, etc.

Baking soda is good for most acids. Many of us carry a box in our cars for battery acid spills. Yes, put an unopened Arm & Hammer box in your trunk, in case you need it for a variety of reasons. In an acid attack, you won't be able to prevent damage, but you could mitigate it.