the white rabbit
13th September 2010, 11:17 AM
15th September 2010, 04:39 PM
I have spoken about this before. Christians that are elevating Israel and Jews to Gods favorite are a REAL problem to Western civilization, When I meet them, i ask them why dont they just convert to Judaism? They are Messianic Jews thats all they really are.
16th September 2010, 09:08 AM
It's easy to pick a zionist. You can do so just from the facial features. That preacher guy at the begining is zionist. It's as clear as the nose on his face.
16th September 2010, 06:30 PM
It's easy to pick a zionist. You can do so just from the facial features. That preacher guy at the begining is zionist. It's as clear as the nose on his face.
Maybe in his case yes, but so many Baptist's are being converted to the "Jews are the chosen people" Horseshit, that its getting much harder.
the riot act
16th September 2010, 06:40 PM
Christian Scripture: The Zionist Deception
Charles E. Carlson Jun 20, 2009
Judeo-Christianity is less than 200 years old. The World Jewish Zionism movement has played the key part in assuring its growth. We see the result of this mind bending in the creation of a new “Christianity†which in its extreme form is known as Christian Zionism, fed by Oxford University Press’s Scofield Reference Bible, published in New York in 1908. Bible editors, most of which are owned by secular publishing house like Oxford, have also failed to correct obvious changes in common usage of words, such as "Jew" and "Israel" that provide misleading, Zionist friendly inferences.
Oxford sold a new 20th Century theology to evangelical seminaries. The Scofield usage has become a standard in most study or reference bibles used by a wide range of evangelicals, and even penetrating mainline church bible studies and broadcast media. These books are the subject of many articles by this author and others (Endnote1.Roots of Christian Zionism.)
Apostle Paul’s Book of Romans provides an inspiring account of the struggle to convert spiritually empty Israelites and agnostic Greeks to Jesus’ Way in the First Century. Christian Zionism teaches that Paul was talking about, not his own generation, but the State of Israel created 1900 years after his death. They argue that Political Israel is uniquely blessed by God, and that Christians must also revere, honor, and love it else they will suffer God’s punishment.
Several words are still found in our Bibles that did not exist at the time of Jesus and his followers, and could not have been words they used, but words that were placed there in the Sixteenth Century versions. Examples are:
Jesus: there was no "J" in the Aramaic, Greek, or Hebrew languages. I know Arabs named Issa, after Jesus. However Jesus’ name is not an issue because it has only one meaning.
Jew: there was no such word in the First Century. Not only was there no “J†but it is used in improper historical contexts in the New Testament; The continued misuse of "Jew" in the bibles since 1947 implies that Jews today might be expected to have some of the same gene pool and beliefs as an Israelite of 3000 years ago. Most do not.
Judean: a place that began with an Iota (I) in the Greek and is used in scripture as both a place and a people. This may be the actual word from which the mistranslation of the word Jew is derived. In many instances the popular translations still use “Jew†where the original Greek text clearly read Ioudaia, or in our vernacular, one who lived in Judea.
Israel: does appear in the original Greek New Testament texts, but only as a people, never as a place. Paul used Israel in several contexts: first as an ancient tribe named after the man, Israel; as the specific belief system or religion of that tribe, as an example, Paul used “Israelite†to describe himself and a few faithful followers of the Abrahamic code; finally, “Israel†means all those of all races who follow the Messiah, Jesus in the New Covenant under God. Paul does not use Israel as a place or country. (Endnote2. Greek New Testament)
A typical doctored Judeo-Christian presentation is found on a little Bible bookmark distributed by a local Judeo-Christian church. In every case it uses Jew, Judean, and Israel for the end purpose of connecting the New Testament to the modern political place or state of Israel. This is printed:
“Christians should pray especially for ISRAEL because of…"
“The close relationship between Israel, God’s purpose for Israel, and the true church.â€
“God’s command with special promise of blessings (for Israel).â€
“The church can not be complete without the select remnant of Israel.â€
“It is God’s will that all Israel will be savedâ€
“The scriptural directive, “to the Jews firstâ€
“The great multitude to be saved in the future through their (Jews’) ministry.â€
This bookmark tract works to synthesize Christianity with Judaism. My response is to parody a familiar marriage ceremony verse, what God separated let no man try to put back together.
