View Full Version : 6 days of semi-isolation

13th September 2010, 04:48 AM
heading up to my landlord's cabin to do some painting/woodwork tuesday morning
it's somewhere 70 miles northeast of Toronto

no internet, there's a radio and one canadian tv channel

i just hope the TS does not HTF during these 6 days

cabin is beachfront property
lots of bush / wilderness
no internet ( try not to think " doom & gloomy " )

if TSHTF, 300+ miles between me and my caches, with Toronto in between
no internet, i like to stay " up to date "
landlord is a sheeple ( if Iran-israel war starts, i'll have a few things to say to him )

i'm a little apprehensive about being this far away from my stuff for 6 days
trying to put together a little emerg bag to take up with me, just in case

Twisted Titan
13th September 2010, 05:40 AM
Always keep a "just in case" bag

Actually you should have serveral:

A 72 hr Bag that stays at the ready.

A week long Bag that carries most essential items and a few advanced supplies.

But the most important thing is to make a list a of what you forgot ( because we always forget or fail to anticipate something) and incorporate that in to your next round of upgrades

Be careful out there.


13th September 2010, 05:48 AM
Use it as an opportunity to practice but don't sweat it. TSHTF ain't happening this week.

13th September 2010, 05:56 AM
Use it as an opportunity to practice but don't sweat it. TSHTF ain't happening this week.

Good thought!
Use this trip as a sort of practice run, take a note pad with you and make notes of what
you see what you would need, do not count on your memory. And when you get back to
your cave you will have the info you collected to build up a true bug out bag.
Seems there is always something that is useful or needed that is forgotten and you say
to yourself when I get back I will include (whatever) in my kit. And then is forgotten because
of not having notes or brain farts.

13th September 2010, 06:19 AM
Be careful and be well!


heading up to my landlord's cabin to do some painting/woodwork tuesday morning
it's somewhere 70 miles northeast of Toronto

no internet, there's a radio and one canadian tv channel

i just hope the TS does not HTF during these 6 days

cabin is beachfront property
lots of bush / wilderness
no internet ( try not to think " doom & gloomy " )

if TSHTF, 300+ miles between me and my caches, with Toronto in between
no internet, i like to stay " up to date "
landlord is a sheeple ( if Iran-israel war starts, i'll have a few things to say to him )

i'm a little apprehensive about being this far away from my stuff for 6 days
trying to put together a little emerg bag to take up with me, just in case

Joe King
13th September 2010, 07:11 AM
i'm a little apprehensive about being this far away from my stuff for 6 days
trying to put together a little emerg bag to take up with me, just in case

I wouldn't sweat it. Take a bag? Yea, but having a few supplies along is just smart anywhere you'd go.

If I were you I wouldn't even turn the radio or tv on, because some of the best times I've had was when I've been off in the mountains/forest for a week or so with no real contact with the rest of the World.
The complete disconnect does a body and mind good, and it's something most people never really get to experience.

After returning it actually feels like I've been gone a for a month instead of just a week or two. It leaves me feeling refreshed.
I'd love to be able to go in your stead.

13th September 2010, 07:24 AM
I envy your ability and opportunity to do this.


13th September 2010, 08:28 AM
Sounds like a great opportunity for reflection and rest. I hope you enjoy the week!