The Christians must pray for Israel tract contains a list of 39 bible references, 14 from the book of Romans. Its unnamed author claims that all these passages support the assumption that the new political state of Israel is a fulfillment of God’s plan. They do not. Unfortunately the reader must read each passage in its own context to find the error. The Judeo-Christian amalgamation depends upon the reader not reading. In the interest of brevity I will answer those from Romans. (Endnote 4. Romans)
I ask a simple question. Who or what did Judeo-Christians think “Israel†was pre-1947, before there was a political state of Israel? If “Israel†of the bible today means the present day State of Israel, what did it mean a hundred years before there was such a State? It should be obvious that Israel meant then, and still means, one of the three contexts in which Paul used it, none of which was a place or a state.
The Christian New Testament answers this vital question many times, stating again and again that those who follow Christ are the New Covenant sons of Abraham. It is uncontested by Christians, Muslims, and Torah Jews that the man “Israel†was the grandson of Abraham. All but Jews believe from his linage the Messiah was to come. In Galatians 3:28-29, Apostle Paul stated: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. ( Note 3. Galatians).
Whoops, the Christian Zionist track lists this passage, but it conveniently leaves off the last sentence about those who belong to Jesus being the sons of Abraham and heirs to the promise, the new Israel of God. Why is this part left off by Judeo-Christians? Because it refutes the notion that warring, aborting, lying political Israel is God's chosen people.
Paul amplified on this answer in the book of Romans when he referred to himself as an “Israelite†among the living remnant of the ancient faith. He taught that the remnant who had not abandoned the faith of Abraham were also the new Israel if they followed Jesus.
The word “Jew†did not exist when Jesus, Paul, and the Disciples lived and when later their words were scribed in Greek. We cannot be sure what they called their faith, if not The Way or followers of Jesus. "The lost sheep of the House of Israel,†were their first converts and the first Disciples.
Many centuries later, translators, such as the committee who did the King James Edition, replaced the words recorded in the Greek texts with the convenient little modern word “Jew.†In most cases, Paul seems to have used Judeans (or Ioudeans ) for those secularized descendants of once faithful Israelites. The translators simplified the multiple language problem and renamed those whom Paul was trying to convert as either “Jews†or “Gentiles?†Some translators might have enjoyed pinning the Jew name on those who killed Jesus.
Israeli “Jews†could not have killed Jesus.
Israeli Jews are almost all Ashkenazi, or “Eastern European Jewish persons of a different stock,†to quote Wikipedia. They lack the Arab gene pool, only a very few have ancestors who were ever in the holy land. Their recorded in many volumes, some found in synagogue libraries. A good source is Andrew Hurley‘s, Holocaust II Saving Israel from Suicide. (Note 4. Hurley)
Jews first claimed to have Arab lineage by inference after Israel was declared a State in 1947. The Jews came there from Europe claiming the Right of aliyah, or Law of Return (1950). Suddenly the word “Jew†was reinterpreted in the New Testament to mean “the chosen people†who were “returning†from Europe! Christians started to send them money. It was beneficial to find their religion named all over the Christian bible…how could Christians oppose their “return†even though most had no roots in the Middle East? This paved the way for political Christian Zionism to flourish.
The Apostle Paul said in the book of Romans that God had blinded the eyes of the corrupted Israelites on account of their long unrepentant sins. Jesus, John the Baptist, and Apostle Paul all addressed the Pharisees variously as Generation of vipers and sons of Satan. The borrowed biblical name “Israel†is a convenient one for Zionists, it is the basis of their claim to the Palestinians’ land.
It is not unusual that people to not name their own faith because they see it as the only faith. Christian was not part of Jesus’ or Paul’s vocabulary. As best we know, they called their new faith something very simple, perhaps “The Way.†And as we stated they might have referred to themselves as followers of Christ or Jesus. Paul called himself an “Israelite†not a Jew. Jesus was called a Galilean, not a Jew. The Roman governor Pilate, placed a sign on his cross, Iesous Rex Ioudaia, wrongly translated Jesus King of Jews.
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